


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ryptophan, for which our wild-type strain is auxotrophic.
2 thine transcarbamylase, making them arginine auxotrophic.
3 , whereas the DeltatyrA DeltafolX strain was auxotrophic.
4                                     Thus, an auxotrophic amber mutation in the pyrE2 gene can be comp
5 osome map was constructed by transduction of auxotrophic and cryptic transposon insertions, with know
6  loss of lgp-tubule formation identified one auxotrophic and nine prototrophic mutants.
7 orally administered live, attenuated, purine auxotrophic B. melitensis WR201 bacteria for their abili
8 here is also a strong stress response in the auxotrophic batch cultures, cell cycle arrest, if it occ
9  a previously uncharacterized mutant glycine auxotrophic cell line, rescued the glycine auxotrophy.
10 reening technology using bacterial phages or auxotrophic cell lines.
11 e to restore growth of Escherichia coli BCAA auxotrophic cells, but SlBCAT1 and -2 were less effectiv
12 activity using functional complementation of auxotrophic cells.
13                                          Arg-auxotrophic challenge also transcriptionally upregulates
14 s evaluated for its ability to complement an auxotrophic chorismate mutase deletion strain.
15 omologous recombination utilizing the uracil auxotrophic COM1 parent strain (DeltapyrF).
16 ptation to temperature stress were probed by auxotrophic complementation of yeast with prokaryotic, t
17 lishing communities successfully obtained an auxotrophic composition in a nutrition-dependent manner,
18 odel of NP-C disease during anaerobiosis, an auxotrophic condition that requires yeast to utilize exo
19                             Furthermore, the auxotrophic cultures express autophagy genes at substant
20 rited the SXI2a-URA5 transgene became uracil-auxotrophic due to silencing of the URA5 gene.
21           Subsequent in vivo selection in an auxotrophic E. coli host yielded functional hybrid enzym
22 lected for by their ability to complement an auxotrophic E. coli strain.
23 essfully tested for functional hybrids in an auxotrophic E.coli host strain.
24 rofolate reductase (mDHFR), in an isoleucine auxotrophic Escherichia coli host strain suspended in 5T
25                Complementation of a cysteine auxotrophic Escherichia coli strain NK3 led to the isola
26  incorporation was achieved using a cysteine auxotrophic Escherichia coli strain.
27 ndosymbiosis, the marriage of an alga and an auxotrophic eukaryote.
28                                              Auxotrophic for 8 of the 10 essential amino acids, H. de
29    A cbiB mutant strain of Halobacterium was auxotrophic for adenosylcobinamide-GDP, a known de novo
30  archaeon Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1 was auxotrophic for adenosylcobyric acid, a known intermedia
31 growth experiments, we found that S. suis is auxotrophic for Arg, Gln/Glu, His, Leu, and Trp in chemi
32       In vitro, S. gordonii is conditionally auxotrophic for arginine in monoculture but biosynthesis
33 he disruption of which renders the bacterium auxotrophic for arginine, was expressed and its recombin
34 ranscarbamoylase, several types of tumor are auxotrophic for arginine.
35 ular carcinomas (HCCs) have been shown to be auxotrophic for arginine.
36 ininosuccinate synthetase (ASS1) making them auxotrophic for arginine.
37  species require exogenous B vitamins (i.e., auxotrophic for B vitamins), the possible importance of
38 disruption mutants of ilvI and lrp were both auxotrophic for BCAA in CDM and attenuated compared to w
39 scenario in E. coli, L. lactis appears to be auxotrophic for biotin in that it lacks a full biotin bi
40  mutant of Burkholderia pseudomallei that is auxotrophic for branched chain amino acids.
41 nlike land plants, many eukaryotic algae are auxotrophic for certain B vitamins.
42 rtain mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells are auxotrophic for cholesterol because they fail to carry o
43  carrying a null allele of the cobY gene was auxotrophic for cobinamide-GDP, a known intermediate of
44              Disruption of cysH rendered Mtb auxotrophic for cysteine and methionine, and attenuated
45 trains containing null mutations in lipB are auxotrophic for either lipoic acid or octanoic acid.
46 ylserine (PtdSer) synthase/decarboxylase are auxotrophic for ethanolamine, which must be transported
47 ondrial function, filamentous growth, and is auxotrophic for ethanolamine.
48                         ARPE-19 cells became auxotrophic for growth on uridine after eight passages i
49 (P. falciparum nucleoside transporter 1) are auxotrophic for hypoxanthine, inosine, and adenosine und
50 detectable GS protein or GS activity and was auxotrophic for L-glutamine.
