コーパス検索結果 (left1)
1 xperiments suggest the intermediacy of Ni(0)-ate complexes, leaving some doubt that a canonical catal
8 actors contributing to stability of a 10-X-2 ate-complex is removal of the formally cationic lithium
9 ructures and energies of a variety of 10-X-2 ate-complexes derived from reaction of alkyllithiums and
10 ations suggest that perfluoro dialkyl 10-X-2 ate-complexes should be experimentally observable specie
12 Among 4,116 children studied, 3,056 (74%) ate breakfast daily, 450 (11%) most days, 372 (9%) some
13 e)-2-[N-(4-methylthiazol-2-yl)carbamoyl]acet ate (YH439)]-treated and suspension cells, suggesting a
21 fin by a mechanism involving formation of an ate complex, 1,2-metalate rearrangement, and beta-elimin
23 e transgenic mice had 50% less adiposity and ate 15% less food but did not have altered energy expend
27 omen were maintained in a metabolic unit and ate a diet of conventional foods containing less than on
28 ded by one-electron oxidation of an anionic "ate" cerium(III)-carbene precursor, thereby avoiding dec
29 ch day in 16.3 distinct bouts, rats with APX ate comparable amounts of food (28.6 g) in much fewer da
31 nism with rapid initial formation of a boron-ate complex followed by slower migration of methyl from
32 DIO rats had briefer postmeal intervals, but ate smaller and briefer meals, resulting in normal intak
34 levels, HFD rats had lower VMH FA levels but ate less from 3 to 6 h of refeeding than did LFD rats.
35 ,7a-dihydro-4H-benzo[1,3]dioxole-3a-carboxyl ate by a Curtin-Hammett mechanism, has also been examine
41 he fast food restaurant, fast food consumers ate Western diets, which might have stronger association
44 y Catholic sisters who lived in one convent, ate from the same kitchen, and were highly comparable fo
48 tantial stability to both diaryl and dialkyl ate-complexes, and the calculations suggest that perfluo
49 able experimental data, indicate that diaryl ate-complexes are more stable than their dialkyl counter
53 ygous transgenic animals fed a high-fat diet ate 10% more and were 12% heavier at 13 weeks of age tha
54 n of diabetes, rats selecting their own diet ate and drank less, weighed more, and had more adipose t
57 mothers often used food to regulate emotions ate more cookies in the absence of hunger than did child
58 ating this reaction is two-fold: it enables "ate" complex formation and overcomes catalytic inhibitio
60 rom partitioning of the enzyme-bound enediol(ate) intermediate between hydron transfer to C-1 and C-2
61 ransfer of a proton to the TIM-bound enediol(ate) intermediate in D(2)O, but it strongly favors catal
62 s a better mimic of the proposed cis-enediol(ate) intermediate than 6-phospho-D-gluconate, which was
63 transfer between C2 and C1 of a cis-enediol(ate) intermediate to yield the open chain form of the pr
67 ate side chain of Glu-165 in the TIM-enediol(ate) complex is not in chemical equilibrium with those o
68 by nonstereospecific ketonization of an enol(ate) species is indicated by the observation that COMC-6
69 C derivative to give a glutathionylated enol(ate), which undergoes nonstereospecific ketonization, ei
71 ase chemistry for the generation of the enol(ate) intermediate of acetyl-coenzyme A, while main-chain
72 lly, we demonstrate that vinyl boronic ester ate complexes, prepared by combining organoboronates and
73 ly, despite their obesity, Kiss1r KO females ate less than WT females; however, Kiss1r KO females dis
78 ts not yet eating table foods, the HCF group ate significantly more savory-, bitter-, and sour-tastin
81 Africa, demonstrates that this early hominid ate not only fruits and leaves but also large quantities
83 ant conditions tend to yield the homoleptic "ate" complex [Fe(mes)3 ](-) (mes=mesityl) rather than ad
85 e of uremic symptoms or chemical imbalances, ate at least three meals daily which were unrestricted i
89 ous reactions of the (c-Hex)(2)B and Ti(IV) "ate" enolates of enantiopure (+)-1a (R = MOM) with (+/-)
91 acting protected iodofulvenes with magnesium ate complexes at low temperatures, followed by addition
93 Percent body fat was assessed after mice ate low-energy diet and again after the same mice ate hi
96 We found that male GAL(-/-)/NPY(-/-) mice ate significantly more and were much heavier (30%) than
98 cleaved to form the trimetallic, monouranyl "ate" complexes [(py)3LiOUO(mu-X)Ln(py)(L)] by the additi
99 ed significantly from baseline after mothers ate soy: in maternal urine (x +/- SEM) from 18.4 +/- 13.
