


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 avidin compared to binding of HABA to native avidin.
2 iotin and its site-specific accessibility to avidin.
3 n streptavidin and is one residue removed in avidin.
4 er cooperative hydrogen-bonding effects than avidin.
5 on the well-known interactions of biotin and avidin.
6 cognition of a biotinylated protein layer by avidin.
7 ed to bind within the biotin-binding site of avidin.
8 rane by biotinylation and cross-linking with avidin.
9 rines forming a major physiological role for avidin.
10  the specific interaction between biotin and avidin.
11 steine, lysine, or arginine functions of the avidin.
12 f a biotin-derivatized caged-xenon sensor to avidin.
13 tion opposite to the protein analytes, as in avidin.
14 ondrial extracts by using peroxidase-coupled avidin.
15 nose and hybrid-type N-glycans purified from avidin.
16 blized, and exposed to fluorescently labeled avidin.
17 tivity between the anion and its position in avidin.
18 s then used to selectively detect the target avidin.
19 tin conjugate followed by staining with FITC-avidin.
20 inding interaction analyses, an avidin/HABA (avidin/4'-hydroxyazobenzene-2-carboxylic acid) competiti
21       Earlier studies have demonstrated that avidin, a protein prevalent in egg-white and which has h
22 ing a pH-sensitive fluorophore conjugated to avidin-Ab tetramers, we found that CD244 crosslinking in
23  configuration is consistent with the biotin-avidin accessibility and internal salt-bridge data used
24 d to generate it, and with additional biotin-avidin accessibility data.
25 f residues throughout the KvAP channel using avidin accessibility to different-length tethered biotin
26 th (imino)biotinylated cargo proteins via an avidin adaptor with a high degree of spatial control.
27 njugate is then amenable to enrichment using avidin affinity capture.
28  and (2) affinity enrichment using monomeric avidin affinity chromatography columns.
29 agent, which can be used in conjunction with avidin affinity chromatography to purify biotinylated pe
30 pirolactone biotinylation, and enrichment by avidin affinity chromatography with mass spectrometry.
31 e was purified from M. tuberculosis H37Rv by avidin affinity chromatography, and the three major prot
32 from the catalytically defective p300 HAT by avidin affinity chromatography.
33  subsequent pulldown experiments with biotin-avidin affinity chromatography.
34  for the isolation of the labeled protein by avidin affinity precipitation, facilitating efforts to i
35 olumn, and after cyanogen bromide treatment, avidin affinity purification was used to capture Bio-DOP
36 e surface of magnetic beads through a biotin-avidin affinity reaction and magnetic separation.
37  dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) locus, using avidin-affinity purification of biotinylated chromatin f
38 lised on a gold screen-printed electrode and avidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate.
39     The detection was performed after adding avidin-ALP to perform avidin-biotin reaction; the signal
40 tion method where NP probe concentration and avidin analyte were unknown and both were determined.
41                                          The avidin and 5' biotinylated single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) p
42 ith the well-known complex formation between avidin and biotin as a model system.
43 n-ligand and protein-protein systems: biotin-avidin and biotin-streptavidin, barstar-dibarnase and Z
44 w that SBMs reduce nonspecific adsorption of avidin and BSA on PDMS by 2-3 orders of magnitude, as co
45 pecificity on bovine serum albumin (BSA) and avidin and detecting SEB in artificially contaminated mi
46 he dissociation constants (Kd) of the biotin-avidin and dopamine-boronic acid complexes were determin
47                           The binding of the avidin and enzyme modified Au nanoparticles to the bioti
48 ng, rather than nonspecific contact, between avidin and functionalized xenon leads to the effects on
49       Studies of protein binding with biotin/avidin and ganglioside/cholera toxin systems show detect
50  We find that the interactive forces between avidin and graphene are mainly hydrophobic, along with s
51 erimental approach, the interactions between avidin and graphene for the development of a sensing pla
52 ence spectroscopy by utilizing conjugates of avidin and horseradish peroxidase in a microtiter plate
53                                              Avidin and its analogues have therefore been extensively
54 of DMSO on the structure and interactions of avidin and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) CYP142A1 wer
55 n used to detect multivalent binding of both avidin and polyclonal anti-biotin.
56 ity in the hydrogen-bonding network for both avidin and streptavidin by greatly polarizing the urea o
57 ually strong reversible binding of biotin by avidin and streptavidin has been investigated by density
58  further shown by preparation of sensors for avidin and streptavidin.
