


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric autonomic nerves.
2 solated rabbit heart preparation with intact autonomic nerves.
3                     The relationship between autonomic nerve activity and cardiac arrhythmias in CHF
4 e significant remodeling of the extracardiac autonomic nerve activity and structures after MI.
5  this study was to determine the patterns of autonomic nerve activity in congestive heart failure (CH
6 d not prevent sustained atrial fibrillation, autonomic nerve activity is not the only factor that det
7                             We conclude that autonomic nerve activity plays an important role in the
8  cells associated with extrinsic sensory and autonomic nerves and by other types of stem cell that re
9 linical studies which suggest that targeting autonomic nerves and ganglia on the large vessels and th
10 mplicated in development and regeneration of autonomic nerves and modulation of nociception.
11 n turn augments GLP-1-induced activations of autonomic nerves and results in high portal GLP-1 levels
12 r stroke in diabetes, the mechanism by which autonomic nerves are involved in this pathology is unkno
13 nically with small diameter (100-300 microm) autonomic nerves could have a significant impact in fund
14 ection of regions of dense fibrosis and high autonomic nerve density in the HF atrium, these findings
15                                              Autonomic nerve density was highest in the anterosuperio
16 association between the specific patterns of autonomic nerve discharges and cardiac arrhythmia during
17 sought to examine the muscle connections and autonomic nerve distributions at the human pulmonary vei
18 es with subsequent visceral, peripheral, and autonomic nerve dysfunction.
19 ensity declined maximally by 6 days, whereas autonomic nerve fiber densities reached maximal degenera
20               We found that the formation of autonomic nerve fibers in the prostate gland regulates p
21 fold for the postnatal ingrowth of essential autonomic nerve fibers.
22 udy, we show that intact motor, sensory, and autonomic nerve fibers/paths are distinctly labeled foll
23 e small, lightly myelinated and unmyelinated autonomic nerve fibres are selectively targeted.
24 iation and maintenance of AF, and modulating autonomic nerve function may contribute to AF control.
25  without (-) CAN according to tests of their autonomic nerve function.
26 ation of transplantation, or the measures of autonomic nerve function.
27                                  Conversely, autonomic nerves generally regenerated more rapidly than
28 efficacy of radiofrequency ablation of renal autonomic nerves has been proven in nonrandomized studie
29 rived cell lineages including the peripheral autonomic nerves in the heart.
30 d the precise visualization of subepicardial autonomic nerves in the ventricles using whole mount epi
31              We propose that degeneration of autonomic nerves leads to the irreversible thymic atroph
32 ts have shown that electrical stimulation of autonomic nerves on the heart itself can facilitate the
33                                      Hepatic autonomic nerves regulate postprandial hepatic glucose u
34 cemia and examined symptoms and hormonal and autonomic nerve responses.
35 are no direct measurements of the effects of autonomic nerve stimulation on DOR.
36 triggered firing in pulmonary veins by local autonomic nerve stimulation.
37            Neurotransmitters from peripheral autonomic nerves subsequently promote acetylcholine-rele
38 mental animals show neuroaxonal dystrophy of autonomic nerve terminals, particularly in the preverteb
39 lly record neural activity from two separate autonomic nerves: the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.
40 , descending, flaccid paralysis of motor and autonomic nerves, usually beginning with the cranial ner
41 3-receptors inhibit transmitter release from autonomic nerves, we tested the hypothesis that H3-recep

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