


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f Ambystoma texanum and Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl).
2 g genes for traits in the laboratory Mexican axolotl.
3 -1 (NRG1) fulfills all these criteria in the axolotl.
4 chyury in Xenopus, it activates Brachyury in axolotl.
5  including 1 of the more popular models: the axolotl.
6 tion of postcranial mesoderm in catshark and axolotl.
7 ontrol over exogenous gene expression in the axolotl.
8  arch, similar to that seen in zebrafish and axolotl.
9 ment may participate in limb regeneration in axolotls.
10 generation of the body axis and the limbs of axolotls.
11 efficient overexpression of foreign genes in axolotls.
12 ver of regenerative spinal cord outgrowth in axolotls.
13 s of both neotenous and metamorphosing adult axolotls.
14 skeletal and cardiac muscle of adult Mexican axolotls.
15 ced Cre-mediated recombination in transgenic axolotls.
16             Although ampullary organs in the axolotl (a representative of the lobe-finned clade of bo
17 The molecular genetic toolkit of the Mexican axolotl, a classic model organism, has matured to the po
18 ng of the blastema over a time course in the axolotl, a species whose genome has not been sequenced.
19                                          The axolotl, a urodele amphibian, provides a model with all
20 odeled structure, and function indicate that axolotl AHR binds TCDD weakly, predicting that A. mexica
21                                              Axolotl AHR bound one-tenth the TCDD of mouse AHR in vel
22  in the redifferentiated limb tissues in the axolotl, Amblystoma mexicanum, and in Notophthalmus viri
23 apods, only urodele salamanders, such as the axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum, can completely regenerate l
24 cords and dorsal root ganglia of Xenopus and axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) axons grow directly to the
25                                  The Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) has a derived mode of deve
26                                  The Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is capable of fully regene
27 t of regenerating limb tissue in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) that is indicative of cell
28 ate the organization of genes in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), a species that presents r
29      Using similar strategies in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), and the South African cla
30             We fate-map this mesoderm in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), which retains external gi
31     We isolated an AHR cDNA from the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum).
32 to characterize gene expression responses of axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) to an emerging viral path
33 We induced metamorphosis in juvenile Mexican axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) using 5 and 50 nM T4, col
34 immune signaling during limb regeneration in axolotl, an aquatic salamander, and reveal a temporally
35  also inhibits cell migration in vitro using axolotl and human fibroblasts.
36             Comparison of AP-2 expression in axolotl and lamprey suggests an elaboration of cranial n
37 s study we cloned germline VH genes from the axolotl and obtained rearrangements to these VH gene seg
38 nce allows a reverse genetic approach in the axolotl and will undoubtedly provide invaluable insight
39   We hypothesize that this characteristic of axolotl and Xenopus AHRs arose in a common ancestor of t
40  long-term fate mapping using GFP-transgenic axolotl and Xenopus laevis to document the contribution
41  both active sites of hematopoiesis in adult axolotls and contain transplantable HSCs capable of long
42 luding Old and New World monkeys, seahorses, axolotls, and Xenopus.
43                                   We used an axolotl animal cap system to demonstrate that signalling
44  domain and is expressed as a monomer in the axolotl animal cap.
45 ion and comparison of amphioxus, lamprey and axolotl AP-2 reveals its extensive expansion in the vert
46                                              Axolotls are poised to become the premiere model system
47                                              Axolotls are unique in their ability to regenerate the s
48                                              Axolotls are uniquely able to mobilize neural stem cells
49 entified, we cloned a DAZ-like sequence from axolotls, Axdazl.
50 eport the isolation of a Nanog ortholog from axolotls (axNanog).
51 rove invaluable for studying many aspects of axolotl biology.
52 of Drosophila Dll, has been isolated from an axolotl blastema cDNA library, and its expression in dev
53 lly functional neurons can be regenerated in axolotls, but challenge prior assumptions of functional
54 tory throughout the year, for metamorphosing axolotls by a single i.p. injection and for axolotl tran
55 munofluorescent staining using an Ab against axolotl C3 and by in situ hybridization with an axolotl
56 lotl C3 and by in situ hybridization with an axolotl C3 cDNA probe.
57                                          The axolotl can regenerate multiple organs, including the br
58 upon mechanical injury to the adult pallium, axolotls can regenerate several of the populations of ne
59               This distinguishing feature of axolotl CDR3 results not only from shorter junctional se
60 olution of transcription factors in a single axolotl cell and compare numerical simulations with prev
61 d by changing their coat protein, can infect axolotl cells only when they have been experimentally ma
62             Only 29% of the CDR3 loop in the axolotl consisted of somatically generated sequences, co
63 enome, and transformation of abundances from axolotl contigs to human genes.
64   PouV domain proteins from both Xenopus and axolotl could support murine ES cell self-renewal but th
65                            Together with the axolotl data, this confirms that ampullary organs are an
66                                        Since axolotls do not form an expanded paddle-like handplate p
67 d unique cell lineages within the developing axolotl embryo and tracked the frequency of each lineage
68 assessment of Hsp90alpha modulators in a new axolotl embryo tail regeneration (ETR) assay as a potent
69  oropharyngeal region was taken from a donor axolotl embryo, prior to its innervation and development
70 ng a homeobox gene, AxNox-1, from a stage 18 axolotl embryonic cDNA library which shows only moderate
71 inding of migrating pronephric duct cells in axolotl embryos by: (1) demonstrating that application o
72               We conclude that elongation of axolotl embryos requires active cell rearrangements with
73 cific phospholipase C to early tailbud stage axolotl embryos reveals that a specific subset of morpho
74 trulation were manipulated systematically in axolotl embryos, and the subsequent ability of the phary
75  force driving anteroposterior stretching in axolotl embryos, elongation of other tissues being a pas
76 x are required for mesoderm specification in axolotl embryos, suggesting the ancestral vertebrate sta
77 is idea, we devised a culture approach using axolotl embryos.
