


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the gene coding for the Fap2 outer membrane autotransporter.
2 arity with the nontypeable H. influenzae Hia autotransporter.
3  fusion protein of a peptidase and a type IV autotransporter.
4 s employed for glycosylation of flagella and autotransporters.
5 ned domain that is ubiquitous among trimeric autotransporters.
6  homology to YadA-like and Hia-like trimeric autotransporters.
7 one putative Type IV system and three Type V autotransporters.
8 tivity and the overall structure of trimeric autotransporters.
9 teolytic processing of two distantly related autotransporters.
10 embers of a six-member family of cohemolysin autotransporters.
11 led the translocation domain of conventional autotransporters.
12 equence that shows homology to the family of autotransporters.
13 has similarity to both acid phosphatases and autotransporters.
14 o the mechanism of translocation in trimeric autotransporters.
15 al translocator domain and known as trimeric autotransporters.
16 ions between this subfamily and conventional autotransporters.
17 id sequence showed homology to the family of autotransporters.
18 ng many novel type III secretion systems and autotransporters.
19  adhesin belonging to the family of trimeric autotransporters.
20  factors, calling into question the moniker "autotransporter."
21    The gene identified in H10407, eatA (ETEC autotransporter A), encodes a potential serine protease
22                      Members of the Trimeric Autotransporter Adhesin (TAA) family play a crucial role
23      Neisserial adhesin A (NadA), a trimeric autotransporter adhesin (TAA) that acts in adhesion to a
24 e analyze the biogenesis of UpaG, a trimeric autotransporter adhesin (TAA).
25 d by these genes are members of the trimeric autotransporter adhesin family.
26 the properties of SadA, a purported trimeric autotransporter adhesin of Salmonella enterica serovar T
27                                     Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs) are important virulence
28                                     Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs) are modular, highly repe
29                                We identified autotransporter adhesins as the preferred protein substr
30 ng fitness benefits in vivo include trimeric autotransporter adhesins, O antigens, and type IV pili (
31 amentous hemagglutinin FhaB and two trimeric autotransporter adhesins.
32  organism, Haemophilus influenzae, possesses autotransporter adhesins.
33 uman milk removes or cleaves Hap and another autotransporter, an immunoglobulin A1 protease, from the
34 loprotease gene, genes encoding six putative autotransporters, an extension of the atf fimbrial opero
35                                   TibA is an autotransporter and afimbrial adhesin that is glycosylat
36  is defective in the processing of rOmpB, an autotransporter and also a major surface antigen of spot
37 brane protein D (PmpD) is a highly conserved autotransporter and the target of broadly cross-reactive
38 chitecture of Hsf and the family of trimeric autotransporters and provide insight into the structural
39 talytic triad conserved among a subfamily of autotransporters and reminiscent of the SA (chymotrypsin
40 and the relationship between the assembly of autotransporters and the assembly of other classes of OM
41 m (T2SS), a type VI secretion system (T6SS), autotransporter, and outer membrane vesicles (OMVs).
42 ion of the trimeric architecture of trimeric autotransporters, and possibly other trimeric adhesins,
43 he high pathogenicity island, three putative autotransporters, and several possible insecticidal toxi
44                                          The autotransporters are a group of proteins that mediate th
45                                          The autotransporters are a group of proteins that mediate th
46                                              Autotransporters are a large and diverse superfamily of
47                                              Autotransporters are a large class of virulence proteins
48                                              Autotransporters are a large superfamily of cell surface
49                                              Autotransporters are a superfamily of bacterial virulenc
50                                              Autotransporters are a superfamily of virulence factors
51                                              Autotransporters are a superfamily of virulence factors
52                                              Autotransporters are a superfamily of virulence proteins
53                                              Autotransporters are an extensive family of large secret
54                                              Autotransporters are bacterial outer membrane proteins t
55                                              Autotransporters are bacterial virulence factors consist
56                                              Autotransporters are bacterial virulence factors that co
57                                              Autotransporters are bacterial virulence factors that co
58 translocation, the passenger domains of some autotransporters are cleaved by an unknown mechanism.
