


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sed by premature differentiation and is cell-autonomous.
2 on, indicating that glial pathology was cell autonomous.
3 al neurons, most E46K aSyn toxicity was cell autonomous.
4 s in D. melanogaster nephrocytes caused cell-autonomous accumulation of the endocytic tracer atrial n
5 om 2004-2010 in the Gulf of California using autonomous acoustic recorders.
6 e first demonstrations of postsynaptic, cell-autonomous actions of endocannabinoids in the mammalian
7 arget pacemakers with long durations by cell-autonomous actions.
8    We report that loss of HVEM leads to cell-autonomous activation of B cell proliferation and drives
9    Here we elucidate the structural basis of autonomous activation of CLL B cells, showing that BcR i
10 of inflammation, characterized by epithelial-autonomous activation of inflammatory response.
11 s in a paracrine manner, in part by non-cell autonomous activation of the GLI transcription factor.
12                      Tumor-specific and cell-autonomous activation of the tumorigenic JNK stress-acti
13 e report the consequences of prolonged, cell-autonomous activation of the UPR(MT) in C. elegans dopam
14 al image analysis distinguishes between cell-autonomous (active) displacements and convection caused
15 d roles of Notch in cancer, focusing on cell autonomous activities that may be either oncogenic or tu
16 dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and its autonomous activity generated by Thr-286 autophosphoryla
17 ause a marked decrease in Ca(2+)-independent autonomous activity, however S137L and P138S mutants dis
18 ctive in Thr85-autophosphorylation dependent autonomous activity, whereas the A329T mutation rendered
19 -free shapeshifting opens new ways to design autonomous actuators, drug-release systems and active im
20  progress that has been made toward building autonomous agents with human-like abilities, and highlig
21 opathologic finding parallels an age-related autonomous aldosteronism and abnormal aldosterone physio
22 consistently lower for symbiotic compared to autonomous algae, suggesting nutritional constraints upo
23 eads to neuronal degeneration both in a cell-autonomous and a non-cell-autonomous manner.
24 is to inspire and support new generations of autonomous and adaptive molecular devices fueled by self
25                  We show that BDNF acts cell autonomous and autocrine, as wildtype neurons are not ca
26  S137L and P138S mutants displayed increased autonomous and Ca(2+)-CaM stimulated activities.
27 e antigen-binding fragment (Fab or Fv) is an autonomous and complete unit for antigen recognition.
28 ward its limits and, by doing so, probe cell-autonomous and emergent, circuit-level properties.
29 l as preclinical evidence of both tumor cell-autonomous and immune-mediated effects.
30 tion in macrophages in a manner that is cell-autonomous and independent of infectious triggers.
31        In pre-BCR(+) ALL, ibrutinib thwarted autonomous and induced pre-BCR signaling, resulting in d
32                   Our results implicate both autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms as key mediator
33 ipulation in a tumor cell can have both cell-autonomous and nonautonomous effects and suggest that at
34 late body growth via a combination of tissue-autonomous and nonautonomous inputs.
35 IMQ-induced keratinocyte death via both cell autonomous and noncell autonomous mechanisms.
36                         The results of fully autonomous and objective usage of compMS(2)Miner are pre
37 TN neurons encode arterial PCO2 /pH via cell-autonomous and paracrine mechanisms, and via input from
38  to accelerate leukaemogenesis, through cell-autonomous and possibly non-cell-autonomous mechanisms,
39             Induction of cell death was cell autonomous and required RNA synthesis but not viral DNA
40 bditis elegans to mammals have revealed cell-autonomous and systemic DDR mechanisms that orchestrate
41  multicellular organisms relies on both cell-autonomous and systemic immunity.
42 n showed a distinct profile between the cell-autonomous and the medium-transfer experiments.
43 of Smo inhibition is haploinsufficient, cell autonomous, and correlates with the accumulation of OR-c
44                                         Cell-autonomous antagonism between these pathways enables cel
45 bolus resuscitation, both semiautonomous and autonomous approaches were more efficient in goal-direct
46 systematically investigated the role of cell-autonomous AR in different prostate epithelial cell type
47 ressed prostate only in the presence of cell-autonomous AR, supporting a facultative model for CARN s
48 tion of Grb14-deficient hepatocytes was cell-autonomous as it was also observed in primary cell cultu
49  strongly suggest that hSef-b acts in a cell autonomous as well as non-cell autonomous manner.
