


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             As described above, only a titer of >/=1:40 would be consider
2 ocess, neural tube reversals were performed at stages 13-14 as described above, except that the underlying notochord was
3 itters were bred and reared according to groups 1, 2, and 4 as described above.
4 eral oil, and PCR was performed on 10(9) to 10(3) amplicons as described above.
5  were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis and analyzed as described above.
6  cell death may not be identical, and bFGF and CNTF applied as described above may be effective in activating one pathway
7 ly, 85 previously tested frozen fecal samples were assessed as described above.
8 ding a cell layer was determined by comparing wounded cells as described above with a cell layer margin created without p
9 ation in mediating hyperglycemic effects on vascular cells, as described above, and provide in vivo evidence that PKC act
10 transamidation of Z-Gln-Gly by Gly-OMe proceeds essentially as described above but with the involvement of substrate inhi
11 l experiments, slices were subjected to 5 min OGD exposures as described above, followed 4 hr later by staining with the
12 oons were also infused with LD100 E coli alone and followed as described above.
13 h the use of varying amounts of HFP in the reaction mixture as described above, each of the eight possible phosphoramidit
14                 We reviewed the medical charts for patients as described above.
15 ty, which affects their ability to overlay with delta 9-THC as described above.
16                                            When transfected as described above, cultured hepatocytes expressed the hIL-10
17 ells were incubated with [32P]orthophosphoric acid, treated as described above, immunoprecipitated with an antibody speci

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