


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 utcrossing species, is a highly heterozygous autotetraploid.
2 disomic in allotetraploids and tetrasomic in autotetraploids.
3 tic cross between A. thaliana and A. arenosa autotetraploids.
4  polymorphic markers in a full-sib family of autotetraploids.
5 g, and use this method to reanalyze the same autotetraploid alfalfa data and to conduct a simulation
6  applied to single-dose restriction fragment autotetraploid alfalfa data, and the performance is inve
7 is in the triploid hybrid between an induced autotetraploid and a related diploid provides the basis
8  were overrepresented between an A. thaliana autotetraploid and diploid and between two Arabidopsis s
9 w (~6.8%) between an A. thaliana diploid and autotetraploid and intermediate (~8.3 and 8.2%) in F(1)-
10   Moreover, a subset of genes is affected in autotetraploid and multiple independent allotetraploid l
11 num tuberosum L.), a vegetatively propagated autotetraploid and their impact on the transcriptome.
12 upled with elemental profiling to assess how autotetraploid Arabidopsis arenosa adapted to a multicha
13 or the development of novel cultivars in the autotetraploid crop species.
14 hat the duplicated segments diverged from an autotetraploid form, places the duplication at about 38
15 crop with limited genomics tools and complex autotetraploid genetics.
16 wering time in Campanulastrum americanum, an autotetraploid herb, to determine the potential for adap
17 in common conditions, and then resequence 24 autotetraploid individuals from three populations to per
18                                              Autotetraploid leaves contained significantly increased
19 methodology to use dosage data on SNPs in an autotetraploid mapping population.
20 . sylvestris is tetrasomic, confirming their autotetraploid origin.
21 eral aspects of these genealogies support an autotetraploid origin.
22 of preferential pairing in second-generation autotetraploid Pacific oysters from gametic frequencies.
23 egation of alleles at genetic marker loci in autotetraploid populations and a novel likelihood-based
24 arkers scored on 228 full-sib individuals of autotetraploid potato is used to illustrate the utility
25 reflect reduced efficacy of selection in the autotetraploid relative to its diploid relative.
26 atment of axillary buds resulted in a set of autotetraploid S. viminalis var. Energo genotypes (polyp
27 an be adapted to study population history in autotetraploids simply by interpreting the timescale in
28  survey in potato, a vegetatively propagated autotetraploid species (2n = 4x = 48).
29 resents a method for QTL interval mapping in autotetraploid species for a full-sib family derived by
30                          Linkage analysis in autotetraploid species has been an historical challenge
31 d on defined meiotic parameters for allo- or autotetraploid species with a gametophytic S-Z SI system
32             We develop coalescent models for autotetraploid species with tetrasomic inheritance.
33 o construct high-density linkage maps in any autotetraploid species, and could also be extended to hi
34  for the construction of a linkage map in an autotetraploid species, using either codominant or domin
35 utility of the method in map construction in autotetraploid species.
36 iversity and population genetic structure in autotetraploid species.
37 cts of genome doubling on gene regulation in autotetraploids, the combination of two divergent genome
38 seudoplatanus L.), an economically important autotetraploid tree species.
39 tween Col-0, a diploid, and either a natural autotetraploid (Wa-1) or an induced tetraploid of Col-0.
40 efense genes in two outcrossing species, the autotetraploid Zea perennis and its most closely related

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