


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h can arise from the instantaneous bleaching assumption.
2        We show here that this is not a valid assumption.
3 tion (IIM) model, which drops precisely this assumption.
4 f the operational paths is the shortest path assumption.
5 s present no evidence in support of this key assumption.
6 wall types, contradicting this long-standing assumption.
7 signal and most of them follow the linearity assumption.
8 g sensitivity to the missing-at-random (MAR) assumption.
9 ent motion of D50 has become a commonly used assumption.
10 ls, regardless of parameterization and model assumptions.
11  flowcharts, limited data quality, and model assumptions.
12 ed in previous models based on low-frequency assumptions.
13 l and boundary value problems under specific assumptions.
14 d how to evaluate its robustness to modeling assumptions.
15 HSV infection, and random variation to study assumptions.
16 urns were robust to substantial variation in assumptions.
17 esence of noise and violation of basic model assumptions.
18 ted via hierarchical conditional probability assumptions.
19 revious work are strongly dependent on prior assumptions.
20 a violate several of the model's simplifying assumptions.
21 multiple populations, necessitating stronger assumptions.
22  which were estimated using population-based assumptions.
23 is was robust over a wide range of costs and assumptions.
24 affect task allocation performance under our assumptions.
25 lly question the linguists' representational assumptions.
26 ence of unmeasured confounders under certain assumptions.
27 ontinuous magnitudes contradict the authors' assumptions.
28 ntial remains substantial, counter to common assumptions.
29  sensitivity to non-trivial or controversial assumptions.
30 sed to examine uncertainty in these data and assumptions.
31 not be answered statistically without strong assumptions.
32 tes were broadly robust to alternative model assumptions.
33 ce under eight out of nine sets of modelling assumptions.
34 se identification however relies on a priori assumptions.
35 nge from 20 kBT to 150 kBT, depending on the assumptions.
36 ates for networks consistent with mean-field assumptions.
37                                     Untested assumptions about carrion produced at different trophic
38 roughput toxicokinetic data, and data-driven assumptions about consumption of water.
39 nt divergence, but this relies on unexamined assumptions about endosymbiont-to-host gene transfer [3-
40 pes of tauopathies, has led to controversial assumptions about fibril constitution, and it is unclear
41               Results were less sensitive to assumptions about fitness costs and test characteristics
42   Our STAR hypothesis challenges traditional assumptions about how the spatial and temporal scales of
43 bound within an mRNA, challenging prevailing assumptions about how this RBP drives RNA degradation.
44 ncubation periods emerge for a wide range of assumptions about invader fitness, competition dynamics,
45 ith the same ligand: one of the most popular assumptions about isostructural lanthanide series is wro
46 ectar, but paradox disappears with realistic assumptions about nectar evolution.
47 ropose a process-based model based on simple assumptions about organism burrowing behavior.
48              These conclusions are robust to assumptions about outgassing, modern fluxes and seafloor
49 lism-avoidance behaviour depends strongly on assumptions about parasite-based mortality rates.
50 nalysis on read coverage, ORIO makes limited assumptions about the analyzed data; this allows the too
51  with "big data", that require no 'a priori' assumptions about the behaviour of the target agents, to
52  need of more attention, and that many basic assumptions about the biology of these important fungi i
53          We argue that they make unrealistic assumptions about the cognitive abilities of bat pollina
54  spread between farms usually rely on strong assumptions about the contribution of indirect contacts
55  complex earthquake defies many conventional assumptions about the degree to which earthquake rupture
56 sensitivity of their inferences to different assumptions about the extent of nonignorability.
57 e CLASH model makes a number of questionable assumptions about the harshness and unpredictability of
58                                              Assumptions about the rate at which ragweed spreads thro
59 t power of multiple discovery GWASs, without assumptions about the relationships among predictors.
60 nd with which they interact, and that simple assumptions about the shape of the CMEs are likely to be
61 is kind of evidence requires strong a priori assumptions about the specific predictions the brain mak
62 are matched and optimized based on identical assumptions about the statistical structure of the senso
63                    However, several untested assumptions about the structural and functional impact o
64 nally, Bayesian LMMs allow for more flexible assumptions about the underlying distribution of genetic
65 cs, with an special emphasis on the physical assumptions adopted by each one.
