


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1   Questionnaires, skin prick tests, and basophil activation assays were performed.
2                                               A total of 98 assays were performed.
3 ed, phylogenetic analyses and cross-species complementation assays were performed.
4 mifications of MK+R5020 treatment on angiogenesis, in vitro assays were performed and combinatorial MK+R5020 treatment si
5                                          Teratoma formation assays were performed, and tumors were imaged over time with
6       Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) enzyme-linked immunospot assays were performed before and 6 weeks after vaccination.
7                                            DC-SIGN-blocking assays were performed by incubating DCs with food extracts fo
8 tistically significant: a total of 432 thioflavin-T amyloid assays were performed for all studied proteins.
9                                                   Molecular assays were performed for detection of ZIKV, dengue virus, an
10                             Intracellular cytokine staining assays were performed for further phenotypic analyses.
11                                                    Minigene assays were performed for two non-canonical splice site varia
12                                            When DPPH and FC assays were performed in a mixture of caftaric acid and SO2,
13                                              The extractive assays were performed in AMTPS formed by Triton X-114 and sod
14 vels of ganciclovir resistance were closely comparable when assays were performed in either fibroblasts or modified retin
15       In addition, H&E staining, TUNEL and Western blotting assays were performed in order to observed the effects of the
16                                                        When assays were performed in parallel on RNA and DNA, 85.7% of al
17                                            All permeability assays were performed in the presence of a low concentration
18 pecific host cell factors on HCV cell-to-cell transmission, assays were performed in the presence of blocking antibodies
19 sis, apoptosis, migration, cell count, and protein activity assays were performed in this study.
20                                                 Infectivity assays were performed in vitro and in human liver chimeric mi
21 with quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and functional assays were performed, including Western blot, cell migration
22                                                         All assays were performed independently three times in triplicate
23            Illumina MiSeq WGS and broth microdilution (BMD) assays were performed on 90 bloodstream isolates of the 4 mos
24        Whole-genome profiling, proliferation, and migration assays were performed on cultured VSMCs treated with MPA or e
25                                                         All assays were performed on D90A apo-SOD1, which is a stable and
26 otein immunoblots, and in vitro plasmablast differentiation assays were performed on patient and control EBV lymphoblasto
27 an-pox and high Guanine-cytosine" polymerase chain reaction assays were performed on patient, animal, and environmental i
28 : Commercially available total antioxidant capacity and SOD assays were performed on samples of monocytes and blood plasm
29                      Both the POC Xpert HIV-1 VL and Abbott assays were performed on specimens sampled from 277 individua
30 ion assays, real-time quantitative PCR, ELISAs, and ELISpot assays were performed to assess allergen capture by human DCs
31 ssed DYN A peptide expression and [(35)S]GTPgammaS coupling assays were performed to assess KOR function.
32 Real-time polymerase chain reaction and in vitro expression assays were performed to assess the fate of different transcr
33                                                  Functional assays were performed to assess the influence of MEF2C on cel
34                                                    In vitro assays were performed to assess the neutralizing activity and
35                    qRT-PCR, Western blotting, and enzymatic assays were performed to confirm the regulation of these tran
36                                  First, radioligand binding assays were performed to determine affinity and binding kinet
37 recipitation (ChIP) and micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digest assays were performed to examine the changes in chromatin ass
38  analysis of the promoter and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays were performed to identify an important role for the A
39                       In this study, single-cell microplate assays were performed to measure the viscoelastic moduli of d
40   Pre-steady-state single-turnover nucleotide incorporation assays were performed to obtain the kinetic parameters, kpol
41 lated with ultrapure LPS from Escherichia coli, and Luminex assays were performed to quantify 14 cytokine/chemokine level
42                                     Ex vivo biodistribution assays were performed to quantify the accumulation of (18)F-I
43                                                             Assays were performed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass
44                                                ADCC and ADP assays were performed using serum samples obtained at baselin
45                                            In vitro binding assays were performed with (18)F-FPyKYNE-losartan in rat kidn
46 inhibitors modulate the net plasminogen activation, kinetic assays were performed with and without interleukin (IL)-1.
47                                                   Migration assays were performed with CCA cells treated with the stem ce
48                                               Transcription assays were performed with IQGAP1-null mouse embryonic fibrob
49                                                    In vitro assays were performed with minigene constructs containing ABC
50                                   A multitude of functional assays were performed with these GPCR mutants, including liga

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