103 bladder cancer compared with those who never ate bacon (multivariate RR = 1.59; 95% CI = 1.06, 2.37),
105 86; p(trend) < 0.001) than did men who never ate or who ate less than 1 unit per month (rare consumpt
107 state framework constructed from diphosph(on)ate ligands, a widespread investigation on the preparati
108 subsequently was converted to the phosph(on)ate and an aryl vinyl ketone by a beta-elimination react
110 crystal structures and provide Mn-phosph(on)ate bonding information not available from these studies
111 n (adjusted OR, 0.39; 95% CI: 0.16, 0.94) or ate liver (adjusted OR, 0.26; 95% CI: 0.12, 0.57) were l
112 mpared with those who never consumed fish or ate fish less than once per month, individuals with a hi
115 ng a standardized diet for 3 d, participants ate ad libitum from a computer-operated vending machine
118 mation was provided, restrained participants ate more of the fat-free chips than the regular chips; h
122 versible formation of a pentavalent peroxide ate complex, prior to rate-limiting aryl migration, has
125 d by EEG), a constant semirecumbent posture, ate regular small meals, had constant interaction with e
126 y of vegetables, but not those fed potatoes, ate significantly more of the carrots after the exposure
127 en used food for emotion regulation purposes ate more chocolate in the experimental condition than in
129 k of preterm birth than did women who rarely ate fish (</= 1 time/wk); the adjusted RR of fish intake
137 ached nadirs by 30-40 min, and the same rats ate 60% faster and spent 84% more time eating during the
138 5% in the high-fat diet and because the rats ate less of the high-fat diet, we also compared the high
139 4v, alloxan injection, alloxan-treated rats ate only 30% and their blood glucose area under the curv
145 phosphide produces the mononuclear scandium ate complex [(PNP)Sc(mu(2)-P[DMP])(mu(2)-Br)Li] (3) (DMP
151 On average, lactating women in our study ate two-thirds of the recommended intake for choline (Ad
157 scheduling a recurring 28-h "day." Subjects ate 4 isocaloric meals each 28-h "day." For 8 days, plas
159 Thirty minutes after oral preloads, subjects ate and drank ad libitum, and amounts ingested and the t
161 10-day laboratory protocol, wherein subjects ate and slept at all phases of the circadian cycle-achie
164 protein (HiPro) compared with controls that ate 20% protein for 3 wk had higher urine excretion of e
165 bjects were randomly assigned to groups that ate specific diets for 4 weeks-a diet low in FODMAPs (n
167 FGF21 expression were observed in mice that ate a ketogenic diet and when fasting, which suggests th
168 er on a treadmill than did control rats that ate an isocaloric diet that was supplemented with either
172 e neutral complex [(WCA-NHC)Rh(CO)2] and the ate complex (NEt4)[(WCA-NHC)Rh(CO)2Cl] were prepared, wi
173 onformational complexity, especially for the ate complexes, and of the nature of the microscopic mode
174 nterconversion between the conformers of the ate complex and subsequent migration control the outcome
175 indered substituent, the conformation of the ate complex is the dominant factor whereas, in the case
176 ly cationic lithium from the vicinity of the ate-anion via coordination with a Lewis basic solvent.