66 ral network model that relaxes the symmetric assumption and define two classes of asymmetrically bifu
67 K models have been based on the flow-limited assumption and largely rely on in vivo data for parametr
68                              Under base case assumptions and a cost-effectiveness threshold of pound1
69 nces in behaviour are due to different model assumptions and abstractions.
70 red to specific datasets with matching model assumptions and code.
71                        We discuss underlying assumptions and evaluate the performance of two traditio
72  take the opportunity to clarify some of the assumptions and predictions of our formal model.
73                          Here, we test these assumptions and show that species differences in brain s
74 morphisms (SNPs) are based largely on ad hoc assumptions and subjective criteria.
75 lomics is challenged by unsatisfied modeling assumptions and, notably, failure to address batch-speci
76 l models were developed based on simplifying assumptions, and all five models were tested for their a
77                                  Objectives, assumptions, and methods for landscape restoration and t
78 eading to the view that heuristics and prior assumptions are critical for 3D motion perception.
79                           We show that their assumptions are incorrect for cognitive-functional lingu
80 ric Acid) concentration in visual cortex, an assumption based on findings in aged non-human primates.
81           We show here that this is a flawed assumption because regional climates have changed signif
82 tutes direct empirical support for the major assumption behind the RC model of the natural OM decompo
83 ental data are lacking, resulting in default assumptions being used to account for variability in tox
84                            Counter to common assumptions, better engineering grades were not associat
85        Our findings show that the smoothness assumption breaks already at scales smaller than a tenth
86 method, the authors show that the smoothness assumption breaks at scales far smaller than believed an
87 the dimeric protein; this model relaxes this assumption by assigning different energies for the diffe
88     Here, we used fMRI to directly test this assumption by comparing the BOLD signal time courses in
89 fferent cancer types, we sought to test this assumption by focusing on coding regions required for sp
90                               We tested this assumption by investigating whether successful sporogony
91                                We test these assumptions by relating field abundance of the rainfores
92 dds of sampling weights, which under careful assumptions can transport effect estimates from study sa
93                                 To test this assumption, changes in the protective efficacy of the im
94 analysis of the consequence of some of these assumptions, comparing analysis using an ABM to a simila
95 ain limitation of the study was the need for assumptions concerning knowledge of HIV status and ART c
96               Without employing any a priori assumptions concerning the floral cues, we measured, pre
97       These models differ in two dichotomous assumptions, constituting a 2 x 2 theoretical design.
98 up was able to establish, contrary to common assumption (derived from the fact that membrane proteins
99 escribe potential biases that arise when ABM assumptions do not hold.
100 ther work is needed to better understand the assumptions driving land use model results and reveal th
101 lly, providing support for the dose-additive assumption employed for human health risk assessment of
102                        Under standard causal assumptions, estimates can be interpreted as causal effe
103  the STRUCTURE-style models and the Gaussian assumption for identifying ancestry components correctly
104 now of no direct method for validating these assumptions for ddPCR platforms.
105  known physical laws rather than speculative assumptions for thought experiments.
106 roach can be applied retrospectively or when assumptions for traditional analyses are not held.
107           This result was robust to changing assumptions for transmission within non-LTACH facilities
108 al neuroscientific information and plausible assumptions for unknown parameters.
109                               Using a novel, assumption-free approach, we find that face-related prio
110     Multivariate logistic regression and the assumption-free multivariate adaptive regression splines
111                                     Using an assumption-free whole-brain searchlight approach, we tes
112                                         This assumption guides the interpretation of experimental dat
113                                  The default assumption has been that volatiles passively diffuse out
114                                         This assumption has led to its application in thousands of pa
115 y interpreted as resolving myocarditis, this assumption has not been confirmed as of today.
116 pectancy and body mass index (BMI), but this assumption has not been tested using long-term historica
117 reted to reflect neurodegeneration, but this assumption has not been tested.
118                               However, these assumptions have not been fully tested.
119 efore provides the most powerful test if its assumptions hold.
120 trol can reduce residual confounding, if our assumptions hold.
121  assumed to follow air temperature, but this assumption holds only for TSLR when temperatures are inc
122                            Here we show that assumption ii is not valid, due to strong intraannual co
123 e or centre of their climatic niche is a key assumption in many existing ecological hypotheses and ha
124 ition of the sea surface microlayer, a major assumption in previous studies.
125                      Acknowledging that each assumption in what is a defining criterion making the rT
126  using genetic lineage tracing for two basic assumptions in Schwann cell biology: that myelin and Rem
127 levated IgE level (n = 12,853) and tested MR assumptions in sensitivity analyses.
