


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the regulation of hepatic functions via the autonomic nervous system.
2 urons of the parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.
3 to selective pharmacological blockade of the autonomic nervous system.
4 or paraneoplastic disorders unrelated to the autonomic nervous system.
5 aptive immunity, hormonal mechanisms and the autonomic nervous system.
6  of exercise on endothelial function and the autonomic nervous system.
7  the circulation, and neural inputs from the autonomic nervous system.
8 ter, is fundamental for the operation of the autonomic nervous system.
9  inhibit activity within all branches of the autonomic nervous system.
10 ic emptying of liquid and solid food via the autonomic nervous system.
11 f the intact heart and its modulation by the autonomic nervous system.
12 thalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the autonomic nervous system.
13 ess, which suggests a prominent role for the autonomic nervous system.
14 scular responses by altering activity in the autonomic nervous system.
15 eurotransmitters in the brain and peripheral autonomic nervous system.
16  ischemia, cardiovascular processes, and the autonomic nervous system.
17 and central and peripheral components of the autonomic nervous system.
18 n neurons and glial cells of the central and autonomic nervous system.
19 sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.
20 c receptors mediating normal function of the autonomic nervous system.
21  as well as development and evolution of the autonomic nervous system.
22 irecting synapse formation at targets of the autonomic nervous system.
23 ected by gap junctions and innervated by the autonomic nervous system.
24  attributable to the individual limbs of the autonomic nervous system.
25 f, in part, heightened responsiveness of the autonomic nervous system.
26 ulation of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
27 ation of myocardial contractile state by the autonomic nervous system.
28 ypoglycemia (IIH) is largely mediated by the autonomic nervous system.
29 , the vasculature, cardiac function, and the autonomic nervous system.
30 r microbial composition and behavior via the autonomic nervous system.
31  contraction is ultimately controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
32 g critically depended on the activity of the autonomic nervous system.
33 mulation and pharmacological blockade of the autonomic nervous system.
34 s response are found in both the central and autonomic nervous systems.
35 njury involving the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems.
36 ular emphasis on the role of the central and autonomic nervous systems.
37 ong the neural components, including (1) the autonomic nervous system, (2) the central nervous system
38                                              Autonomic nervous system activation can induce significa
39 etastasis of mammary tumor cells by altering autonomic nervous system activities that enhance innate
40 vestigation was to examine serial changes in autonomic nervous system activity along with measurement
41                                Links between autonomic nervous system activity and AIDS-associated Ka
42 um secretion, possibly because of changes in autonomic nervous system activity and distention of the
43 lume expansion; however, their modulation of autonomic nervous system activity has not been evaluated
44   The findings show similar abnormalities in autonomic nervous system activity in childhood-onset sch
45                                              Autonomic nervous system activity is an important compon
46 s that sleep-state dependent fluctuations in autonomic nervous system activity may trigger the onset
47                                              Autonomic nervous system activity participates in experi
48 is study was to determine the time course of autonomic nervous system activity preceding ambulatory i
49 nfralimbic cortex (IL) of the rat can modify autonomic nervous system activity, but the critical path
50 ecome apparent that transient alterations in autonomic nervous system activity, resulting in hypotens
51  course of HF, the techniques used to assess autonomic nervous system activity, the evidence for clin
52  provides quantitative phenotypic markers of autonomic nervous system activity.
53 n of genetic versus environmental factors to autonomic nervous system activity.
54 ers such as sleep-state dependent changes in autonomic nervous system activity.
55                 We have developed a model of autonomic nervous system aging using the mouse superior
56 o both adrenergic and muscarinic cholinergic autonomic nervous system agonists.
57 atform neural interfacing technique with the autonomic nervous system and demonstrate the possibility
58      The human stress response activates the autonomic nervous system and endocrine systems to increa
59  identified the structural components of the autonomic nervous system and explored the means by which
60                                          The autonomic nervous system and HPA axis are key components
61 giving environment alters development of the autonomic nervous system and HPA axis in children expose
62 e current study, we investigated whether the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic neuropeptide Y
63 ronment can influence the development of the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adre
64                     Interactions between the autonomic nervous system and immune cells in lymphoid or
65 e on the bidirectional interplay between the autonomic nervous system and immune responses during inf
66 plexi (GP) are part of the intrinsic cardiac autonomic nervous system and implicated in the pathogene
67 ted the effects of a training program on the autonomic nervous system and innate immune response.
