


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sted that BV probably collides into its prey at random.
2 andom care, or treatment of persons selected at random.
3 cks and a new swimming direction is selected at random.
4 ame number of non-binding residues predicted at random.
5 lar to each other than pairs of cells chosen at random.
6 imated when the data were missing completely at random.
7 select their trajectories and muscle targets at random.
8 e found within the first 1.7 residues chosen at random.
9 EIIs resembled those picked from the library at random.
10 ving either to increase their intake rate or at random.
11 e points many patterns are expected to arise at random.
12 e cells can still select a polarization axis at random.
13 lly intelligent agents place orders to trade at random.
14 r high activity and 105 clones were selected at random.
15 selects a single individual from each family at random.
16 that includes a single disease locus located at random.
17 r extent than expected if gene loss occurred at random.
18 n the typical single set of inferrals chosen at random.
19 of homology to the chromosome are integrated at random.
20 vered by direct screening of colonies chosen at random.
21 ctions assume that habitat conversion occurs at random.
22 ncy, labelling a cell and all of its progeny at random.
23 overlapping; the monoecious population mates at random.
24 osen; if both eyes qualified, one was chosen at random.
25 he flexion direction, extension direction or at random.
26 hnical quality of audiotaped sessions chosen at random.
27 ar to select dorsal and ventral trajectories at random.
28  acid residue ends of existing chains chosen at random.
29  in the surface of interaction, were mutated at random.
30 een growing and shortening phases apparently at random.
31  not much better than choosing the survivors at random.
32  with cofilin and 19 other proteins selected at random.
33 e subcloned and 187 individual clones picked at random.
34 hat the observed pattern population occurred at random.
35 nonoverlapping; the diploid population mates at random.
36 athway in which they choose a mating partner at random.
37 y more active than oligonucleotides selected at random.
38  two to five times larger than that expected at random.
39 entre outwards, and lowest when area is lost at random.
40 additional variables were missing completely at random.
41 ly greater biodiversity than counties chosen at random.
42 tle better than selecting transmission links at random.
43  likely represent missing data occurring not at random.
44 n studies significantly higher than expected at random.
45 lly are named taxa and thus are not selected at random.
46 n a network with those targeting individuals at random.
47 sampling small collections of cells selected at random.
48 ined as turning toward another animal chosen at random.
49 sidered for a long time to acquire cell fate at random.
50 sed large networks in which species interact at random.
51 ing a graph from this distribution uniformly at random.
52 that was more similar than would be expected at random.
53                             Edges are picked at random.
54 clonotypes that make up the repertoire decay at random.
55                 For comparison, we recruited at random 445 controls frequency matched to cases on age
56 y unpredictable as transgenes are integrated at random after pro-nuclear injection into fertilized oo
57           When outcome data were missing not at random, all methods gave biased estimates, but handli
58                       Crossovers do not form at random along chromosomes.
59 on the X chromosome, rather than distributed at random along the length of the X.
60 ajor portion of DNA replication is initiated at random along the map, although several proven and put
61 ide of a road in the presence of cars parked at random along the road.
62 etween two aligned sequences are distributed at random along the sequences, or whether they are clust
63 s/duplications of repeat unit blocks located at random along the tandem repeat array, a mode of mutat
64 dockerin pairs are not necessarily assembled at random among the same specificity types, as generally
65 g an additional set of crossovers sprinkled, at random, among those distributed as per chi square.
66        EST sequencing samples cDNA libraries at random, an approach that is most useful at the beginn
67 tion to the primary intent-to-treat, missing at random analysis, sensitivity analyses were performed
68 s are assumed equally likely and distributed at random and (2) an Unbiased Random Walk Model (URWM) i
69 f transitions to transversions than expected at random and a higher GC content than the rest of the i
70  without bias only values missing completely at random and assume that all observations contribute eq
71 for PCBs in 1997-1999 for 732 women selected at random and for an additional 162 women whose children
72              Coinfecting HPV genotypes occur at random and lead to cervical disease independently.
73 cts do not represent data missing completely at random and likely represent missing data occurring no
74 ition to activate endogenous gene expression at random and selecting for undifferentiated colonies in
75  favored slightly when the data were missing at random and the imputation model included the variable
76 interact with specific DNA sites bind to DNA at random and then translocate to the target site.