59 sorption to a pure DOPC bilayer, compared to avidin and streptavidin.
60 ved beta-barrel structure similar to that of avidin and the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate rece
61 target due to the interaction between biotin-avidin and the enzyme converts electro-inactive alpha na
62 g from the high affinity interaction between avidin and the nucleic acids.
63 fully employed to detect surface-immobilized avidin, and a detection limit of 10 ng/mL was achieved.
64 like cations of serum albumin, streptavidin, avidin, and alcohol dehydrogenase were probed using cati
65 proteins, including human thrombin, PDGF-BB, Avidin, and His-tagged recombinant protein, were studied
66  antibody, NeutrAvidin and biotinylated anti-avidin, and the signal for protein binding on the membra
67                       The biotin-fluorescent avidin approach is not a viable procedure for monitoring
68 duced BAD was biotinylated and accessible to avidin (approximately 60 kDa), myotubes were fixed, perm
69 rbon electrode on which a redox hydrogel and avidin are co-electrodeposited.
70                             Streptavidin and avidin are used ubiquitously because of the remarkable a
71 lected from phage libraries and streptavidin/avidin as core protein were used for direct detection of
72   In contract, the intracellular delivery of avidin, as a non-covalent complex with a biotinylated Ta
73 tilising the automated system and the biotin-avidin assembly procedure.
74 pon binding of a biotin-containing sensor to avidin at 1.5 muM concentration, the free xenon T2 is re
75 and specific transducer for the detection of avidin at femtomolar concentrations in solution.
76 nd fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled avidin (Av-FITC) as the template.
77 binding of horseradish-peroxidase-conjugated avidin (avidin-HRP).
78                                        After avidin-based affinity purification and on-resin trypsini
79            For this purpose, we developed an avidin-based biotin capture surface based on a supported
80 n the form of sandwich antibodies and biotin-avidin-based gold nanoparticles.
81                                 In addition, avidin-based nanoparticles have been investigated as dia
82 on principles and biomedical applications of avidin-based nanoparticles in drug delivery and diagnosi
83 tic binding energy is predicted to favor the avidin-bicyclic urea complex due to the relatively large
84                                 In contrast, avidin binding effectively neutralized the potency of bo
85  exposed to thiolated biotin to introduce an avidin binding element on the surface of the gold beads.
86 mmunoglobulin G (Bt-IgG), which binds to the avidin binding sites distal to the surface and the F(c)
87                             Using the biotin-avidin binding system, we showed that the faster respons
88 PE membranes were determined to be 33 nM for avidin binding to biotinylated lipids, 73.5 nM for chole
89  surface of a microfluidic channel by biotin-avidin binding.
90 ns onto SiO(2) microbead supports via biotin-avidin binding.
91 matography, greater than 95% of the released avidin-binding activity was biotin.
92 BSO, and BNB were quantitated by HPLC and an avidin-binding assay in CSF samples from a subset of 11
93 by ultrafiltration and was quantitated by an avidin-binding assay.
94 biotin by ultrafiltration and quantitated by avidin-binding assay.
95 rotein by ultrafiltration and quantitated by avidin-binding assay.
96 of biotin were determined initially as total avidin-binding substances (TABS) in CSF obtained by lumb
97 d agreement with a bulk determination of the avidin-biocytin binding ratio.
98    This methodology has been tested with the avidin-biocytin binding system for which the best-fit di
99  evaluated using the TS 106 antibody and the avidin biotin labeling immunohistochemical technique in
100 cific non-covalent interactions (e.g. strept(avidin)/biotin) or covalent bond formations (e.g. invers
101 The structures and biochemical properties of avidin, biotin and their respective analogues will also
102 bilize a biotinylated APSA using a classical avidin-biotin affinity approach.
103 oxylamine to enrich the modified peptides by avidin-biotin affinity chromatography and analyze them b
104 tinylated antibody for MBP using a classical avidin-biotin approach.
105 nates the contamination that can result from avidin-biotin based retrieval systems and simplifies dat
106 ignal was monitored in real-time based on an avidin-biotin binding between avidin coated QCM surface
107 ostmortem brain in molecular assays, we used avidin-biotin binding to couple superparamagnetic iron o
108 phospholipid were immobilized through biotin-avidin-biotin binding to the surface of a biotin-modifie
109 to simple bioconjugation techniques, such as avidin-biotin binding.