50  lethal in Drosophila This lethality is cell-autonomous, as directed expression of the mutant Fic(E24
51 lleagues (2017) find that tumors trigger non-autonomous autophagy in neighboring cells and distant or
52 gaster malignant tumour model, that non-cell-autonomous autophagy is induced both in the tumour micro
53                                         Cell-autonomous B-cell receptor (BcR)-mediated signalling is
54                                     The cell-autonomous beneficial component of NR treatment was reve
55  The circadian clock, an endogenous and cell-autonomous biological timekeeper that produces rhythmic
56 eling of the stromal ECM to promote non-cell autonomous breast tumor progression.
57 rk, a PDMS microchannel-based, colorimetric, autonomous capillary chip provides a multiplexed and sem
58 evere skin dysfunction, arguing for a tissue autonomous cause of disease development.
59              These results suggest that cell autonomous changes in both neurons and glia may contribu
60 ation may result from LTP but also from cell-autonomous changes in membrane excitability.
61 engineered systems can serve as testbeds for autonomous chemical robots composed of biological and sy
62                           We anticipate that autonomous chemically fuelled molecular motors will find
63 ircuits having novel capabilities, including autonomous chiral inversion of DNA sequence information
64       These mechanisms guide exploration and autonomous choice of goals, and integrating them with de
65 mine (Meth) and running wheel (RW)] restores autonomous circadian activity in arrhythmic SCN-lesioned
66 etabolism is also tightly controlled by cell-autonomous circadian clock.
67 an give rise to temporal desynchrony between autonomous circadian oscillators in different regions, w
68 that this mechanism is mediated not via cell-autonomous clock properties, but rather through altered
69                                   These cell-autonomous clocks are composed of a transcription-transl
70 n assist) fluid administration; and 3) fully autonomous (closed loop) resuscitation.
71                    This work shows that cell-autonomous co-ordination of cell growth and cell divisio
72 main were phosphorylated more efficiently by autonomous compared with Ca(2+)/CaM-stimulated CaMKII ac
73      Although we identified a minor non-cell-autonomous component spatially restricted to proximal ne
74 chanisms underlying these roles involve cell-autonomous control of signaling and gene expression by p
75 s no effect of IL-1R2 deficiency on the cell-autonomous cytokine response to IL-1beta in the tested c
76                   This confers not only cell-autonomous cytoprotection but also paracrine establishme
77          In this study, the classic non-cell-autonomous cytotoxicity of IFN was augmented by cell-aut
78                                         Cell-autonomous cytotoxicity of type I interferon response vi
79                         Circadian clocks are autonomous daily timekeeping mechanisms that allow organ
80 oncentration of DNMT3B are critical for cell-autonomous de novo DNA methylation in somatic cells.
81 oreceptors leads secondarily to the non-cell autonomous death of cone photoreceptors.
82    We report that CLYBL loss leads to a cell-autonomous defect in the mitochondrial B12 metabolism an
83 ocess of autophagy, which is an ancient cell autonomous defense pathway that utilizes ER-derived memb
84                               Thus, the cell autonomous defense system can mobilize and coalesce mult
85     These findings identify bTRM as an organ-autonomous defense system serving as a paradigm for TRM
86 nergy storage what is vital for portable and autonomous device operation with numerous advantages as
87 iated detection in a low-cost, portable, and autonomous device remains challenging.
88 ol, encompassing human iPS cell preparation, autonomous differentiation, purification, and subsequent
89 hlight how dynamic shape transformations and autonomous division can be activated by spatially confin
90                                   While cell-autonomous dynamics are well described, understanding th
91 NAs, but no intact EBV-DNA, linking non-cell-autonomous EBER1 presence with skin inflammation in pred
92 n ATP/AMP efflux pathways and different cell-autonomous ectonucleotidases.
93          Adipocytes in culture showed a cell-autonomous effect in response to added TGF-beta1 or BMP7
94 tion was due to a placental trophoblast cell-autonomous effect of autophagic activity, not to alterat
95 and to determine if they can induce non-cell-autonomous effects in neighboring neurons.
96 medium-transfer experiment in which the cell-autonomous effects of 5-aza was dissociated, CHOP ablati
97 ematologic malignancies and through cell-non-autonomous effects on solid tumor biology.
98 t EMT contributes to metastasis via non-cell autonomous effects that activate the Hh pathway.
