


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ions of clear thyroid findings (eg, unifocal autonomy).
2  as career, higher education, and/or family (autonomy).
3 ctive pain control, and promotion of patient autonomy).
4 ng the risk of fall and reducing the overall autonomy.
5 professionals; being prepared; and regaining autonomy.
6 ice level, the extent of loss of liberty and autonomy.
7 connected Aspergillus cells maintain mitotic autonomy.
8 progressive entrustment leading to operative autonomy.
9 h that centers on one additional ingredient: autonomy.
10 latively prescriptive to one that called for autonomy.
11 ed in a clinically meaningful improvement in autonomy.
12  interest standard has given way to parental autonomy.
13 in these settings may promote service users' autonomy.
14 to HIV prevention that rely primarily on FSW autonomy.
15 t CAUT lines are useful in the study of cell autonomy.
16 n layers can be addressed by studies of cell autonomy.
17 t proteins, precise localization, and axonal autonomy.
18   Such sectors can provide insight into cell autonomy.
19 arting cells with proliferative and survival autonomy.
20 tical care ethics focuses largely on patient autonomy.
21 hes adolescence and is searching for greater autonomy.
22 ther interaction measures and greater infant autonomy.
23 lly mealtime conflict, and infant weight and autonomy.
24 cts of mother-infant interaction, and infant autonomy.
25 stigating resident operative performance and autonomy.
26 ese tissues in chimeras, indicating non-cell-autonomy.
27 w genes in a manner that enhances subnetwork autonomy.
28 s of increased time pressures and erosion of autonomy.
29 butes to the decline in overall professional autonomy.
30 e very similar specific activity and maximal autonomy.
31  cannot be the sole mediator of flo non-cell autonomy.
32 ng reveals cracks in the facade of syntactic autonomy.
33 uence clinical decision making and physician autonomy.
34 ments that define domains of transcriptional autonomy.
35 al status declines with aging, thus impeding autonomy.
36 drive reversions of generalist mutualisms to autonomy.
37  against the risks associated with increased autonomy.
38 ibutions of nucleus and cytoplasm to nuclear autonomy.
39 o no harm") must be weighed against maternal autonomy.
40 bsorptive surface areas and promotes enteral autonomy.
41 ompetency and instills the value of surgical autonomy.
42  improving well-being include competence and autonomy.
43 ity which, in the long term, reduces nodular autonomy.
44 ed with sex, family, education, and personal autonomy.
45 an for moods and emotions (3.7, 1.5-5.9) and autonomy (3.3, 0.9-5.7); and speech difficulties with re
46 ing were not enjoyable (89.7%) and losses of autonomy (91.6%) and dignity (78.7%); inadequate pain co
47 ommon reasons for participation were loss of autonomy (97.2%), inability to engage in enjoyable activ
48 unctional success was defined as nutritional autonomy after removal of the jejunostomy and tracheotom
49           Success was defined as nutritional autonomy after removal of the jejunostomy and tracheotom
50  clinical case reports have achieved enteral autonomy after secondary lengthening with serial transve
51 s must balance their desire to honor patient autonomy against a concern of inflicting psychological h
52 ficacy, and focusing on operative volume and autonomy alone may not address all of the reasons that s
53 nd sib-mating, promiscuity, and reproductive autonomy also modulate the sex and abundance of helpers.
54                 Altered K(m) and V(max) made autonomy also substrate- (and ATP) concentration-depende
55 is high degree of epigenetically driven cell autonomy among HSCs implies that refinement of the conce
56 ivated by several factors, including loss of autonomy and a determination to control the way in which
57  these results indicate that R cells acquire autonomy and anchorage independence, and are thus potent
58 FATc1-expressing cells acquire growth factor autonomy and are able to proliferate even in the complet
59  time of crisis that enhances patient/family autonomy and clinician professionalism.
