


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bits egg laying under specific circumstances as yet unidentified.
2 ome 5q, but the precise contributing gene is as yet unidentified.
3 or populations involved in this response are as yet unidentified.
4 and also in electron-dense regions that are, as yet, unidentified.
5                We hypothesize that a second, as yet unidentified, activity of nidogen overlaps with p
6  This suggests that an additional component, as yet unidentified, acts as a C1q binding partner on ap
7 the skin and clonal expansion in response to as yet unidentified Ag(s).
8 eme carboxyl terminus of DNA-PKcs, but other as yet unidentified alterations may also exist.
9 hly conserved proteins, Dph1 to Dph5, and an as-yet-unidentified amidating enzyme.
10 an transmission, suggesting that additional, as-yet unidentified amino acid mutations are needed for
11 s precursor cobyric acid and probably others as yet unidentified, and hydroxocobalamin.
12 face of the naive B-cell first recognizes an as yet unidentified antigen, and that accumulation of so
13 pa, Opc, or pilin, demonstrating that other, as yet unidentified, antigens contribute to the developm
14 a more rapid repolarization of the AP and an as yet unidentified AP-independent mechanism.
15 nt evidence suggests the existence of other, as-yet unidentified APCs also able to prime T cells.
16 ond to T1IFN, indicating that other factors, as yet unidentified, are sufficient to prevent the more
17 0.1 [C6H14OSi](+) to highlight known as well as yet unidentified ascaroside components in TMS-derivat
18 cally silent and work in concert with other, as yet unidentified, astrocyte-derived signals to produc
19 to the extracellular space via regulation of as-yet unidentified ATP-releasing channels in an extrace
20 to require interaction between PrP(C) and an as yet unidentified auxiliary factor, provisionally desi
21 es remate frequently in this species to gain as yet unidentified benefits.
22 . strain PCC6803 is mediated by one or more (as yet) unidentified blue light photoreceptors.
23  the form of nucleoside triphosphates via an as-yet unidentified but ABCC6-dependent mechanism.
24 owth rather than kill C. albicans through an as-yet-unidentified carbohydrate moiety in a noninflamma
25 luding sensing touch and sound waves require as-yet-unidentified cation channels that detect pressure
26              Further, it is possible that an as yet unidentified cell found more abundantly in LT-alp
27 strated that intracellular replication in an as yet unidentified cell type was essential for dissemin
28 l response through contact between gB and an as-yet-unidentified cell surface receptor(s).
29      Therefore, we conclude that A18R and an as yet unidentified cellular factor(s) are required for
30           Moreover, the results suggest that as yet unidentified cellular factor(s) may modify the st
31 y away from cellular DNA or may be linked to as yet unidentified cellular functions.
32         Thus, the interaction of gB with its as yet unidentified cellular receptor is the principal m
33 CAR), group B adenoviruses use an alternate, as-yet-unidentified cellular attachment receptor.
34                      Whether they have other as-yet-unidentified cellular functions is currently unkn
35 on of whether A3G and its cofactors may have as-yet-unidentified cellular functions.
36  C-terminal site is a substrate for another, as yet unidentified, cellular kinase.
37 estion that BIRPs might play roles in other, as yet unidentified, cellular processes besides apoptosi
38 e significant fatigue thought to result from as-yet-unidentified central nervous system (CNS)-mediate
39      PfCHT1 may be the ortholog of a second, as yet unidentified, chitinase gene of P. gallinaceum.
40 hat this process is dependent on additional, as-yet-unidentified chromatin determinants.
41  vitro is approximately 40%, suggesting that as yet unidentified cis-elements may regulate differenti
42 ortant pathogenetic cofactor, although other as yet unidentified cofactors, such as cellular genetic
43 ompound 8 inhibited MIF interaction with its as yet unidentified cognate cell surface receptor as sho
44 different roles in different species or some as yet unidentified common role(s).
45  kDa containing the X-ATM protein and other, as yet unidentified component(s).
46  suggest that while CXCL10 interacts with an as-yet-unidentified component on the cell surface, PDHc
47 dentified phenolic acids, saponins and other as yet unidentified compounds may contribute to the perc
48      Spx probably is degraded by ClpCP under as yet unidentified conditions.
49                       It is likely that some as yet unidentified conformational or structural feature
50 conjectured that it exists but is subject to as yet unidentified 'constraints' (factors opposing the
51  distinct other brain regions, suggestive of as yet unidentified coordinate regulation of brain regio
52                                  Additional, as-yet-unidentified core promoter elements must be prese
53 lso suggest that the VLDLS motif recruits an as yet unidentified corepressor protein.
