


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ystems that provide a point of reference for autonomic reflexes.
2 ole in central integration of cardiovascular autonomic reflexes.
3 nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) to initiate autonomic reflexes.
4  afferent transmission at the first stage of autonomic reflexes.
5 or energy homeostasis and the integration of autonomic reflexes.
6 or function, improved bulbospinally mediated autonomic reflexes, and increased axon sprouting.
7 livatory nucleus, to activate the trigeminal autonomic reflex arc.
8                Furthermore, the beat-to-beat autonomic reflex control of HR was found to be dependent
9  afferent neurons regulating food intake and autonomic reflexes controlling motility, secretion, infl
10  be active participants in the regulation of autonomic reflexes even in the normal, healthy state.
11 rosensory signal processing in the NTS-X and autonomic reflex function.
12 fferent traffic can make an otherwise static autonomic reflex highly plastic.
13                   The effect of Paxil on the autonomic reflexes in patients with neurally mediated sy
14 t for the diving response, the most powerful autonomic reflex known.
15  alpha (TNF(alpha)) is a potent modulator of autonomic reflex mechanisms that control the stomach.
16     Nitric oxide (NO), a neurotransmitter in autonomic reflex pathways, plays a role in functional ne
17 y perceived but serves primarily as input to autonomic reflex pathways.
18  medulla, especially those areas involved in autonomic reflex pathways.
19 episodes activate chemoreceptors stimulating autonomic reflex responses.
20  Mayo Clinic, Rochester and assessed with an autonomic reflex screen between January 1998 and Decembe
21                                              Autonomic reflex screens (77%) and thermoregulatory swea
22 d Raphe Obscurus (RO) regulates a variety of autonomic reflexes, suggesting that there may be an asso
23 id-sensing system and the orosensory-induced autonomic reflex system in lean and obese subjects.
24                      The response to cardiac autonomic reflex tests was also evaluated.
25 sion tomography/computed tomography, cardiac autonomic reflex tests, and heart rate variability indic
26  in DC subjects; p < 0.01) despite preserved autonomic reflex tests.
27  accordance with the opposite behavioral and autonomic reflexes they typically elicit.
28 tinct and even opposite facial, sensory, and autonomic reflexes, threat-related emotions often conver
29 attack involves activation of the trigeminal-autonomic reflex; thus, such headaches can be broadly cl
30  in part, by alterations in exercise-induced autonomic reflexes triggered by skeletal muscle sensory

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