60 dical literature tends to prioritize patient autonomy and corresponding truth telling, the weight of
61 vodopa, rapid progression leading to loss of autonomy and death within a few years, marked pyramidal
62 f the environment to attain a basic level of autonomy and evolutionary viability.
63 re positively associated with service users' autonomy and experiences of care.
64 re positively associated with service users' autonomy and experiences of care.
65 lantation has achieved excellent nutritional autonomy and good QOL.
66 rsation about the patient's values regarding autonomy and independence, emotional well-being and rela
67 in biomedical research, attitudes related to autonomy and influences on participation decisions, and
68 ific psychology must be heavily revised, the autonomy and irreducibility of folk psychology are assur
69 te is present during this period of clinical autonomy and must be addressed when designing the method
70 edical consultants, which can reduce nurses' autonomy and negatively impact on patient care.
71                       Discussion touching on autonomy and nonmaleficence frequently appeared in the s
72                       In showing rule-making autonomy and ownership as distinct and important institu
73 ition to the well-known contributions of job autonomy and pain, social stress and fatigue also were f
74 a means of demonstrating respect for donor's autonomy and protecting their safety.
75 transplant candidates' and potential donors' autonomy and quality of care.
76 owledge acquisition, and the balance between autonomy and relatedness at adolescence.
77 e-led chemotherapy clinics, based on nurses' autonomy and scope of clinical practice.
78 orkup steps was developed, having sufficient autonomy and self-regulation to be managed by a single o
79 or brain regions to express their individual autonomy and specialized functions (segregation, modular
80 ts have interpreted ERISA to limit physician autonomy and subordinate clinical decision making to MCO
81 ah's Witnesses focus on respect for personal autonomy and the right to refuse treatment.
82 criticism reflects changing views on patient autonomy and the social role of doctors and directly imp
83  their experiences of care, quality of life, autonomy and the unit's therapeutic milieu.
84 ity of V. litorea plastids to retain genetic autonomy and/or (ii) more likely, the mollusc provides t
85 rscores the importance of patient education, autonomy, and a strong social support system in improvin
86                        Protecting equity and autonomy, and an implicit trust in health professionals
87 duced improvements in interaction and infant autonomy, and both groups maintained adequate infant wei
88        The relationships between confidence, autonomy, and competence are varied and complex.
89 ly cleanses the colon, increases the child's autonomy, and decreases the chance of soiling.
90  2008 Spanish Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy, and Dependency Situations, a cross-sectional s
91 idual not to know is a key aspect of patient autonomy, and despite the absence of definitive therapy,
92  PAD for reasons related to quality of life, autonomy, and dignity, and rarely for uncontrolled pain.
93                 Somitogenesis displays great autonomy, and it is generally assumed in the literature
94 The concepts of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice are the foundation of ethical deci
95 es of nonmaleficence, respect for individual autonomy, and justice, we conclude that a study of HLA-i
96 f integration of the whole organism, loss of autonomy, and loss of personhood.
97 rican Board of Surgery regarding confidence, autonomy, and reasons for career selection between GS an
98 acles to care-giving, increase resources and autonomy, and reduce workload and other job pressure fac
99 sirable because it is just, respects patient autonomy, and results in study populations that better r
100 nd costs and service users' quality of life, autonomy, and satisfaction with care were assessed in a
101 L on only three domains (Moods and emotions, Autonomy, and Social support and peers); average differe
102 s, subspecialization, reductions in resident autonomy, and technical innovation challenge how today's
103 reaty's flexibility with respect to national autonomy, and the effect of GATS in situations in which
104            Higher feelings of competence and autonomy, and timely achievement of social and psychosex
105 tion; physician aims for professionalism and autonomy; and public and private payer aims for aggregat
106 l tolerance for interference with individual autonomy; and the Internet technology revolution, which
107 assisted ventilation, nutrition, and patient autonomy are addressed, and underlying these themes is t
108                                   Individual autonomy, as constructed in the postmodern era, is viola
109 eighth graders to see healthy eating as more autonomy-assertive and social justice-oriented behavior
110  This work demonstrates that nuclei maintain autonomy at a submicrometer scale and simultaneously mai
111 rioritize spectacle independence and patient autonomy at intermediate and close-up distances, in acco
112 t larger forest size and greater rule-making autonomy at the local level are associated with high car
113 issues include: utilitarianism, natural law, autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, paternalism, just
114 s relevant to this topic, including parental autonomy, best interest of the child standard, and quali
115 ent prejudice, donor safety net), decisional autonomy (body ownership, right to know, valid relations
116  relates to research opportunities, clinical autonomy, burnout, and lifestyle.
