


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rs (model-free adaptation processes, such as associative learning).
2  (BLA) plays a central role in such forms of associative learning.
3  mechanisms for coincidence detection during associative learning.
4 tal cortex (VMF), a brain region critical to associative learning.
5 ronmental variation, which we suggest favors associative learning.
6 uli, replicating the logical requirement for associative learning.
7 esian and reinforcement learning theories of associative learning.
8 n postnatal development compared with simple associative learning.
9 inergic input neurons are required for taste associative learning.
10 orrelates of the described PAC1-R effects on associative learning.
11 encoding of task-relevant information during associative learning.
12 layed by top-down connections rather than by associative learning.
13 ioral actions and predictive sensory cues by associative learning.
14  the mushroom body (MB) is the major site of associative learning.
15  aversive events and have been implicated in associative learning.
16 ects of drugs of abuse as well as supporting associative learning.
17 est that motor-visual neurons originate from associative learning.
18 eval, similarity-based partial matching, and associative learning.
19 nd negative states and events, beyond simple associative learning.
20 d in the control of adaptive behavior, e.g., associative learning.
21 itry may underlie age-related differences in associative learning.
22 ppropriately registered and retrieved during associative learning.
23 , brain regions critical for emotion-related associative learning.
24 rk of a mathematical neural network model of associative learning.
25  circuit basis of striatal motor control and associative learning.
26  deficits in habituation, working memory and associative learning.
27  understanding how dopamine RPEs could drive associative learning.
28 ye-Hall model (PKH)--an influential model of associative learning.
29 d in motor control, sensory integration, and associative learning.
30 these changes have important consequences in associative learning.
31 o enhance efficient sensory processing after associative learning.
32 ptor signaling is thought to be required for associative learning.
33  mutants exhibit strongly impaired olfactory associative learning.
34 onditioning is a well characterized model of associative learning.
35 both individual and aggregate error terms in associative learning.
36 the sensory perception process necessary for associative learning.
37 TRPV channel osm-9, which is dispensable for associative learning.
38 using reward prediction error information in associative learning.
39 plicate the PFC and D(1)R-expressing MSNs in associative learning.
40  of the amygdala (LA) underlies this form of associative learning.
41 s, but they usually have little to say about associative learning.
42 the stimulus discrimination indicated intact associative learning.
43 ellular basis of choice behavior, reward and associative learning.
44 s between the thalamus and cerebellum during associative learning.
45 ity and health status; and can contribute to associative learning.
46 s novelty for future neuroimaging studies of associative learning.
47  model and most other contemporary models of associative learning.
48 ignal that instructs synaptic plasticity and associative learning.
49 sting conditions for odor recognition during associative learning.
50 el cortex, as well as diminished spatial and associative learning.
51 ne-induced synaptic plasticity, and drug-cue associative learning.
52 e computationally more complex than "simple" associative learning.
53 m deficits in complex cognitive function and associative learning.
54 orphism on motor facilitation and visuomotor associative learning.
55 he acquisition of new expected values during associative learning.
56  nucleus accumbens shell that are related to associative learning.
57 the acquisition of new expected value during associative learning.
58 y cortex (GC) of alert rats before and after associative learning.
59 ffect not predicted by theoretical models of associative learning.
60  can influence striatal circuits involved in associative learning.
61 rebellum during acquisition and retention of associative learning.
62 es behavior through both associative and non-associative learning.
63  a model for psychiatric treatments based on associative learning.
64  visual and episodic memory and visuospatial associative learning (-0.140 standard deviations per ris
65           Prediction errors are critical for associative learning [1, 2].
66 s, including reinforcement processing during associative learning [1-12].
67 ion in primates has been shown to accelerate associative learning [12, 13].
68                                           An associative learning account of mirror neurons should no
69          Here, we discuss two aspects of the associative learning account that seem to have particula
70 ible sequence compression that are suited to associative learning across an animal's lifespan.
71                                   Cerebellar associative learning and basal ganglia-brainstem interac
72 on, VTA mTOR signaling regulates cocaine-cue associative learning and cocaine-induced synaptic plasti
73 vity in Adk(Deltabrain) mice restored normal associative learning and contextual memory and attenuate
74 n essential memory trace for a basic form of associative learning and memory - classical conditioning
75 tructure of the fornices was correlated with associative learning and memory across both patient and
76 patients and models, and underlies olfactory associative learning and memory deficits.
