


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rmal cerebellar, sensory, cranial nerve, and autonomic function.
2 ntral neurotransmitter, modulating brainstem autonomic function.
3 pate in the regulation of cardiovascular and autonomic function.
4 lerated atherosclerosis, and altered cardiac autonomic function.
5 nd inhibition of CeM, resulting in modulated autonomic function.
6 nd receptors mediating central E2 actions on autonomic function.
7 te for the integration of neuroendocrine and autonomic function.
8 hose with suppressed uric acid had decreased autonomic function.
9 e used to monitor the restoration of cardiac autonomic function.
10 improve cardiorespiratory reflex measures of autonomic function.
11 uggested to be involved in the regulation of autonomic function.
12 eptor variants contributing to regulation of autonomic function.
13 ds to brain regions regulating digestion and autonomic function.
14 was observed in brainstem nuclei controlling autonomic function.
15 tory neurons, whose wiring may help modulate autonomic function.
16 rom internal organs are essential for normal autonomic function.
17 n the parasympathetic control of cardiac and autonomic function.
18 ment, cortical regions that modulate cardiac autonomic function.
19 redicted several disturbances in cardiac and autonomic function.
20 rs as well as controlling neuroendocrine and autonomic function.
21 o regulate thirst, vasopressin secretion and autonomic function.
22 uence behavior as well as neuroendocrine and autonomic function.
23 ssential for motor control, stable mood, and autonomic function.
24 otential link between nutritional status and autonomic function.
25                        Acupuncture regulates autonomic function.
26 including food intake, reward behaviors, and autonomic function.
27 stibulospinal reflexes or mediate changes in autonomic function.
28 ctor and those involved in the regulation of autonomic function.
29 disease through favorable changes in cardiac autonomic function.
30 ypoglycemia leads to impaired cardiovascular autonomic function.
31 ction and perhaps a role for the striatum in autonomic function.
32 e crucial for the control of food intake and autonomic function.
33 nesis, ingestive behavior, reproduction, and autonomic function.
34  several nuclei implicated in the control of autonomic functions.
35 paired circadian regulation of endocrine and autonomic functions.
36 the hypothalamus (AVPV) mediate a variety of autonomic functions.
37 on of the sleep/wake cycle, food intake, and autonomic functions.
38 one (CRH) in the regulation of endocrine and autonomic functions.
39 mus (LH) regulates metabolic, behavioral and autonomic functions.
40 eptor (alpha2A-AR) agonists modulate diverse autonomic functions.
41 apped in the hypothalamus in areas that have autonomic functions.
42 n of responses to emotional stress and other autonomic functions.
43 st that PACAP may participate in sensory and autonomic functions.
44   The pons controls crucial sensorimotor and autonomic functions.
45 r activates stress system neuroendocrine and autonomic functions.
46  critical neurotransmitter in the control of autonomic functions.
47  analgesia, feeding behavior, and a range of autonomic functions.
48 e location of vestibular neurons involved in autonomic functions.
49 genic forms of PD, comorbidities that affect autonomic function, a coexisting neuropathologic diagnos
50 r heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of autonomic function and a predictor of death.
51                      After standard tests of autonomic function and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) meas
52  of catestatin, Gly364Ser, that alters human autonomic function and blood pressure.
53 t from abnormalities in brainstem control of autonomic function and breathing during a critical devel
54 e an independent association between cardiac autonomic function and CFR.
55 exposure is also related to impaired cardiac autonomic function and changes in heart rate variability
56            We suggest that a reduced cardiac autonomic function and damage to the adrenergic receptor
57  number of structures with probable roles in autonomic function and direct connections to some of the
58 t rate variability (HRV) provides indices of autonomic function and electrophysiology that are associ
59 omplex interaction between eating behaviour, autonomic function and energy homeostasis.
60 thing and apnoea, conceived to perturb their autonomic function and identify changes, if any, provoke
61         Diabetes is associated with abnormal autonomic function and increased mortality.
62 or role in the regulation of many aspects of autonomic function and of certain cognitive processes.