51  of the S. typhimurium A1-R mutant, which is auxotrophic for leu-arg and has increased antitumor viru
52     The S. typhimurium A1-R mutant, which is auxotrophic for leu-arg, is tumor-seeking and has antitu
53 to redox cycling agents and dioxygen and are auxotrophic for lysine when grown in air, and expression
54 ressed in an Escherichia coli strain that is auxotrophic for methionine and grown in the presence of
55 cobacterium tuberculosis metA mutant that is auxotrophic for methionine is unlike other auxotrophic m
56  HMG-CoA synthase gene rendered the organism auxotrophic for mevalonate and severely attenuated in a
57 an malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is auxotrophic for most amino acids.
58 Bordetella bacterial species are known to be auxotrophic for nicotinamide or nicotinic acid.
59 ed an intracellular ornithine pool, and were auxotrophic for ornithine or polyamines.
60 nt promastigotes and axenic amastigotes were auxotrophic for polyamines and capable of robust growth
61                  This Deltaspdsyn strain was auxotrophic for polyamines, required spermidine for grow
62 ender the insect vector form of the parasite auxotrophic for polyamines.
63                   We then rendered the yeast auxotrophic for production of the donor nucleotide-sugar
64 rain, whereas the proC and trpD mutants were auxotrophic for proline and tryptophan, respectively.
65 he F. tularensis LVS delta purMCD mutant was auxotrophic for purines when grown in defined medium and
66                               Leishmania are auxotrophic for purines, and consequently purine acquisi
67 ementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells auxotrophic for purines, several highly functional noncy
68 ehyde 3-phosphate and E4P dehydrogenases are auxotrophic for pyridoxine.
69 ctron transport complex activities, and were auxotrophic for pyruvate and uridine.
70 s lacking a functional respiratory chain are auxotrophic for pyruvate, which serves as an exogenous e
71                    Legionella pneumophila is auxotrophic for several amino acids including cysteine,
72                   The symbionts appear to be auxotrophic for some vitamins, but have the potential to
73  an obligate intracellular bacterium that is auxotrophic for the aromatic amino acids and histidine,
74              All models were predicted to be auxotrophic for the vitamins niacin (vitamin B3) and thi
75 hibition, suggesting that T. gondii might be auxotrophic for this cofactor.
76 l growth within human macrophages, which are auxotrophic for Trp and Phe, but is dispensable for grow
77 mutagenized using Tn5, and strains that were auxotrophic for tryptophan (Trp(-)) were isolated.
78                             P. horikoshii is auxotrophic for tryptophan and histidine and is unable t
79 d altered stress response, in cells that are auxotrophic for tryptophan.
80                                    Yeast are auxotrophic for unsaturated fatty acids when grown under
81 fabB mutants were isolated; the mutants were auxotrophic for unsaturated fatty acids.
82               These cells lack mtDNA and are auxotrophic for uridine and pyruvate, which may explain
83  of the strains modeled were predicted to be auxotrophic for vitamins niacin (vitamin B3), thiamin (v
84 ment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, two auxotrophic genes (arg1, nic1), mating type (matA+/matA-
85                                        These auxotrophic GROs possess alternative genetic codes that
86 ants of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and auxotrophic growth experiments.
87           Streptococcus pyogenes, a multiple-auxotrophic human pathogen, regulates virulence gene exp
88                             Such marker-free auxotrophic Leishmania cells show potential as an attenu
89                         S. typhimurium A1 is auxotrophic (Leu/Arg-dependent) but apparently receives
90                                        A1 is auxotrophic (leucine-arginine dependent) but apparently
91                                    Different auxotrophic marker genes can be used to separate co-clon
92 microarray hybridizations to reliably map an auxotrophic marker, a Mendelian trait, and a major-effec
93 d into the URA3 selectable/counterselectable auxotrophic marker.
