


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onse has previously not been demonstrated in autonomic ganglia.
2 enteric neurons but not in glial cells or in autonomic ganglia.
3 n was not consistently altered in any of the autonomic ganglia.
4 3 and beta 4, which are the most abundant in autonomic ganglia.
5 iary neurons does not likely derive from the autonomic ganglia.
6 of intact sensory or major, posterior tongue autonomic ganglia.
7  pair was adjacent to the fat pad containing autonomic ganglia (AG) at the veno-left atrial (LA) junc
8 cific inhibition of synaptic transmission in autonomic ganglia and antibody levels correlate in a pre
9 ous agent primarily uses synaptically linked autonomic ganglia and efferent fibers of the vagus and s
10 cetylcholine receptor is widely expressed in autonomic ganglia and in some parts of the brain.
11 ssion across parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic ganglia and in the adrenal medulla and, theref
12 ining alpha3 and beta2 subunits are found in autonomic ganglia and mediate ganglionic transmission.
13 substantia nigra, hypothalamus, hippocampus, autonomic ganglia and olfactory tracts.
14  to establish latent infection in sensory or autonomic ganglia and to reactivate on physical, hormona
15  to establish latent infection in sensory or autonomic ganglia and to reactivate on physical, hormona
16 aricella), becomes latent in dorsal root and autonomic ganglia, and reactivates decades later to caus
17 for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the autonomic ganglia are potentially pathogenic and may ser
18 ariety of derivatives, including sensory and autonomic ganglia, cartilage and bone of the face and pi
19  cranial ganglia, and peripheral sensory and autonomic ganglia during the embryonic and neonatal peri
20 ere present at high levels in nerve cells of autonomic ganglia, epithelial cells, intestinal smooth m
21 eral targets, modulates neurotransmission in autonomic ganglia, has an important role in local enteri
22 ocalized principally in epithelial cells and autonomic ganglia in gut and colon.
23       Using two-photon microscopy, we imaged autonomic ganglia in living mice infected with PRV strai
24 n of NO bioavailability from nNOS in cardiac autonomic ganglia in response to training is dependent o
25                     HO2 also occurs in other autonomic ganglia including the petrosal, superior cervi
26         HO-2 is also localized to neurons in autonomic ganglia, including the petrosal, superior cerv
27 ain disease states, synaptic transmission in autonomic ganglia is depressed and the periphery becomes
28    Neonatal neurodegeneration in sensory and autonomic ganglia is followed by loss of neurons from la
29 ory synaptic transmission through vertebrate autonomic ganglia is mediated by postsynaptic nicotinic
30      Fast synaptic transmission in mammalian autonomic ganglia is mediated primarily by nicotinic rec
31             In vivo, expression of Phox2a in autonomic ganglia is strongly reduced in Mash1 -/- embry
32 ations (brain, raphe nuclei, spinal cord and autonomic ganglia) may modulate rat sexual behavior in o
33 the incubation period in enteric ganglia and autonomic ganglia of splanchnic or vagus circuitry prior
34 -1 spread via the dorsal root ganglia to the autonomic ganglia of the enteric nervous system (ENS) in
35 rgic synaptic transmission in adrenal gland, autonomic ganglia, pineal gland, and several nuclei in t
36                                  Synapses in autonomic ganglia represent the final output of various
37                                              Autonomic ganglia stimulation, without atrial excitation
38 present study measured nAChRs in several rat autonomic ganglia: the superior cervical ganglia (SCG),
39                                           In autonomic ganglia, they are responsible for fast synapti
40 terrupting neurotransmission at the level of autonomic ganglia to determine its effect on the QT inte
41 ls with prior supranodose de-efferentations, autonomic ganglia were stained with Fluoro-gold, and tis

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