117 poral bargaining, its members will have more autonomy, but pay the cost of being more compulsive, tha
118 sis that fim is the mediator of flo non-cell autonomy by examining fim expression in flo periclinal c
119                                         Cell autonomy (CAUT) lines consist of a collection of homozyg
120 procedural variety, opportunity for practice autonomy, choice of practice location, and influence of
121 sues of clinical validity, clinical utility, autonomy, clinical and research infrastructure and costs
122 d by the achievement of clinical nutritional autonomy (CNA).
123 factors (Social Cognitive Theory); needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, and patient-invest
124                                   Phagosomal autonomy could serve as a basis for the intracellular di
125                   Overall, we noted improved autonomy, decreased number of hospitalizations, and seve
126 erexpression of CaMKII wild type but not the autonomy-deficient T286A mutant significantly increased
127                 Indeed, when norms encourage autonomy, dissent, and individual freedom, intragroup di
128 sicians to an unparalleled level of clinical autonomy during the 20th century.
129                              In losing their autonomy, endosymbionts lost the bulk of their genomes,
130 cians must maintain the principle of patient autonomy, ensure the viability of an appropriate informe
131  we show that significant exceptions to this autonomy exist, by combining electrophysiology (to chara
132 nsgenic gain-of-function approaches and cell-autonomy experiments, we find that BMPs strongly promote
133 procal benefits for donors, respecting donor autonomy, external reassurance, and religious approval),
134      Adverse life events, sociotropy, and an autonomy factor need for control were each significantly
135        Ultrasociality also brought a loss of autonomy for individuals within the group.
136 ure of receptor binding provides a degree of autonomy for the individual activities mediated by IgE-F
137                                              Autonomy: for all procedures, the proportion of Zwisch r
138                                Because donor autonomy forms the crux of this dilemma, the real questi
139  as consistent with the adolescent values of autonomy from adult control and the pursuit of social ju
140 pulations correlates with the acquisition of autonomy from ectodysplasin stimulation.
141  procedures are a promising therapy to allow autonomy from parenteral nutrition.
142  the practice prerogatives of NPCs and their autonomy from physician supervision.
143 suggest that MM tumors can achieve increased autonomy from the bone marrow microenvironment by mutati
144 ze proteins locally, maintaining a degree of autonomy from the cell body.
145                                This physical autonomy from the host nucleus suggests that poxvirus ge
146                                This physical autonomy from the nucleus has both cell biological and g
147                               However, their autonomy generated by Ca(2+) oscillations differs signif
148               However, this study shows that autonomy greater than 15-25% was the exception, not the
149                                  Nutritional autonomy has been achieved in hundreds of patients world
150          During the past 20 years, physician autonomy has been declining, in part because the public
151                                       CaMKII autonomy has been regarded a form of molecular memory an
152  results suggest that cognitive function and autonomy impairment should be taken into account when ch
153  the potential benefits of enhancing patient autonomy, improving patient decision-making, and improvi
154 satile and robust method for studies of cell autonomy in Arabidopsis.
155 alities in resource access that limit female autonomy in cohabiting relationships.
156 ated (OR, 5.4; 95% CI, 1.0-30.0), having low autonomy in decision making (OR, 1.98; 95% CI, 1.2-3.2),
157  example of the difference between a loss of autonomy in humans and in social insects.
