


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 al IF can be measured in mice with a femoral arteriovenous shunt.
2 h in collagen-coated grafts inserted into an arteriovenous shunt.
3  was maintained during stepwise increases in arteriovenous shunt.
4  Four swine were prepared with a model of an arteriovenous shunt.
5 nd common jugular vein to construct a simple arteriovenous shunt.
6 ibrin deposition on thrombogenic segments of arteriovenous shunts.
7 (EphB4 and Jagged-1), and showed evidence of arteriovenous shunting.
8 connections lead to embryonic hemorrhage and arteriovenous shunting.
9  did not change significantly as a result of arteriovenous shunting.
10 e cardiac output in the presence of moderate arteriovenous shunts (15%).
11 20) were obesity (31%), liver disease (23%), arteriovenous shunts (23%), lung disease (16%), and myel
12 g a low-resistance gas exchanger in a simple arteriovenous shunt allows significant reduction in minu
13 arterial input function was measured with an arteriovenous shunt and a beta-microprobe system.
14 ed the feasibility of IF measurement with an arteriovenous shunt and a coincidence counter in mice an
15 o2 from 0.4 to 0.21, 0.15, and 0.10 with 15% arteriovenous shunt and baseline minute ventilation.
16 loped hallmarks of BAVMs, including cerebral arteriovenous shunting and vessel enlargement, by 3 week
17 l-grade tubing and catheters, assembled into arteriovenous shunts and implanted in pigs, remain paten
18 rane gas exchanger was interposed within the arteriovenous shunt, and blood flow produced by the arte
19 of the liver, intrahepatic shunts, pulmonary arteriovenous shunts, and a hyperdynamic circulatory sta
20 supplemented with bovine serum, implanted as arteriovenous shunts, and assessed for both mechanical s
21 tion, and most frequently caused by obesity, arteriovenous shunts, and liver disease.
22           Patent foramen ovale and pulmonary arteriovenous shunts are associated with serious complic
23 , frequent abortions, frequent thrombosis of arteriovenous shunts, biopsy-proven microrenal angiopath
24 ive pulmonary disease underwent percutaneous arteriovenous shunt creation.
25      Fifteen patients underwent percutaneous arteriovenous shunt creation.
26  administration, as determined in the canine arteriovenous shunt (ED(50) = 0.45-0.65 mg/kg) and the r
27 rn is not suggestive for neoangiogenesis, as arteriovenous shunts from malignant tissues are responsi
28 ing time wound, (ii) binding to Dacron in an arteriovenous shunt, (iii) binding of mAb PAC1 (directed
29 y thrombogenic vascular graft situated in an arteriovenous shunt in a baboon's circulatory system.
30 uidics-modeled vascular network in a femoral arteriovenous shunt in rats.
31 put and oxygen delivery , the creation of an arteriovenous shunt in the setting of severe chronic obs
32 lly decreased or eliminated exercise-induced arteriovenous shunting in all subjects at submaximal and
33 or TF-presenting teflon grafts deployed into arteriovenous shunts in baboons treated with antihuman F
34 ollagen-coated vascular grafts inserted into arteriovenous shunts in baboons, and reduced fibrin and
35 bnormalities (retinal-choroidal anastomoses, arteriovenous shunts, increased permeability, dilation,
36                  Percutaneous creation of an arteriovenous shunt may increase oxygen delivery and, he
37 Parenchymal chamber pressure generated in an arteriovenous shunt model is a critical parameter that a
38 nd aspirin on stent thrombosis in an ex vivo arteriovenous shunt model of high-shear blood flow.
39 fibatide with magnesium in an ex vivo canine arteriovenous shunt model of stent thrombosis.
40 pared with both native zymogen and aPC in an arteriovenous shunt model of thrombosis in the guinea pi
41 able vascular scaffold in an ex vivo porcine arteriovenous shunt model.
42 rsiro hybrid drug-eluting stent in a porcine arteriovenous shunt model.
43 lls were tested in athymic rats in a femoral arteriovenous shunt model.
44 ase in endogenous cardiac output occurred at arteriovenous shunt of 25 and 40 mL.kg(-1).hr(-1) (analy
45 roxia prevents or reduces blood flow through arteriovenous shunt pathways.
46               We hypothesized that pulmonary arteriovenous shunting (PAVS) is normally present in fet
47                  Mean blood flow through the arteriovenous shunt ranged from 1154 +/- 82 mL/min (25%
48 unds are also effective in a rabbit model of arteriovenous shunt thrombosis.
49 t patients, direct shunts were demonstrated: arteriovenous shunts (type 3) in one, portovenous shunts
50  primary autonomic defenses against cold are arteriovenous shunt vasoconstriction and shivering.
51 oregulatory defences in humans are sweating, arteriovenous shunt vasoconstriction, and shivering.
52                                   An ex vivo arteriovenous shunt was created in 10 anesthetized dogs.
53 THODS AND An ex vivo porcine carotid jugular arteriovenous shunt was established and connected to SYL
54                                      Femoral arteriovenous shunt was successfully established in all
55                                    Pulmonary arteriovenous shunting was detected by direct epicardial
56                             Once significant arteriovenous shunting was documented (bubble score = 2)
57 2 min; breathing room air, FIO2 = 0.209) and arteriovenous shunting was evaluated using saline contra
58                                    Pulmonary arteriovenous shunting was not present in animals studie
59                 CO2 removal, measured at 15% arteriovenous shunt, was significantly increased with de
60                      Polytetrafluoroethylene arteriovenous shunts were created in eight dogs and were
61             AVCO2R was developed as a simple arteriovenous shunt with a commercially available low-re
62 rect communication of an artery with a vein (arteriovenous shunt), without an intervening capillary b

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