94                          Any of a variety of auxotrophic markers can recombine with each other, and t
95                             The isolation of auxotrophic markers is important for molecular genetic s
96        However, the isolates differ in their auxotrophic markers, in the pI values of their dominant
97                      In strains with several auxotrophic markers, loss of DOT4 ubiquitin hydrolase ac
98    The linear chromosome is almost devoid of auxotrophic markers, which probably explains why it was
99  prototrophs from strains with complementing auxotrophic markers; these contained both MTL alleles an
100 esidues, introduced by Met replacement using auxotrophic Met(-) Escherichia coli strains, with glycoa
101 or many years it has been known that thymine auxotrophic microorganisms undergo cell death in respons
102 bicin from a monolayer of two cell lines: an auxotrophic mutant of Chinese hamster ovary cells, AUXB1
103                       Here we report that an auxotrophic mutant of M. tuberculosis defective in the d
104 h phenotype and vaccine efficacy of a lysine auxotrophic mutant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain
105                                     A purine-auxotrophic mutant of P. aeruginosa was unable to replic
106                We cloned the PA gene into an auxotrophic mutant of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhim
107         We tested a live, attenuated, purine-auxotrophic mutant strain of Brucella melitensis, WR201,
108                         An adenine-requiring auxotrophic mutant strain of P. aeruginosa was isolated
109                             We identified an auxotrophic mutant with a transposon insertion in the ge
110   Mice inoculated intraperitoneally with the auxotrophic mutant, 35 days prior to challenge, were pro
111 xS, but not pdxT, resulted in a vitamin B(6) auxotrophic mutant.
112 rated for a community of four E. coli double auxotrophic mutants and is then applied to a gut microbi
113 allele resulted in the generation of leucine auxotrophic mutants by homologous recombination in 6% of
114 h the DeltaglnA1EA2 and DeltaglnA1 glutamine auxotrophic mutants conferred protection on C57BL/6 mice
115                                              Auxotrophic mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis have b
116                            When cells of two auxotrophic mutants of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius are mix
117 t by determining the symbiotic competence of auxotrophic mutants of the bioluminescent bacterium Vibr
118                                      We used auxotrophic mutants of the extremely thermoacidophilic a
119 s auxotrophic for methionine is unlike other auxotrophic mutants of this important species as methion
120 nes in the respective Escherichia coli m-DAP auxotrophic mutants restored the mutants to DAP prototro
121 tion for amino acids or other metabolites in auxotrophic mutants results in rapid loss of viability.
122                             Growth media and auxotrophic mutants strongly influenced respiratory meta
123 serine was used to identify Escherichia coli auxotrophic mutants that exhibited limited growth in hum
124                   Phagocytosis of the uracil auxotrophic mutants triggered a respiratory burst in neu
125      However, when attenuated, hyperinvasive auxotrophic mutants were used, the tumor-targeting and a
126 hrough the isolation and characterization of auxotrophic mutants, has emerged as a paradigm for the r
127               Tn-4351 insertions resulted in auxotrophic mutations and motility mutations.
128 date strain with two independent attenuating auxotrophic mutations in leucine and pantothenate biosyn
129  metabolic labeling with amino acids rely on auxotrophic mutations of one or more genes on the amino
130         These findings indicate that neither auxotrophic mutations, nor vaccinia virus deficient for
131 ia with mevalonate permitted isolation of an auxotrophic mvaA null mutant that was attenuated for vir
132 CAT enzymes to store cholesterol in a sterol-auxotrophic organism such as Toxoplasma, and furthermore
133  to defined media/feed as well as amino acid auxotrophic organisms.
134 targets for inhibitor design in these purine-auxotrophic organisms.
135                         Second, a putrescine auxotrophic, ornithine decarboxylase-deficient Chinese h
136 s proposed to inhibit the in vitro growth of auxotrophic pathogens.
137 Lyso-PtdCho supports the growth of a choline auxotrophic pem1Delta pem2Delta strain.
138  invasiveness was independent of the guanine auxotrophic phenotype and fully recovered when the chrom
139 bsence of polyamine supplementation, but the auxotrophic phenotype could be bypassed by addition of e
140 ivity in vitro and complement its methionine auxotrophic phenotype in vivo.
141 ty to complement the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate auxotrophic phenotype of a plsB mutant strain of E. coli
142 sense mutations are unable to complement the auxotrophic phenotype of met11(-) yeast cells and show l
143 as conducted for suppressors of the inositol auxotrophic phenotype of the ino4-8 mutant of yeast.
144  the SCON2 F-box, we have generated a sulfur auxotrophic phenotype previously unobserved in any scon-
145  found that deletion of bioW caused a biotin auxotrophic phenotype whereas deletion of bioI did not.
146 de 1) an assay for APLT function based on an auxotrophic phenotype, 2) direct demonstration of APLT a
147 treptococcus pneumoniae did not result in an auxotrophic phenotype.
