


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 slation reinitiation pathways in response to auxin.
2 hat PLA1 may function through an increase in auxin.
3 tations of current methodologies for probing auxin.
4 ressed by SOB3 and light, and are induced by auxin.
5  development, where miRNA172 is modulated by auxins.
6 ural indole-3-acetic acid, and the synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid.
7 stantial enrichment for proteins involved in auxin, abscisic acid, ethylene, and brassinosteroid sign
8                                Consequently, auxin accumulates in the lower half of the root, trigger
9 signaling pathway that is influenced by both auxin accumulation and F-box coreceptor concentration.
10                            Single cell-based auxin accumulation assays showed that c-CA, and not t-CA
11 ytokinin also down-regulates PIN3, promoting auxin accumulation in the apex.
12 nts are the consequence of a local change in auxin accumulation, induced by the inhibition of auxin e
13                 The plant signaling molecule auxin, acting through AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) transc
14 he acid growth theory proposed in the 1970s, auxin activates plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases (PM H(+)-AT
15 duce protoplast swelling; instead, it showed auxin activity in the hypocotyl growth test.
16 mbryo defects are associated with changes in auxin activity maxima and PIN localization.
17                           We also found that auxin activity on lateral root development is likely med
18 nd related to defects in spatial patterns of auxin activity.
19 enes were switched by auxin, suggesting that auxin affects the choice of poly(A) sites.
20 rating that the regulation of these genes by auxin also governs their response to wounds, our results
21                This compound is as an active auxin analogue, which can be tagged in situ.
22 differential responses of roots to these two auxin analogues.
23 ed distribution patterns of the phytohormone auxin and associated auxin transport-related phenotypes,
24 ccur in the dark through the manipulation of auxin and cytokinin activity as well as through the acti
25                            Crosstalk between auxin and cytokinin plays an important role in the devel
26 the antagonistic interaction of the hormones auxin and cytokinin.
27                      We identified roles for auxin and gibberellin signaling in Suc-induced hypocotyl
28 ) show that SA binds to CATALASE2 to inhibit auxin and jasmonic acid biosynthetic enzymes as a means
29                      Here, we show that both auxin and Rho-of-Plant (ROP) signaling modulate polar nu
30 dings provide a founding framework revealing auxin and ROP signaling of inner polar nuclear position
31 analysis revealed that various phytohormone (auxin and salicylic acid) response genes are significant
32  root architecture and its relationship with auxin and sugar responses.
33 ostasis of several plant hormones especially auxin and the ethylene precursor aminocyclopropane-carbo
34 n treatment, indicating interactions between auxin and the poly(A) signal recognition machinery.
35  for dose-dependent resistance to a range of auxins and analogues.
36  c-CA itself is neither an auxin nor an anti-auxin, and auxin profiling data revealed that c-CA does
37                    LFS is rapidly induced by auxin application, implying feed-forward activity betwee
38                   Developmental responses to auxin are regulated by facilitated uptake and efflux, bu
39  of auxin, is used as an exogenous source of auxin as it evokes physiological responses like the endo
40 poly(A) site clusters (PACs) are affected by auxin at the transcriptome level, where auxin reduces PA
41 om those provided by the extensively studied AUXIN BINDING PROTEIN 1 (ABP1).
42 To analyze the possible receptor function of AUXIN BINDING PROTEIN1 (ABP1), an auxin receptor current
43 ol, we demonstrate the existence of putative auxin binding sites in the cell walls of expanding/elong
44  that exhibits an amino acid exchange in the auxin-binding domain of ABP1.
45 -TF complexes, comprise an important part of auxin biology and likely contribute to the vast number o
46 and hybrid mimics, suggesting that increased auxin biosynthesis and signaling contribute to the hybri
47 vein density in C4 leaves is due to elevated auxin biosynthesis and transport in developing leaves.
48  of high leaf vein density requires elevated auxin biosynthesis and transport.