54 receptor as well as enhance responses via an as yet unidentified costimulatory receptor.
55 were able to identify candidate proteins for as yet unidentified crucial steps in central metabolisms
56 st likely requiring the sequential action of as-yet-unidentified cytochrome P450 and UDP-glucosyltran
57                               Cleavage by an as yet unidentified cytoplasmic proteinase may constitut
58  with TRAF binding and present evidence that as yet unidentified cytoplasmic proteins may associate w
59 lap with PDI or ribophorin, but was found in as yet unidentified cytoplasmic structures that were jux
60  patterns, suggest that they are composed of as-yet unidentified cytoskeletal proteins.
61  remove dimers in the absence of light by an as yet unidentified dark repair mechanism and uvh1 mutan
62 r domain has been ruled out, suggesting that as yet unidentified determinants lie in other extracellu
63 litate male reproductive behavior only after as-yet-unidentified developmental processes occur during
64 terols, oxysterols, oxidized sterols or some as yet unidentified dietary bioactive molecule.
65 l cells, rather than a direct response to an as yet unidentified diffusible ligand.
66 sting the possibility of the existence of an as-yet-unidentified DNAM-1 ligand which may be particula
67      The results suggest that ogo encodes an as yet unidentified dorsalizing factor that mediates dor
68 pofuscin may be disease driven, secondary to as-yet unidentified drivers accelerating autophagic path
69  DSA4 may be an aspartic proteinase, DSA5 is as yet unidentified, DSA6 is a putative S1-type nuclease
70 lasts and suggest a requirement for another, as yet unidentified, E1A-binding protein.
71 the FA complex and, via its PHD, recruits an as-yet-unidentified E2 for mono-ubiquitination of FANCD2
72 osis, and a second mechanism, mediated by an as-yet-unidentified EBV gene(s), that offsets the proapo
73 : ExoU, which causes necrosis, and a second, as yet unidentified, effector protein, which induces apo
74  the growth of some tumor cell lines through as yet unidentified effectors, independent of Ras-like p
75 ge requires only H(2)O(2), free iron, and an as-yet unidentified electron donor that reduces ferric i
76 ost cells by interacting with and activating as-yet-unidentified endogenous proteins.
77 tectors for extracellular protons and other, as yet unidentified, endogenous factors.
78 sins in Escherichia coli, is processed by an as yet unidentified endoribonuclease using a unique reco
79 Da intermediate that can be acted upon by an as yet unidentified endosomal/lysosomal enzyme to trigge
80 through cleavage of an Ala-His linkage by an as yet unidentified endostatin-processing enzyme.
81  agonist and antagonist, respectively, of an as-yet-unidentified endothelial receptor for anandamide,
82 e moss Physcomitrella patens is regulated by as yet unidentified ent-kaurene-derived diterpenes, whic
83 agonist, suggesting that sMagi cells express as-yet-unidentified entry cofactors.
84 3 antibodies and antibodies directed against as yet unidentified Env regions, depending on the hetero
85 e disorder results from an interplay between as yet unidentified environmental factors and susceptibi
86 ed by genetic factors, suggesting a role for as yet unidentified environmental factors.
87 ustering of cases, FS is thought to have an, as yet unidentified, environmental trigger.
88 ctivity of a previous sulfur insertion by an as-yet unidentified enzyme.
89 llaborate to eliminate aberrant JMs, whereas as-yet-unidentified enzymes process normal JMs.
90 s in culture pH, requires Spo0K and another, as yet unidentified, extracellular factor.
91 stably anchored in the fruitfly eggshell; an as yet unidentified factor is required for the high acti
92 e that Stat92E represses wg through another, as yet unidentified factor that is probably a direct tar
93 ition to polymerase delta, RFC, and PCNA, an as yet unidentified factor(s) is required for AAV DNA re
94 F-TFE factors and E-box 2 for binding of the as yet unidentified factor(s).
95 obility shift assays clearly show that other as yet unidentified factors also bind to this motif.
96                                        Thus, as yet unidentified factors contribute to high on-treatm
97  DNA import, indicating that there are other as yet unidentified factors required for this process.
98 ytes isolated after differentiation in vivo, as yet unidentified factors secreted by astrocytes are n
99            We conclude that perturbations of as yet unidentified factors that govern the binding acti
100 ylation patterns may be determined by other, as yet unidentified factors.
