


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 etection for these peptides was less than 50 attomole.
2 ponding to an analyte consumption of several attomoles.
3 the limit of detection down to 1.5 nM, or 75 attomoles.
4 nthesized tetra-telomere repeat was about 10 attomoles.
5 sides, and as low as 23.01 femtograms, 64.09 attomoles.
6  with a detection limit of approximately 100 attomoles.
7 erotonin [5-HT]) LODs being approximately 20 attomoles.
8                                              Attomole (10(-18)mol) levels of RNA and DNA isolated fro
9        Using this approach, as little as 500 attomoles (10 pM) could be detected with single nucleoti
10 eved an on-capillary mass sensitivity of 1.6 attomoles (10(-18) mol), with an excellent signal-to-noi
11     Three peptides in a mixture totaling 500 attomoles (amol) each in water (10 microL, 50 amol/micro
12 nanomolar range has been achieved with a low-attomole amount of sample consumed per spectrum.
13 f the routine quantification of femtomole to attomole amounts of known proteins by immunoblotting.
14  chemicals of interest in pico-, femto-, and attomole amounts or less.
15 ening the way for preparative separations at attomole analyte mass levels.
16  the compounds investigated, very between 85 attomoles and 25 femtomoles, and typical acquisition tim
17 at resulted in detection that was sensitive (attomole) and rapid.
18     The low baseline noise affords low mass (attomoles) and low concentration (nanomolar) detection l
19 M) with a limit of detection of less than 10 attomoles ( approximately 4 fM).
20 in the superoxide production rate by 9 +/- 3 attomoles/cell/s.
21   Despite achieving a detection limit at 250 attomoles (corresponding to <0.00002 methylated cytosine
22 ire no ion-pairing agent, combine to achieve attomole detection limit.
23 ve a resolving power of 20 and is capable of attomole detection limits of a model peptide (angiotensi
24 ass spectrometry technique is introduced for attomole detection of primary amines (including several
25                             The results show attomole detection sensitivity and single-mutation speci
26 nder 100 s exemplify the good resolution and attomole detection sensitivity of these devices.
27                                              Attomole detection sensitivity was achieved for PSS.
28 ine detection limits on the order of several attomoles for a panel of model peptides.
29 low femtomole sensitivity has been achieved (attomoles for selected-ion monitoring), while low nanogr
30  IgG) with a limit of detection (LOD) of 2.0 attomoles for the target protein (equivalent to 2.0 pg/m
31 d a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.12 pM (3.0 attomoles) for the synthetic target and showed ability t
32 of approximately 100 ng, allows detection of attomole level (10(-18) mol) AP sites, or 1 AP site/2 x
33        The detection sensitivity is high, at attomole level (10-18 mole).
34    The detection sensitivity can reach up to attomole level (5 x 10(-18)mole).
35 rs, the luciferases could be detected at the attomole level and seven orders of magnitude higher.
36 hat the luciferases could be detected at the attomole level and six orders of magnitude higher.
37                      Sensitivity down to the attomole level has been achieved on the nanowire surface
38                                   Femto- and attomole level limits of detection are nowadays common,
39 sequence of glutathione S-transferase at the attomole level with zeptomole precision using a tracer o
40 g us to achieve detection sensitivity at the attomole level, determine the hydrodynamic radii of biom
41                The developed method achieved attomole-level sensitivity (limit of detection was 10 fg
42 Is are capable of detecting proteins down to attomole levels and as few as 10(6) virus particles.
43  ionization efficiencies, were detectable at attomole levels for most amino acids.
44 eparated from each other and detected at low-attomole levels in one run and minimal sample preparatio
45                                              Attomole levels of 3-nitrotyrosine can be reproducibly m
46 facilitates isotopic tracer studies in which attomole levels of 3H can be measured in milligram-sized
47  show that the method works at femtomole and attomole levels of analyte, and induces little or no fra
48 orms of the assay have been used to quantify attomole levels of aP2 and 36B4 mRNAs in differentiating
49 I GC/MS, we were able to detect and quantify attomole levels of free 3-chlorotyrosine, 3-bromotyrosin
50  provides the capability to detect and image attomole levels of NPs with almost no interferences from
51                               AMS quantifies attomole levels of several isotopes, including (14)C.
52 the detection of specific DNA targets at sub-attomole levels within complex mixtures.
