


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 by baroreceptor stimulation and abolished by autonomic ganglion blockade.
2 responses were specifically inhibited by the autonomic ganglion blocker hexamethonium bromide.
3 or 24 hrs, in the absence or presence of the autonomic ganglion blocker, pentolinium.
4 determine neuronal involvement, trimetaphan (autonomic ganglion blocker; 1 to 6 mg/min intravenous) w
5 tion was not attenuated by hexamethonium, an autonomic ganglion blocking agent, but was abolished by
6 spectral (Brainbow) labeling of the input to autonomic ganglion cells showed that the locations of ga
7 o exclude a potential developmental role for autonomic ganglion cells that are located in the posteri
8  to the CYP2J subfamily that is localized to autonomic ganglion cells, epithelial cells, smooth muscl
9 entially occur anywhere along the peripheral autonomic ganglion sites.
10                   Increased ROS also depress autonomic ganglion synaptic transmission by oxidizing th

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