77  revealed severe impairments of fear-related associative learning and memory formation.
78 ditioning study demonstrated that contextual associative learning and memory in inducible transgenic
79 ing animals outperform wild-type controls in associative learning and memory tests.
80                 We compare the properties of associative learning and memory to the properties of lon
81 ific changes within the brain as a result of associative learning and memory.
82 l knockout mice (FKO) exhibit impairments in associative learning and memory.
83       Synaptogenesis plays a central role in associative learning and memory.
84 etion of Kcnab2 in mice leads to deficits in associative learning and memory.
85 RK2) to probe the impact of GIRK channels on associative learning and memory.
86 amine signals have repeatedly been linked to associative learning and motivational processes.
87 SC1 mice showed intact performance in simple associative learning and normal responses in consumption
88 lt gerbils progressed through the process of associative learning and perceptual improvement.
89 hat mirror neurons originate in sensorimotor associative learning and that their function is determin
90 esity may be linked to impaired reward-based associative learning and that this impairment may be spe
91 iscrimination task with reversal to evaluate associative learning and the cognitive control/flexibili
92                                              Associative learning and the initial phase of motor skil
93 hat mirror neurons originate in sensorimotor associative learning and therefore a new approach is nee
94 ensory perceptual learning, (2) sensorimotor associative learning, and (3) motor skill learning.
95 was remarkable for lowered anxiety, impaired associative learning, and abnormal social interaction.
96 nter-temporal choice and cognitive control), associative learning, and affective and social aspects.
97 ce of n-cofilin for postsynaptic plasticity, associative learning, and anxiety.
98  oscillations play a key role in perception, associative learning, and conscious awareness and have b
99 implicated in long-term synaptic plasticity, associative learning, and drug addiction.
100     However, visuospatial short-term memory, associative learning, and implicit long-term memory func
101 ditional feeding practices, familiarization, associative learning, and observational learning affect
102 h perspective captures a different aspect of associative learning, and their synthesis offers insight
103 ational-decision approach is superior to the associative-learning approach of Cook et al. at explaini
104     Consequently, alternative expressions of associative learning are rarely considered.
105 ed behaviors in animals, including olfactory associative learning, arousal, and temperature-preferenc
106        This is relevant to exaptation versus associative learning as the underlying mechanism generat
107 ression of GluA1 subunits in CeA accelerated associative learning, as shown by reduced minimum time o
108    Our results reveal a marked difference in associative learning between normal-weight and obese wom
109           These results suggest that, during associative learning, BG output is initially permissive,
110 ere not only manifests important features of associative learning but also provides general insights
111 quence of events characterizing this type of associative learning but not during the acquisition proc
112 ring it with estradiol are not indicative of associative learning, but due to the unconditioned expre
113 ve been observed in limbic brain areas after associative learning, but little is known about the exci
114                            Here we show that associative learning, but not passive odor exposure, pot
115                                      Context-associative learning, but not single context or uncondit
116 n of a memory trace occurs through classical associative learning, but which memory trace is eligible
117  of learning: nonassociative habituation and associative learning by pairing with a starvation uncond
118    Phasic dopamine signaling participates in associative learning by reinforcing associations between
119 sing evidence that individual experience and associative learning can affect processes such as ovipos
120 strate that the circuitry mediating "simple" associative learning can also replicate the various non-
121                            Although forms of associative learning can be found at all ages, cortical
122 ly, we show that how memory retention during associative learning can be prolonged in networks of neu
123            These observations illustrate how associative learning can incorporate recent experience i
124                         Rewarding stimuli in associative learning can transform the irregularly and i
125 erwise neutral stimuli imbued with value via associative learning capture attention powerfully and pe
126 n observation, as well as reduced visuomotor associative learning, compared to Val homozygotes.