110 ubconjunctival injection was demonstrated by avidin-biotin chemistry.
111  of Microcystis spp. on a gold electrode via avidin-biotin chemistry.
112 bridging approaches the adhesion of oriented avidin-biotin complexes.
113                                              Avidin-biotin interaction is one of the strongest non-co
114 ific adsorption, specific adsorption via the avidin-biotin interaction, and immobilization of antibod
115 s immobilized on silver surface via specific avidin-biotin interaction.
116           Colloid aggregation was induced by avidin-biotin interactions, which shifted the plasmon ab
117 d antibody for ciprofloxacin using classical avidin-biotin interactions.
118 d antibody for ciprofloxacin using classical avidin-biotin interactions.
119 lds, with biotinylated aptamers attached via avidin-biotin linkages, and horseradish peroxidase (HRP)
120                 Specimens were processed for avidin-biotin permanent labeling, and subsets of the who
121 performed after adding avidin-ALP to perform avidin-biotin reaction; the signal was generated through
122 properties of the coupled moieties makes the avidin-biotin system a versatile platform for nanotechno
123               We speculate that many uses of avidin-biotin technology could be improved by using this
124           We detected GFP with pre-embedding avidin-biotin-peroxidase and GABA with post-embedding im
125              Fluorescence immunostaining and avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex immunostaining confirme
126 uple whole-cell recordings with an optimized avidin-biotin-peroxidase staining technique, we carried
127 imately 100-fold slower than the widely used avidin.biotin affinity pair.
128 avidin could then be immobilized via (strept)avidin/biotin binding.
129  in ammonium carbonate buffer (which ensures avidin/biotin complexation) reveal that nonspecific inte
130 ed immobilization strategy (i.e., through an avidin/biotin linkage) is well-suited to immobilize a ne
131 IPAM) were conjugated to antibodies using an avidin/biotin system and deposited onto surfaces using a
132 ation as an alternative using either (strept)avidin/biotin, bispecific antibodies, or oligomers.
133  ASPA antibodies throughout the brain by the avidin/biotin-peroxidase detection method, and colocaliz
134 o alternative targeting techniques including avidin/biotin.
135 es and the protein varies and, unlike in the avidin:biotin complex, complete ordering of the protein
136                  Protein A:immunoglobulin G, avidin:biotin, antibody:antigen, and concanavalin A:glyc
137 y for detection, and this is amplified by an avidin/biotinylated horseradish peroxidase complex.
138 ified human ATM protein, ATM-DNA and ATM-DNA-avidin bound complexes by single-particle electron micro
139 lobin-alpha, ovalbumin, human transthyretin, avidin, bovine serum albumin, concanavalin, human serum
140  attached to the detection antibodies via an avidin bridge.
141 ich was linked to the biotin-AuNP through an avidin bridge.
142 omeric Trp that characterizes the tetrameric avidins but is lacking in shwanavidin.
143 d polymers (CPs) for sensing the presence of avidin by use of a biotin-modified fluorescence quencher
144 e molecular relay was reprogrammed to detect avidin by using a different TFG.
145 nd are specifically targeted to GPI-anchored avidin-CD14 chimeric proteins expressed on the membranes
146 nin I on silanized glass slides using biotin-avidin chemistry, as well as through direct covalent att
147 me based on an avidin-biotin binding between avidin coated QCM surface and specific biotinylated LAMP
148 d to saturate the biotin binding capacity of avidin coated wells.
149 Proteins were affinity isolated onto (strept)avidin-coated beads and then photoreleased (PC-SNAG).
150  MB probes, we have developed a DNA array on avidin-coated cover slips and have improved analytical s
151 fold for Cy5 and 4-fold for Cy3, compared to avidin-coated glass substrates.
152                     It consists of monomeric avidin-coated microbeads trapped in a pipette tip and ha
153 or XIIa) or biotinylated kallikrein bound to avidin-coated plates.
154  streptavidin-coated magnetic beads (MB) and avidin-coated polystyrene microspheres/beads (PSB) entra
155 biotinylated, singly-labeled 23 bp DNAs onto avidin-coated SIF substrates.