128                      By examining some broad assumptions in soil C cycling with the proxies already i
129 ervals on key model parameters and necessary assumptions in the modelling of a complex epidemiologica
130                         Under the optimistic assumptions in the primary analysis, the incidence of mu
131 ents to open a discussion on the fundamental assumptions in thermodynamics and to engage in research
132 e IM model are very sensitive to the model's assumptions-including the assumption of constant gene fl
133 ying effect violated the Cox proportionality assumption, indicating that feeding trials in similar po
134            In light of the many unknowns and assumptions involved, we recommend that these conclusion
135  in a species-specific manner; however, this assumption is being challenged by growing evidence that
136 sis to the test and consider whether such an assumption is even testable in the light of the correlat
137               We here show that this general assumption is incorrect by using a relevant and highly c
138                                However, this assumption is often invalid for microscale objects, sinc
139                                     A common assumption is that cells of a single-type extract a sing
140 eeding in Caenorhabditis elegans Our central assumption is that food intake serves a dual to gather i
141                                  An implicit assumption is that the crust relaxes accumulated stress
142                                      A basic assumption is that the expression for Shannon entropy is
143                                 The inherent assumption is that the fluorescent label observed under
144 t kinase inhibitor (CDKi), we show that this assumption is valid when competition between cells is sp
145 on links that was found under more stringent assumptions is the most probable.
146 spread of both viruses depends critically on assumptions made about the distances over which vector d
147 ults of earlier studies with more restricted assumptions map onto this graph as special cases.
148 on and improved dispatch of renewables, this assumption may be outdated.
149 ral changes in the global sulfur cycle; this assumption may be well grounded for sulfate-bearing mine
150 l RNA-sequencing data and discuss underlying assumptions, methods, and applications in immunology, an
151 arity in epidemiologic applications, but the assumptions necessary for valid inference have only part
152 iction and making a decision, and underlying assumptions need to be understood in order to optimize d
153                                          The assumptions needed to transport causal effects to a spec
154 rn Pacific and Caribbean biota, dated on the assumption of a "universal" mitochondrial DNA clock are
155                                    Under the assumption of a causal relationship between timing of AN
156                                    Under the assumption of a linear cost function, we find that sampl
157 ear relationship among genes, or rely on the assumption of a parametric probability distribution of g
158 confounding factors, without the need of the assumption of a parametric probability distribution of g
159  initio calculations reveal that the primary assumption of Bleaney's theory-that thermal energy is la
160                              Contrary to one assumption of CLASH, we suggest that colder rather than
161 ive to the model's assumptions-including the assumption of constant gene flow until the present.
162 rained zircon growth rates combined with the assumption of continuous zircon crystallization.
163    These findings suggest that a fundamental assumption of current theories of motor coding requires
164  study to date has systematically tested the assumption of genetic neutrality of dental morphological
165           The limitations are not due to the assumption of independence between positions but rather
166 chmark 1) a likelihood approximation with an assumption of independent Poisson observations; 2) a par
167                                          The assumption of limited but precious functional expectancy
168                    Furthermore, the inherent assumption of linear combinations of decays in global an
169 ltoside and an HC maltoside conform with the assumption of only one type of micelle regardless of the
170 lop a model of T cell selection based on the assumption of random interaction strengths between a sel
171 ever, genetic studies to test the underlying assumption of restricted migration are lacking and it is
172 e at least sample robust, which verifies the assumption of sampling's improved conditioning over the
173                                    The basic assumption of steady state is relaxed, and we model the
174 rial, nanomedicine and nanotoxicology, where assumption of the bulk density for nanoparticles can res
175            This is in contrast with the main assumption of the popularly-used power spectrum calibrat
176                                       A core assumption of the WBE model is that networks are symmetr
177  that studies have addressed the fundamental assumption of tonal superiority.
178    Most of these devices are designed on the assumption of two counter rotating Dean vortices present
179 theoretical frameworks for its study lie the assumptions of a spatially smooth and random-in-time vel
180  subclinical disease markers without apriori assumptions of causality.
181 ide range of issues, including the logic and assumptions of CLASH, the evidence in support of CLASH,
182 A-sequencing (RNA-seq) but is limited by the assumptions of current analytic methods regarding the st
183 sent experimental observations challenge the assumptions of existing recrystallization theories, and
184                          Operating under the assumptions of linear, isotropic materials, it utilizes
185                             However, as with assumptions of other adjustment approaches, it is never
186                          However, two common assumptions of SDMs are likely to be violated in many ca
187 directly challenge the validity of the basic assumptions of the CLASH model.