53 o-noise ratio and reliable detection down to attomole levels, allowing for the development of highly
54 ction of nucleic acid targets present at sub-attomole levels.
55 on sites is sufficient to detect them at low attomole levels.
56 hy with mass spectrometry (cLC-MS) can yield attomole limits of detection (LOD); however, low recover
57  214 nm, equivalent to 20 pg of protein (330 attomole) loaded in the autosampler vial.
58 icantly, from 0.75 +/- 0.35 to 0.55 +/- 0.18 attomoles/microL in the control and TPN groups, respecti
59 ntrol (enterally fed) group to 0.44 +/- 0.11 attomoles/microL in the TPN group (P <.05).
60 mass spectrometers, the technique quantifies attomoles of (14)C in submicrogram samples.
61  redox titrations that detected as few as 30 attomoles of adsorbed ROS.
62       A transistor response to a few hundred attomoles of bound pyridine can be readily detected.
63 esolved fluorescence is sufficient to detect attomoles of europium, allowing assays in 96-well plates
64  electrokinetic injection, approximately 200 attomoles of fluorescein-labeled DNA is required.
65              We show that Glyco-seek detects attomoles of glycoproteins of interest from cell lysates
66               We show sensitive detection in attomoles of HPV DNA, selective discrimination between H
67 timal total fluorescence yield occurred at 6 attomoles of IR-786 per platelet.
68                     This assay consumes only attomoles of molecular probes and is able to quantitativ
69 liters, the possibility of SNP analysis with attomoles of reagents opens up a route to very rapid and
70 x 10(11) strands per square centimeter, or 6 attomoles of surface-bound oligonucleotides.
71 m an internal pool containing zeptomoles (<1 attomole) of predominantly inactive random sequences.
72 e were able to routinely detect 5 pg/mL (4.6 attomoles) of HIV-1 p24 antigen at a signal-to-blank rat
73 simultaneous detection and quantification of attomoles or a few femtomoles of two (or potentially mor
74 te quantitation of gene-specific DNA damage (attomoles or molecules of damaged DNA sequences) was ach
75  release rate was calculated to be 1.9+/-1.2 attomoles per cell per hour.
76 t toxin levels lower than 1 mouse LD50 or 55 attomoles per milliliter (55 amol/mL) could be quantifie
77 s were identified from low femtomole or even attomole quantities of analyte/spectrum using peptide ma
78  to 1 x 10(-4) M allowing femtomole and even attomole quantities of material to be dispensed into eac
79 S) has been utilized to detect femtomole and attomole quantities of organic species from within silic
80 ations by intelligent fraction collection of attomole quantities of sample.
81 number of the extended products generated by attomole quantities of telomerase, without separation or
82 ime allowing a level of detection in the low attomole range (10(-18)).
83 pL and provides detection sensitivity in the attomole range when coupled to an orthogonal time-of-fli
84 nalytes and affords a detection limit in the attomole range, which is 10(2)-10(5) more sensitive than
85 ity-selected peptide ions are in the tens of attomole range.
86 imits for oligonucleotide targets in the low-attomole range.
87 eproducibility, with detection limits in the attomole range.
88 n for digested pure standards was in the low attomole range/injection (~10 attomoles), which correspo
89 n a strand-specific manner and requires only attomole RNA quantities.
90 ophoresis (CE) and used to perform efficient attomole-scale Sanger DNA sequencing separations.
91  these amplicons are competent for achieving attomole-scale Sanger sequencing from a single bead and
92  that were formed, it was possible to obtain attomole sensitivity for pentafluorobenzyl derivatives o
93                     DMS/SHAPE-LMPCR achieves attomole sensitivity, a 100,000-fold improvement over co
94 ne-containing particles were determined with attomole sensitivity.
95                        Low detection levels (attomole to sub-attomole) were achieved when the column
96 imits of detection (LODs) range from the low attomole to the femtomole range, with 5-hydroxytryptamin
97  limit of detection values ranged from 63.75 attomoles to 1.21 femtomoles.
98          Sensitivity levels of a few hundred attomoles were achieved with MeOH; those levels could no
99        Low detection levels (attomole to sub-attomole) were achieved when the column was coupled on-l
100 was in the low attomole range/injection (~10 attomoles), which corresponded to a concentration of 1.7

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