68                            However, both the autonomic nervous system and innate immune system are re
69                               Alterations in autonomic nervous system and neuromuscular function afte
70  Recent advances in our understanding of the autonomic nervous system and new methods for quantificat
71 owever, it is likely that the changes in the autonomic nervous system and platelets that are seen in
72 ing of the anatomy and physiology of cardiac autonomic nervous system and provided evidence supportin
73 ndrome is the result of dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and provides biological plausib
74 modulate the complex interaction between the autonomic nervous system and the heart.
75   It is becoming increasingly clear that the autonomic nervous system and the immune system demonstra
76 ew, we focus on the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and the pathophysiology of AF a
77 ox2b is necessary for the development of the autonomic nervous system and when absent one of the cons
78  progressive degeneration of the sensory and autonomic nervous systems and is inevitably fatal, with
79           Oxytocin dynamically moderates the autonomic nervous system, and effects of oxytocin on vag
80 lycemia) resulted in blunted neuroendocrine, autonomic nervous system, and metabolic counterregulator
81 lam can result in widespread neuroendocrine, autonomic nervous system, and metabolic counterregulator
82  overnight fasted humans, 1) neuroendocrine, autonomic nervous system, and metabolic counterregulator
83 ender-related differences in neuroendocrine, autonomic nervous system, and stress reactivity, which a
84            People with RTT show a variety of autonomic nervous system (ANS) abnormalities and mouse m
85 leading us to examine whether differences in autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity might promote re
86                                              Autonomic nervous system (ANS) and EGP responses were eq
87 azepine alprazolam on the neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system (ANS) and metabolic counterregu
88 ke inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine would amplify autonomic nervous system (ANS) and neuroendocrine counte
89 itro studies have shown that activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) can stimulate lentivirus
90                   We determined if the tonic autonomic nervous system (ANS) contribution to arterial
91 eek use of the SSRI fluoxetine would amplify autonomic nervous system (ANS) counterregulatory respons
92                                              Autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction has been corr
93 al components of neuroendocrine pathways and autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning which, in tur
94                 Although the function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in mediating the flight-o
95 -sympathetic and parasympathetic arms of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in six healthy subjects (
96                                          The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is of paramount importanc
97                    Despite evidence that the autonomic nervous system (ANS) makes a significant contr
98  on vocal output are via fluctuations of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) mediated by vocal biomech
99 species, the presence of this peptide in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) of other species is uncle
100                                          The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a critical role in
101                Psychosocial stressors induce autonomic nervous system (ANS) responses in multiple bod
102 nsive therapy to lower A1C <7.0% would blunt autonomic nervous system (ANS) responses to hypoglycemia
103                           Neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system (ANS) responses were also blunt
104                                          The autonomic nervous system (ANS) shows strong variation ac
105 mary aging is associated with changes in the autonomic nervous system (ANS), but the functional signi
106 EA prevented blunting of all neuroendocrine, autonomic nervous system (ANS), metabolic, and symptom c
107 iod-induced alterations in physiology is the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
108 ower of the parasympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
109 lopmental epoch of significant change in the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
110 ature, parameters that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
111  Parasympathetic (cholinergic) nerves of the autonomic nervous system are known to innervate and to c
112 unction of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system are obscure.
113 y states, particularly those mediated by the autonomic nervous system, are crucial to ongoing emotion
114 ultaneous activation of the two limbs of the autonomic nervous system ('autonomic conflict') may acco
115 e studies note the accepted proximal role of autonomic nervous system balance in HRV patterns, the re
116 agon secretion appears to be mediated by the autonomic nervous system because Prep(gt/gt) mice have e
117        Inhibition of cyclooxygenase or local autonomic nervous system blockade also had no effect on
118 work in these disorders that link the brain, autonomic nervous system, bone marrow, and spleen to the
119 pheral- and neuroinflammation as well as the autonomic nervous system-bone marrow communication in he
120 icularly, influencing the neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous systems both in developing and in adul
121 onsequence of changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system but is caused by intrinsic elec
122 Rs are predominant postsynaptic AChRs in the autonomic nervous system, but rare in brain.
123 ance was consigned to distant regions of the autonomic nervous system, but recent work indicates seve
124 puts facilitate cell death in the developing autonomic nervous system by activating alpha7-nAChRs, po
125  These findings implicate stimulation of the autonomic nervous system by nutritional means as a poten
126 r arrhythmogenic effect of modulation of the autonomic nervous system by renal sympathetic denervatio
127 ses that affect the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems (central fatigue).
128 ere examined for the presence of central and autonomic nervous system (CNS/ANS) signs.
