コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 risk of joint damage during participation in athletics.
2 ts adolescents involved in overhead throwing athletics.
3 n and adolescents participating in organized athletics.
4 nistered before participation in high school athletics.
5 n information source, improved perception of athletic abilities and strength-training self-efficacy,
6 al talent selection techniques in predicting athletic ability, and careful consideration should be gi
10 d participation by the general population in athletic activities leads to increased trauma to bones,
11 dings in obese children, children engaged in athletic activities, children with renal disease, childr
14 recognized as a cause of sudden death during athletic activity because of its association with ventri
23 erence for disqualification from competitive athletics are now a standard for management decisions wh
25 death were identified in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletes from 2004 to 2008 b
26 the incidence of SCD in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) student-athletes and assess
27 in studies of Division 1 National Collegiate Athletic Association and Italian athletes (ages 18 to 25
28 rom data provided by the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the National Federation of Stat
32 bservational study of 29 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I football players include
33 n varsity athletics at a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I university between 1999
36 nd Outcomes Network; and National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance Program, respec
38 ll male athletes who participated in varsity athletics at a National Collegiate Athletic Association
39 hallenging because little is known regarding athletic cardiac remodeling in these athletes or athlete
40 athletes of all ages, and serve the greater athletic community and our nation as a whole, by allowin
42 e stimulant drugs whose use is prohibited in athletic competition by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WA
44 er a training session (78 cases) or a formal athletic contest (43 cases), with 80 deaths (63%) occurr
45 cess was obtained from the team physician or athletic director; preparticipation screening forms were
50 every 10 000 athletic exposures, in which an athletic exposure is defined as one athlete participatin
52 ately 2.5 concussions occur for every 10 000 athletic exposures, in which an athletic exposure is def
53 , the recognized cardiovascular risks of the athletic field are now extended to include cardiac arres
54 Furthermore, participation in competitive athletics for athletes with life-threatening arrhythmias
56 As our society's interest in competitive athletics has grown, so has the participation of our you
58 ere [stages III and IV]); informant-reported athletic history and, for players who died in 2014 or la
63 osis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in young athletic men should, therefore, not be made purely on th
64 quirements between middle-aged sedentary and athletic men, suggesting that energy requirements of hea
65 ow VO2max is set and concludes that the more athletic one is, the more VO2max is sensitive to O2 tran
67 Revised management recommendations regarding athletic participation after acute myocarditis have heig
75 ephedra or ephedrine used for weight loss or athletic performance and case reports of adverse events
78 ls, iron deficiency often not only decreases athletic performance but also impairs immune function an
79 to increase limb range of movement prior to athletic performance but it is unclear which component o
82 afest and most effective agents in enhancing athletic performance in this group are creatine, branche
83 on the association of genetic variation with athletic performance in young athletes is available; how
87 growth hormone is reportedly used to enhance athletic performance, although its safety and efficacy f
88 genes are consistently associated with elite athletic performance, and none are linked strongly enoug
89 vers a number of the agents known to enhance athletic performance, and their possible role in preserv
91 ld stimulates adaptations towards maximising athletic performance, but is unlikely to have further be
92 metimes are used for weight loss or enhanced athletic performance, but the efficacy and safety of the
93 s the decades-long, controlled diminution in athletic performance, should not be seen as a disease pr
94 with at least 8 weeks of follow-up; and for athletic performance, those having no minimum follow-up.
95 e the existing literature on the genetics of athletic performance, with particular consideration for
103 y of ephedra and ephedrine on weight loss or athletic performance; disagreements were resolved by con
104 training environment, is important for elite athletic performance; however, few genes are consistentl
105 The sexual differences in longevity and athletic performances are attributed to the tradeoff bet
108 n suggested, although not studied in a large athletic population comparing black and white athletes.
112 deficiency anemia is likely to be higher in athletic populations and groups, especially in younger f
114 Such studies could include clinical and athletic populations to integrate nutritional and exerci
116 hysiologists wishing to provide a measure of athletic potential or to characterize subjects in exerci
119 epicts patterns of findings in patients with athletic pubalgia, including rectus abdominis insertiona
122 nificantly lower percentage body fat, higher athletic scores, higher fruit intake, lower total serum
123 mass index, higher estimated VO2max, higher athletic scores, lower ratios of total serum cholesterol
127 , a third study examining the positive Black-athletic stereotypical association fails to demonstrate
130 ide range of patients: from the sedentary to athletic, the toddler to the pre-teen.The osteochondrose
131 wever, with growing female representation in athletics, the sport community has become increasingly a
132 are providers, and others involved in female athletics to allow early identification and intervention
134 moved from participation and evaluated by an athletic trainer or physician prior to returning to part
141 tionally, multidisciplinary teams comprising athletic trainers, physical therapists, primary care spo
142 e geared toward athletes as well as coaches, athletic trainers, school nurses, primary care providers
143 ience sample of 12 NFL teams at professional athletic training facilities between April and July 2007
144 iac remodeling occurs in response to regular athletic training, and the degree of remodeling is assoc
148 Youth Football Surveillance System; National Athletic Treatment, Injury and Outcomes Network; and Nat
153 Gaining the benefits of participation in athletics while minimizing the risk of osteoarthritis re
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