49      Specifically, medial cytokinin promotes auxin biosynthesis components [YUCCA1/4 (YUC1/4)] in, an
50  contribute to hybrid vigor by targeting the auxin biosynthesis gene YUCCA8 and the auxin signaling g
51 s show that local cytokinin biosynthesis and auxin biosynthesis in the leaf blade followed by auxin l
52                            Treatment with an auxin biosynthesis inhibitor or an auxin transport inhib
53                    Up-regulation of genes in auxin biosynthesis pathways and higher auxin content wer
54                             Our results link auxin biosynthesis with maximum photosynthetic rate thro
55       Thermomorphogenesis requires increased auxin biosynthesis, mediated by the bHLH transcription f
56  achieved by different mechanisms, including auxin biosynthesis, metabolic conversions, degradation,
57 mutants of Arabidopsis MYC2, a suppressor of auxin biosynthesis.
58 t c-CA does not significantly interfere with auxin biosynthesis.
59 ispoid to be a member of the YUCCA family of auxin biosynthetic genes.
60      However, the molecular mechanism on how auxin carries out this work is unclear.
61  (PIF4) [6-8], and enhanced stability of the auxin co-receptor TIR1, involving HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 90
62 , but relieved from repression when cellular auxin concentrations increase.
63  of endogenous molecules affecting in planta auxin concentrations.
64                                    Moreover, auxin content and vein density were increased in loss-of
65 es in auxin biosynthesis pathways and higher auxin content were found in developing C4 leaves compare
66                                              Auxin controls a myriad of plant developmental processes
67 ese findings jointly suggest that endogenous auxin controls apoplastic acidification and the onset of
68                                              Auxin, cytokinin, and ethylene are three important hormo
69                Elucidating the complexity in auxin, cytokinin, and ethylene crosstalk requires a comb
70 ich reveals multiple layers of complexity in auxin, cytokinin, and ethylene crosstalk.
71 r elucidating the complexity in crosstalk of auxin, cytokinin, and ethylene in root development.
72 forts for establishing how crosstalk between auxin, cytokinin, and ethylene regulates patterning in r
73 e maintenance of non-vertical GSAs is highly auxin-dependent and here we investigate the developmenta
74 courses of auxin-induced SAUR expression and auxin-dependent elongation growth were closely correlate
75    However, a mechanistic model for how this auxin-dependent modulation of ETT activity regulates gen
76             Thus, the regularity of spatial, auxin-dependent, patterning at the meristem requires Paf
77 an expression pattern highly correlated with auxin distribution and is enriched in shoot and root api
78 formed 3 (PIN3)-to the PM, thereby affecting auxin distribution and plant growth and development.
79 AUX1 and is required for the accumulation of auxin during nodule formation in tissues underlying site
80  functions as a central node in coordinating auxin dynamics and plant development and reveals tight f
81 ysiology, we show that PIF-dependent spatial auxin dynamics are key to this remote response to locali
82                                          The auxin effector ARF5/MONOPTEROS (MP) acts both cell-auton
83                 The protein abundance of the auxin efflux carrier PIN2 is reduced at hypoxic conditio
84  pronounced polar distribution of PIN-FORMED auxin efflux carriers within the plasma membrane.
85  by the polarly distributed PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux carriers.
86 (YUC1/4)] in, and PINFORMED7 (PIN7)-mediated auxin efflux from, the medial domain.
87 reviously shown that efficient PIN1-mediated auxin efflux requires activation through phosphorylation
88 n efflux transporters-Arabidopsis PM-located auxin efflux transporter PIN-formed 1 (PIN1) and Arabido
89 N-formed 1 (PIN1) and Arabidopsis PM-located auxin efflux transporter PIN-formed 3 (PIN3)-to the PM,
90           Finally, both Arabidopsis thaliana auxin efflux transporter pin1 and influx transporter lax
91  gene expression alters the trafficking of 2 auxin efflux transporters-Arabidopsis PM-located auxin e
92 n accumulation, induced by the inhibition of auxin efflux.
93 which facilitate efflux of the plant hormone auxin efflux.
94 c-CA, and not t-CA, is a potent inhibitor of auxin efflux.
95  shown the apoplastic presence of endogenous auxin epitopes recognised by an anti-IAA antibody.
96  polar membrane localization consistent with auxin export, both preceding the induction of cell cycle
97  the earliest stages, we propose a cytokinin-auxin feedback model during early gynoecium patterning a
98 n anatomical fingerprint for the patterns of auxin flow that underpin rhizophore development.
99 pression, suggesting antagonistic control of auxin flux by hypoxia and ERFVII.