59                                    Bacterial autotransporters are comprised of an N-terminal 'passeng
60                  Instead, chromosome-encoded autotransporters are critical for robust colonization an
61                                        Since autotransporters are important for virulence in many bac
62                                              Autotransporters are outer membrane proteins that are wi
63                Several putative conventional autotransporters are present in the Yersinia pestis geno
64                                    Bacterial autotransporters are proteins that contain a small C-ter
65                                    Bacterial autotransporters are proteins that use a C-terminal pori
66                                              Autotransporters are secreted proteins produced by patho
67                                              Autotransporters are secreted virulence factors that com
68                                     Although autotransporters are translocated across the inner membr
69 the beta domain is the rate-limiting step in autotransporter assembly and that passenger domain trans
70 iments using nanodiscs strongly suggest that autotransporter assembly is catalyzed by a single copy o
71                                              Autotransporter (AT) is a protein secretion pathway foun
72 scovery of BatB, a classical-type Bordetella autotransporter (AT) protein with an approximately 180-k
73                                              Autotransporter (AT) proteins are a broad class of virul
74                                              Autotransporter (AT) proteins are a broad class of virul
75                                              Autotransporter (AT) proteins are a large and diverse fa
76                                              Autotransporter (AT) proteins provide a diverse array of
77                                              Autotransporter (AT) proteins, which represent the large
78                                          The autotransporter (AT) secretion mechanism is the most com
79                                              Autotransporters (AT) are widespread in Gram-negative ba
80 annii, designated the Acinetobacter trimeric autotransporter (Ata), that contains all of the typical
81                                              Autotransporters (ATs) are a family of bacterial protein
82                                              Autotransporters (ATs) are exoproteins belonging to the
83                                              Autotransporters (ATs) are outer membrane proteins belon
84   One of the six predicted Proteus mirabilis autotransporters (ATs), ORF c2341, is predicted to conta
85 A-I/VirG/PerT family of virulence-associated autotransporters (ATs).
86 olding reaction and promote stability of the autotransporter barrel domain.
87  present study, we investigated one of these autotransporters, BatA, and demonstrate that it displays
88 e predicts the presence of IgA1 protease and autotransporter beta-barrel domains.
89 uences of the signal peptide (SS) and of the autotransporter beta-domain of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae
90                         All use the trimeric autotransporter BimA to facilitate actin-based motility,
91 nger domain secretion, but its exact role in autotransporter biogenesis is unclear.
92  autotransporter pathway, several aspects of autotransporter biogenesis remain poorly understood, mos
93  We also discuss insights into each stage of autotransporter biogenesis that have emerged from recent
94 n addition to leading to a detailed model of autotransporter biogenesis, our results suggest that the
95                  In an attempt to understand autotransporter biogenesis, we screened the sequences of
96 ndicate that the proper assembly of trimeric autotransporter can occur also in a system lacking the l
97 h the large C-terminal propeptide acts as an autotransporter; certain viral coat proteins; and protei
98 xperimental support for a unique subclass of autotransporters characterized by a short trimeric trans
99 berculosis strains, we determined that these autotransporters cluster into a YapK (YPTB3285) class an
100                                    Bacterial autotransporters comprise a 12-stranded membrane-embedde
101 domain from another predicted M. catarrhalis autotransporter confirmed the translocation ability of t
102                                    Bacterial autotransporters consist of an N-terminal 'passenger dom
103                                              Autotransporters constitute the largest group of secrete
104 athogens, including Y. pestis, any change in autotransporter content should be considered for its imp
105 abbit ileal loop model, suggesting that this autotransporter contributes to the virulence of ETEC.
106 studies have identified a novel subfamily of autotransporters, defined by a short trimeric C-terminal
107 he temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin (Tsh) autotransporter described in avian E. coli strains (97%
108 etory signal peptide, a C-terminal predicted autotransporter domain, up to four predicted Wasp homolo
109 stance is mediated primarily by the trimeric autotransporter DsrA.
110                In contrast, another trimeric autotransporter, epithelial adhesin ApiA, was not affect
111  study, we used the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP as a model protein to investigate t
112 enger domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP at different stages of protein biog
113 enger domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP effectively creates a translocation
114 enger domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP have been shown to cause strong sec
115 ete assembly of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP in vitro.
116 enger domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP is released in a novel autoproteoly
117 enger domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP requires the stable folding of a C-
118 uctures of three noncleavable mutants of the autotransporter EspP to examine how it promotes asparagi
119 e C terminus of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP to test this hypothesis.
120  beta domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP.
121 d signal peptide associated with the E. coli autotransporter EspP.
122 of mutations in the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP.
123                   We speculate that trimeric autotransporters evolved to enable high-affinity multiva
124 en in the presence of truncated LPS, and all autotransporters examined are polar in the cytoplasm pri
125                                 All of these autotransporters exhibit >96% identity in the C terminus
126  beta domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter extracellular serine protease P (EspP) i
127      The Cha adhesin belongs to the trimeric autotransporter family and contains an N-terminal signal
128 bears significant homology to members of the autotransporter family of bacterial virulence factors, p
129                                          The autotransporter family of proteins is an important class
130 ed, including the polymorphic outer membrane autotransporter family of proteins, the putative large c
131 of H. influenzae and belongs to the trimeric autotransporter family of proteins.