129                                       In the autonomic nervous system, conditional disruption of Hand
130                                          The autonomic nervous system contributes to the creation of
131                       Our results imply that autonomic nervous system control of heart rate is disrup
132 , implicating novel nucleotide mechanisms of autonomic nervous system control of smooth muscle.
133 othesis championed by Goldberger et al. that autonomic nervous system control underlies the nonlinear
134                                          The autonomic nervous system controls many aspects of airway
135 x in a manner analogous to how the mammalian autonomic nervous system controls the heart.
136 sol during antecedent hypoglycemia preserves autonomic nervous system counterregulatory responses dur
137 ecedent hypoglycemia preserves many critical autonomic nervous system counterregulatory responses to
138 onsequence of the blunted neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system counterregulatory responses was
139 des displays numerous physiological roles in autonomic nervous system development and function.
140 orphisms relating to serotonin transport and autonomic nervous system development might make affected
141 of the human PHOX2B gene, a key regulator of autonomic nervous system development, lead to congenital
142 ounterregulatory hormones, activation of the autonomic nervous system during hypoglycemia stimulates
143 ime span that encompassed the development of autonomic nervous system dysfunction and hypertension.
144 in; although further research is required in autonomic nervous system dysfunction, genetics and immun
145 central nervous system hyperirritability and autonomic nervous system dysfunction, which often requir
146 if it simply correlates with the severity of autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
147 and/or precipitate cardiovascular events via autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
148 e local and systemic androgen deficiency and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
149       We hypothesize CVRD is a surrogate for autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
150          Inhaled particulates may affect the autonomic nervous system either directly, by eliciting a
151               Neural crest precursors to the autonomic nervous system form different derivatives depe
152 s collected from the gut and the central and autonomic nervous system from animals sacrificed between
153 isorder characterized by progressive loss of autonomic nervous system function and often signs of par
154 ve head cooling maintains a certain level of autonomic nervous system function in this pig model of c
155 gs are replicated, interventions that change autonomic nervous system function may open novel opportu
156  The term dysautonomia refers to a change in autonomic nervous system function that adversely affects
157                                              Autonomic nervous system function was assessed according
158  of muscle physiology, thermoregulation, and autonomic nervous system function.
159                         Symptoms of abnormal autonomic-nervous-system function occur commonly in Park
160                                    Disrupted autonomic nervous system functioning as measured by hear
161 and modest evidence that an altered state of autonomic nervous system functioning contributes to PTSD
162                               Differences in autonomic nervous system functioning may predate or repr
163                                          The autonomic nervous system functions to control heart rate
164   The overall organization of the peripheral autonomic nervous system has been known for many decades
165 gulation of mammalian insulin release by the autonomic nervous system has been noted.
166                     Although the role of the autonomic nervous system has long been recognized, new s
167 dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, and autonomic nervous system, have been described in achalas
168  most important techniques used to study the autonomic nervous system--heart rate variability and bar
169 that hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and autonomic nervous system hyperreactivity, presumably due
170 tions and functions in blood vessels and the autonomic nervous system implies complementary and possi
171                        The importance of the autonomic nervous system in atrial arrhythmogenesis is a
172 te ganglionic transmission in the peripheral autonomic nervous system in mammals.
173        This article examines the role of the autonomic nervous system in mediating the increase of gl
174 e long documented the key role played by the autonomic nervous system in modulating cardiovascular fu
175 tivation and the stress responses within the autonomic nervous system in PTSD patients and controls.
176 nt progress in understanding the role of the autonomic nervous system in the development of cardiac a
177 ted a possible role for the hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system in the regulation of VLDL-TG.
178 characterized development of the enteric and autonomic nervous systems in mice expressing RET9 or RET
179 he anatomy and physiology of the central and autonomic nervous systems in regard to control of the ca
180 dardized stressor predominantly affected the autonomic nervous system (in terms of a faster recovery)