101   Hence in the Baltic Sea redoxcline, other, as yet-unidentified factors likely explain the low appar
102 pending upon the promoter and perhaps other, as-yet-unidentified factors.
103 and maintenance are regulated by additional, as-yet-unidentified factors.
104             In addition to SC length, other, as-yet-unidentified, factors influence crossover distrib
105 re GABA(B) receptors are composed of gb1 and as yet unidentified family members.
106 nemia make hSNM1B a candidate for one of the as yet unidentified Fanconi anemia genes not involved in
107 rion infectivity, these data suggest that an as yet unidentified function of Nef may exist to facilit
108  our results confirm that dPatj possesses an as yet unidentified function that is essential for pupal
109 es of lesion bypass and, possibly through an as-yet-unidentified function of the N-terminal tail, fac
110 ty, suggests that C5a-ase may have a second, as yet unidentified, function.
111 noglobulin-like domain autonomously plays an as yet unidentified, functional role.
112 e complete loss of function or whether other as yet unidentified functions of neurofibromin might als
113 sues for atheroprotection and may have other as yet unidentified functions.
114 of lymphoid cells, as well as by additional, as yet unidentified, gamma delta-specific factors.
115      Our results establish that C/EBP and an as yet unidentified GC-rich binding transcription factor
116 icating regulatory changes or mutation of an as yet unidentified gene in the etiology of X-linked hyp
117 ypothesized that the 5' end of LAT and/or an as yet unidentified gene that overlaps part of this regi
118 hase of the V. cholerae life cycle, and some as yet unidentified gene(s) that aid colonization within
119                                         This as-yet unidentified gene is important in early assembly
120                     It is likely that other, as yet unidentified genes are important in TGFbeta resis
121 here are, therefore, a substantial number of as yet unidentified genes required for normal PCD in C.
122      Aside from these genes, there are other as yet unidentified genes that control both the temporal
123 esumably due to high-penetrance mutations in as yet unidentified genes, but polygenic mechanisms are
124 uption of type IV collagen and perhaps other as yet unidentified genes, evidenced by deletions as sma
125  all patients; the remainder have defects in as yet unidentified genes.
126 ent mice, and the other two corresponding to as yet unidentified genes.
127 probands, likely indicating the existence of as yet unidentified genes.
128                                       Other, as-yet-unidentified genes are required to convert latent
129  by genetic variation at both HLA and other, as-yet-unidentified genetic loci.
130 ot known but may represent the expression of as yet unidentified germline genes and/or the introducti
131  it is likely that dysregulated signaling by as yet unidentified growth factors also contributes to t
132 e phosphatase function of PTPRK may activate as-yet-unidentified growth-promoting protein tyrosine ki
133 ac, and mysosin IIA, depending instead on an as-yet unidentified GTP exchange factor that activates C
134 trand displacement by pol delta and/or by an as yet unidentified helicase.
135 s expressing human P450 1A1, high amounts of as yet unidentified highly polar DNA adducts are formed
136 rrounding regions are involved in binding an as yet unidentified host molecule and that this interact
137 that human SOX6 is similarly involved in an, as yet, unidentified human cardiac disorder.
138                Although we cannot exclude an as-yet-unidentified in vivo role in cluster repair or re
139 egulator, whose activity is stimulated by an as yet unidentified inducer.
140 o effects on biosynthetic enzyme activities, as yet unidentified inhibitory effects of (+)-menthofura
141 as attributed to the presence of one or more as-yet-unidentified inorganic superoxides or peroxides i
142 receptor action; and they can reveal new and as yet unidentified interactions and pathways that modul
143 detected by NMR experiments, suggesting that as yet unidentified interactions of the RIM C2A-domain m
144  PrP(C) into PrP(Sc) typically implicate an, as yet, unidentified intermediate.
145 at the level of the PVN but, rather, through as yet unidentified intermediates.
146 s four-hole chemistry, presumably via three, as yet unidentified intermediates.
147          Pi CDPK2 substantially localized to as yet unidentified internal membrane compartments, and
148 released calcium reduces I(Ca) in rods by an as yet unidentified intracellular signaling mechanism.
149 e demonstrate that the hNET gene contains an as-yet-unidentified intron of 476 base pairs within the
150 g pathway involving ATM, MAPKs, RSK2, and an as yet unidentified kinase or cofactor.