77 rget sites by first associating with the DNA at random and then translocating to the specific site by
78 plete genomes of each serotype were selected at random and used to calculate conservation scores for
79  factor values were likely to be missing not at random and were mainly rhesus-positive.
80 a typical basket when 50% of data is learned at random), and field-level inaccuracy (bias) is removed
81 re fitted with overnight OK in 1 eye, chosen at random, and conventional rigid gas-permeable (GP) len
82 wever, EST sequencing samples a cDNA library at random, and it recovers transcripts with low expressi
83 f subclones, typically 96 or 192, are chosen at random, and the ends of the inserts are sequenced usi
84  individuals of a population meet each other at random, and they have no control over the frequency o
85    Variables were artificially made "missing at random," and the bias and efficiency of parameter est
86 osing the location of the next rearrangement at random; and a sequentiality of J segment choice withi
87 supported viral replication, suggesting that at random areas of stems the virus can elicit changes in
88 le copies of transposable elements, inserted at random around the host genome, can be used as molecul
89     These sub-networks, and others generated at random as a control, were categorized for membership
90            Two patients (age 26 and 35 years at random assignment) in the control group had spontaneo
91 ; the QLQ-C30 and the PR25 were administered at random assignment, before cycle four (week 10) and cy
92         Pain and analgesic use were measured at random assignment, every cycle for eight cycles, and
93 atients who had bcl-2 PCR-detectable disease at random assignment, treatment significantly prolonged
94 pend on true exposure status, so the missing-at-random assumption is often unreasonable.
95 overly sensitive to violation of the missing-at-random assumption.
96 imputing the missing data based on a missing-at-random assumption: multiple imputations, single nucle
97 d IPCW approaches-which rely on the "missing at random" assumption-yielded biased estimates.
98 ficantly more ordered than those anticipated at random because of evolutionary constraints and intrin
99 oject onto a nucleus neuron are not selected at random but share a common complex-spike property.
100  than a confusion of chaotic forms generated at random, but rather as geometric shapes that could be
101 ties gp32 monomers bind to the ssDNA lattice at random, but that cooperatively bound gp32 clusters bi
102 e understanding that gene frequencies change at random by genetic drift, even in the absence of natur
103 our scenarios for missing values: completely-at-random, case-dependent, exposure-dependent, and case/
104 vectors integrated as single-copy proviruses at random chromosomal locations and that the flanking He
105 table expression of any transgene integrated at random chromosomal locations cannot be taken for gran
106  entry into and arousal from torpor occurred at random clock times in both SCNx and control animals h
107 ges its amide hydrogens with water hydrogens at random coil rates, consistent with its natively unstr
108 -EU when there is missingness due to missing at random combined with an LOD.
109 scores is substantially higher than expected at random, confirming that our similarity measures are a
110 ed by linking flagellin monomers or polymers at random COPS hydroxyls with various polysaccharide/pro
111                  With multiple extrasystoles at random coupling intervals, vulnerability to conductio
112 ate protein sequences: two chromosomes drawn at random differ on average by a single amino acid, with
113 requencies expected if neighbors were chosen at random (dinucleotide relative abundances).
114         Indeed, >25% of T cell clones chosen at random displayed a significant response.
115 other significantly more often than expected at random, due to homologous pairing of the lacO tandem
116                   Dpo4 inserted dNTPs almost at random during bypass of N2,N2-Me2G, and much of the e
117 137 degrees value, leaves are not positioned at random during early developmental stages.
118 mes in female mammalian cells is inactivated at random during early embryogenesis and that the inacti
119 onformers by varying backbone torsion angles at random for approximately 8% of the residues; the rema
120 18 strongly hybridizing clones were selected at random for end-sequence analysis.
121 your friends," where an individual is chosen at random for treatment and all their infected neighbors
122                           We tested one eye, at random, for 46 glaucoma patients and 28 ocularly heal
123               A total of 173 articles chosen at random from 1996 issues of the American Journal of Pu
124                           One eye was chosen at random from 88 normal subjects and 59 glaucomatous su
125  randomly assigned by drawing numbered disks at random from a bag to do a 2 h walk either along a com
126 SBL-producing E. coli isolates were selected at random from a cohort of intensive care unit patients
127 resonance (MR) imaging studies were selected at random from a database of 7,147 examinations to deter
128                 About 95% of clones selected at random from a maize genomic cosmid library could be d
129 uencing was performed with 771 clones chosen at random from a pooled genomic library.