127  dopamine release, behavioral hyperactivity, associative learning deficits, and a paradoxical inversi
128 in state and activity.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Associative learning depends on brain state and is impai
129 ultiple actions of STDP, including a role in associative learning, despite potential temporal dissoci
130 ns, and that the mechanisms underlying trace associative learning differ when items in the memory are
131 nstration of modulation of mirror neurons by associative learning does not imply absence of genetic a
132                             However, whether associative learning during sleep can alter later waking
133 i.e., sensory acuity) relies on differential associative learning, during which animals are forced to
134 d in rats by a single, hippocampus-dependent associative learning experience and pharmacologic inhibi
135                              However, in two associative learning experiments and a perceptual decisi
136 contingency- and context-sensitive nature of associative learning explains the full range of mirror n
137 tional or not) and also some support for the associative learning explanation (exposure to aspiration
138 strate that changes in sensory cortex during associative learning extend to the coordination of neuro
139 urthermore, these results suggest that trace associative learning facilitates neocortical synaptic mo
140 f opioid-induced context-reward association (associative learning) for the acquisition of reward-rela
141                          On the contrary, an associative learning framework for cognitive development
142 ts the behavioral results on the basis of an associative learning framework.
143  suitable phenotypic variation would prevent associative learning from evolving in cell signalling, m
144 orm complementary roles in supporting normal associative learning, functions that are impaired after
145                                              Associative learning has been found to occur in many bra
146                                     Although associative learning has been localized to specific brai
147              The acquisition of this type of associative learning has been related to many cortical,
148 al association areas whose role in olfactory associative learning has been well characterized.
149 ila, in which the role of the PKA pathway in associative learning has been well established.
150 n between similar odors through differential associative learning has not been analyzed in detail.
151 ications following forebrain-dependent trace associative learning has not been closely examined.
152 r, placebo hypoalgesia, although mediated by associative learning, has been shown to be resistant to
153                    Two important ideas about associative learning have emerged in recent decades: (1)
154 hanisms within single cells that could allow associative learning have received little attention.
155          Contrary to established accounts of associative learning, however, interference from competi
156 aste-reward circuit, appetitive and aversive associative learning improves spike-timing precision, su
157 g, and it restores normal synapse number and associative learning in a Drosophila FXS model.
158  Thorase in DAT(+) neurons expressed greater associative learning in a fear conditioning paradigm.
159 ance of iridescent stimuli in foraging-based associative learning in bumblebees.
160 onstrate that neuroplastins are required for associative learning in conditioning paradigms, e.g., tw
161                        Studies of odor-shock associative learning in Drosophila have established the
162    Mushroom bodies are a well-known site for associative learning in insects.
163 ward and punishment are potent modulators of associative learning in instrumental and classical condi
164  results may reflect an emergent property of associative learning in neural circuits.
165  the intricate relation between genetics and associative learning in order to further understand the
166 lated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1) by associative learning in physiological and neurodegenerat
167 n of social behavior, stress regulation, and associative learning in species ranging from nematodes t
168                                              Associative learning in the cerebellum has previously fo
169 ns are forged by domain-general processes of associative learning in the course of individual develop
170 r how these biological signals might support associative learning in the mammalian brain in these and
171  plasticity mechanisms can coordinate hetero-associative learning in unison.
172 edictive coding" models posit a key role for associative learning in visual cognition, viewing percep
173 ns, which could bias salience processing and associative learning in youth with CD/CU+.
174  neurons that were strongly activated during associative learning, in this case, context-independent
175 naptic mechanisms involved in other forms of associative learning, including extinction, that update
176 rimary olfactory cortex of mice suffices for associative learning independent of any odor stimulation
177                         Accordingly, context-associative learning induces differential CRTC1-dependen
178                                              Associative learning induces synaptic plasticity and mor
179 ussed: Genetic predispositions interact with associative learning, infants show predispositions to im
180            Operant conditioning is a type of associative learning involving different and complex sen
181                                              Associative learning is a fundamental form of behavioral
182                   These results suggest that associative learning is accompanied by a reduction of po
183                                              Associative learning is an essential brain process where
184                        Our results show that associative learning is an essential component of plant
185   This newly extended technique that induces associative learning is called "A-DecNef," and it may be
186                                              Associative learning is driven by prediction errors.
187 ing actually serve as error signals to drive associative learning is more tenuous.