179 y boat to the dive site, dove twice and then ate lunch at 12:30 on the diving boat (no nattou at lunc
185 ved that they would be more credible if they ate a healthy diet, were not Asian or white, or intended
186 their activity levels, everything that they ate or drank, and the environmental and psychological fa
188 st consumers did more MVPA on days when they ate breakfast [exponentiated beta coefficients (95% CIs)
189 e information about both where and when they ate throughout the day, evidence that this species has t
190 ulum, striatum and midbrain] or whether they ate chocolate despite being satiated (parahippocampal gy
191 bserved in the 20 min interval in which they ate the 8.1 kcal meal and remained for an additional 60
192 c anti-TB agents, in that the cysteine thiol(ate) or a hydride source at the active site of DprE1 may
193 he additional cysteine contains a free thiol(ate); it perturbs neither the overall structure of the p
196 re, that neither TruB nor RluA require thiol(ate) groups to effect catalysis, excluding their partici
197 of thymidylate synthase, in which the thiol(ate) group of a cysteine side chain serves as the nucleo
198 than adducts of the diamine, and it is this ate complex that accounts for the catalytic activity.
199 ,4,7,10-tetraazacycloDOdecane-4,7,10-triAcet ate) and GdNP-DO3AM (1-methlyene(p-NitroPhenol)-1,4,7,10
200 arbonylamino)-3'-deoxyadenosine-5'-triphosph ate (deac-aminoATP), to study the ATP hydrolysis mechani
205 increased in 10 of 16 volunteers (62.5%) who ate three doses of potatoes; in 9 of 17 volunteers (52.9
206 potatoes; in 9 of 17 volunteers (52.9%) who ate two doses of transgenic potatoes; and in none of the
208 3-5 y were more likely to have children who ate more under conditions of negative emotion at ages 5-
209 ts of the consumption of foods; children who ate the foods more often expected them to deliver greate
213 Compared with men who ate 3 times/d, men who ate 1-2 times/d had a higher risk of T2D (RR: 1.25; 95%
216 ) < 0.001) than did men who never ate or who ate less than 1 unit per month (rare consumption) (1 uni
217 The relative risks for participants who ate eight or more servings of spinach per month compared
219 zard ratios for death among participants who ate nuts, as compared with those who did not, were 0.93
224 asional meat eaters, 34% lower in people who ate fish but not meat, 34% lower in lactoovovegetarians,
225 ausea, or vomiting occurring in a person who ate at the restaurant between December 20, 1998, and Jan
232 Typhimurium was isolated from 79 persons who ate fresh Mexican-style cheese from street vendors and f
235 r, most of the questionnaire respondents who ate untreated meals knew how to prevent Anisakis infecti
236 [relative risk (RR) = 2.31 for subjects who ate beef > or =3 times/wk compared with vegetarians], si
238 sexes (RR approximately 0.5 for subjects who ate nuts > or =5 times/wk compared with those who ate nu
241 did not eat breakfast relative to those who ate breakfast daily were adjusted for adiposity, the dif
242 f depression during follow-up than those who ate fish <2 times/week (adjusted relative risk = 0.75, 9
243 roke was significantly lower among those who ate fish 1 to 3 times per month (RR, 0.57; 95% confidenc
244 least once per month compared with those who ate fish less than once per month was 0.56 (95% CI, 0.38
245 r of household members (defined as those who ate from the same pot and slept in the same structure th
246 s concentrations were higher among those who ate infant rice cereal (9.53 microg/L) or rice snacks (4
247 men who did not eat late at night, those who ate late at night had a 55% higher CHD risk (relative ri
249 uts > or =5 times/wk compared with those who ate nuts <1 time/wk), and reduced risk of IHD in subject
254 the RRs were 1.09 (0.84, 1.41) for women who ate 1-2 times/d, 1.13 (1.00, 1.27) for women who ate 4-5
255 ls were almost 4-fold higher among women who ate 3 or more servings of fish in the past 30 days compa
258 1-2 times/d, 1.13 (1.00, 1.27) for women who ate 4-5 times/d, and 0.99 (0.81, 1.21) for women who ate
261 ombotic infarction was found among women who ate fish 2 or more times per week (multivariate RR, 0.49
265 in the past 30 days compared with women who ate no fish in that period (1.94 microg/L vs 0.51 microg
267 ight youth, but not nonoverweight youth, who ate with an overweight partner (friend or unfamiliar pee
270 were smaller than wild-type littermates, yet ate significantly more and had greater stool frequency,
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