


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 etermined to be 10(3) focus-forming units of attenuated virus.
2 r the phenotype of virulence to an otherwise attenuated virus.
3 on in enhancing the safety profile of a live-attenuated virus.
4  the extent of the mutations present in this attenuated virus.
5 n through either inactivated virions or live attenuated virus.
6 specific immunity rather than infection with attenuated virus.
7 ible for affecting the immune response to an attenuated virus.
8  a means to produce replication-defective or attenuated viruses.
9 for dengue vaccine development based on live-attenuated viruses.
10 , more cells are initially infected with the attenuated viruses.
11 ment of vaccination strategies based on live-attenuated viruses.
12 ion of all mutations in the entire genome of attenuated viruses.
13 vian influenza viruses and produce partially attenuated viruses.
14 inent neurotropism associated with all three attenuated viruses.
15 fection is best achieved by vaccination with attenuated viruses.
16 eplication defective, possibly behaving like attenuated viruses.
17 were vaccinated with a novel avirulent, live attenuated virus (0DeltaNLS) or an adjuvanted glycoprote
18 s derived from a virulent virus and from two attenuated viruses adapted to growth in African green mo
19 n from disease following challenge than live attenuated virus alone.
20 nvestigations into interactions between live attenuated viruses and naturally colonizing bacterial pa
21                                         Live attenuated viruses are attractive vaccine candidates bec
22 velopment of divalent vaccines based on live attenuated viruses are discussed.
23                               Although these attenuated viruses are nonpathogenic in nonhuman primate
24 ant and the X-defective mutants, possibly as attenuated viruses, are not completely replication defec
25 letely preventable by i.n. vaccination of an attenuated virus at a low dose and low volume.
26 g influenza virus as a model, we produced an attenuated virus carrying a mammalian-specific miR-93 ex
27                                          The attenuated viruses completely protected mice against cha
28                 Following boosting with live attenuated virus, control of Deltanef replication was su
29 cent data suggest that loss-of-function live-attenuated virus could be a safe lentivirus vaccine.
30         Because replication competent (live) attenuated viruses could over time revert to virulence,
31 virulence study indicated that some of these attenuated viruses could still cause significant levels
32            Infection of swine with the fully attenuated virus did not confer protection against chall
33 om an attenuated strain, L proteins from two attenuated viruses directed the production of up to eigh
34 ) T cell responses elicited by a dengue live attenuated virus (DLAV) vaccine resemble those observed
35 e applied the previously described synthetic attenuated virus engineering (SAVE) approach to influenz
36       Increased activity of polymerases from attenuated viruses equally affected mRNA transcription a
37 y affect viral replication in vitro, and the attenuated viruses established infection in the brain an
38   In addition, topical immunization with the attenuated virus expressing GM-CSF induced a greater num
39 ompared to parental A/WSN/33 virus and to an attenuated virus expressing the HA and NA genes from A/N
40 pproach is a successful strategy to generate attenuated viruses for future application as vaccines.
41   A primary strategy has been to derive live attenuated viruses for use in intranasally administered
42 studies of NSs and potentially the design of attenuated viruses for vaccination studies.IMPORTANCE SF
43 ocesses can be separated to design effective attenuated viruses for vaccine candidates.
44 tions (T242N), suggesting the acquisition of attenuated viruses from B57(+) donors.
45                         However, this highly attenuated virus generated antibody and T-cell responses
46 e the numbers of passages required to obtain attenuated viruses, genetic modifications introduced int
47                              These mammalian-attenuated viruses grow to high titers in insect cells b
48 Mutations introduced into these two residues attenuated virus growth and improved the innate and adap
49 tivity, affected lipid raft association, and attenuated virus growth.
50                                  The initial attenuated virus had a tyrosine-to-phenylalanine mutatio
51 w that the subject infected with the NS1-T64 attenuated virus has diminished responses to interferon
52 odeficiency virus (SIV)/macaque system, live attenuated viruses have been shown to provide the best p
53                                        These attenuated viruses have both copies of gamma(1)34.5 dele
54                    Analyses such as these of attenuated viruses improve our understanding of the mole
55  mutations in this TR backbone results in an attenuated virus in vitro and in vivo.
56 ce thresholds using mixtures of virulent and attenuated viruses in a transgenic mouse model of poliov
57                                              Attenuated viruses induced minimal lung injury, diminish
58 unctional CCR5 HIV-1 coreceptor, or a low or attenuated virus inoculum.
59 lt, we show that in tumors infected with the attenuated virus, ionizing radiation increases 13.6-fold
60 a master donor strain to generate other live attenuated viruses is also demonstrated.