132 edicted 160 kDa protein with homology to the autotransporter family of proteins.
133 genes, which are homologous to genes for the autotransporter family of secreted proteins.
134     IcsA is an outer membrane protein in the autotransporter family that is required for Shigella fle
135 hdA is a large outer membrane protein of the autotransporter family whose passenger domain binds the
136 embrane protein A [rOmpA]) and member of the autotransporter family, 660 bp from the start of transla
137 ns of Chlamydia spp. resemble members of the autotransporter family, and we suggest that they follow
138 philus influenzae Hia adhesin belongs to the autotransporter family, with translocator activity resid
139 protein in Escherichia coli belonging to the autotransporter family.
140                          This first stage of autotransporter folding determines whether subsequent tr
141 we hereby rename Fusobacterium phospholipase autotransporter (FplA).
142                          We demonstrate that autotransporters from a wide variety of rod-shaped patho
143       Here, we demonstrate that secretion of autotransporters from several organisms requires the out
144                             This 3.5-kb APEC autotransporter gene (aatA) is predicted to encode a 123
145 , and characterization of a CAMP-like factor autotransporter gene (cfa) from B. henselae.
146 rs of the polymorphic membrane protein (pmp) autotransporter gene family that corresponded to predict
147 encing, and characterization of an antigenic autotransporter gene from B. henselae.
148                       In Y. pestis CO92, the autotransporter genes yapK and yapJ share a high level o
149 -forming domain to that of the H. influenzae autotransporter, Hap.
150 t studies have revealed that fully assembled autotransporters have an unusual architecture in which a
151                                     Numerous autotransporters have been implicated in pathogenesis, s
152 ins secreted by the type V secretion system (autotransporters) have been linked to virulence in gram-
153 rage) and that is called TleA (Tsh-like ETEC autotransporter) herein.
154 l and functional characteristics of trimeric autotransporters, highlighting the distinctions between
155 proteins are the beta-barrel portions of the autotransporter homologues.
156 eveal little similarity to any characterized autotransporters; however, two of the genes are present
157 ass of autotransporter proteins, the inverse autotransporters (IAT).
158    Like other autotransporters, the Shigella autotransporter IcsA, which is required for actin assemb
159  in vivo cytotoxicity and antigenicity of an autotransporter in P. mirabilis and its use in vaccine d
160 ructure of the enzyme fits that of a classic autotransporter in which several unique domains necessar
161  is the first report characterizing trimeric autotransporters in P. mirabilis as afimbrial surface ad
162 minus of the passenger domain of the inverse autotransporter intimin, we generated a mutant defective
163 nes that encode potential fimbrial adhesins, autotransporters, iron-sequestration systems, and phase-
164               The Haemophilus influenzae Hap autotransporter is a nonpilus adhesin that promotes adhe
165                        The H. influenzae Hia autotransporter is an adhesive protein that promotes adh
166 beta-barrel appears folded; (ii) the stalled autotransporter is associated with BamA and SurA; (iii)
167 with large amounts of SurA; (iv) the stalled autotransporter is not degraded by periplasmic proteases
168 the pertactin family of Bordetella pertussis autotransporters is released from the beta domain throug
169 shs classifies the protein in a subfamily of autotransporters, known as serine protease autotransport
170                                         The 'autotransporter' moniker refers to early models that dep
171           Both species have numerous type Va autotransporters, most of which appear to be highly cons
172 with a model in which the secretion of large autotransporters occurs via specific conserved pathways
173           We previously identified a surface autotransporter of A. baumannii, Ata, that bound to vari
174                                      The Hia autotransporter of Haemophilus influenzae belongs to the
175                                      The Hia autotransporter of Haemophilus influenzae belongs to the
176                           Moreover, NalP, an autotransporter of spherically shaped Neisseria meningit
177 ferred to as SPATE proteins (serine protease autotransporter of the Enterobacteriaceae).
178                          The serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) are secr
179  of virulence factors called serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) are secr
180                          The serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) represen
181 ily of high-molecular-weight serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) which al
182 i, is a member of the SPATE (serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae) family and, as s
183  in EspP, a prototype of the serine protease autotransporters of enterobacteriaceae.
184  the passenger domain of the serine protease autotransporters of the Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) and
185                          The serine protease autotransporters of the Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) repr
186 ce factors, particularly the serine protease autotransporters of the Enterobacteriaceae proteins.
187 f autotransporters, known as serine protease autotransporters of the Enterobacteriaceae.