130 also included six susceptible alleles chosen at random from a range of geographical locations.
131                      Patients were recruited at random from allergy outpatient clinics in 101 health
132 a set consisting of 5,468 sequences selected at random from an S. bicolor root hair-specific cDNA lib
133                       Controls were selected at random from California birthrolls (n = 80,224).
134  small numbers (1-200) of sequences selected at random from commercially available M13 p3-based phage
135 aged control women (n = 9,057) were selected at random from driver's license files and Health Care Fi
136 d frequencies among 15 X chromosomes sampled at random from Drosophila melanogaster natural populatio
137                              Six rats chosen at random from each group underwent functional CT for th
138 ites) aged 35 to 60 years who were recruited at random from general practitioner lists.
139                       Controls were selected at random from non-heat-associated deaths during the sam
140 ions are based on many RNA molecules sampled at random from RNA sequence space, and on 30 biological
141 simulations choose their movement parameters at random from such distributions.
142                       Controls were selected at random from the city population and were frequency ma
143 ics, and comparison parents were ascertained at random from the community.
144       In addition, 50 patients were selected at random from the control unit during the baseline peri
145            Are T/F variants chosen uniformly at random from the donor pool, or are they selected base
146 ctions of 152 of these DNA fragments, chosen at random from the entire set, in a luciferase-based tra
147               Healthy persons were recruited at random from the general population of England during
148 s the question for subsequences of DNA taken at random from the genome.
149  AT when the projector A is chosen uniformly at random from the Grassmann manifold of d-dimensional o
150 verse than an equivalently sized group drawn at random from the set of plausible, prebiotic alternati
151  large numbers of bacterial species selected at random from those that were culturable.
152 y more genes within the GWA height loci than at random genomic locations (P < 0.0001 each), supportin
153 n the transcription of transgenes integrated at random genomic locations.
154 ndividual vRNAs are packaged specifically or at random, however, and the total vRNA capacity of the v
155 kes a new connection to an individual chosen at random (i) from those with the same opinion or (ii) f
156 ch we show is superior to selecting variants at random; (ii) a quantitative protein-DNA binding assay
157         Mean and median observed and missing at random-imputed HRQOL scores were calculated, followed
158 and 2 and INTERMACS profile 1 alone, missing at random-imputed mean and median HRQOL scores were simi
159 ian evolution, mutations occur approximately at random in a gene, turned into amino acid mutations by
160 fection occurs more frequently than it would at random in both direct and cell-mediated HIV-1 infecti
161  of the two homologous chromosomes, selected at random in each cell.
162 erlap genes significantly less than expected at random in H. melpomene, consistent with the action of
163               Acanthamoeba trophozoites move at random in the absence of an EF, but move directionall
164                      MiMIC integrates almost at random in the genome to create sites for DNAmanipulat
165 way occur at rates much higher than expected at random in transcriptional regulatory regions, and muc
166 ike element then integrates into DNA targets at random in vitro, but whether this activity significan
167 arded as correct, so subjects could respond "at random" in those trials.
168 ata which is missing both systematically and at random: in a hold-out test on real data, performance
169 cally when they are independently integrated at random insertion sites.
170 sure to a foot shock protocol (0.6 mA trains at random intervals 24 h/day for 14 days), suggesting th
171 es) during which pedestrian figures appeared at random intervals along the roadway (R-Peds; n = 144)
172        When interrupted by a visual stimulus at random intervals, participants scored the self-relate
173                                              At random intervals, the continuous cardiac output measu
174 re similar, spontaneous ensembles are active at random intervals, whereas visually evoked ensembles a
175 ated axoplasm and distributed longitudinally at random intervals.
176 ted prevention intervention outperformed the at-random intervention, whereas the treatment interventi
177 hly networked individuals did not outperform at-random interventions in simulations featuring the lit
178                      Study data were divided at random into an 80% training set on which the models w
179                  T cells do not enter the WP at random locations but instead traffic to that site usi
180 ocytes we show that if the source mRNAs were at random locations in the cell rather than colocalized,
181 et (FRT) sites can be introduced permanently at random locations in the chromosome on a modified Tn5
182 on experiments, RecF protein appears to bind at random locations on dsDNA and exhibits no special aff
183  of cdc42 mutants that produce multiple buds at random locations on the cell surface within one nucle
184 ted crystalline flakes has been demonstrated at random locations only.