156 tin moieties and spacers were immobilized on avidin-coated surfaces and characterized by surface plas
157   By electron microscopy of the ATP synthase-avidin complex in negative stain and by subsequent image
158 mation and stability of the resulting biotin-avidin complex, it is useful to know the kinetics of the
159 t consistent with a simple mechanism whereby avidin complexation of BPP+ leads to encapsulation of th
160 model proteins, namely, transthyretin (TTR), avidin, concanavalin A (conA), and human serum amyloid P
161 y using either a fluorescent or a peroxidase avidin conjugate, or placement of a fluorescent lipophil
162                 Compared with the metal-free avidin conjugate, the avidin-metal complex was observed
163                                          Cy5-avidin conjugate-bound silver nanoparticles were prepare
164 tin groups on coat protein 8 (p8) to bind to avidin-conjugated enzymes.
165 wich immunoassay, biotinylated antibody, and avidin-conjugated GOx for the selective naked-eye detect
166 es (toxins), biotinylated detection Abs, and avidin-conjugated NP.
167  for subsequent detection using a variety of avidin conjugates.
168 n to the two probes and MALDI-MS analysis of avidin contained in the solution removed from the probe
169            Enzymes linked to streptavidin or avidin could then be immobilized via (strept)avidin/biot
170 en are linked to biotinylated enzymes via an avidin couple.
171 c-coglycolic acid-based NP platform, wherein avidin-decorated NPs can be targeted to multiple human D
172 apture mechanism is specific, such as biotin-avidin, deposition is optimal at medium flow rates with
173 s injection of a fluorescent or radiolabeled avidin derivative.
174  attached to one of two different neutralite avidin-derivatized mAbs directed against either human CD
175                                              Avidin detection was not perturbed by Bovine Serum Album
176 pment of MHC tetramers, based on fluorescent avidins displaying biotinylated peptide-MHC complexes.
177 ors, which are derivatized in each case with avidin docking sites.
178 e by affinity interaction between biotin and avidin; electrochemical impedance measurements were perf
179  functional microstructures from crosslinked avidin enables submicrometer localization of controllabl
180 fied proteins (PTM) generally rely on biotin/avidin enrichment.
181 llected on six model glycoproteins (RNase B, avidin, fetuin, asialofetuin, transferrin, and AGP) as w
182 r dysgenic (alpha1S-null) myotubes, punctate avidin fluorescence co-localized with the XFP puncta for
183  biotinylated bovine serum albumin (BSA) and avidin, followed by binding of a biotinylated oligonucle
184                         The high affinity of avidin for biotin has made it useful for many bioanalyti
185 is described, and the selective isolation of avidin from a three-component mixture of avidin, lysozym
186                                              Avidin from chicken egg white was nitrated using dilute
187                                              Avidin functional affinity electrophoresis (AFAEP) is a
188                                        These avidin functionalized UCNPs were adsorbed onto a cellulo
189 that an anti-human transferrin receptor IgG3-avidin fusion protein (anti-hTfR IgG3-Av) inhibits the p
190 ons were spotted for P(4,5)BP/PtdIns(4)P and avidin/GM1 at varied degrees.
191  aptamer of thrombin was immobilized onto an avidin-graphite epoxy composite (AvGEC) electrode surfac
192 tion-state, binding interaction analyses, an avidin/HABA (avidin/4'-hydroxyazobenzene-2-carboxylic ac
193                                          The avidin/HABA assay found the amount of available biotin a
194                  These results indicate that avidin has access to a number of sites of the DHPR withi
195  Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is then reduced by avidin-HRP in the presence of TMB (3,3',5,5'-tetramethyl
196 of horseradish-peroxidase-conjugated avidin (avidin-HRP).
197 cal impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis of avidin immobilized on a graphenated polypyrrole (G-PPy)
198 of unmodified carbohydrates to the resulting avidin-immobilized lectins was monitored by BSI.
199                                          The avidin-imprinted polymeric layer selectively concentrate
200    The spectroscopic properties of 15 and 15-avidin in aqueous media were very similar.
201 dy, we have determined crystal structures of avidin in complex with 8-oxodeoxyguanosine and 8-oxodeox
202 o the alpha1S C-terminal was inaccessible to avidin in dysgenic myotubes (containing RyR1).
203 fluidic network that generates a gradient of avidin in solution and immobilizes this protein on the s
204 odel analyte of horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-avidin in the dynamic range of 0.1-3.0 mug mL(-1).