100 nt memorization and show how major roles for auxin fluxes and gene expression naturally emerge from t
101 patterning, and tissue-level oscillations in auxin fluxes, along with specific properties of lateral
102 he importance of tissue-level modulations in auxin fluxes.
103 -AtSAUR19 bypasses the normal requirement of auxin for elongation growth by increasing the mechanical
104 s indicative of the redirection of basipetal auxin from the shoot into the rhizophore during developm
105 trate that stress pathways interact with the auxin gene regulatory network (GRN) through transcriptio
106                               Abscisic acid, auxin, gibberellic acid, methyl jasmonic acid, and salic
107                   Moreover, genes related to auxin, gibberellin and ethylene biosynthesis were signif
108                             The phytohormone auxin governs crucial developmental decisions throughout
109 nding is preceded by the establishment of an auxin gradient across the root tip as quantified with DI
110                                   A reversed auxin gradient across the root visualized by a fluoresce
111 ism that creates an opposing gravity-induced auxin gradient.
112 coupling gravity sensing to the formation of auxin gradients that override a LAZY-independent mechani
113                                              Auxin gradients were proposed to function across cell bo
114 ne efflux carriers that generate subcellular auxin gradients.
115  The atlas demonstrates why some widely used auxin herbicides are not, or are very poor substrates.
116 s in pea (Pisum sativum), which have altered auxin homeostasis and activity in developing leaves, as
117 engthen the concept that cytokinin regulates auxin homeostasis during gynoecium development.
118 cking of auxin transporters is essential for auxin homeostasis in plants.
119  and root phenotypes consistent with altered auxin homeostasis including altered primary root growth,
120 e to the chemical toolbox for the studies of auxin homeostasis.
121 ot and root phenotypes related to an altered auxin homeostasis.
122 -1 mutants, rbk1 insertional mutants display auxin hypersensitivity, consistent with a possible role
123 reporter lines, MIR172A-E::GUS, treated with auxin (IAA) and an auxin-inhibitor (a-(phenyl ethyl-2-on
124  stress conditions, demonstrating a role for auxin in abiotic stress.
125  presumably concentration-dependent role for auxin in apoplastic pH regulation, steering the rate of
126 iption-independent (non-genomic) activity of auxin in cell elongation.
127 n roots, because of both the complex role of auxin in plant development as well as technical limitati
128 n increased NO production and RHF induced by auxin in rhd6 and transparent testa glabra (ttg) mutants
129 a-specific expression in a LFS-dependent but auxin-independent manner.
130 scue lfs plants, suggesting that additional, auxin-independent regulation is needed.
131               Finally, it was found that the auxins indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-acetamide, whic
132                               We showed that auxin (indole acetic acid, IAA) repressed the expression
133  physiological responses like the endogenous auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA).
134 t it is not involved in the control of rapid auxin-induced growth.
135  In the ABP1-related mutants and Coimbra, no auxin-induced protoplast swelling occurred.
136 ABP1 seems to be involved in mediating rapid auxin-induced protoplast swelling, but it is not involve
137                          The time courses of auxin-induced SAUR expression and auxin-dependent elonga
138 Arabidopsis thaliana) have demonstrated that auxin-induced SMALL AUXIN UP RNA (SAUR) genes promote el
139                          TANGLED1 (TAN1) and AUXIN-INDUCED-IN-ROOTS9 (AIR9) are microtubule-binding p
140                                    Using the auxin-inducible degron system in mouse embryonic stem ce
141 ys, suggesting that this MPK cascade affects auxin-influenced cell expansion.
142                          To test the role of auxin influx in nodulation we used the auxin influx inhi
143 le of auxin influx in nodulation we used the auxin influx inhibitors 1-naphthoxyacetic acid (1-NOA) a
144 ossible involvement of the AUX/LAX family of auxin influx transporters in nodulation.
145 172A-E::GUS, treated with auxin (IAA) and an auxin-inhibitor (a-(phenyl ethyl-2-one)-indole-3-acetic
146  of med12 phenotype with the activity of the auxin intake permease and suggests that MED12 acts upstr
147               The uptake of the phytohormone auxin into cells is known to be crucial for development
148                                              Auxin is a key plant regulatory molecule, which acts upo
149 s TOR in vitro TOR activation in response to auxin is abolished in ROP-deficient rop2 rop6 ROP4 RNAi
150 directional distribution of the phytohormone auxin is essential for plant development.
