


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gests that an ancestor was a nitrogen-fixing autotroph.
2 coccus is the smallest-known oxygen-evolving autotroph.
3 h weaker contributions from bacterivores and autotrophs.
4 gens--strictly anaerobic, hydrogen-dependent autotrophs.
5 ganic matter is recycled to plants and other autotrophs.
6 ggests that these microfossils were probably autotrophs.
7         H2 is a favorable electron donor for autotrophs and causes fixation of organic carbon that co
8  the marine archaeal community includes both autotrophs and heterotrophs or is a single population wi
9 how that simple regulatory feedbacks between autotrophs and their environment when embedded within co
10 es in the C:N:P ratios of primary producers (autotrophs) and invertebrate primary consumers (herbivor
11 tosynthetic and growth rates of marine macro-autotrophs are likely to increase under elevated [CO2 ]
12 webs are built on an extremely nutrient-poor autotroph base with C:P and C:N ratios higher than in la
13 inobacter, Halanaerobium, and Halomonas, and autotrophs belonging to Arcobacter.
14                         While some estuarine autotrophs benefit from elevated pCO2, the benefit can c
15 f most reef organisms to ocean warming, some autotrophs benefit from ocean acidification.
16      In this review, we examine marine macro-autotroph biochemistry and physiology relevant to their
17 ssimilatory and dissimilatory utilisation of autotroph biomass by heterotrophs is a fundamental mecha
18  model to study heterotrophic utilisation of autotroph biomass using elementary flux mode analysis an
19  in mass-specific net primary production and autotroph biomass, supported by (i) combined increases i
20                                However, many autotrophs can also grow mixotrophically, a strategy tha
21 , methane-producing archaeon and facultative autotroph capable of biosynthesizing all the amino acids
22 no acids (AroAAs) are biosynthesized in this autotroph either by the de novo pathway, with chorismate
23                                              Autotrophs from cold streams had higher photosynthetic r
24 ria, blue-green algae, are the most abundant autotrophs in aquatic environments and form the base of
25 ria, blue-green algae, are the most abundant autotrophs in aquatic environments and form the base of
26 jor lineages of land plants and the dominant autotrophs in most terrestrial ecosystems.
27 hemical cues synthesized by plants and other autotrophs in response to stress.
28                 If archaea live primarily as autotrophs in the natural environment, a large ammonia-o
29       The core of intermediary metabolism in autotrophs is the citric acid cycle.
30 h and without environmental feedbacks at the autotroph level.
31                   The extent to which marine autotrophs may benefit from elevated CO2 will be a funct
32 Using this method, eight independent acetate autotrophs of Methanococcus maripaludis were isolated.
33  for nitrogen also shaped interactions among autotrophs, particularly Ulva.
34 w of >100 species revealed that marine macro-autotroph photosynthesis is overwhelmingly C3 (>/= 85%)
35 ough seagrasses and marine macroalgae (macro-autotrophs) play critical ecological roles in reef, lago
36 diverse microbial community of heterotrophs, autotrophs, predators, and symbionts, a community we ref
37 ptolyngbya and the H2-oxidizing denitrifying autotroph Sulfuritalea.
38 symbionts appear to be metabolically capable autotrophs underscores the extent to which the host depe
39     This review explores the interactions of autotrophs with solid electron donors and their importan
40  growth efficiencies (10-30%) when consuming autotrophs with typical carbon-to-nutrient ratios.

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