205 lar, the ligand-receptor binding (biotin and avidin in this paper) was not interfered with when ancho
206  antibody and binding of fluorescein-labeled avidin indicated that guanine bases were oxidatively mod
207                              Associated with avidin-induced NP cluster formation was an increase in t
208 ta(1-42)] oligomers incorporating the biotin-avidin interaction that has been a workhorse for screeni
209 inylated enzyme, attached through the biotin-avidin interaction to a fluorescent nanosphere.
210 n and exploitation of the ultrastrong biotin-avidin interaction.
211    The method is rapid, making use of biotin-avidin interactions and paramagnetic particles to purify
212 e bicyclic urea are much weaker than (strept)avidin interactions due to relatively low polarization o
213 ol (PIP) with its binding protein and biotin/avidin interactions were employed for array measurements
214 ause the binding affinity between biotin and avidin is large (Ka=10(15) M(-1)), biotin could also ser
215                  The immobilized gradient of avidin is then translated into gradients of biotinylated
216 t assay (ELISA)-based assays of the modified avidin, it was found that there are approximately three
217 ) = 4.4 +/- 1.9 x 10(-6) M) than immobilized avidin (K(D) < or = 10(-11) M).
218 nce energy transfer (FRET) experiments using avidin labeled with an Alexa488 fluorophore, which bound
219 for immobilization of specific DNA probe via avidin layer on the surface.
220 aneously bind to the tetrafunctional protein avidin, leading to a cross-linked system.
221         Binding of "functionalized" xenon to avidin leads to a change in the chemical shift of the en
222                            Shwanavidin is an avidin-like protein from the marine proteobactrium Shewa
223 surface of microbubbles (MBs) via the biotin-avidin linkage.
224 (BBIR) composed of an extracellular-modified avidin linked to an intracellular T-cell signaling domai
225                                In this case, avidin-linked glucose oxidase and streptavidin-linked ho
226  to form anti-CRP<-->MB and Ru(II) subsetPSB/avidin&lt;-->anti-CRP conjugates, respectively.
227               Sandwich-type Ru(II) subsetPSB/avidin&lt;-->anti-CRP CRP anti-CRP<-->MB aggregates were fo
228 aggregates were formed when Ru(II) subsetPSB/avidin&lt;-->anti-CRP was mixed with anti-CRP<-->MB conjuga
229  of avidin from a three-component mixture of avidin, lysozyme, and cytochrome c is presented.
230 t cross-linking of enzymes, by decoration of avidin matrixes with biotinylated enzymes, or by cross-l
231 the surface of cerebellar granule neurons by avidin-mediated cross-linking, and inwardly rectifying p
232 ion curve was achieved between the amount of avidin-metal complex on the cell surface and the emissio
233 ed with the metal-free avidin conjugate, the avidin-metal complex was observed to display a stronger
234                      It was noticed that the avidin-metal complexes bound on the cell surfaces could
235  increased with an increase of the number of avidin-metal complexes on the cell surface but the lifet
236                                          The avidin-metal complexes were conjugated with the biotin-s
237 dies illustrate the molecular basis by which avidin might act as a marker of DNA damage, although the
238       Biotinylated NP probes reacted with an avidin molecular target to form stable NP clusters, whic
239   Notably, the structure and function of the avidin molecule are largely preserved after its adsorpti
240                                   Protein A, avidin, monoclonal anti-bovine serum albumin (BSA) antib
241 distinct regions of a FAEP gel by protein A, avidin, monoclonal anti-BSA antibody, and concanavalin A
242 ano-Assembly (ANANAS) is a kind of soft poly avidin nanoparticle originating from the high affinity i
243 he superior anticoagulant efficacy and rapid avidin neutralizability of EP217609 compared with antico
244 molecule together with a biotin tag to allow avidin neutralization.
245                                          The Avidin-Nucleic-Acids-Nano-Assembly (ANANAS) is a kind of
246 sitive detection of four different proteins, avidin, O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), S
247 e nanocomposite confirming the adsorption of avidin on graphene nanoplatelets as observed from the Fo
248 h further surface biotinylation and bridging avidin or NeutrAvidin.
249 ness of the membrane that forms a barrier to avidin penetration, allowing us to determine the magnitu
250                          NP affinity for the avidin/peptide tag complexes was used to provide insight
251 ectin, Con A, and the biotin-binding protein avidin-peroxidase.