158       In some instances, respect for patient autonomy in making choices may create the potential for
159    This work (i) provides an example of cell autonomy in microRNA functions, and (ii) reveals a cell
160  a Zen-like paradox, physicians must give up autonomy in order to regain it.
161 opharyngoplasty allows regaining nutritional autonomy in patients with severe pharyngoesophageal caus
162 lop future life-threatening illness, patient autonomy in the choice of whether to know, or not know,
163 rovement activity contrasted with individual autonomy in the context of the evolution of research eth
164 red with their doctor or to have significant autonomy in the final decision.
165 ing can be uncoupled, indicating a degree of autonomy in the formation of the musculoskeletal system.
166  and a stationary magnet enables a degree of autonomy in the system, while a detection limit of 0.87
167 Our work illustrates the lack of cytoplasmic autonomy in these tissues and suggests a role for somati
168 que platform to address the question of cell autonomy in transactive response DNA-binding protein (TD
169 faction were changes in measures of clinical autonomy, including increases in hours worked and physic
170 0/289, and mutation of either site abolished autonomy, indicating that simultaneous nitrosylation at
171 stigators may feel threatened by the loss of autonomy inherent in collaboration, and appropriate mode
172                                         Cell autonomy is a property of genetic mosaics composed of ce
173  these tightly held values of competency and autonomy is actually limiting the ways, and extent to wh
174                         Progressive resident autonomy is also limited.
175 hort bowel syndrome in whom complete enteral autonomy is anticipated, isolated liver transplantation
176 nal adaptation after transplant, but enteral autonomy is attainable.
177 o increase living donation, preserving donor autonomy is essential.
178 fect of GATS in situations in which national autonomy is not protected.
179 ah's Witnesses, the principle of respect for autonomy is not the only principle that must be heeded.
180 nd contend that the principle of respect for autonomy is paramount in this case and in similar cases.
181 on; therefore, a degree of software workflow autonomy is required for broad-scale metabolite annotati
182  is required for LTP induction, while CaMKII autonomy is required for LTP maintenance was recently su
183 e relationship between factor dependency and autonomy is surprising because autonomy would have been
184 hed professional values, individual clinical autonomy, is an important cause of the sometimes subopti
185                   In the context of personal autonomy, it is necessary to develop an ethical and lega
186        These changes have affected physician autonomy, job availability for graduates of residency tr
187 eotactic boost treatment improved functional autonomy (KPS) for all patients and survival for patient
188 icide for several reasons, including loss of autonomy, loss of control of bodily functions, an inabil
189 unmanned aerial vehicles in terms of overall autonomy, maneuverability, and expendability.
190                             This chromosomal autonomy may not be simply determined by DNA methylation
191                            Lack of operative autonomy may play a role.
192 , whereas nighttime housestaff reported less autonomy, more supervision, but no difference in learnin
193                             To test for hDBP autonomy, mouse lines were generated with a transgene co
194 ocedures that respect patient's capacity and autonomy, multifaceted preoperative as well as postopera
195 of sociotropy (interpersonal dependency) and autonomy (need for independence and control).
196 hould not be abrogated by the claim of donor autonomy nor the obligation fostered by the recipient's
197        Our results demonstrate unprecedented autonomy of a single CDR3 loop in antigen recognition.
198                            CPRD respects the autonomy of an individual striving to make an informed c
199 nherited local autonomy of folding and local autonomy of assembly with ribosomal proteins (rProteins)
200 roduct or gene regulatory process leading to autonomy of cell growth.
201                  Our results demonstrate the autonomy of cell number checkpoint in the underlying tis
202                     Our assay for functional autonomy of coordinated neural systems is broadly applic
203                              We thus achieve autonomy of design and construction using evolution in a
204                                     But this autonomy of design and manufacture has not yet been real
205                     We also examine the cell autonomy of DSCAM in laminar stratification and find tha
206  these results reveal the relative degree of autonomy of emotional processing.