99  in Ras(V12) clones also results in non-cell-autonomous effects with autophagy, cell proliferation an
100                             Dsg requires the autonomous element Ac for transposition.
101 f molecular materials with active, adaptive, autonomous, emergent and intelligent behavior.
102 ve mechanism that allows muscle to integrate autonomous energy demand with systemic energy storage an
103                     Viruses are incapable of autonomous energy production.
104                  Our results are preludes to autonomous energy systems integrated within plants and d
105               Science and technology are not autonomous entities and research trajectories are largel
106 ditional Trp53 inactivation activates a cell-autonomous epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition program
107                      Conversely, endothelial autonomous ERK activation rescued lymphatic sprouting an
108                  Our data suggest a non-cell-autonomous erythrocyte defect secondary to the sphingoli
109 tion of this pathway also reduced tumor cell-autonomous expression of target genes for the transcript
110  aging, selective vulnerability and non-cell-autonomous factors such as alpha-synuclein cell-to-cell
111 PD pathology is governed by regional or cell-autonomous factors.
112 aling promotes B lymphopoiesis in a non-cell-autonomous fashion in vitro, and depletion of the Hh eff
113 ocking out D2Rs eliminates the ADP in a cell-autonomous fashion, confirming that this ADP depends on
114 y repair and skeletal regeneration in a cell autonomous fashion.
115                     Our data describe a cell-autonomous feature of principal neurons, where tapering
116 e-associated stemness is an unexpected, cell-autonomous feature that exerts its detrimental, highly a
117    We provide genetic evidence of a non-cell-autonomous feedback pathway regulating Fgf9, Fgf18 and P
118  experimental verification of a new class of autonomous ferromagnetic swimming devices, actuated and
119 aling while simultaneously inducing the cell-autonomous Fgf signaling inhibitor Dusp4 within the firs
120 nistic link between light conditions and the autonomous floral promotion pathway in Arabidopsis.
121 are capable of controlling liquid, including autonomous fluidic timers and fluidic logic.
122 These effects are shown to be primarily cell autonomous, from loss of alpha3(V) chains normally produ
123 nod-1 sectors suggests that NOD plays a cell-autonomous function in the leaf.
124 nd by Hox-TALE factors, supporting a lineage autonomous function of Shox2 in osteogenic lineage fate
125 type for p53, allowing for the study of cell-autonomous functions.
126 ic operations promote the entrainment of CA3-autonomous gamma oscillators bilaterally, synchronizing
127 glycans biosynthesized by the canonical cell-autonomous glycosylation pathway, but subjected to remod
128         The giant virus Mimivirus encodes an autonomous glycosylation system that is thought to be re
129 s by a process other than the canonical cell-autonomous glycosylation that occurs within the intracel
130 ure of this material is its capacity for the autonomous healing of cracks when operating at high temp
131 enicity by activating PKCiota-dependent cell autonomous Hedgehog (Hh) signaling.
132 uggest an essential role for endogenous cell-autonomous human skeletal muscle oscillators in regulati
133 ether with paradoxically robust, rapid, cell-autonomous IL-2 and IFNgamma production, equip liver CD8
134              Interferon exposure boosts cell-autonomous immunity for more efficient pathogen control.
135                            Constitutive cell-autonomous immunity in metazoans predates interferon-ind
136                                         Cell-autonomous immunity relies on the ubiquitin coat surroun
137 gy are evolutionarily conserved arms of cell-autonomous immunity that restrict replication of intrace
138 pagation by counteracting GBP-dependent cell-autonomous immunity.
139     PER synthesis happens in a programmable, autonomous, in situ and environmentally responsive fashi
140                                         Cell-autonomous induction of type I interferon must be string
141 lls through metabolic reprogramming and cell-autonomous inflammation.
142  the importance of gonadal hormones and cell-autonomous influences in mammals versus strictly cell-au
143           With continuous innovation, future autonomous, intelligent and multifunctional fuel-free mi
144 ested a trapping column exchanging robot for autonomous interchange of trapping columns.
145 n Wallerian axon degeneration; instead, axon autonomous, intrinsic mechanisms are thought to be the p
146 en this novel extrinsic pathway and the axon autonomous, intrinsic pathways that have become establis
147                          However, hepatocyte autonomous JAK2 signaling regulates liver lipid depositi
148 -LIKE3 (SMXL3), SMXL4, and SMXL5 act as cell-autonomous key regulators of phloem formation in Arabido
149 nd total proteome that is distinct from cell-autonomous KRAS(G12D) alone.