61      Cell culture studies have shown that an attenuated virus lacking the viral gamma(1)34.5 genes un
62 to FIMV were compared with responses to live attenuated virus (LAV) and hemagglutinin (H-DNA) vaccine
63                                         Live attenuated viruses (LAVs)-those created by passaging a v
64        Our findings support the concept that attenuated viruses may be the best vaccine option for pr
65                     Whereas these rationally attenuated viruses may lead to a new generation of safer
66 is suggests that in mixed viral populations, attenuated viruses may limit the pathogenesis of virulen
67 y, neither T-bet(-/-) mice immunized with an attenuated virus, nor WT mice with Th2 RABV-specific imm
68                                              Attenuated viruses offer a unique cancer treatment by sp
69  itself is comprised of a heterogeneous live attenuated virus population and thus requires deep-seque
70        Intranasal infection of mice with the attenuated viruses primed long-lived T- and B-cell respo
71 igible impact on JFH1 genome replication but attenuated virus production.
72 trate that addition of a DNA prime to a live attenuated virus provided better protection from disease
73 coding sequences of gag derived from a tumor-attenuated virus replaced by those of highly tumorigenic
74 ancer cells is based on the observation that attenuated viruses replicate better in tumor cells than
75 rrangement of spliced segments and that such attenuated viruses represent an excellent option as safe
76                                        Fully attenuated viruses required at least two genome segments
77                Nasal vaccination with a live attenuated virus results in sustained upregulation of CK
78 uencing and microarrays can therefore detect attenuated virus sequence changes, minority variants, an
79                We recently described a novel attenuated virus, SIVmac-M4, containing multiple mutatio
80 ted rhesus macaques vaccinated with the live attenuated virus SIVmac239Delta3 of CD8+ lymphocytes and
81 A clone with the aim of creating potentially attenuated virus stocks.
82 wever, it remains a challenge to identify an attenuated virus strain that has an optimal balance betw
83  the length of time postvaccination with the attenuated virus strain, suggesting a necessary maturati
84 t of the mutations resulted in significantly attenuated virus that contained greatly decreased levels
85 virus (TMEV) results in the production of an attenuated virus that grows in baby hamster kidney (BHK)
86  residue from lysine to arginine produces an attenuated virus that is genetically stable and elicits
87 me-encoded PKR inhibitor results in a highly attenuated virus that is immunogenic and protective as a
88                  Current vaccines use a live attenuated virus that is usually safe but cannot be give
89 e a rational approach for engineering stably attenuated viruses that can serve as safe and effective
90      These attempts led to the production of attenuated viruses that conferred only homologous protec
91 ad to the production of genetically modified attenuated viruses that induce protection in pigs but on
92 odels of CoV infection, including the use of attenuated viruses that lack the CoV E protein or expres
93 irus can be made more robust than the highly attenuated viruses used in clinical trials.
94 ns or following primary DENV serotype 1 live attenuated virus vaccination to determine the antigenic
95 accinate young infants with the current live attenuated virus vaccine (LAV).
96      This finding argues strongly against an attenuated virus vaccine as a solution to the AIDS epide
97 N4), has been identified as a promising live attenuated virus vaccine candidate against disease cause
98 between DENV serotypes in a tetravalent live-attenuated virus vaccine candidate, we analyzed data fro
99 wash specimens of subjects who received live attenuated virus vaccine than in those who received intr
100  and to incorporate the properties of a live attenuated virus vaccine without the inherent safety iss
101 the development and use of an excellent live attenuated virus vaccine, over one million infants and c
102 ulated with a live influenza virus or a live attenuated virus vaccine, prior to challenge, were prote
103 t prove to be useful for inclusion in a live attenuated virus vaccine.
104 ern technology to analyze residual BSA in an attenuated virus vaccine.
105            Several subunit vaccines and live attenuated virus vaccines are immunogenic and safe in ch
106 ndings provide a pathway for developing live attenuated virus vaccines based on engineering the polym
107  established by immunization with these live attenuated virus vaccines during the first year, despite
108 geting key inflammatory pathways, as well as attenuated virus vaccines, have shown some success in an
109  in animal models or in volunteers receiving attenuated virus vaccines, thereby reducing the efficien
110 plication in vivo and to test LTR mutants as attenuated virus vaccines.
111 e useful, for example, in the development of attenuated virus vaccines.
112 been advocated as a method to generate safe, attenuated virus vaccines.
113 Sequence comparison of tumorigenic and tumor-attenuated virus variants has linked the ability of viru
114 vaccines described above in combination with attenuated virus vectors that express Env.
115 complementation of replication-defective and attenuated viruses via HR with the helper gene provided
116 nts, the wild-type-related VSV-G/GFP and two attenuated viruses, VSV-CT1 and VSV-CT9-M51, were compar
117                      Vaccination with a live attenuated virus was found to be more efficacious than v
118                            We found that the attenuated virus was virulent in immunodeficient mice du
119                         To generate a highly attenuated virus, we added two reporter genes to the 3'
120 rase subunit, two temperature-sensitive (ts) attenuated viruses were obtained.
121       We therefore sought to construct novel attenuated viruses with less potential for reversion thr
122   The dSIVs retain characteristics of a live attenuated virus without the drawbacks of potential viru
123 s approach might help to generate human live attenuated viruses without affecting their yield in eggs

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