207 on-cell autonomous manner; and (ii) non-cell autonomy of flo might be through activation and subseque
208 ropriate rRNA fragments have inherited local autonomy of folding and local autonomy of assembly with
209 utocrine loop that contributes to the growth autonomy of glioma cells.
210     To explore the modularity and regulatory autonomy of human developmental enhancers, we experiment
211  We unveil the self-organizing abilities and autonomy of in vitro attached human embryos.
212 es a series of important questions about the autonomy of individuals with dementia, the integrity of
213  more cognitive functions, demonstrating the autonomy of modules' functions.
214 topoietic cell transplantation to study cell autonomy of mutant gene function and to establish a hema
215  be involved in the mechanism underlying the autonomy of NOD HSCs.
216 gest that fa(swb) compromises the functional autonomy of Notch by allowing the locus to become sensit
217 ive modalities suggested by friends, and the autonomy of obtaining unregulated products and services.
218 of surface preBCRs and the demonstrated cell autonomy of preBCR signaling, we examined the possible o
219                    This target-cell-specific autonomy of presynaptic function can greatly expand the
220                                         Such autonomy of presynaptic regulation enables target-cell-d
221 ementing patient/family involvement, but the autonomy of professionals is not usually a factor.
222    Our results show that learning induces an autonomy of sensorimotor systems and that the release of
223                            However, non-cell-autonomy of small RNA molecules raises the question: To
224           The data suggest that the relative autonomy of the action of Foxl2, Wnt4 and additional ova
225 uced by anti-cancer therapy, confirming cell autonomy of the death defect.
226                   These data demonstrate the autonomy of the hDBP locus and suggest that this control
227 in the IFE in either model, establishing the autonomy of the IFE stem cell compartment in undamaged e
228                                     The cell-autonomy of the tan mutation allowed us to investigate t
229                              This unexpected autonomy of the tapetal 'lineage' is discussed in the co
230 ondents' remarks were the perceived need for autonomy of the transplant entity, alignment among servi
231 n the antenna, but the identity and relative autonomy of these peripheral oscillators has not been de
232 e deiodinase (D2) and the local effect (cell autonomy) of this activity.
233 r cells acquire some degree of growth signal autonomy, often through their ability to produce growth
234 pecific protein-protein interactions produce autonomy or domineering nonautonomy.
235 o those with no prospect of autologous bowel autonomy or following failed autologous gastrointestinal
236 of living one deserves (OR: 3), and clinical autonomy (OR: 3).
237     Cardiogenic shock may compromise patient autonomy, or the right for an individual patient to dete
238                    We conclude that national autonomy over health policy is not preserved under GATS,
239 f the WTO system is that it reduces national autonomy over public policy.
240 re fatigue, more social stress, and less job autonomy (P < or = 0.05).
241 tion of Zwisch ratings indicating meaningful autonomy ("Passive Help" or "Supervision Only") increase
242 ns related to the role and limits of patient autonomy, physician discretion in health-care decision m
243 center, to enhance the prospects for enteral autonomy preferably on autologous bowel.
244 ng were measured using a validated tool (the Autonomy Preference Index).
245 stitution safeguards individual interests in autonomy, privacy, liberty, and property.
246 ce obligations to respect individual patient autonomy, professional truth telling, and tolerance of m
247 ta revealed deficits in domains of operative autonomy, progressive responsibility, longitudinal follo
248                                 This genetic autonomy provides a molecular mechanism to explain patte
249                                 Thus, CaMKII autonomy provides a short-term molecular memory that is
250 ng mutation endows RAS genes with functional autonomy, recent studies suggest that the wild-type form
251  were low educational attainment and lack of autonomy regarding medication adherence at transition.
252 s and site-of-action ("autonomy" versus "non-autonomy") remain an open question.