181       CO may also function in the peripheral autonomic nervous system, in conjunction with NO.
182 only recently has it become evident that the autonomic nervous system, in turn, regulates cytokine pr
183                 Degenerative diseases of the autonomic nervous system include Parkinson's disease and
184 sit pathways involve cells and fibers of the autonomic nervous systems, including the enteric nervous
185                                              Autonomic nervous system influences on repolarization ar
186    This study tested the hypothesis that the autonomic nervous system influences TWA measurement in h
187                  Despite growing evidence of autonomic nervous system involvement in the regulation o
188                           Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is a recognized complication of
189                           Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is an under-recognised but impo
190    It has become increasingly clear that the autonomic nervous system is extremely important in the p
191                  The mechanisms by which the autonomic nervous system is pro-arrhythmic or anti-arrhy
192                                          The autonomic nervous system is thought to modulate blood gl
193 the genitourinary system and the enteric and autonomic nervous systems is dependent on distinct RET-s
194                                          The autonomic nervous system maintains homeostasis through i
195                      The activity within the autonomic nervous system may be altered following sustai
196 farction, suggesting that alterations in the autonomic nervous system may contribute to the adverse c
197                                          The autonomic nervous system may have a role in this relatio
198  how inflammation, the immune system and the autonomic nervous system may interact with aberrant cent
199                      An inflexibility of the autonomic nervous system might be the underlying mechani
200 erventions, and the potential future role of autonomic nervous system modifiers in the management of
201                       It is thought that the autonomic nervous system modulates QT interval, but trad
202  treatment on ultrastructural changes in the autonomic nervous system of rats with STZ-induced diabet
203  of the excretory system and the enteric and autonomic nervous systems of mammalian embryos.
204                   We discuss the role of the autonomic nervous system on the development of a substra
205   Thus any investigator seeking to study the autonomic nervous system or its contribution to either n
206 This is often associated with alterations in autonomic nervous system output and with emotional chang
207 esence of gap junctions, in concert with the autonomic nervous system, pacemaker cells, myogenic mech
208 -4 receptor (Mc4r)-expressing neurons in the autonomic nervous system, particularly in the paraventri
209 rrhythmias may therefore involve central and autonomic nervous system pathways that differ from exerc
210                  These data suggest that the autonomic nervous system, perhaps through an influence o
211  are sensory neurons, demonstrating that the autonomic nervous system plays a substantial role in HSV
212                                          The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the
213                                          The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the
214 ns participate in modulating nociceptive and autonomic nervous system processes and responsiveness to
215 us system, obesity-driven alterations in the autonomic nervous system prompt imbalances in sympatheti
216                               The peripheral autonomic nervous system reaches far throughout the body
217     This study examines the role of elevated autonomic nervous system reactivity in protecting indivi
218                                          The autonomic nervous system regulates all aspects of normal
219                                          The autonomic nervous system regulates cardiac electrical an
220                                          The autonomic nervous system regulates fuel availability and
221                       Zinc deficiency alters autonomic nervous system regulation and hippocampal and
222 rat contribute to diverse functions, such as autonomic nervous system regulation and learning, but th
223                There is global impairment of autonomic nervous system regulation late after repair of
224 ratory and clinical studies suggest that the autonomic nervous system responds to chronic behavioral
225 rtant for linking learning processes with an autonomic nervous system response, the paucity of direct
226 nt hypoglycemia can blunt neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system responses to next-day exercise
227 le patients, presumably via centrally driven autonomic nervous system responses.
228  high risk for criminal behavior, heightened autonomic nervous system responsiveness appears to be as
229 are expressed in the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, retina, adrenal medulla, and P
230              A growing consensus is that the autonomic nervous system serves a key role in emotional
231                                 Tests of the autonomic nervous system, such as cardiac functional ima
232 r columns that innervate distinct muscle and autonomic nervous system targets along the body axis.
233                                              Autonomic nervous system testing revealed no abnormaliti
234 ensory neurons, as well as in neurons of the autonomic nervous system that are highly responsive to s
235                  A major effector arm is the autonomic nervous system that controls epinephrine relea
236  probably dependent upon the activity of the autonomic nervous system, the cellular effects of MC4Rs
237 ith extrinsic insults through modulating the autonomic nervous system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adr
238 CRH activates the pituitary-adrenal axis and autonomic nervous system, these response systems were ma
239  in the brain but also in the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems; this knowledge poses new ques
240 model to investigate the contribution of the autonomic nervous system to arrhythmogenesis.
241        NO acts at distinct levels within the autonomic nervous system to control cardiac rate, with o
242                     However, the role of the autonomic nervous system to increase glucagon during hyp
243 lanocortin 4 receptors, that project via the autonomic nervous system to peripheral metabolic tissues
244 e centripetal spread of BSE prions along the autonomic nervous system to the central nervous system,
245 rovide evidence of an important role for the autonomic nervous system to the spontaneous activity of
246 ia events and traditionally is attributed to autonomic nervous system tone damage.
247 nal crosstalk between the CRH/ACTH pathways, autonomic nervous system, vasopressinergic system, and i
248 ted in part by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system via the stellate ganglion (SG)
249  serial echocardiography and histopathology, autonomic nervous system with pharmacological tools, ace
250 system (ENS) is the largest component of the autonomic nervous system, with neuron numbers surpassing

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