


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1  same area has a detrimental effect on cognitive stability, as shown in a negative effect of variability on response time
2 s and interpret clinical significance of genetic mutations, as shown in a number of cases, including fructose intolerance
3 also interferes with MYC-MAX complex formation in the cell, as shown in a protein fragment complementation assay.
4 ase in adult Tg2576 restores LTP but impairs depotentiation as shown in aged Tg2576.
5 h (PCP) on its surface, which binds nucleic acids in vitro, as shown in biochemical assays, and is important for in vivo
6 bolites were present in the brain, and binding was specific as shown in blocking experiments, which also confirmed the ce
7  on both mTECs and DCs contributed to Treg cell development as shown in BM chimera experiments with CD70-deficient mice.
8 es of >30) or nonrespiratory species (species A, D, and F), as shown in both clinical and analytic data.
9 ion of NTN was reversible in the absence of Th17 responses, as shown in CD4(Cre)xStat3(fl/fl) mice lacking both Treg17 an
10 iodine-refractory and surgically inoperable thyroid cancers as shown in clinical trials; such treatments are likely to be
11 ction of the fusion proteins with CRM1 is RanGTP-dependent, as shown in co-immunoprecipitation experiments and binding as
12 raction of Mon1-Ccz1 with wild-type vacuoles requires PI3P, as shown in competition experiments.
13 in the selectivity filter controls the widening of the pore as shown in crystal structures and in molecular dynamics simu
14                                               Additionally, as shown in earlier studies, either systemic insulin or centr
15  zTrpa1b/ligand was also suitable for cardiomyocyte pacing, as shown in experiments performed on zebrafish hearts in vivo
16 n has previously been suggested in Alzheimer's disease (AD) as shown in fibroblasts from AD patients and a neuroblastoma
17  biochemical assays, and is important for in vivo function, as shown in growth assays.
18 erapeutic agents via induction of mitochondrial dysfunction as shown in in vitro and in vivo models, suggesting a novel m
19 obably caused by interaction of positive FPs with ribosomes as shown in in vivo diffusion measurements and confirmed in v
20 ication in marine organisms such as corals and echinoderms, as shown in many laboratory-based experiments.
21 mic extracellular total prostaglandin concentration by 62%, as shown in microdialysis studies.
22 ctance(s) in response to expression of the variant channel, as shown in model systems, has not been studied.
23 of DIPG in mouse models enables monitoring of tumor growth, as shown in modeling of tumor progression.
24      LPS-mediated induction of AhR was NF-kappaB-dependent, as shown in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from R
25                                              In conclusion, as shown in multiple geographic regions, increases in ASD was
26 CL12 axis was amplified in activated lymphoid stromal cells as shown in our in vitro model of human lymphoid stroma diffe
27 aft-versus-host disease because of their impaired survival, as shown in our in vivo bioluminescence imaging.
28 of pain, whereas the expectation of analgesia reduces pain, as shown in placebo analgesia and expectancy modulations duri
29                          To review the profile of ETC-1002, as shown in preclinical and clinical studies, including LDL-c
30 of CheR and CheB while keeping their ratio constant, which, as shown in previous studies, confers functional robustness t
31  (by means of nanograined and nanotwinned microstructures), as shown in previous studies.
32 ontaining Cre-circularized DNA is enhanced over linear DNA, as shown in recipient eukaryotic cells.
33 fic transmembrane receptor that stabilizes the vasculature, as shown in Robo4(-/-) mice that develop hyperpermeability, b
34 ift in variance and is accurate in change-point estimation, as shown in simulation studies.
35 massive amplification of just a handful of repeat families, as shown in species with smaller genomes.
36 ers that what happens during a fixation depends on mindset, as shown in studies of search strategy and of humans' ability
37 quences and combinations of extreme mechanical deformation, as shown in the false-colored SEM image.
38 in local IL-1- and neutrophil-dependent tissue inflammation as shown in the K/BxN serum transfer arthritis model.
39 iva, Rubus and Eucalyptus pollen were located further away, as shown in the principal component analysis.
40 ydrogen bonding donor ability of the bifunctional catalyst, as shown in the proposed transition states, appears primarily
41                                                    However, as shown in the recent reduction in hospital acquired infecti
42 BLA-vHPC projections significantly reduced social behaviors as shown in the resident-juvenile intruder procedure as seen
43 management of a mass casualty event caused by a nerve agent as shown in the social media.
44 showed that BAY reversed Abeta-induced cognitive impairment as shown in the water maze test and step-down test.
45                                                    However, as shown in this paper and elsewhere, between young adulthood
46 y of life directly correlates with freedom from arrhythmia, as shown in this study for the first time in patients blinded
47 n a large subset of motor neurons (and all skeletal muscle, as shown in this study) but has no effect on the survival of
48 ey do not seriously affect the state of health (SoH) of LiB as shown in this work.
49  recognition mechanism with selectivity toward D- and L-Trp as shown in voltammetric, photoluminescence and molecular doc
50 cellular cyclin D1 degradation and caused cell cycle arrest as shown in Western blottings and flow cytometry assays utili

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