


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he recently described MlpD lipoprotein of M. arthritidis.
2 ty from a culture of a virulent strain of M. arthritidis.
3 oth the d and l configurations in Mycoplasma arthritidis.
4 ct) predicted from the genome sequence of M. arthritidis.
5 rotein designated MAA1 in cytadherence of M. arthritidis.
6 f arthritis in rats infected with Mycoplasma arthritidis.
7 in M. pulmonis, and Tn4001T transposed in M. arthritidis.
8 ats after infection with its host Mycoplasma arthritidis.
9  the lack of genetic systems for use with M. arthritidis.
10 nome sequence and a transposon library of M. arthritidis.
11 er of Tn916 from an enterococcal donor to M. arthritidis.
12 iMAV1 of arthritogenic strains of Mycoplasma arthritidis, along with the prominent gene synteny betwe
13                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis, an agent of chronic proliferative arthritis
14 MAM) is a potent superantigen secreted by M. arthritidis, an agent of murine arthritis.
15                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis, an agent of rodent arthritis, produces a po
16  procedures for genetic transformation of M. arthritidis and conjugal transfer of Tn916 from an enter
17     Several species, including as Mycoplasma arthritidis, are nonglycolytic and can use arginine as t
18 m a 41-kDa known bioactive lipoprotein of M. arthritidis, avidly bound to purified apoA-1 that separa
19                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis causes a severe septic arthritis in rats und
20                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis causes acute polyarthritis in rats and chron
21 d upstream DNA sequences were cloned from M. arthritidis clonal variants differing in MAA2 expression
22  We suggest that macrophage activation by M. arthritidis could play a significant role in the inflamm
23 he process of obtaining purified MAM from M. arthritidis culture supernatants is extremely time-consu
24 activating lipopeptide-2, activity of the M. arthritidis-derived 28-kDa component was dependent upon
25                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis-derived mitogen (MAM) is a member of the sup
26                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis-derived mitogen (MAM) is a superantigen that
27                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis-derived mitogen (MAM) is a superantigen that
28                           The presence of M. arthritidis glycoproteins was confirmed by high-resoluti
29 that bioactive lipopeptides prepared from M. arthritidis grown in serum-free medium and also from a 4
30 4001 into Mycoplasma pulmonis and Mycoplasma arthritidis have not been successful, possibly due to fu
31 is in C3H/HeJ mice following injection of M. arthritidis in comparison to the mild disease seen in in
32                                           M. arthritidis-induced arthritis serves as a model for arth
33                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis induces an acute to chronic arthritis in rod
34                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis induces toxicity, arthritis, and dermal necr
35                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis is a natural pathogen of rats, causing an ac
36                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis is a naturally occurring murine pathogen, an
37                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis is a rat pathogen causing a severe polyarthr
38                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis is an agent of acute and chronic inflammator
39                                       The M. arthritidis lipoproteins exhibited infrared absorbances
40 that the superantigen produced by Mycoplasma arthritidis (MAM), unlike six bacterial superantigens te
41                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen (MAM) is a potent superantigen secre
42 is report examines the effects of Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen (MAM) on human natural killer (NK) c
43                               The Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen (MAM) superantigen (SAg) is a potent
44                                       The M. arthritidis mitogen (MAM) superantigen has long been imp
45                                   Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen (MAM), is a soluble protein with cla
46 study the pathogenic significance of MAM, M. arthritidis mutants that overproduced or failed to produ
47  C3H/HeSnJ mice after injection with live M. arthritidis organisms.
48 revious studies demonstrated that Mycoplasma arthritidis strain 158 acquired a high degree of virulen
49                                           M. arthritidis strain 158-1 is a spontaneous mutant of stra
50 ght to be associated with cytadherence of M. arthritidis strain 158p10p9.
51 ervation that Maa1 is a major adhesin for M. arthritidis strain 158p10p9.
52  and sequencing of the maa2 gene from two M. arthritidis strains, 158p10p9 and H606, expressing two s
53 racts derived from avirulent and virulent M. arthritidis strains.
54 MHC) class II binding site of the Mycoplasma arthritidis superantigen MAM.
55 arlier studies implied a role for Mycoplasma arthritidis surface protein MAA2 in cytadherence and vir
56                Genes encoding the Mycoplasma arthritidis surface-exposed lipoprotein MAA1 were cloned
57 rum-free medium supplemented with starch, M. arthritidis synthesized higher levels of rhamnose, with
58 amining the role of the superantigen MAM (M. arthritidis T-cell mitogen) in the development of autoim
59 in stain, and the murine pathogen Mycoplasma arthritidis was chosen for further study.
60 ated with the arthritogenicity of Mycoplasma arthritidis, was characterized.
61  preparations from the virulent strain of M. arthritidis were also more potent in activating dendriti
62                        Several strains of M. arthritidis were examined for their ability to support g
63 on X-114 extracts of a virulent strain of M. arthritidis were found to be more potent in activating m
64                 Lysogenization of Mycoplasma arthritidis with the MAV1 bacteriophage increases the vi

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