151                                              Auxin is widely involved in plant growth and development
152 cetic acid (2,4-D), a functional analogue of auxin, is used as an exogenous source of auxin as it evo
153 ls a novel mechanism how plants may regulate auxin levels and adds a novel, naturally occurring molec
154                    However we also find that auxin levels feedback on dorsoventral patterning by spat
155 rast, an endogenous or exogenous increase in auxin levels induces a transient alkalinization of the e
156 y is repressed by Aux/IAA proteins under low auxin levels, but relieved from repression when cellular
157 o exhibit phenotypes characteristic for high auxin levels, including inhibition of primary root growt
158                                 Reduction in auxin levels, perception, or signaling abolishes both th
159              In contrast, PEO-IAA induced an auxin-like swelling response but no hypocotyl growth.
160 rboxyl-terminal peptide of AtABP1 induced an auxin-like swelling response.
161 n biosynthesis in the leaf blade followed by auxin long-distance transport to the petiole leads to pr
162 of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) following auxin maxima signals; however, little is known about the
163 g is coordinated by transport of the hormone auxin mediated by polar-localized PIN-FORMED1 (AtPIN1).
164 istic details to the emerging description of auxin-mediated cell expansion.
165 d GEF (BIG) family and GNOM in ethylene- and auxin-mediated control of hook development.
166 C.D phosphatase are specifically impaired in auxin-mediated elongation.
167 n of SAUR expression is sufficient to elicit auxin-mediated expansion growth by activating PM H(+)-AT
168 iplines of auxin research, the mechanisms of auxin-mediated rapid promotion of cell expansion and und
169 n additionally involves localized changes in auxin metabolism, mediated by the indole-3-acetic acid (
170                                              Auxins might, therefore, have a significant impact on th
171                                         This auxin minimum positions the boundary between dividing an
172 s shapes the auxin profile in a well-defined auxin minimum.
173 ys, we showed that c-CA itself is neither an auxin nor an anti-auxin, and auxin profiling data reveal
174                 In particular, the effect of auxin on pre-mRNA post-transcriptional regulation is mos
175    These results show that direct effects of auxin on protein factors, such as ETT-TF complexes, comp
176 nflux and efflux carriers for maintaining an auxin pattern do not have spatially proportional correla
177                            This reveals that auxin pattern formation requires coordination between in
178 le to theoretically investigate quantitative auxin pattern recovery following auxin transport perturb
179 rity but change levels, maintaining the same auxin pattern requires non-uniform and polar distributio
180 flux carriers; (2) the emergence of the same auxin pattern, from different levels of influx carriers
181                  This principle reveals that auxin patterning is potentially controlled by multiple c
182                                    Regulated auxin patterning provides a key mechanism for controllin
183  affinity was found for picolinic acid-based auxins (picloram) and quinolinecarboxylic acids (quinclo
184              The plant hormones ethylene and auxin play key roles during apical hook development by c
185 ation is dependent on cytokinin's control on auxin polar transport and degradation.
186  The regulation of both processes shapes the auxin profile in a well-defined auxin minimum.
187 f is neither an auxin nor an anti-auxin, and auxin profiling data revealed that c-CA does not signifi
188 TPase ROP2, if activated by the phytohormone auxin, promotes activation of TOR, and thus translation
189 unction of AUXIN BINDING PROTEIN1 (ABP1), an auxin receptor currently under debate, we performed diff
190 NG F-BOX PROTEIN (TIR1/AFB) family are known auxin receptors.
191 d by auxin at the transcriptome level, where auxin reduces PAC distribution in 5'-untranslated region
192  rhizophore homology and the conservation of auxin-related developmental mechanisms from early stages
193 sted roles for MPK signaling in a variety of auxin-related processes.
194 ition, the activity of the synthetic DR5-GUS auxin reporter was strongly reduced in mtlax2 roots.
195  the stunning progress in all disciplines of auxin research, the mechanisms of auxin-mediated rapid p
196 fewer lateral roots, shorter root hairs, and auxin resistance.