185 ilar when integration occurred spontaneously at random locations or at induced double-strand breaks.
186 ectable marker into isolated, circular mtDNA at random locations using an in vitro transposition reac
187  that humans encounter, scenes were surveyed at random locations within 25 indoor and outdoor categor
188                      However, they are found at random locations within the host material and usually
189 icrohabitat characteristics similar to those at random locations, whereas the fifth species, a bellbi
190 ter nodules were superimposed electronically at random locations.
191  dealing with unbalanced data due to missing at random (MAR) measurements.
192 nalyses assessing sensitivity to the missing-at-random (MAR) assumption.
193 riate missing data under general missing-not-at-random mechanisms.
194  factors on estimated HRQOL assuming missing at random missingness, and perform sensitivity analyses
195  sensitivity analyses to examine missing not at random (MNAR) missingness because of illness severity
196 ing a tone pip, presented to human listeners at random moments during our speech/noise stimuli, was s
197     We observed that splicing does not occur at random, neither in terms of the amino acid sequences
198 ion enzymes also enhanced integration events at random non-restriction sites via microhomology-mediat
199 ecause such families are often neither drawn at random nor selected according to well-defined rules,
200 was virtually identical in both speckles and at random nucleoplasmic sites.
201   For the pretest, each fellow was assigned, at random, one pair of articles.
202 d that subgraphs of 3500 nodes chosen either at random or according to physical constraints also repr
203 s stretches of nucleosomes positioned either at random or at distances of (10a + 5)nt.
204 ults of smaller datasets, either constructed at random or from specific taxonomic domains such as arc
205 ostulated tumor suppressor genes rather than at random or neutral loci.
206 hether or not metazoan replication initiates at random or specific but flexible sites is an unsolved
207 t regime where DNA base sequences are chosen at random or with varying degrees of randomness.
208  different numbers of species deleted either at random, or according to their rarity in the assemblag
209 n, whether it is lineage-dependent or occurs at random, or whether it influences the orientation of t
210 e throughput; 930 myoglobin crystals mounted at random orientation inside 32 grids were exposed, demo
211  binds to membranes with weaker affinity and at random orientation, and exhibits approximately 100-fo
212  CMTs initiate from dispersed cortical sites at random orientations, parallel array organization is h
213 ereas the treatment intervention implemented at random outperformed the targeted treatment interventi
214 o its original value, or allowed it to decay at random over time.
215 devoid basal portion; TSA cells were patched at random points.
216 cell position, or if cells are pre-specified at random positions and then sort.
217 s anomalous if the diffusing particles start at random positions but normal if the particles start at
218 commonly driven by single amino acid changes at random positions followed by selection, but, in some
219 tiguous trinucleotide sequences were removed at random positions from the bla gene encoding TEM-1 bet
220  Single trinucleotide sequences were deleted at random positions in a target gene using the engineere
221 cing a deletion of exactly three nucleotides at random positions in a target gene.
222            Cysteine residues were introduced at random positions in targeted regions of a starting al
223 s to generate insertions of five amino acids at random positions in the protein.
224  variants with a DNA-binding domain inserted at random positions throughout murine leukemia virus Gag
225 n, latrunculin caused vesicles to accumulate at random positions throughout the cell.
226          This alternative replication starts at random positions, and occurs before the chromatin is
227 ontrast, isolated neuroblasts 'bud off' GMCs at random positions.
228 ng task with the pitch of each tone selected at random, precluding cross-dimensional associations.
229  only one of the two alleles either selected at random (random monoallelic genes) or in a parent-of-o
230                    Genes were not duplicated at random; rather, genes for cell-cell signaling, small
231     These rings first begin to appear at P15 at random regions of the retina and become ubiquitous th
232 influenza strains, the genomic RNAs reassort at random, resulting in progeny viruses (reassortants) t
233 in addition, can accommodate the missing-not-at-random scenario more flexibly, making it especially s
234 assembled but was unstable and disintegrated at random segments.