150 umber of regulated signaling nodes from cell-autonomous KRAS(G12D).
151 t metabolite labeling, confirming tumor-cell-autonomous lactate uptake.
152           We believe an approach centered on autonomous learning has the greatest chance of success a
153 ce have designed crucial ingredients towards autonomous learning: curiosity and intrinsic motivation,
154 bryonic cortical neurogenesis and novel cell-autonomous Lgl1 functions controlling RGP-mediated glia
155                                              Autonomous lifelong development and learning are fundame
156 edagogy, and best practices against unwanted autonomous machine behavior.
157                      In contrast, these cell-autonomous manipulations had no impact on inhibitory qua
158 irectly tune neuronal excitability in a cell-autonomous manner by modulating IA.
159 adult neural stem/progenitor cells in a cell-autonomous manner in vitro and migration of their progen
160 in disease but eventually acts in a non-cell-autonomous manner to promote disease progression.
161 last are very precisely controlled in a cell autonomous manner, after quiescence extrinsic factors co
162 f/+)Alb-cre(+/0) mice of each sex, in a cell-autonomous manner, but was greater in livers from the fe
163 na fide anti-inflammatory Mvarphis in a self-autonomous manner, whereas M-CSF-treated CD16(+) monocyt
164                     Cells also respond in an autonomous manner, with cells separated by a septum able
165 cts in a cell autonomous as well as non-cell autonomous manner.
166 dicating that neuroligins function in a cell-autonomous manner.
167 ite adipose tissue organogenesis in a tissue-autonomous manner.
168 ion both in a cell-autonomous and a non-cell-autonomous manner.
169 ions to regulate NSC proliferation in a cell-autonomous manner.
170 ve systems in a biocompatible, specific, and autonomous manner.
171 ted M2 polarization of macrophages in a cell-autonomous manner.
172 ke or are able to persist in vitro in a cell-autonomous manner.
173 iven by miR-27 in effector T cells in a cell-autonomous manner.
174                       Here we propose a cell-autonomous mechanism for adiposity as a result of persis
175        Molecular analysis reveals a non-cell-autonomous mechanism that causes widespread cell death w
176 ced PD-associated protein toxicity by a cell-autonomous mechanism that was time-dependent.
177 cyte precursors suggested an underlying cell-autonomous mechanism.
178 reorganization are determined by neuron-cell-autonomous mechanisms and by interactions among neurons,
179 ur results implicate both autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms as key mediators of regional cell
180 s influences in mammals versus strictly cell-autonomous mechanisms in Drosophila melanogaster.
181                    In recent years, non-cell autonomous mechanisms of aggregate formation have come t
182      Moreover, post-transplantation non-cell-autonomous mechanisms restore the numbers of interstitia
183 esides the classic paracrine mechanism, cell-autonomous mechanisms that involve induction of ER stres
184 us cytotoxicity of IFN was augmented by cell-autonomous mechanisms that operated independently of the
185 it stability is controlled both through cell-autonomous mechanisms that regulate some aspects of exci
186  This severe pathology occurred through cell autonomous mechanisms that triggered Purkinje cell death
187 hrough cell-autonomous and possibly non-cell-autonomous mechanisms, in a manner that was reversed by
188  response in postnatal NSCs through non-cell autonomous mechanisms.
189 e dysfunction of vulnerable neurons via cell-autonomous mechanisms.
190 e death via both cell autonomous and noncell autonomous mechanisms.
191 gland, before the fetal circadian system and autonomous melatonin production is established.
192 ays the conceptual foundation for developing autonomous microfluidic transport devices driven by bact
193 , and implicate a role for IL-34 in non-cell-autonomous, microglial-dependent neurodegeneration in HD
194 atory activities that together constitute an autonomous microtubule pausing factor.