151 refore propose that ATM and ATR activate an, as yet unidentified, kinase that stabilizes p53 by phosp
152 on the consensus sequences of identified and as yet unidentified kinases and modular protein domains,
153 f Ser523 in JAK2 by ERKs 1 and/or 2 or other as-yet-unidentified kinases acts in a negative feedback
154 lators, may serve as a binding pocket for an as-yet-unidentified ligand.
155 S100A9) coordinate Mn(II) in addition to two as-yet unidentified ligands.
156  pathway is via an interaction of gB with an as yet unidentified, likely novel cellular receptor that
157 ound, suggesting a potential role for other, as yet unidentified LMAN1-dependent cargo proteins.
158 clustering, strongly indicating existence of as yet unidentified localized factors driving apparent d
159  the epistatic interaction of alleles at two as yet unidentified loci.
160 uggest that this novel gene may represent an as-yet unidentified locus for a retinal disorder.
161 n and/or have TSC because of mutations in an as-yet-unidentified locus with a relatively mild clinica
162 coding regions in BRCA1, mutations in other, as-yet-unidentified, low-penetrance susceptibility genes
163  reassortant between Bunyamwera virus and an as yet unidentified M segment donor.
164 recursor into which viral RNA is packaged by as-yet-unidentified machinery.
165 sceptibility variants at other loci, several as yet unidentified, make substantial cumulative contrib
166 ves the latter free to engage in additional, as yet unidentified, maspin-protein interactions that ma
167 volve a combination of cell-cell signals and as yet unidentified maternal determinants.
168 -competent neuraminidase proteins possess an as-yet-unidentified means of counteracting the antiviral
169  the activity of the AppA-PpsR system via an as yet unidentified mechanism(s).
170 rved in photodamaged skin may inhibit, by an as yet unidentified mechanism, type I procollagen synthe
171 ated in the CHH disease phenotype through an as yet unidentified mechanism.
172 t a subset of hippocampal interneurons by an as yet unidentified mechanism.
173 microtubules are actively translocated by an as yet unidentified mechanism.
174  on InsP3R1 channel function via a novel and as yet unidentified mechanism.
175 h contact-dependent apoptosis mediated by an as-yet-unidentified mechanism not requiring Fas, tumor n
176 periodically enter the cilium, suggesting an as-yet-unidentified mechanism that triggers ciliary entr
177 id structure and release of the genome by an as-yet-unidentified mechanism.
178 n may in fact be nonideal and mediated by an as-yet-unidentified mechanism.
179 but leave open the possibility that another, as yet unidentified, mechanism of desensitization also e
180                  Rather, Kvbeta2 relies upon as yet unidentified mechanisms in the regulation of K(+)
181 ism has been associated with AD risk through as yet unidentified mechanisms.
182 ssociated with atherosclerosis, suggest that as-yet-unidentified mechanisms must contribute to vascul
183 of occlusive thrombi involves additional and as-yet-unidentified mechanisms.
184 annel beta1-subunit or, alternatively, on an as-yet-unidentified mediator that has an extracellular b
185  menaquinones to outward-facing CprA, via an as-yet-unidentified membrane complex, and potentially an
186 t suggests the involvement of an additional, as yet unidentified, metabolite in the physiological reg
187 L epitopes restricted by Mamu-A*01 and other as yet unidentified MHC class I alleles was identified.
188 asmic MreB, or is indirectly required for an as-yet-unidentified motor.
189 erentiation and point to the existence of an as yet unidentified MyoD-like bHLH protein necessary for
190                             This suggests an as yet unidentified NADPH oxidase may be present in macr
191  second recessive mutation may be in another as yet unidentified NPHP gene.
192 s are then removed, and the gap is filled by as yet unidentified nuclease and polymerase activities.
193 ng in an NHEJ pathway that must also involve as yet unidentified nucleases.
194                                   Whereas an as yet unidentified ocular nonphagocytic APC subset migh
195  dynamic allostery raises the possibility of as-yet unidentified or untapped allosteric regulation in
196                              Hence, residues as yet unidentified, outside the interface, must be nece
197 lyzed oxidation of His A(12) leads to other, as yet unidentified oxidation products of His A(12) that
198 -3-one and cholest-4-ene-3-one, with several as yet unidentified oxysterols in bile and stone samples
199 Delta pscD mutant suggested that additional, as-yet-unidentified P. aeruginosa components of type III
200                                           An as yet unidentified peptide transport system(s) in H. py
201  (EGFR), the Grb2 binder 1, and three other, as yet unidentified, phosphotyrosyl proteins as candidat
202 vations contradict the predominant view that as-yet-unidentified photosensitizers are required to tra
203 AM may join with PrP(C) in carrying out some as yet unidentified physiologic cellular function.
204 the nucleotide inserted opposite 1-MeA by an as yet unidentified Pol.