197            Specifically, we identified AXR1 (AUXIN-RESISTANT1), a subunit of the heterodimeric NAE (E
198 hanges in spatiotemporal distribution of the auxin response along the root of c-CA-treated plants, an
199                            Here we show that auxin response and ARF activity cell-autonomously contro
200               Our study therefore identifies auxin response as a regulator of ground tissue specifica
201  to regulate plant development by localizing auxin response between their expression domains.
202         The MtLAX2 promoter contains several auxin response elements, and treatment with indole-aceti
203 ant signaling molecule auxin, acting through AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) transcription factors, is cr
204 terference RNAs, which target mRNAs encoding AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR2 (ARF2), ARF3, and ARF4.
205              Auxin signaling via the nuclear AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR7 (ARF7)/ARF19 and INDOLE ACETIC AC
206 vity of miR167 in guiding the cleavage of an auxin response factor; (2) reduced accumulation of phase
207            Auxin signaling is effectuated by auxin response factors (ARFs) whose activity is represse
208 ntial cro-miRNA targets that include several auxin response factors (ARFs).
209 phology of lateral root primordia (LRP), the auxin response gradient, and the expression of meristem/
210 hmically, involving temporal oscillations in auxin response in the root tip.
211            Our results suggest that a strong auxin response in the vasculature of the treated leaf an
212 ion, where it provides a specific context to auxin response maxima culminating in leaf primordia init
213                      However, driving LFS at auxin response maxima sites using the DR5 promoter fails
214 ipient and young primordia, overlapping with auxin response maxima.
215           Previous molecular analyses of the auxin response pathway revealed that IAA and 2,4-D share
216       To identify MPK proteins with roles in auxin response, we screened mpk insertional alleles and
217 on characterized by a stably maintained high auxin response.
218 hat could potentially induce oscillations of auxin response: cell-autonomous oscillations, Turing-typ
219 nitored in real time via dynamic fluorescent auxin-response reporters and induced physiological respo
220 ts shed light on the molecular mechanisms of auxin responses relative to its interactions with mRNA p
221 rmone measurements and the expression of the auxin responsive DR5rev:mRFPer marker suggest that PLA1
222 the MIR172C AuxRE::GUS line with two mutated auxin responsive elements (AuxREs), were assayed for nem
223 s, and had decreased expression of the early auxin responsive gene ARF16a Our data indicate that MtLA
224 d the auxin signaling gene IAA29 A number of auxin responsive genes promoting leaf growth were up-reg
225  and elongation in primary roots, as well as auxin-responsive and stem cell niche gene expression.
226 porting the possibility that RBK1 effects on auxin-responsive cell expansion are mediated through pho
227 kinase MKK3 also display hypersensitivity in auxin-responsive cell expansion assays, suggesting that
228 s a mutant that displays hypersensitivity in auxin-responsive cell expansion assays.
229 e for RBK1 downstream of MPK1 in influencing auxin-responsive cell expansion.
230 lls/GCs that was regulated by auxins through auxin-responsive factors.
231                                     GSNO and auxin restored the root hair phenotype of the hairless r
232                                GSNO, but not auxin, restored the wild-type root glycome and transcrip
233 ocesses in the Arabidopsis shoot through its auxin-sensing property.
234 along actin strands also are ACT7 dependent, auxin sensitive, and regulated by ROP signaling.
235                     The Aux/IAA proteins are auxin-sensitive repressors that mediate diverse physiolo
236 ly, we present an example to demonstrate how auxin sensitivity of ETT-protein interactions can shape
237  telophase and early G1, suggesting that low auxin signaling at these stages may be important for cel
238  is important for setting up distinct apical auxin signaling domains in the early floral meristem rem
239 these mechanisms self-regulate cytokinin and auxin signaling domains, ensuring correct domain specifi
241 g the auxin biosynthesis gene YUCCA8 and the auxin signaling gene IAA29 A number of auxin responsive
242 e in the vasculature of the treated leaf and auxin signaling in the epidermis mediate leaf elevation.
243  suggest that cytokinin positively regulates auxin signaling in the incipient gynoecial primordium an
244 ontrolled by ERFVII activity and mediated by auxin signaling in the root tip.
