


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1             Grasses possess basal and aerial axillary buds.
2 nins and strigolactones, which can move into axillary buds.
3 abidopsis is determined by the activation of axillary buds.
4 gan senescence, and permanent suppression of axillary buds.
5 were equally abundant in growing and dormant axillary buds.
6 mportant role in inhibiting the outgrowth of axillary buds, a phenomenon known as apical dominance.
7 on repeatedly forcing shoot development from axillary buds, a process that was guided by the size and
8 psis (Arabidopsis thaliana) both by delaying axillary bud activation and by attenuating the basipetal
9   The PsBRC1 gene is mostly expressed in the axillary bud and is transcriptionally up-regulated by di
10 ally in growing organs (root apices, growing axillary buds and elongating stems) compared with their
11 otein (RanBP) in Arabidopsis results in more axillary buds and reduced apical dominance compared to W
12 ot apex and the secondary meristem producing axillary buds and vascular tissues of young leaves and s
13 that SLs do not affect the delivery of CK to axillary buds and vice versa.
14    The expression of TRU1 and TB1 overlap in axillary buds, and TB1 binds to two locations in the tru
15              At early stages of development, axillary buds are inhibited by shoot apex-produced auxin
16 bidopsis thaliana) inhibits the outgrowth of axillary buds as part of the whole plant senescence prog
17 o) and phosphate availability, such that the axillary bud at node 7 varied from deeply dormant to rap
18 osed based on AP2 transcript accumulation in axillary buds before and after budbreak.
19 the main stem and inhibits the growth of the axillary buds below it, contributing to apical dominance
20 owing shoot tip suppresses the growth of the axillary buds below.
21 lts imply that POTM1 mediates the control of axillary bud development by regulating cell growth in ve
22                                       During axillary bud development in a model petiole-leaf cutting
23 gene to characterize D14 function from early axillary bud development through to lateral shoot outgro
24 at axil and leaf boundary regions to control axillary bud differentiation as well as the development
25  fruit removal resembled changes observed in axillary buds following release from apical dominance.
26           EBE overexpression also stimulates axillary bud formation and outgrowth, while repressing i
27 y bud growth was not the result of increased axillary bud formation.
28 ipt is regulated by light quality, such that axillary buds growing in added far-red light have greatl
29 s and, in a model system, exhibited enhanced axillary bud growth instead of producing a tuber.
30                                This enhanced axillary bud growth was not the result of increased axil
31 scription factor that acts as a repressor of axillary bud growth.
32 ced tillering, deregulation of the number of axillary buds in an axil, and alterations in leaf proxim
33 d number of plants were detected that lacked axillary buds in most of the axils of the cauline (stem)
34 he miR156 targets, directly regulated aerial axillary bud initiation.
35                             The outgrowth of axillary buds into branches is regulated systemically vi
36 ression of auxin transport/canalization from axillary buds into the main stem and is enhanced by a lo
37 reby the impact of any SL signal reaching an axillary bud is modulated by the responsiveness of these
38 thaliana gene BRANCHED1 (BRC1), expressed in axillary buds, is required for branch suppression in res
39 nt mutant was used in a SL bioassay based on axillary bud length after direct SL application on the b
40 e application and decapitation by increasing axillary bud length, implicating a PsBRC1-independent co
41 rs are vegetative branches that develop from axillary buds located in the leaf axils at the base of m
42                          Cytokinin levels in axillary buds of a transgenic suppression line increased
43 e TEOSINTE BRANCHED1 gene were quantified in axillary buds only 6 h after application of SLs.
44                      Loss of both apical and axillary buds or inhibition of polar auxin transport did
45            Consequently, SLs can repress (in axillary buds) or promote (in the stem) cell division in
46 ision during branch development: whether the axillary bud, or branch primordium, grows out to give a
47  shows that MAX2 acts locally, either in the axillary bud, or in adjacent stem or petiole tissue.
48 r that affects cell proliferation as well as axillary bud outgrowth and shoot branching in Arabidopsi
49 t that a flavonoid-based mechanism regulates axillary bud outgrowth and that this mechanism is under
50 hoot tip's strong demand for sugars inhibits axillary bud outgrowth by limiting the amount of sugar t
51 hat MAX1, a specific repressor of vegetative axillary bud outgrowth in Arabidopsis, acts a positive r
52                       The fhy3 phenotypes of axillary bud outgrowth suppression and of stress-induced
53         We speculate that MAX1 could repress axillary bud outgrowth via regulating flavonoid-dependen
54 polar auxin transport stream (PATS) inhibits axillary bud outgrowth, its role in regulating the phyB
55 asome and abrogate its activity in promoting axillary bud outgrowth.
56  is reduced branching through suppression of axillary bud outgrowth.
57 2-1 backgrounds, resulted from inhibition of axillary bud outgrowth.
58  the group of hormones that are required for axillary bud outgrowth.
59                      Colchicine treatment of axillary buds resulted in a set of autotetraploid S. vim
60 d on the Agrobacterium T-DNA injected at the axillary bud site, resulting in the excision of the targ
61 ght and nutrition, are integrated within the axillary bud to promote or suppress the growth of the bu
62 el, Fv SOC1 regulates the differentiation of axillary buds to runners or axillary leaf rosettes, prob
63 e levels of POTM1-1 transcripts were high in axillary buds, underground stolen tips, and newly formed
64  in the development of increasing numbers of axillary buds with time in storage, suggesting the need
65 buted over large distances and accumulate in axillary buds within a timeframe that correlates with bu

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