


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nced drug delivery vehicles, bioreactors and artificial cells.
2 selection of restriction endonucleases using artificial cells.
3 ields ranging from targeted drug delivery to artificial cells.
4 s/oil/aqueous) to prototype mechanosensitive artificial cells.
5 d by oxidative stress, lipid scrambling, and artificial cell aging modulate the cell response to the
6 c biology, vesicles define the boundaries of artificial cells and are increasingly being used as bioc
7 used to develop novel bioreactors, primitive artificial cells and plausible pathways to prebiotic org
8 ications, including biosensing, constructing artificial cells, and engineering biological batteries.
9 ibuted system of on-chip DNA compartments as artificial cells, and measured reaction-diffusion dynami
10 tial and temporal behavior of assemblies of "artificial cells," and allows us to design a rich variet
11 tic cells, ranging from simple protocells to artificial cells approaching the complexity of bacteria,
12                                          The artificial cells are generated in the form of a water-in
13 omes offers an exceptional platform to build artificial cells as exemplified by the in vitro transcri
14 ted from the numerical model, we designed an artificial cell based on an optimized selection of condu
15                   It seems natural to ask if artificial cells can be built to use ion transport as ef
16                              The assembly of artificial cells capable of executing synthetic DNA prog
17 al DNA compartments fabricated in silicon as artificial cells capable of metabolism, programmable pro
18 er through cannabinoid CB(1) receptors in an artificial cell-cell communication assay that was develo
19 in eukaryotes, we developed and analyzed two artificial cell-cell communication systems in yeast.
20 ht become useful components for constructing artificial cell-cell communication systems that program
21  uses a common metabolite to achieve tunable artificial cell-cell communication.
22 the development of small-scale, bio-inspired artificial cell components that recreate the function of
23 otein (red dots, see scheme) is expressed in artificial cells composed of biocompatible polymersomes,
24 microfluidic device to mechanically activate artificial cells creates new opportunities in force-acti
25 the critical bottlenecks in the synthesis of artificial cell, depends on the properties of phospholip
26                                              Artificial cells designed for specific applications comb
27                                          The artificial cells expand the senses of Escherichia coli b
28  storage or detoxification) organelles or as artificial cell factories for in situ biocatalysis.
29  that it may be possible to construct simple artificial cells from two subsystems: a self-replicating
30 occurs in polyploid hepatocytes generated by artificial cell fusion.
31 scale biological inspiration in the field of artificial cells has great potential for successes in th
32                                              Artificial cells have generated much interest since the
33   Parallel efforts to construct more complex artificial cells, incorporating translational machinery
34 compartments, abiogenesis, and the design of artificial cell-inspired systems are considered.
35 sults highlight a new strategy for designing artificial cell interfaces that can nondestructively pen
36            The problem of a self-replicating artificial cell is a long-lasting goal that might imply
37  paving the way towards rudimentary forms of artificial cell-like entities (protocells).
38 ms of collective behaviour in communities of artificial cell-like entities (synthetic protocells).
39 ad to new types of chemical bio-reactors and artificial cell-like entities, and bring new insights co
40                      Coacervation creates an artificial cell-like environment in which the rate of mR
41 s atomic scale observation, we have built an artificial cell-like environment with nano-scale enginee
42  has been restricted in higher eukaryotes to artificial cell lines and reporter genes.
43 R signaling is traditionally investigated in artificial cell lines which do not provide sufficient ph
44 ollowing transplantation in vivo arises from artificial cell manipulations ex vivo.
45 trast, the growth of tumor cells grown on an artificial cell matrix (Matrigel) was unaffected by deco
46 lar and extracellular environments across an artificial cell membrane construct.
47 he detection of gadolinium spin labels in an artificial cell membrane under ambient conditions using
48 ated into supported lipid bilayers (SLBs, an artificial cell membrane), which in turn were interfaced
49 ements of the interactions between SERMs and artificial cell membranes and independent observations o
50 cles through the integration of bio-inspired artificial cell membranes and naturally derived cell mem
51 e observations were collected in vitro using artificial cell models transfected with cloned receptors
52 rmacologic agents, recombinant proteins, and artificial cell-permeable proteins have been developed t
53 escribes the state and the development of an artificial cell project.
54 tworks is a crucial step towards engineering artificial cell-scale devices and systems.
55                                  We describe artificial cells, selected current applications and how
56 gohistidine affinity tags, we synthesized an artificial cell surface receptor comprising an N-alkyl d
57 ein and protein-nucleic acid interactions in artificial cell systems comprising water-in-oil emulsion
58    Whereas initial studies were performed in artificial cell systems, recent publications are shiftin
59 on/translation for applications of DIB-based artificial cell systems.
60 mploying receptor/arrestin overexpression in artificial cell systems.
61 sible to design and construct communities of artificial cells that can perform different tasks relate
62       We suggest methods for producing these artificial cells that could potentially be used to power
63 and remaining challenges in the synthesis of artificial cells, the possibility of creating new forms
64                 Engineering mechanosensitive artificial cell through bottom-up in vitro reconstitutio
65  as a response of our mechanically activated artificial cell through thinning of oil.
66  In order to demonstrate mechanosensation in artificial cells, we develop a novel microfluidic device

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