63               We examined changes in cardiac autonomic function and repolarization during sustained e
64 , affected individuals have abnormalities in autonomic function and respiratory control that may cont
65  found that lights triggered more changes in autonomic functions and negative emotions during, rather
66 lated to medullary ventilatory command), (3) autonomic function, and (4) compound muscle action poten
67 nsustained ventricular tachycardia, tests of autonomic function, and cardiac MRI demonstrate predicti
68 e "gut-brain axis" to alter neural circuits, autonomic function, and higher-order brain function and
69 on, advances in imaging, measures of cardiac autonomic function, and measures of repolarization have
70  stem nuclei and regulates feeding behavior, autonomic function, and neuroendocrine function.
71 cluding those that regulate antinociception, autonomic function, and reward.
72 Baseline hemodynamic parameters (telemetry), autonomic function, and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivi
73              Vibration-perception threshold, autonomic function, and the neuropathy symptom and defic
74 ogical systems, including stress reactivity, autonomic functioning, and sleep patterns, and supports
75 o investigate whether differences in cardiac autonomic function as indexed by resting heart rate and
76 icate that the modulation of nociceptive and autonomic function as well as stress and arousal respons
77 e hypothesized that statins exert effects on autonomic function, as assessed by plasma norepinephrine
78 ific brain regions involved in emotional and autonomic function, as monitored by a reduction of Creb
79     Disruptions of arousal, mood, sleep, and autonomic function before the first motor signs of PD im
80 nt of the brainstem and has pivotal roles in autonomic functions, behavior, and cognition, most notab
81  Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Scale), and autonomic function (blood pressure, laxative use).
82  Prefrontal cortices have been implicated in autonomic function, but their role in this activity is n
83 ent in PH rats normalized the cardiovascular autonomic function, demonstrated by an increase in paras
84 n the sinus node, ventricular efficiency, or autonomic function deserve further investigation.
85               However, whether modulation of autonomic function determines the relative strength of t
86                 Hence, central processing of autonomic function does not simply involve a monolithic
87 ese actions may also underlie alterations in autonomic function during pregnancy.
88 different scenes prior to a stressor altered autonomic function during the recovery from the stressor
89             The secondary aim was to examine autonomic function during viewing of the two scenes.
90 dian arrhythmias impair mentation, immunity, autonomic function, endocrine activity, hormonal signali
91                       Improvement in cardiac autonomic function follows both kidney and kidney-pancre
92 signalling in the central nervous control of autonomic function has been addressed.
93 ty of sensitive and reproducible measures of autonomic function has improved physicians' ability to d
94 aging and the measurement of parasympathetic autonomic function (heart rate variability) in 19 patien
95 ipant was measured 6 times for biomarkers of autonomic function (heart rate, systolic and diastolic b
96 s of physiological studies of cardiovascular autonomic function in 35 PSP and 20 MSA subjects, and 26
97 zed that SIM exerts its beneficial effect on autonomic function in CHF by downregulating central angi
98 se data strongly suggest that SIM normalizes autonomic function in CHF by inhibiting central Ang II m
99               We have quantified sensory and autonomic function in early diabetic polyneuropathy and
100 vagal motor nuclei has provided insight into autonomic function in health and disease.
101         This review focuses on how to assess autonomic function in humans including various ways to m
102 shed, and this perturbed behavior as well as autonomic function in mutant mice.
103  with more favorable and specific indices of autonomic function in older adults, including several su
104 e 5-HT2 receptor modulate cardiovascular and autonomic function in part through actions in the nTS, t
105 ess as well as providing pivotal support for autonomic function in the peripheral nervous system.
106                     Certain abnormalities of autonomic function in the setting of structural cardiova
107 s to NO and catecholamine release as well as autonomic function in twin pairs.
108 ensitivity of the carotid body, and restored autonomic functions in Hif-2alpha(+/-) mice.
109 tors that mediate various neuroendocrine and autonomic functions in primates.