195 INE-1, also known as L1), the only currently autonomous mobile transposon in humans, occupies 17% of
196                                         Cell-autonomous molecular mechanisms that control the balance
197 ffice for complex chemical dynamics and that autonomous molecular systems can be designed via molecul
198 of the local concentration gradient to drive autonomous motion of colloidal particles in the highly c
199 overcome, leading to the first generation of autonomous motors and pumps on scales ranging from micro
200 s 2D colony a 'SEAM' (self-formed ectodermal autonomous multizone), and previously demonstrated that
201 cocultures to investigate potential non-cell autonomous neuroprotective factors influencing AbetaO to
202 n in the HD brains, contributing to non-cell-autonomous neurotoxicity in HD.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Hu
203                 Three of the elements showed autonomous NLS activity and the fourth served as a nucle
204       Long interspersed element 1 (L1) is an autonomous non-LTR retroelement that is active in mammal
205                         LINE-1 (or L1) is an autonomous non-LTR retrotransposon in the human genome,
206  integration of previous reinforced learning autonomous of the current outcome value and is implicit
207 tegrated LED used for excitation, allows for autonomous operation in on-site or in-the-field applicat
208          Humans consider themselves discrete autonomous organisms, but recent research is rapidly str
209                           Self-assembly, the autonomous organization of components to form patterns o
210 in 1916 through 1982, when it became a fully autonomous organization.
211                 This demonstrates a non-cell autonomous origin of this disease that is unexpectedly i
212                   Some data implicate a cell-autonomous oscillation in gene expression, while others
213  induce oscillations of auxin response: cell-autonomous oscillations, Turing-type patterning, and tis
214                                 We report an autonomous oscillatory micromotor system in which active
215                     Accumulation of non-cell autonomous Otx2 homeoprotein in postnatal mouse visual c
216 at OriR, suggesting novel characteristics of autonomous parvovirus DNA replication.
217           Minute virus of canine (MVC) is an autonomous parvovirus in the genus Bocaparvovirus It has
218              Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) is an autonomous parvovirus that infects well-differentiated p
219 V capsids.IMPORTANCE We first report that an autonomous parvovirus, HBoV1, helps the replication of a
220 NA and the first noncoding RNA identified in autonomous parvoviruses.
221 ermore, FOF2 mRNA expression is regulated by autonomous pathway gene FCA, and the repressive effect o
222                        Here, we report on an autonomous pathway in which a growth factor is internali
223 ikely roles for genes in the photoperiod and autonomous pathways in generating switchgrass flowering
224 m, which is driven by oncogene-mediated cell-autonomous pathways, the unique physiology of the tumor
225                                ipRGCs act as autonomous photoreceptors via the intrinsic melanopsin-b
226  the photopigment melanopsin and function as autonomous photoreceptors.
227 iation locally from microtubule plus ends by autonomous plus-end recognition.
228 heta frequency bursts to understand how cell autonomous, postsynaptic activity leads to synapse elimi
229 ve diseases is hypothesized to be a non-cell-autonomous process that may be mediated by the productiv
230 nd that seizure termination is a plastic and autonomous process, reflected in increased duration of i
231                                     Non-cell autonomous processes involving astrocytes have been show
232 sm is an endocrine disorder characterized by autonomous production of parathyroid hormone.
233  triggers a previously unsuspected, non-cell-autonomous program to activate STAT3 signalling in hepat
234 ant RAS has been shown to stimulate non-cell autonomous proliferation in malignancy and suggests that
235  55-fold genome coverage, allowing us to map autonomous promoter activity genome-wide in K562 cells.
236                               While offering autonomous propulsion, conventional micro-/nanomachines
237 e ability of embryonic cells to couple their autonomous random motility to non-autonomous signals ari
238  dynamics with chemical modulators indicated autonomous regenerative capacity in both leader and foll
239 edinalis was collected from Nanning, Guangxi Autonomous Region in China.
240 ATP7A suggesting that intestine-specific non-autonomous regulation of ATP7A abundance may serve as a
241 ose PDGF-A/PDGFRalpha signalling as a tissue-autonomous regulator of CIL by controlling N-cadherin up
242 ation of dynamin as one of the essential and autonomous regulators of focal adhesion maturation sugge
243 ithorax complex (BX-C) of Drosophila delimit autonomous regulatory domains that drive parasegment-spe
244 taining pH-responsive polymer layer leads to autonomous release of the encapsulated payload upon gast
245 a Cre-expression construct identified a cell-autonomous requirement for paxillin in migrating neurons
246 e CNS myelination defect results from a cell-autonomous requirement for THAP1 in the OL lineage and i
247             Our studies reveal a novel, cell-autonomous requirement of CBL and CBL-B in epithelial st
248 T2, to demonstrate a mammary epithelial cell-autonomous requirement of CBL and CBL-B in the maintenan
249  haploinsufficient animals, demonstrating an autonomous requirement of Eif4a3 in NCCs.