188 tral tenet of Rescorla and Wagner's model of associative learning is that the reinforcement value of
189                                              Associative learning is thought to involve parallel and
190  mushroom body output, its potential role in associative learning is unknown.
191 tective mechanism in mothers, which promotes associative learning long after the offspring have left
192                          Mirror neuron-based associative learning may be understood according to asso
193                                 Rapid object associative learning may occur in PFC, whereas HPC may g
194 rgue, is a positive, generative thesis about associative learning mechanisms and how they might give
195 s which match more closely with synaptic and associative learning mechanisms ascribed to the hippocam
196  many cognitive functions such as attention, associative learning, memory, and sensory selection.
197 rategy is computationally distinguished from associative learning methods that rely on direct observa
198 isition of S-C and S-R associations using an associative learning model and then used trial-by-trial
199 sults reveal that predictions from classical associative learning models do not always hold for stres
200 tion error (RPE), a fundamental parameter in associative learning models.
201 ession of CeA AMPA receptors facilitates the associative learning of context-drug reward, an importan
202 ical components of the circuits that control associative learning of eyeblinks and other defensive re
203  attributed to pervasive nicotine-reinforced associative learning of incentive cues that is highly re
204 ve enough sensorimotor experience to support associative learning of mirror neurons ("wealth of the s
205 dback termed "DecNef" [9], we tested whether associative learning of orientation and color can be cre
206  omega-3 deficiency on olfactory and tactile associative learning of the economically highly valued h
207 gesting that early visual cortex can support associative learning of this type.
208         These results suggest that long-term associative learning of two different visual features su
209     However, there is no clear evidence that associative learning of visual features occurs in early
210 la and striatum have both been implicated in associative learning, only the striatum's contribution h
211 f behavioral flexibility but not measures of associative learning or memory.
212 s from the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) during associative learning over days using chronic two-photon
213                                     Using an associative learning paradigm in C. elegans, we investig
214 t these internal correlations reflect a true associative learning paradigm, because they show rapid d
215                           Using an olfactory associative learning paradigm, we found that these circu
216              The results suggest that during associative learning, PFC networks shift their resources
217 dala (CeA) has been implicated in a range of associative learning phenomena often attributed to chang
218                         Kamin blocking is an associative learning phenomenon seen where prior associa
219                            Several models of associative learning predict that stimulus processing ch
220 mple and plausible chemical solutions to the associative learning problem, the simplest of which uses
221                                   We used an associative learning procedure in which we "tag" a neutr
222                                     Using an associative learning procedure, we manipulated the behav
223                             Expectations and associative learning processes are important psychologic
224  findings argue that selective attention and associative learning processes mediated by anatomically
225 ting the interaction between homeostatic and associative learning processes remain undefined.
226 is that schizophrenia risk CNVs impact basic associative learning processes, abnormalities of which h
227 al. argue that mirror neurons originate from associative learning processes, without evolutionary inf
228 c environmental stimulus is produced through associative learning processes.
229                                          How associative learning reconfigures neural circuits in pri
230 Melrose, and Stern (2003) found higher-order associative, learning-related activation in the striatum
231                             We conclude that associative learning represents a universal adaptive mec
232                                Some forms of associative learning require only a single experience to
233  of the four Dlg paralogs showed that simple associative learning required Dlg4, whereas Dlg2 and Dlg
234                                              Associative learning requires alterations in sparsely di
235                                 We find that associative learning requires the cGMP-dependent kinase
236                         Our results favor an associative learning rule that combines cached values wi
237 ocus on the types of time representation and associative learning rule used.
238                           Nonassociative and associative learning rules simultaneously modify neural
239  Recognition memory, spatial working memory, associative learning, shifts of attentional sets, and re
240 on, or reward quality--each a determinant of associative learning--significantly transformed olfactor
241                                        Taste associative learning, similar to olfactory learning, req
242 e, we demonstrate impairment in reward-based associative learning specific to food in obese women.