205 tends synthesis following nt insertion by an as yet unidentified Pol.
206 which determines female specificity, and the as yet unidentified pollen S gene, which determines male
207 y a marker in linkage disequilibrium with an as yet unidentified polymorphism that affects plasma adi
208  regeneration or eliminate an essential, but as yet unidentified pool of stem cells.
209 (BgtRs) are nicotinic receptors that require as yet unidentified post-translational modifications to
210 inhibition of MHC-II transcripts and another as yet unidentified posttranscriptional mechanism are al
211 plementation of this checkpoint relies on an as yet unidentified pRB effector distinct from E2F.
212 ion densities of some species are bounded by as yet unidentified processes.
213 dreds of sod1-linked FALS may result from an as yet unidentified property of these mutant enzymes.
214  is the site of specific interaction with an as yet unidentified protein binding partner for polycyst
215                        We conclude that this as yet unidentified protein is a part of the molecular m
216 els that site 3a can be phosphorylated by an as yet unidentified protein kinase (3a-kinase) distinct
217 GSK3 and the phosphorylation of Ser243 by an as yet unidentified protein kinase.
218  that leads to phosphorylation of SERT by an as yet unidentified protein kinase.
219 een shown to cleave at Asn(341)-Phe(342), an as yet unidentified protein termed "aggrecanase" is resp
220  functions as a centromere, but does bind an as yet unidentified protein throughout the cell cycle.
221                                      Another as yet unidentified protein, not related to NF1, also bi
222 m a coiled-coil by interaction with another, as yet, unidentified protein(s).
223 ctivated inhibitor of translation (GAIT), an as-yet-unidentified protein or complex.
224 drophobic residues and may participate in an as-yet-unidentified protein-protein interaction to facil
225 ls was detected in a complex with pRB and an as-yet-unidentified protein.
226 s involves ubiquitin-mediated degradation of as yet unidentified proteins that activate axillary grow
227  the loss of PRMT3, but there are additional as yet unidentified proteins that co-fractionate with ri
228 n targets, such as 14-3-3 proteins, regulate as yet unidentified proteins, whereas other targets, suc
229 ts interaction with AtbZIP10 and additional, as yet unidentified, proteins contributes significantly
230             This high reactivity requires an as yet unidentified protonated group in the active site.
231 effects are suggestive of the presence of an as yet unidentified RA source.
232 east two endothelium-derived mediators, one (as-yet-unidentified) rapidly and another (IL-1) more slo
233 a process initiated by the recognition of an as yet unidentified receptor at the cell surface by the
234 , and flgII-28 appears to be perceived by an as yet unidentified receptor in the Solanaceae, although
235  which is initiated by the recognition of an as-yet-unidentified receptor at the cell surface by the
236  not cause vasodilation, which implicates an as-yet-unidentified receptor in this effect.
237  addition to integrin alphaIIbbeta3, another as-yet-unidentified receptor is thought to mediate plate
238  phenotypes consistent with the existence of as yet unidentified receptors.
239 a subset of which elicits agonism at unique, as yet unidentified, receptors.
240 stent with loss of the degron, suggesting an as-yet-unidentified recognition pathway.
241               This suggests that there is an as yet unidentified redox-regulated mechanism controllin
242 iaH can exert its influence through CiaR and as-yet-unidentified regulators.
243 hase, suggesting the involvement of another, as yet unidentified regulatory factor.
244 ive persistent OXPHOS suppression through an as yet unidentified regulatory mechanism.
245 has a strong promoter that may be subject to as-yet-unidentified regulatory factors.
246                           We propose that an as-yet-unidentified regulatory protein binds to these tw
247 nted here suggest that the association of an as yet unidentified repressor protein with the tre repre
248 preBotzinger Complex, and at least one other as-yet unidentified rhythmogenic population.
249 distribution through the effects of multiple as-yet-unidentified risk loci.
250 yproducts of enhancer activation or underlie as-yet-unidentified RNA-encoded functions.