188  In the current study, we tested whether the assumptions of the newly developed quick CSF method were
189                               One of the key assumptions of the standard model of particle physics is
190 ance of the issue, this article analyzes the assumptions of the theoretical models in the field.
191 th published experimental data for realistic assumptions of these parameters.
192                                    Under the assumptions of this simulation, patients with atrial fib
193  have a causal interpretation under specific assumptions, of birth weight on educational attainment u
194 lysis and simulation of age structure, under assumptions often met by vertebrate populations, that th
195 ummary data only and makes no distributional assumption on the causal variant effect sizes while acco
196              Existing methods rely on strong assumptions on the data structure and fail to pinpoint t
197 m the circle to the complete graph, and vary assumptions on the fitness probability distributions.
198                                          Our assumptions on the identity and functions of Langerhans
199 r framework does not make any distributional assumptions on the microbiome data; it allows for the ad
200 nclusion Without enforcement of any a priori assumptions on the MR imaging-derived measurements and w
201               Our findings challenge current assumptions on the pristine state of this emblematic spe
202 previous analyses of these data made various assumptions on the unobserved processes in order to draw
203 t under certain additional fairly reasonable assumptions, one can incorporate both past and future ex
204 red enormous progress on how, and under what assumptions, one may disentangle path-specific effects u
205 r purely theoretical with intrinsic limiting assumptions or individual-based models that are often hi
206                Under mendelian randomization assumptions, our findings suggest a protective effect of
207                                The normative assumption permits transmission of category information
208 le mediators because required identification assumptions prohibit simple extensions to settings with
209  not revealed any definite violation of this assumption, recent studies of B-meson decays involving t
210 are regulated to achieve patterning, but the assumptions regarding activator/inhibitor diffusion and
211                    We describe the impact of assumptions regarding sexual heterogeneity of confounder
212 t cell types and with biologically plausible assumptions regarding the spatial distribution of thalam
213 lls are addicted to activated KRAS, but this assumption remains controversial.
214 ationships across data sets without a priori assumptions remains challenging.
215 s one would explicitly state and analyze the assumptions required to draw internally valid causal inf
216                           Violations of this assumption result in underestimation of target quantity,
217                                         This assumption severely limits their applicability to cancer
218                            We challenge this assumption, showing that completely spinalized adult rat
219                                    The other assumption specifies whether the numbers of parasite ind
220                                          One assumption specifies whether the variance function of th
221 ased largely on expert opinion and plausible assumptions, suggested that AIT for bee and wasp venom a
222                  These approaches rely on an assumption that a certain trait value consistently confe
223 ion and detection, and using models with the assumption that a proportion of missing species will nev
224                    However, the basis of the assumption that agricultural soils can sequester signifi
225 ensity of interstellar objects, based on the assumption that all such objects were cometary, were pes
226  Together, our findings challenge the common assumption that central low-grade inflammation in schizo
227 residues in the binding site, leading to the assumption that charge-charge interactions underlie liga
228 vious studies of ion-irradiated films is the assumption that constituent phases in ion-irradiated and
229 luding very recent cultural innovations, the assumption that culture shaped the evolution of cognitio
230            Overall, our findings support the assumption that CyC 17 may thus represent a novel class
231 ce between locations, making the simplifying assumption that distance decay is isotropic.