253 has been called the 'second brain' given its autonomy, remarkable neurotransmitter diversity and comp
254 Thus, generation of this form of CaMKIIalpha autonomy requires simultaneous signaling by NO and Ca(2+
255               It is unknown if the amount of autonomy residents do achieve is sufficient to ensure re
256                 No laws address a process of autonomy rights limitation to consume resources in the i
257 in each clinic, operational aspects, nurses' autonomy, scope of practice and clinical decision-making
258 We propose a model whereby this loss of cell autonomy serves to integrate behavioral, metabolic, and
259 is the legal process used to promote patient autonomy; shared decision making is a widely promoted et
260                        Nevertheless, patient autonomy should be respected whenever possible in the in
261                          We argue that donor autonomy should not be paramount in settings where the r
262                             Analysis of cell autonomy shows that MAX2 acts locally, either in the axi
263 traint on cooperative exchanges is a loss of autonomy: strains become reliant on complementary genoty
264 ications, role conflict); and 34 housestaff (autonomy, supervision, and learning opportunities).
265  (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) "autonomy" (T286-autophosphorylation-induced Ca(2+)-indep
266 eexpression, but not by mutants impaired for autonomy (T286A) or binding to NMDA-type glutamate recep
267 sults reveal a form of short-range dendritic autonomy that enables a small-field, dual-transmitter am
268                                The degree of autonomy that the multiple, peripheral circadian clocks
269 hed that clinicians ought to respect patient autonomy, that obligation conflicted, in the present cas
270 ome have advocated strongly, on the basis of autonomy, that physician-assisted suicide should be a le
271 clei maintain cell cycle and transcriptional autonomy; therefore some sources of nuclear independence
272 h scale to assess the level of guidance (ie, autonomy) they provided to residents during specific pro
273 and help to facilitate adolescents' emerging autonomy, they often must also work with parents' wishes
274 cultural differences, and maintaining tribal autonomy through prereview of all study publications and
275 s the question of state control versus local autonomy through their efforts to shape fracking policy
276 uch learned dependence is likely a hurdle to autonomy to be overcome for many robot locomotor therapi
277                  Third, a clone's freedom or autonomy to construct his or her own life would be under
278 cus on Gowdy & Krall's use of the concept of autonomy to explicate essential differences in the ways
279 ny local officials seek to preserve land use autonomy to provide a greater measure of protection for
280 rstanding when the suppression of individual autonomy to the benefit of subsistence groups, that is,
281 s increasingly step back and safely delegate autonomy to trainees.
282 karounds, and mediated the time pressure and autonomy to workarounds relationships.
283 f inability" P532), and concern about losing autonomy ("To me that would be real coaching where it's
284 han declining income, threats to physicians' autonomy, to their ability to manage their day-to-day pa
285 tions be developed without reducing land use autonomy typically exercised by local officials?
286              This high prevalence of nodular autonomy usually results in a further increase in the pr
287 ing back to the bedside, increasing resident autonomy, utilizing near-peer teaching, and rewarding ed
288 their site-of-synthesis and site-of-action ("autonomy" versus "non-autonomy") remain an open question
289                                  Median oral autonomy was 100% +/- 38.4% in the SRSB group, whereas i
290                                  Nutritional autonomy was achievable in 160 (90%) survivors, with cur
291                                Additionally, autonomy was generated only when Ca(2+)/CaM was present
292                                     However, autonomy was greater for those in supported housing than
293 re was positively related to exhaustion, and autonomy was negatively related.
294                                  Nutritional autonomy was restored in 83% of current survivors with p
295   To dissect their structural and functional autonomy, we have expressed ghA, ghB, and ghC in Escheri
296                    To preserve our remaining autonomy, we must show that we are serious about protect
297 on of labor and also the loss of lower-level autonomy, which are both key components of major transit
298 rvision and appropriate increase in resident autonomy with indirect faculty supervision.
299 reconstruction, with its prospect of enteral autonomy with quality life.
300 ependency and autonomy is surprising because autonomy would have been presumed to represent the final

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