251 Pol DNA synthesis in vitro, suggestive of an as yet unidentified role of PrimPol in mtDNA metabolism.
252 ctive diffusion, and thus we propose that an as-yet-unidentified role of syncytial membrane furrows i
253 -contaminated foodstuffs, and perhaps other, as yet unidentified, routes.
254 ive proteins, and genomic hits may represent as yet unidentified RPE-expressed genes and many of thes
255  metabolites MeCys or MeSeCys, or through an as yet unidentified Se assimilation pathway.
256 sis of double mutants indicates that a third as yet unidentified sensory circuit exists in V. cholera
257 enome-wide nucleotide content, indicating an as-yet unidentified sequence bias for NP association in
258         Evidence is mounting for the role of as yet unidentified serine proteases in the proteolytic
259 nt proteins on their cell surface through an as yet unidentified serotonin receptor.
260 se, suggesting that PSGL-1 may be shed by an as yet unidentified sheddase or removed by some other me
261 ols the emigration of the precursors, and an as yet unidentified signal that controls Lbx1.
262 t1-stimulated expression of Vegfa elicits an as-yet-unidentified signal from the angioblasts, which i
263 dings suggest that yohimbine acts through an as yet unidentified signaling pathway to lower the catal
264 n cell migration and differentiation through as yet unidentified signaling pathways.
265 se signaling pathways, NFAT5 participates in as-yet-unidentified signaling pathways in diverse immune
266 r protein, it may act as a coreceptor for an as-yet-unidentified signaling receptor through which adi
267 ions between growing dendritic processes and as yet unidentified signals that allow avoidance by like
268 the CNS midline by Netrin proteins and other as yet unidentified signals.
269             In addition, the presence of the as yet unidentified silicon phase, Si-VIII and two of ou
270 eas NAPc2 binds to factor Xa at a different, as yet unidentified, site and the resultant binary compl
271 the glomerular filtrate occurs by binding to as yet unidentified sites on the luminal surface of prox
272 xon guidance and suggest the existence of an as yet unidentified Slit receptor.
273 cation data also indicate the presence of an as yet unidentified soluble non-heparin-binding activity
274  was induced by IL-1alpha and an additional, as yet unidentified, soluble factor.
275 des with the use of electrons provided by an as yet unidentified source; the enzyme therefore represe
276                           There are hints of as yet unidentified sources of SL, as well as unknown SL
277 may actually be involved in the transport of as yet unidentified specific natural substrates.
278 x), whereas Cdh1-APC confers a different and as yet unidentified specificity.
279 ng that MC159 prevents IKK activation via an as-yet-unidentified strategy.
280 /6 depends on their ability to phosphorylate as yet unidentified substrates rather than to sequester
281                                  Additional, as-yet-unidentified substrates are likely to explain the
282                                 Thus, other, as-yet unidentified sulfated macromolecules must contrib
283 ty which is the likely binding site for the, as yet, unidentified sulfur-donor substrate.
284 14 gene is in linkage disequilibrium with an as yet unidentified susceptibility allele in the 5q cyto
285 ate cAMP signaling by inhibiting Gpa2 and an as yet unidentified target.
286 ls appears to result in the activation of an as-yet-unidentified target(s) that is critical for the a
287 riate responses to a globally available (but as yet unidentified) temporal signal that initiates the
288 milial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis from an as-yet-unidentified toxic property(ies).
289 a region between -854 and -791 that binds an as-yet-unidentified transcription factor, through which
290 in transport into the brain involves another as yet unidentified transporter molecule.
291 ta products are effluxed from the cell by an as yet unidentified transporter.
292 oters and terminators may be associated with as yet unidentified TU.
293 ion; therefore, it has been proposed that an as yet unidentified tumor suppressor is present at this
294 esulting in deletions that may inactivate an as yet unidentified tumor suppressor.
295 sphorylation of Tyr-694, whereas Ser-779 and as yet unidentified tyrosine residues were phosphorylate
296      The VH segment may be identical with an as yet unidentified VH7183 family germline sequence, and
297             This result suggests that other, as yet unidentified viral proteins encoded by spliced mR
298 n previously envisioned and that additional (as-yet-unidentified) viral or host factors may be involv
299 uster in the RdRp tree, implying that other, as yet unidentified, viruses may employ this type of RdR
300 ing that mutations in HCCS, COX7B, and other as-yet-unidentified X-linked gene(s) cause selective los

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