148  observed striking differences in the lysine auxotrophic phenotypes of these three species of mycobac
149 ular metabolism of marine vitamin-requiring (auxotrophic) phytoplankton and bacteria would likely be
150 mutants of S. pneumoniae which have lost the auxotrophic requirement for choline and which were also
151                                          The auxotrophic requirement for cobinamide-GDP was corrected
152 6Chi and R6Cho(-)--that have lost the unique auxotrophic requirement of this bacterial species for ch
153 rows well in mineral salts medium and has no auxotrophic requirement.
154 a sole source of an amino acid to satisfy an auxotrophic requirement.
155 educed colony size, 4% had died out, 55% had auxotrophic requirements (increasing to 80% after 60 cyc
156 an utilize enkephalins to satisfy amino acid auxotrophic requirements for growth.
157      Starvation of yeast cultures limited by auxotrophic requirements results in glucose wasting and
158 wth of GBS, we assessed the stk1-mutants for auxotrophic requirements.
159  were regulated by the availability of their auxotrophic requirements.
160  report that an immediate-early event of Arg-auxotrophic response involves reactive oxygen species-me
161 ed multiple inter-regulatory pathways in Arg-auxotrophic response, consisting of Axl, c-Myc and ASS1,
162                  The mice immunized with the auxotrophic Salmonella vaccine strain with the deletion
163 ementation of the culture medium of the heme-auxotrophic SCV with heme, but not iron, restored growth
164 e with the mutated gene to create an adenine-auxotrophic strain (LSU-E2).
165                             Because a sulfur auxotrophic strain is the only requirement of the approa
166                                 A methionine auxotrophic strain lacking CYS3 was able to grow in medi
167  to alkaliphilic Bacillus firmus OF4811M (an auxotrophic strain of B. firmus OF4) facilitated the ext
168                    In this study, an adenine-auxotrophic strain of Edwardsiella ictaluri was construc
169 ntitative levels into proteins made in a Met-auxotrophic strain of Escherichia coli cultured in Met-d
170                    We report here a modified auxotrophic strain of Salmonella typhimurium that can ta
171 li and by complementation of wdura5Delta, an auxotrophic strain of Wangiella dermatitidis (Wd) with a
172 est this concept, a budding yeast spermidine auxotrophic strain was found to grow almost normally wit
173 e free PABA and thus allows the growth of an auxotrophic strain.
174  organism, we have constructed ura3 and his3 auxotrophic strains by deleting the relevant coding regi
175 yl-tRNA synthetase (TrpRS) purified from six auxotrophic strains for changes in amino acid activation
176 odeficient individuals, we have studied five auxotrophic strains of BCG produced by insertional mutag
177                   These results suggest that auxotrophic strains of BCG represent a potentially safe
178 to hemoglobin (Hb) by expressing the gene in auxotrophic strains of Escherichia coli.
179 d a collection of spontaneous mutants of DAP-auxotrophic strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis that can
180 s been shown to cause toxicity in tryptophan auxotrophic strains of yeast because this bioactive cera
181 bilities that indicate both prototrophic and auxotrophic strains.
182 ests that this gene product is absent in the auxotrophic strains.
183 -2H1,13C1]-tryptophan was fed to the Trp-His auxotrophic Streptomyces coelicolor strain WH101.
184  in these tumors and how they respond to Arg-auxotrophic stress are poorly understood.
185 ormed by residues conserved among tryptophan-auxotrophic TDOs.
186      Because Plasmodium parasites are purine auxotrophic, they must import purines from their host to
187                                  Analysis of auxotrophic thiH mutants defined two classes, those that
188 two Salmonella vaccine strains attenuated by auxotrophic traits or by the regulated delayed attenuati
189 as been in clinical trials for targeting Arg auxotrophic tumors by Arg starvation therapy.
190 nine, may be a useful treatment for arginine auxotrophic tumors including melanoma and HCC.
191 s for improving the efficacy of treating Arg-auxotrophic tumors using Arg-deprivation strategies.
192 ding the production of recombinant vaccines, auxotrophic vaccines, DNA vaccines and subunit vaccines.
193        These results suggest that amino acid auxotrophic virulent bacteria, which selectively infect
194                We expressed PbENT1 in purine auxotrophic yeast and used radiolabeled substrate uptake
195                           Complementation in auxotrophic yeast demonstrated reduced pyrimidine synthe
196                       Inositol starvation of auxotrophic yeast interrupts glycolipid biosynthesis and
197 und that the deletion of OLE1 resulted in an auxotrophic yeast strain (designated OLE1 KO) that requi
198                                       Lysine auxotrophic yeast was grown in the presence of 13C-label
199 ain and compared them with those of a lysine auxotrophic yeast.

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