235               Synonymous codons are not used at random, significantly influencing the base compositio
236                   When outcomes were missing at random, single and multiple imputations yielded unbia
237 mplex, growing actin filaments form branches at random sites along their sides, rather than preferent
238 forms with ends at defined sites rather than at random sites as expected from broken circles.
239 s) near probable origins of replication, not at random sites as expected from broken circles.
240 gin locus in nuclei isolated late in G1, but at random sites in nuclei isolated early in G1.
241  of the polymer, whereas hydrolysis occurred at random sites in the non-glycosylated polymer.
242      VLP and IN-mediated insertions occurred at random sites in the target.
243 ents are believed to be formed by nucleation at random sites on the DNA followed by filament extensio
244 could be located within flanking nucleosomes at random sites that differ between chromosomes.
245   phi29 DNA was modified in vitro by nicking at random sites with DNase I, or at specific sites with
246  Transforming DNA integrates into the genome at random sites, and multiple strategies exist for mappi
247 as it is rarely a good predictor of genotype at random SNPs in the genome.
248 entified by saturation mutagenesis, combined at random through shuffling.
249 can arise even when range sizes have evolved at random through time.
250 n is at TA dinucleotides located essentially at random throughout the genome, potentially leading to
251 n blinks were simulated with shutter glasses at random time points or actively triggered by observers
252  A computerized autodialer paged respondents at random time points.
253  detection of weak tactile stimuli delivered at random times and formulated a reinforcement learning
254 , near contrast threshold, briefly presented at random times before and during the reaching movement.
255 at an intensity of 80 % of resting threshold at random times between 80 and 380 ms after the cue.
256 te of the motor system by perturbing the arm at random times during decision formation.
257 al limits with the exception of six biopsies at random times that showed a supernormal number of epid
258 by excitatory and inhibitory spikes arriving at random times.
259  criteria for bulimia nervosa were allocated at random to 19 sessions of either CBT or IPT conducted
260                    Rabbit eyes were selected at random to be left unoperated or to undergo epithelial
261     Twenty-nine of 77 patients were selected at random to evaluate the distribution of BALT lymphocyt
262                Thirty piglets were allocated at random to five groups: the lungs were studied 24 hr a
263                          They were allocated at random to four groups: money to households; resources
264 cesses: adding of disaccharide pentapeptides at random to glycan chains and cleavage between the disa
265                   Individuals were allocated at random to receive a pack containing information on on
266 at 120 days' gestation and animals allocated at random to receive intratracheal maternal administrati
267 ntages of home-monitored fields were omitted at random to simulate reduced compliance, and the variab
268                   Twelve ewes were allocated at random to slow freezing (n = 6) or vitrification grou
269 hains and cleavage between the disaccharides at random, together with the assumption that the wall is
270 dynamics in which clones expand and contract at random until they either take over the crypt or they
271 assuming that the H residues are distributed at random) we suggest that the experimental f should lea
272                          By generating games at random, we characterize the learning dynamics under E
273 rd, from an RNAi screen of 1140 genes chosen at random, we identify 49 involved in late muscle differ
274 nd nevirapine levels in plasma samples taken at random were measured in all patients.
275 enomic regions, Minos transposes essentially at random, whereas P or piggyBac elements display distin
276 ign DNA, double-strand breaks are introduced at random wherever two translocating enzymes form a so-c
277               The progam then selects, again at random, which chain to cleave and between which two d
278 at allows for some offspring to be dispersed at random, while others stay close to their mothers.
279                      If the trees are chosen at random with an increasing number of vertices, then, b
280 d with DNA ligase, followed by linearization at random with DNase I, and incorporation of the lineari
281 age, sex, and clinical center were selected, at random with replacement, among patients with no histo
282     Nevertheless, if the channel were primed at random with respect to the stimulus, then bursts woul
283  (viral blips) more than 4 weeks apart occur at random, with a frequency that does not change with lo
284          Individual agents begin to interact at random, with the interactions modeled as games.
285  that draw predetermined numbers of subjects at random within groups stratified by covariates and tre
286 tching criteria, nursing homes were selected at random within three regions of New York State.
287 ewly formed synaptic vesicles are recaptured at random within vesicle clusters.
288 n the first study, probands were ascertained at random without regard to any medical condition (658 e
289                                Choosing SNPs at random would generally not provide adequate disequili

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