


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 AX2, that affect the selective repression of axillary shoots.
2 f the axillary meristems and is expressed in axillary shoots and axillary meristems which produce inf
3 a graft union into leaves from newly arising axillary shoots and roots of wild type stocks was verifi
4 quired for reliable formation of primary and axillary shoot apical meristems.
5 g poinsettia cultivars that produce numerous axillary shoots are essential for propagating desirable
6 ants exhibited a lower tuber yield and fewer axillary shoots compared to wild type.
7                   In vegetative plants where axillary shoots develop in a basal to apical sequence, t
8 ayed leaf development and expansion, delayed axillary shoot emergence and elongation, decreased leaf
9                             We conclude that axillary shoot growth is controlled locally, at the node
10 nts grown in vitro were dwarf, with abundant axillary shoot growth, greater tuber yield, altered tube
11  does not affect the lateral root formation, axillary shoot growth, or senescence phenotypes of max2.
12  suggesting that phyB mediates the growth of axillary shoots in response to light signals in part by
13   All the first order (but not higher order) axillary shoots initiated by mutant plants remain active
14 results suggest that selective repression of axillary shoots involves ubiquitin-mediated degradation
15 t, with fhy3 enhancing rev mutant defects in axillary shoot meristem formation, as well as in floral
16  axillary leaf primordium is produced by the axillary shoot meristem.
17 node distance, from the shoot apex, at which axillary shoot meristems initiate but shorten the distan
18                     A small number of mutant axillary shoot meristems is enlarged and, later in devel
19 heir primary shoot apical meristem and their axillary shoot meristems.
20 ants controlled by the developmental fate of axillary shoot meristems.

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