252 ried sequence and length were attached to an avidin platform and screened for affinity against the po
253  proteins were enriched by biotinylation and avidin precipitation and analyzed by tandem mass spectro
254 nd immediately bound by fluorochrome-labeled avidin present in the culture medium.
255  successfully delivered an Alexa 488-labeled avidin protein into human glioblastoma cells.
256  creating binding sites for streptavidin and avidin proteins in solution.
257 better selectivity than the one prepared via avidin, recognizing almost none of the tested Gram-posit
258             The assembly of these salts with avidin resulted in the formation of stable biohybrid cat
259  Instead, we propose that binding of BPP+ to avidin results in the quenching unit attaching to a posi
260        Furthermore, MALDI-MS analysis of the avidin retained on the two probes reveals that the limit
261  strategy is proposed whereby self-quenching avidin-rhodamine X, which has affinity for lectin on can
262  with a background summary of biotin/(strept)avidin self-assembly and the current design rules for cr
263                      However, biotin/(strept)avidin self-assembly has several well-recognized drawbac
264                               Biotin/(strept)avidin self-assembly is a powerful platform for nanoscal
265                      Nevertheless, as in all avidins, shwanavidin also displays high thermostability
266 fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated (FITC) avidin staining.
267  results show that the binding affinities of avidin, streptavidin, and neutrAvidin for biotin were al
268 be of the same order of magnitude as that of avidin, streptavidin, and neutrAvidin.
269    A comparison of the binding properties of avidin, streptavidin, neutrAvidin, and antibiotin antibo
270 growth and show the ability to functionalize avidin structures with biotinylated reagents, an approac
271 g events which we demonstrate through biotin-avidin surface coupling.
272 on from a CP excited state, and the proteins avidin, tau, BSA, and pepsin A.
273 rations higher than 4% (v/v) destabilize the avidin tetramer toward dissociation and unfolding, via b
274 cess, the geometry of peptide-MHC display by avidin tetramers was examined, as well as the stability
275 hrough strong inert linkages, such as biotin-avidin, that depolymerizing MTs exert a brief tug on the
276 les (pyranine and crystal violet) as well as avidin through melittin induced membrane pores and defec
277  It becomes biotinylated in vivo, and allows avidin to be bound quantitatively to the purified enzyme
278 gG was chosen, by conjugating the film-bound avidin to biotin-labeled anti-rabbit IgG.
279 ed to rapidly determine whether the ratio of avidin to biotinylated NP was optimal or whether additio
280 del is proposed for the selective binding of avidin to DNA containing oxidatively damaged deoxyguanos
281 loiting the capacity of fluorochrome-labeled avidin to stain degranulating cells.
282 ication of various surface concentrations of avidin to the two probes and MALDI-MS analysis of avidin
283  of neutravidin, a deglycosylated variant of avidin, to surface-immobilized biotin.
284 nding positively charged microdomains of the avidin, two polyanions, poly(acrylic acid-co-maleic acid
285  of these, 15, was efficiently conjugated to avidin via an amide linkage.
286 periment in which the biotin-binding site of avidin was blocked with native biotin showed no such spe
287  formation of bioconjugates of nanogels with avidin was confirmed using optical fluorescence microsco
288 teractions of biotin and fluorophore-labeled avidin was constructed on SIFs and was subsequently comp
289                                  The protein avidin was detected down to 1 mug mL(-1) using our bioti
290                                    Here, HRP-avidin was substituted with the human adenosine deaminas
291 arge freedom of movement of the anion inside avidin, we also investigated the substrate scope of this
292 experiments confirmed that poly(guanine) and avidin were immobilized on the surface of silica NPs.
293 (mucin, soybean peroxidase, collagen IV, and avidin) were compared with those of the constituent suga
294     In contrast, this site was accessible to avidin when the identical construct was expressed in dys
295  is effected by sequential immobilization of avidin, which binds to the biotin in the initial templat
296 gn of a long sought after monovalent form of avidin, which would be ideal for novel types of biotechn
297 2 domain of streptococcal protein G (PG) and avidin will be described.
298 es, and a range of oligonucleotides, bind to avidin with micromolar affinity.
299  to the polyacrylamide gel solution to embed avidin within the gel matrix by interaction with the ami
300 ophoretically toward the cathode through the avidin zone regardless of their pI values.

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