243 cerebellar neurons are capable of supporting associative learning-specific plasticity in vivo in very
244                           Given the power of associative learning, such constraints may be rare.
245         The authors here show that olfactory associative learning systematically regulates gradients
246 his process, we introduced ambiguity into an associative learning task by presenting aversive outcome
247                  Retrograde amnesia after an associative learning task can be induced by ablation of
248  conditioning (EBC) is a forebrain-dependent associative learning task in which a stimulus-free time
249      Trace eyeblink conditioning (EBC) is an associative learning task in which a stimulus-free trace
250 mbus terrestris) in an ecologically relevant associative learning task under controlled laboratory co
251                         Using an odor-guided associative learning task, we found that adolescent rats
252 n different temporal patterns of light in an associative learning task.
253 as they performed the same conditional motor associative learning task.
254 ty across the medial temporal lobe during an associative learning task.
255 primates (Macaca mulatta) performing a motor associative learning task.
256 l cortex improves monkeys' performance on an associative learning task.
257      We studied the role of MBONs in several associative learning tasks and in sleep regulation, reve
258 object recognition, spatial orientation, and associative learning tasks), we decided to study in beha
259 that is predicted to occur during cerebellar associative learning tasks.
260 y, have been shown to change their tuning in associative learning tasks.
261 nt predict aversive events through a form of associative learning termed fear conditioning.
262                 Habituation is a form of non-associative learning that enables animals to reduce thei
263  have broad implications for how to override associative learning that has become maladaptive and off
264 d indicate that V1 itself is a substrate for associative learning that may inform the timing of visua
265  multisite recording at successive stages of associative learning, that the coherence of firing patte
266                                        While associative learning - the ability to detect correlated
267  the combination between non-associative and associative learning, the modelling approach allows us t
268          Consistent with a popular theory of associative learning, the Pearce-Hall (1980) model, the
269 glia (BG) appear to play a prominent role in associative learning, the process of pairing external st
270 ons of the amygdala with well known roles in associative learning--the central nucleus (CEA) and the
271 ere that if mirror neurons develop purely by associative learning, then they cannot by themselves exp
272 tive learning may be understood according to associative learning theories, in addition to sensorimot
273 de, extinction has moved beyond the realm of associative learning theory and behavioral experimentati
274                                              Associative learning theory predicts that brain systems
275          From the traditional perspective of associative learning theory, the hypothesis linking modi
276 eraction can be understood in the context of associative learning theory.
277  how generalizations naturally emerge during associative learning through a partnership between putat
278  brain's motor systems, or rather depends on associative learning, through repeated cooccurrence of v
279 or neurons make predictions that differ from associative learning: Through Hebbian Learning, mirror n
280 etic variants might interact with visuomotor associative learning to configure the system to respond
281   Here we explore the potential for repeated associative learning to shape and engender synesthetic e
282  effect of the unconditioned stimulus during associative learning to the axons of Drosophila mushroom
283          We demonstrate that adding Hebbian (associative) learning to a model network for reach plann
284 haracterized several mechanisms critical for associative learning under normative conditions.
285                                      Initial associative learning was accompanied by a profound reduc
286 izophrenia CNVs impact on specific phases of associative learning we combined human genetics with exp
287         Using extracellular recording during associative learning, we found that inhibitory neurons i
288 Because ASIC1A has been suggested to promote associative learning, we hypothesized that disrupting AS
289 stinguish from the classical Hebbian type of associative learning where presynaptic glutamate release
290         Our results demonstrate that, unlike associative learning, which involves inputs from two sen
291 (STDP) serves as a key cellular correlate of associative learning, which is facilitated by elevated a
292    One such deficit is the loss of effective associative learning, which is readily assessed via eye-
293 enhanced fear generalization or a deficit in associative learning, which may in turn represent a cent
294            Such information is essential for associative learning, which relies on comparisons betwee
295 sociative knowledge by studying visual-motor associative learning with functional magnetic resonance
296 cortex, these sensory inputs are combined by associative learning with olfactory and visual inputs fo
297  demonstrate that the loss of HDAC2 improves associative learning, with no effect in nonassociative l
298 phases differ in aversive but not appetitive associative learning, with solitarious locusts showing a
299 dala bdnf expression and TrkB activation for associative learning within aversive contexts has been e
300 tributions to the theoretic understanding of associative learning, yet they still struggle when the t

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