188                              Serine protease autotransporters of the family Enterobacteriaceae (SPATE
189 ent the passenger domain of the Hia trimeric autotransporter on the bacterial surface.
190 e serine proteases that are secreted via the autotransporter (or type V) bacterial secretion pathway.
191 report the folding behavior of pertactin, an autotransporter passenger domain from Bordetella pertuss
192 ed by periplasmic proteases; and (v) inverse autotransporter passenger domains are translocated by a
193 a-helix, a feature that is characteristic of autotransporter passenger domains but unique among known
194 ze, sequence, and functional diversity among autotransporter passenger domains, >97% are predicted to
195 al insights have expanded the utility of the autotransporter pathway for the surface display of heter
196 ri VacA, a pore-forming toxin secreted by an autotransporter pathway, causes multiple alterations in
197       Despite the apparent simplicity of the autotransporter pathway, several aspects of autotranspor
198 athogenic Gram-negative bacteria through the autotransporter pathway.
199 ase-susceptible OMPs are exported through an autotransporter pathway.
200 n line with this, biophysical studies of the autotransporter Pet show that the conserved residues sig
201 ich are highly homologous to serine protease autotransporters Pic and Tsh.
202 luster, fbpABCD (c0294 to c0297 [c0294-97]), autotransporter, picU (c0350), and RTX family exoprotein
203                                     EatA, an autotransporter previously identified in ETEC, possesses
204                        Here we used EspP, an autotransporter produced by Escherichia coli 0157:H7, as
205 NalP complementing strains, we show that the autotransporter protease NalP cleaves C3, the central co
206                        The gene encoding the autotransporter protease SepA, originally described in S
207                             A novel putative autotransporter protein (NMB1998) was identified in the
208 tion, including operons for type 1 fimbriae, autotransporter protein Ag43, curli production, colanic
209  yapV gene and its product, recognized as an autotransporter protein by its typical sequence, outer m
210                                   MisL is an autotransporter protein encoded by Salmonella pathogenic
211                                 The Shigella autotransporter protein IcsA, which is localized to the
212                            H. influenzae Hap autotransporter protein is an adhesin composed of an out
213                                      The Hia autotransporter protein is the major adhesin ex-pressed
214                        The H. influenzae Hap autotransporter protein mediates adherence, invasion, an
215 This is the first 3D structure of a trimeric autotransporter protein of A. actinomycetemcomitans.
216 e characterized a novel secreted cohemolysin autotransporter protein of B. henselae.
217 liminary features of the calcium-binding Cah autotransporter protein of EHEC O157:H7.
218                        Pertactin (PRN) is an autotransporter protein produced by all members of the B
219                            We identified the autotransporter protein rickettsial OmpB (rOmpB) as a fa
220 perature-sensitive hemagglutinin (Tsh) is an autotransporter protein secreted by avian-pathogenic Esc
221 nalysis suggests that McaP is a conventional autotransporter protein that contains a 12-stranded beta
222          This is the first description of an autotransporter protein that expresses acid phosphatase
223  The Hemophilus influenzae Hap adhesin is an autotransporter protein that undergoes an autoproteolyti
224                                    Hap is an autotransporter protein that undergoes autoproteolytic c
225          The H. influenzae Hap adhesin is an autotransporter protein that was discovered because it p
226 o gain further insight into the mechanism of autotransporter protein translocation, we performed a st
227                        The bacterium uses an autotransporter protein UspA1 to target an important hum
228 ain 1026b is predicted to encode a classical autotransporter protein with an approximately 80-kDa pas
229 ns express a surface-exposed, outer membrane autotransporter protein, designated Aae, which has been
230 anean spotted fever, we report here that the autotransporter protein, rickettsial outer membrane prot
231 ssed with a minimal clone of EspP, a related autotransporter protein.
232  we renamed HP0289 ImaA for immunomodulatory autotransporter protein.
233 ce analysis revealed that McaP is related to autotransporter proteins and has substantial similarity
234                                              Autotransporter proteins are a class of cell-surface fac
235                      Gram-negative bacterial autotransporter proteins are a growing group of virulenc
236                                              Autotransporter proteins are a large family of gram-nega
237                                              Autotransporter proteins are defined by the ability to d
238                                              Autotransporter proteins comprise a large family of viru
239 its 36 and 33% identity to the meningococcal autotransporter proteins immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) protea
240 of DnaK more generally in the chaperoning of autotransporter proteins in the bacterial cytoplasm.
241        Little is known about the fate of the autotransporter proteins in the periplasm, including whe
242         Chlamydia possess a unique family of autotransporter proteins known as the Polymorphic membra
243 redicted to encode proteins with homology to autotransporter proteins of Gram-negative bacteria.