245                                              Auxin signaling is effectuated by auxin response factors
246 luorescence corresponding to high endogenous auxin signaling occurred near vasculature tissue and the
247 provide an estimate of input signal into the auxin signaling pathway that is influenced by both auxin
248       A sensitive and dynamically responsive auxin signaling reporter based on the DII domain of the
249                                              Auxin signaling reporters detected changes in spatiotemp
250              The resulting laterally focused auxin signaling triggers ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE PHOSPHOTR
251                                              Auxin signaling via the nuclear AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR7 (
252                 Moreover, the analysis of an auxin-signaling mutant reveals signaling bifurcation in
253 s a central role in the establishment of the auxin-signaling pathways that regulate organogenesis, gr
254  modulate the autocatalytic stabilization of auxin signalling output.
255 act with MONOPTEROS (MP), a key regulator of auxin signalling, and modulate the autocatalytic stabili
256 en and phosphorous deficiency have opposing, auxin signalling-dependent effects on lateral root GSA i
257 plying feed-forward activity between LFS and auxin signals.
258                                              Auxin steers numerous physiological processes in plants,
259 often mediated via plant hormones, including auxin, strigolactone and cytokinin.
260 age frequencies of 42 genes were switched by auxin, suggesting that auxin affects the choice of poly(
261                 This response is mediated by auxin synthesized in the blade and transported to the pe
262  activity in galls/GCs that was regulated by auxins through auxin-responsive factors.
263  OEIPs for the delivery of the plant hormone auxin to induce differential concentration gradients and
264                                  Delivery of auxin to transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings in vi
265                                        Polar auxin transport (PAT) is important for setting up distin
266 vidence that MEDIATOR links sugar sensing to auxin transport and distribution during root morphogenes
267     However, the mechanisms of branching and auxin transport and relationships between the two are no
268 ot of c-CA-treated plants, and long-distance auxin transport assays showed no inhibition of rootward
269                                        Polar auxin transport by PIN proteins is a primary determinant
270 thalamic acid (NPA) placed MED12 upstream of auxin transport for the sugar modulation of root growth.
271 t with an auxin biosynthesis inhibitor or an auxin transport inhibitor led to much fewer veins in new
272 double mutants to sucrose and application of auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (N
273  synergistically enhanced by hypoxia and the auxin transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid.
274 erved among pin-like shoots induced by polar auxin transport inhibitors such as 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic
275 tal evidence suggest that PIN-mediated polar auxin transport is a conserved regulator of branching in
276                                  Directional auxin transport is mediated by the polarly distributed P
277  effects on BRC1 transcription and the shoot auxin transport network.
278 uantitative auxin pattern recovery following auxin transport perturbation.
279 cheid curvature is consistent with acropetal auxin transport previously documented in the rhizophore
280 idence reviewed here suggests that divergent auxin transport routes contributed to the diversificatio
281 intensity white light was reduced when polar auxin transport was inhibited.
282                      Cytokinin affects polar auxin transport, but how this impacts the positional inf
283  bud activation potential in concert with an auxin transport-based mechanism underpinning bud activit
284 rns of the phytohormone auxin and associated auxin transport-related phenotypes, such as agravitropic
285 port assays showed no inhibition of rootward auxin transport.
286 nt research showed that Dw3 encodes an ABCB1 auxin transporter and Dw1 encodes a highly conserved pro
287  and confirm previous findings that the PIN1 auxin transporter is diffusely localized in the dark.
288                       Precise trafficking of auxin transporters is essential for auxin homeostasis in
289 lating intracellular trafficking of PIN-type auxin transporters.
290 ilar differences in growth angle response to auxin treatment between these root types.
291 rnative polyadenylation (APA) profiles after auxin treatment were revealed.
292 protein CPSF30 showed altered sensitivity to auxin treatment, indicating interactions between auxin a
293 , poly(A) signal selection was altered after auxin treatment.
294 -standing acid growth theory postulates that auxin triggers apoplast acidification, thereby activatin
295 ation of cellular responses to cytokinin and auxin, two key phytohormones regulating cell behaviour.
296 ) have demonstrated that auxin-induced SMALL AUXIN UP RNA (SAUR) genes promote elongation growth and
297 ccumulation for all six members of the SMALL AUXIN UP RNA19 (SAUR19) subfamily, which promote cell ex
298 e that defines substrate preferences for the auxin uptake carrier AUX1.
299  and in a dose-dependent manner to exogenous auxin via proteasome-mediated degradation.
300 were unable to correlate the plant morphogen auxin with bud positioning in Sargassum, nor could we pr

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