232                            This leads to the assumption that food allergens must have specific struct
233                         In bioacoustics, the assumption that fundamental frequency (f o) should corre
234 0 years of experiments, but involves the key assumption that gA monomers do not exchange between bila
235       This contradicts a widespread clinical assumption that in hypovolemic cardiac arrest, the ventr
236 s human and mouse iNKT cells, leading to the assumption that iNKT cell physiology in human and mouse
237 zing mutual information (MI) is based on the assumption that intensity distributions of multi-modal i
238 ntracellular membrane compartments under the assumption that it does not cause long-term effects on c
239 cently, its reliability was explained by the assumption that it is hardwired; but it is now clear tha
240  been difficult to unravel partly due to our assumption that it is organized similarly to other senso
241 nce of nitrosamines at 335nm, supporting the assumption that it is the main source of endogenous nitr
242 icance of these changes often rests upon the assumption that observed changes in levels of mRNA accur
243       However, the LCT makes the simplifying assumption that only one individual is sampled per speci
244                            Starting from the assumption that opportunely designed cationic amphiphile
245 novel KRAS inhibitors have been based on the assumption that PDAC cells are addicted to activated KRA
246                 We suggest that the standard assumption that plant communities in remote locations ar
247 lts also provide evidence against the common assumption that poor high-frequency pure-tone pitch perc
248 The present findings are consistent with the assumption that prematurity results in long-term detrime
249 uch higher than those compatible with a null assumption that preserves the empirically observed level
250                  This method is based on the assumption that protein sequences could be more conserve
251                           This relies on the assumption that resistant cells have impaired cellular f
252          This finding invalidates the common assumption that S-layers serve only as static wall-like
253                  Under the common reasonable assumption that selection is driven solely or mainly by
254 e measure of WM precision, and challenge the assumption that sequential presentation removes competit
255 e effects, which have led to the widely held assumption that social species are more prone to Allee e
256                     Contrarily to the common assumption that temocillin is inactive on P. aeruginosa,
257 al cortex, calling into question the broader assumption that the alpha rhythm may serve as a general
258 antum cryptography is cryptography under the assumption that the attacker has a large quantum compute
259  Naisbett-Jones et al.[1] study rests on the assumption that the behaviour of these late-stage freshw
260 analysis of FCS data is largely based on the assumption that the labeled objects are stochastically d
261 itions typically make the "common knowledge" assumption that the preferences of all politicians are p
262 retical predictions based on the simplifying assumption that the slurry consists of uniform particles
263 iated, due to a large extent to an erroneous assumption that they are largely constitutive and housek
264 not compelling, and we should proceed on the assumption that they do not.
265    These results challenge the commonly held assumption that weight regain in the long term is inevit
266                          It does not justify assumptions that all individuals within a single culture
267 rves enables validation of the critical dPCR assumptions that are essential for establishing the SI t
268 d range shifts with climate change stem from assumptions that climate drives species' distributions.
269  et al.'s results provide insight into these assumptions that epidemiologists can use when selecting
270 f actions in ways that violate the classical assumptions that make RL tractable.
271 , but existing applications make simplifying assumptions that often break up the dependency between t
272  policies require behavioral and statistical assumptions that should be addressed in future applicati
273          The structural design relied on the assumptions that the tau torsion of the meta-amino-subst
274                That practice is justified on assumptions that there are no medical consequences to ha
275 ng and care have traditionally been based on assumptions that these aneuploidies are lethal or associ
276 nd find, surprisingly, that under reasonable assumptions the gradient is asymptotically equivalent to
277                              To address this assumption, the ROS-scavenging, Folin-Ciocalteau- and Fe
278 ng that the authors implicitly adopt several assumptions, the consequence of which is to make further
279                       Depending on different assumptions, the cost of gastrointestinal symptoms attri
280                       Under more pessimistic assumptions, the short-course regimen would have minimal
281                  However, contrary to common assumptions, this effect did not arise because of greate
282 antial difference in appearance violate this assumption, thus MI directly based on image intensity al
283                                Thus, the aOX assumption to improve life-quality is misleading as oxid
284 fluenza pandemics since 1700 under different assumptions to determine whether the emergence of new pa
285 l mitigation options and requires the fewest assumptions to model, the yearly nutritional and GHG imp
286 g the phasor approach required fewer initial assumptions to quantify the lifetimes of contributing fl
287                                      Despite assumptions to the contrary, there is reason to think th
288 Using resting fMRI data, we investigated the assumptions undergirding current models of the human con
289 ations were drastically exaggerated, and the assumptions used in nanomedicine and nanoformulations tu
290 ching processes under a very flexible set of assumptions using the speed of C ++.
291                                         This assumption was a source of uncontrolled variability.
292                         Contrary to a common assumption, we found that pronounced rhythms in metaboli
293                                    With this assumption, we show that for complex samples there will
294                           Contrary to common assumptions, we show that sensory and motor tuning curve
295                                              Assumptions were derived from published literature where
296                                              Assumptions, which were performed in those previous stud
297 tistical properties obtained under idealized assumptions will be reported separately.
298 istical framework to test the infinite sites assumption with single-cell sequencing data.
299 bserved error is the result of electrostatic assumptions within the surface chemistry model and provi
300 ork allows one to easily change constitutive assumptions within these models.

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