244 id extended signal sequence found in several autotransporter proteins, and N-terminal sequencing data
245                                 Two putative autotransporter proteins, CapA and CapB, were identified
246 ane protein genes (pmpA to pmpI), resembling autotransporter proteins, has recently been discovered i
247 as an elongated shape but, unlike most other autotransporter proteins, possesses a central kink revea
248 ead representative from an emerging class of autotransporter proteins, the inverse autotransporters (
249 had similarity to passenger domains of other autotransporter proteins, whereas the C-terminal portion
250 e organism possesses multiple genes encoding autotransporter proteins, which represent important viru
251 s within Sca2, a member of a family of large autotransporter proteins.
252 antigen" (sca) genes whose products resemble autotransporter proteins.
253 d from pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria are autotransporter proteins.
254 ecessary for outer membrane translocation of autotransporter proteins.
255 translocator, analogous to observations with autotransporter proteins.
256  as a previously unrecognized feature of all autotransporter proteins.
257               We found that the secretion of autotransporters requires translocation and the assembly
258            Another major surface antigen and autotransporter, rOmpB, exhibits a defect in processing
259 n surface protein and Pic, a serine protease autotransporter secreted by EAEC and Shigella flexneri,
260 esults fit with the four proposed models for autotransporter secretion and potential applications in
261                     The prevailing model for autotransporter secretion comprises entry to the peripla
262                                              Autotransporter secretion involves the insertion of a ca
263                            The final step of autotransporter secretion is C --> N-terminal threading
264 Together, these findings are consistent with autotransporter secretion occurring at the poles of rod-
265 ed by enteric Gram-negative bacteria via the autotransporter secretion pathway.
266  and RadD, which share regions homologous to autotransporter secretion systems (type Va secretion sys
267 ocation and help to clarify the mechanism of autotransporter secretion.
268 esented here suggest a general mechanism for autotransporter secretion.
269 d answer to these problems is the type V (or autotransporter) secretion pathway.
270 protease is a founding member of the type V (autotransporter) secretion system and is considered a vi
271                            A second Shigella autotransporter, SepA, also required DnaK for secretion,
272                          The type V secreted autotransporter serine protease EspP and the enterohemol
273 erminal extension that is conserved in other autotransporter signal peptides.
274 equences of the serine protease subfamily of autotransporters (SPATEs) for conserved features indicat
275  F. nucleatum Type Vd phospholipase class A1 autotransporter (strain ATCC 25586, gene FN1704) that we
276 oth Hia and YadA are members of the trimeric-autotransporter subfamily and are characterized by an in
277 emophilus influenzae belongs to the trimeric autotransporter subfamily and mediates bacterial adheren
278 emophilus influenzae belongs to the trimeric autotransporter subfamily and mediates bacterial adhesio
279 e biogenesis of at least some members of the autotransporter superfamily.
280 we exploited the plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) autotransporter system for accumulation of heterologous
281 ains all of the typical features of trimeric autotransporters (TA), including a long signal peptide f
282 gative Escherichia coli is a serine protease autotransporter that acts as an enterotoxin and cytotoxi
283 lleles in Escherichia coli pathovars encodes autotransporters that have been implicated in biofilm fo
284 mic expansions of Type V secreted effectors (autotransporters) that are critical for host cell adhere
285                                              Autotransporters, the largest family of secreted protein
286                                   Like other autotransporters, the Shigella autotransporter IcsA, whi
287  1766a seems to secrete most of the produced autotransporter to the medium.
288 nal beta-domain is critical for targeting of autotransporters to the outer membrane and for transloca
289                           The restriction of autotransporters to the pole is dependent on the presenc
290                                 The secreted autotransporter toxin (Sat) of uropathogenic Escherichia
291                                 The secreted autotransporter toxin (Sat), found predominantly in urop
292 etes the functionally well-characterized Pet autotransporter toxin that contributes to virulence thro
293  prototypical of a large family of bacterial autotransporter toxins.
294 AIDA (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) autotransporter translocator, and its stable expression
295 -helical fold is unusual among Gram-negative autotransporters, which overwhelmingly fold as beta-sole
296 d in the genome of strain HI4320 as trimeric autotransporters with "adhesin-like" and "agglutinating
297 roteins to represent a distinct subfamily of autotransporters with amino acid identities ranging from
298 for two known adhesins, pH 6 antigen and the autotransporter, YapC, as well as the Caf1 capsule, whic
299                       In Yersinia pestis the autotransporter YapE has adhesive properties and contrib
300 eading frames encoding putative conventional autotransporters (yaps), nine of which appear to produce

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