250 omous roles in cell flattening from non-cell-autonomous requirements for MTs in regulating proliferat
251  identify stress-mediated ER-phagy as a cell-autonomous response mobilized by STING-dependent sensing
252  controlling deployment of constitutive cell-autonomous responses during infection have remained elus
253 lements represent the only currently active, autonomous retrotransposon in the human genome, and they
254          The results also suggest a non-cell autonomous role for BDNF in the DRN in mediating antidep
255         Our findings demonstrate a novel non-autonomous role for BEC-1/BECN1/Beclin1 in the control o
256 These findings demonstrate a direct and cell-autonomous role for E2F activators in human cancer.
257 live imaging, we show that KIF20B has a cell-autonomous role in cytokinesis.
258 c to motor neurons (MNs) and play a non-cell autonomous role in disease pathogenesis.
259                   Hoxa5 does not play a cell-autonomous role in lung epithelium, consistent with lack
260  knockdown, we showed that Fmr1 plays a cell-autonomous role in the phagocytosis of bacteria.
261 is study, we identify an unexpected non-cell autonomous role of epidermal polarity proteins, molecula
262                        Here we report a cell-autonomous role of MyD88 in the regulation of myoblast f
263                            To study the cell-autonomous role of p53 in thymic epithelium functioning,
264 onal dysfunction, our findings reveal a cell-autonomous role of pejvakin in maintaining stereocilia a
265              These data demonstrate the cell autonomous role of the glycolytic pathway in outer segme
266 eal a previously unappreciated critical cell-autonomous role of TNF on monocytes for their survival,
267         Astrocytes perform critical non-cell autonomous roles following CNS injury that involve eithe
268                      In this study adipocyte-autonomous roles for ARL15 were investigated using condi
269                            We uncoupled cell-autonomous roles in cell flattening from non-cell-autono
270                                          The autonomous rotational behavior perfectly followed the pr
271    Automatically-identified click types from autonomous seafloor recorders without verifiable species
272 marrow chimera experiments revealed a T cell-autonomous selective disadvantage of CD6(-/-) T cells du
273 rated by unveiling the constructed nature of autonomous selfhood, and explaining why social clusterin
274 aits and its implications on the capacity of autonomous selfing in both allopatric and sympatric popu
275 oral traits and the relative contribution of autonomous selfing to total seed set varies geographical
276  impact on floral morphology and capacity of autonomous selfing, most likely as a way to reduce the p
277 ment of materials that integrate closed loop autonomous sensing, actuation, and locomotion.
278 cal reactions with potential applications to autonomous sensing, distributed computing, and biomedica
279 icrobeads was completed in <20 s followed by autonomous sequential delivery of 100 muL of bacteria sa
280            In this study, we describe a cell-autonomous signaling mechanism explaining how tenascin-C
281 ty of homotypic BcR contacts leading to cell-autonomous signalling reconciles the existence of a shar
282 uple their autonomous random motility to non-autonomous signals arising from the expansion of the ext
283 transgenes, and discover conditions for cell-autonomous silencing in animals with tissue-specific res
284 me in which groups of humans interacted with autonomous software agents (known as bots).
285 -translational folding after synthesis of an autonomous structural unit.
286 levels of functionalities (temporal control, autonomous structures, motion and work generation, infor
287 s to the ophthalmologist, 8.3% preferred the autonomous style of PDM.
288 ation sites of yeast Cdh1 are organized into autonomous subgroups and act through separate mechanisms
289 r the synthesis of Ecdysone and produce cell-autonomous survival defects, but the mechanisms by which
290  in the next generation of truly intelligent autonomous systems.
291                           Moreover, monocyte-autonomous TNF is critical for the function of these cel
292 ge preceding aggregation, detecting non-cell-autonomous toxicity and evaluating how some of the main
293 strategy for gene activation by tethering an autonomous transcription activation domain (TAD) to an i
294 veral families of repetitive elements act as autonomous transcription initiation sites.
295 hysiology, metabolism, and behavior via cell-autonomous transcriptional feedback loops.
296  E/I synapse density predominantly as a cell-autonomous, transcriptional repressor.
297  elements are the smallest but most abundant autonomous transposable elements in prokaryotic genomes,
298                   Here we introduce the Mini-Autonomous Underwater Explorer (M-AUE), deployed as a sw
299           The algorithm applies to fleets of autonomous vehicles and also incorporates rebalancing of
300                    XCI is thought to be cell autonomous, with all factors required being produced wit

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