110   Prostaglandins are important regulators of autonomic functions in the mammalian organism.
111                             Because impaired autonomic function, including decreased cardiac vagal ba
112                    Other measures of cardiac autonomic function, including mean R-R interval and freq
113 al cord to the periphery and thereby control autonomic functions, including blood pressure and body t
114 d central type 1 receptors (CB1R) and modify autonomic functions, including feeding and anti-emetic b
115                                              Autonomic function indices also decreased, but significa
116  aimed to evaluate the relationships between autonomic functions, intracranial pressure, and cerebral
117 amate and serotonin are potent modulators of autonomic functions involving the nucleus of the solitar
118 negative health impact of combat exposure on autonomic function is mediated largely through PTSD and
119                           The need to assess autonomic function is paramount in many experimental par
120 hythms were also observed in hemodynamic and autonomic function markers (blood pressure, heart rate,
121 data suggest that baroreflex sensitivity and autonomic function may be restored after smoking cessati
122                        Assessment of cardiac autonomic function may help identify individuals at risk
123                         Chronically impaired autonomic function may link social position to different
124 neuropathy measured 4 weeks later, preserved autonomic function measured by pilocarpine-induced sweat
125 llidus and effects on ingestive behavior and autonomic functions of local orexin-A administration in
126 ment sleep behavioural disorder (P = 0.026), autonomic function (P = 0.004), frontal cognitive functi
127 nitive impairment (P = 0.01, r(2) = 0.5) and autonomic function (P = 0.03, r(2) = 0.2).
128  blood pressure, arterial stiffness, cardiac autonomic function, platelet activation, and NADPH oxida
129 ve diseases; from disorders in which altered autonomic function plays a primary pathophysiologic role
130 function, reaching a nadir by Day 6, whereas autonomic function reached a nadir by Day 16.
131  Sensory function declined more rapidly than autonomic function, reaching a nadir by Day 6, whereas a
132                         Normal cognitive and autonomic functions require nicotinic synaptic signaling
133                                 KC increased autonomic functioning (respiratory sinus arrhythmia, RSA
134 eptor beta (ERbeta) plays important roles in autonomic functions, stress reactivity and learning and
135 ambulatory esophageal monitoring, manometry, autonomic function testing and GER symptom assessment.
136 function was defined as autonomic failure at autonomic function testing or 2 of the following symptom
137 al characterisation but have lacked adequate autonomic function testing.
138 ve sensory testing (QST), and cardiovascular autonomic function tests (AFTs).
139 stinal p < 0.01; genitourinary p < 0.01) and autonomic function tests (p < 0.01, sympathetic and para
140 l examination, nerve conduction studies, and autonomic function tests in 115 patients with a function
141                                    Screening autonomic function tests indicated orthostatic hypotensi
142                 Likewise, responses to other autonomic function tests performed were similar in tilt-
143         Twenty-seven POTS patients underwent autonomic function tests, cardiac magnetic resonance ima
144 mpathetic and parasympathetic cardiovascular autonomic function tests.
145 valuation, quantitative sensory testing, and autonomic-function tests.
146 impact heart rate or gastric pressure, other autonomic functions under vagal control.
147                                              Autonomic function was assessed using noninvasive techni
148 ) enrolled in a longitudinal study, in which autonomic function was evaluated annually for 3 years.
149                                              Autonomic function was intact in POTS patients.
150           The effect of particles on cardiac autonomic function was shielded in subjects with at leas
151                                              Autonomic function was studied by assessing heart rate v
152 neuronal substrate for central E2 actions on autonomic function, we carried out an immunohistochemica
153 itive airway pressure (CPAP) affects cardiac autonomic function, we measured R-R interval (RRI), resp
154 -nerve electrophysiology, and cardiovascular autonomic function, were assessed at 6 and 12 months.
155 ei involved in physiological homeostasis and autonomic function, which may have implications in the d
156          In addition, defects in mdx cardiac autonomic function, which were reflected by decreased he
157 nd that genetic variation at CHGB influenced autonomic function, with association maximal toward the
158 arette and noncigarette emission exposure on autonomic function, with particular emphasis on the mech
159 of heart rate variability (HRV), a marker of autonomic function, with PD risk.
160 n channel implicated in reflex regulation of autonomic functions within the nucleus of the solitary t

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