78 reate mutations at targeted sites within the axolotl genome.
79               These results suggest that, in axolotls, germ plasm components are insufficient to spec
80 osin cDNAs designated ATmC-1 and ATmC-2 from axolotl heart tissue and one TM cDNA from skeletal muscl
81 t ATmC-2 is expressed predominantly in adult axolotl hearts.
82              However, a lack of knowledge of axolotl hematopoiesis hinders the use of this animal for
83 rotocol for successfully mating and breeding axolotls in the laboratory throughout the year, for meta
84 es primordial germ cell (PGC) development in axolotls, in which PGCs are maintained by an extracellul
85 e axial position of the head-trunk border in axolotl is congruent between LPM and somitic mesoderm, u
86 e analog, IPTG, to the swimming water of the axolotl is sufficient for the sugar to be taken up by ce
87     Our results show that gene expression in axolotls is diverse and precise, and that axolotls provi
88  salamander Ambystoma mexicanum (the Mexican axolotl) is a model organism for studies of regeneration
89 promoter constructs were electroporated into axolotl limb blastemas and the wild type promoter was mo
90 sayed by nucleofecting AL1 cells, a cultured axolotl limb cell line that expresses both Prod 1 and Me
91 t have been described, TH greatly stimulates axolotl limb growth causing the resulting larva to be pr
92 ding question of why nerves are required for axolotl limb regeneration.
93 transcriptional dynamics of the regenerating axolotl limb with respect to the human gene set.
94                                              Axolotl limbs offer an opportunity to distinguish these
95 tudied PGC specification in embryos from the axolotl (Mexican salamander), a model for the tetrapod a
96                                          The axolotl (Mexican salamander, Ambystoma mexicanum) has be
97            As in zebrafish, use of the white axolotl mutant allows direct visualization of homing, en
98 ditional components must be important in the axolotl network in the specification of the full range o
99      Here, we show that during regeneration, axolotl neural stem cells repress neurogenic genes and r
100 er, mouse TMEM16A and TMEM16B yield CaCCs in Axolotl oocytes and mammalian HEK293 cells and recapitul
101                                        Using Axolotl oocytes as an expression system, we have identif
102               Axdazl RNA is not localized in axolotl oocytes, and, furthermore, these oocytes do not
103 m liver nuclei following their transfer into axolotl oocytes.
104                        Here we show that the axolotl pattern is strikingly similar to that in amniote
105 ion factors, we demonstrate that, unlike the axolotl, Pax3 is present and necessary for development a
106                                       In the axolotl, PGCs develop within mesoderm, and classic studi
107 to identify molecular bases for two historic axolotl pigment phenotypes: white and albino.
108                        We have sequenced the axolotl Prod 1 promoter and selected two candidate sites
109        The epidermis overlying the migrating axolotl pronephric duct is known to participate in duct
110 in axolotls is diverse and precise, and that axolotls provide new insights about amphibian metamorpho
111  developed Accessory Limb Model (ALM) in the axolotl provides an opportunity to identify and characte
112  developed Accessory Limb Model (ALM) in the axolotl provides an opportunity to identify and characte
113 gated mesoderm specification in embryos from axolotls, representing urodele amphibians, since urodele
114 opment, expression patterns of HoxD genes in axolotls resemble those in amniotes and anuran amphibian
115              We here show that the retina of axolotl salamanders contains at least two distinct class
116 supernumerary limbs from blastemal tissue in axolotl salamanders.
117                           RARE-EGFP reporter axolotls showed divergent reporter activity in limbs und
118 point of injury until reepithelialization in axolotl skin explant model and shown that cell layers mo
119 a, planarian, and salamander (i.e., newt and axolotl) species, but notably such regenerative capacity
120 e showed that regenerating stem cells in the axolotl spinal cord revert to a molecular state resembli
121 reen fluorescent protein(+) transgenic white axolotl strains to map sites of hematopoiesis and develo
122                        In addition, newt and axolotl Tbx4 and Tbx5 expression is regulated differentl
123 l model for the regeneration of a CSD in the axolotl (the Excisional Regeneration Model) that allows
124 fter tail amputation in Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl) the correct number and spacing of dorsal root g
125  of the same structure we have turned to the axolotl, the master of vertebrate regeneration, and gene
126 e that, in two urodele amphibians, newts and axolotls, the regulation of Tbx4 and Tbx5 differs from h
127 kine/chemokine signaling are retained in the axolotl, they are more dynamically deployed, with simult
128 g transplant experiments with GFP-expressing axolotl, they show vividly which cells of the blastema r
129 d limb regeneration and tissue repair in the axolotl to be investigated in increasing detail, the mol
130 tion-incompetent retroviruses can be used in axolotls to permanently express markers or genetic eleme
131 hickness skin from ubiquitous GFP-expressing axolotls to wild-type hosts, we demonstrate that berylli
132 er salamander) and for A. mexicanum (Mexican axolotl) to generate the first comprehensive linkage map
133   This approach involved de novo assembly of axolotl transcripts, RNA-seq transcript quantification w
134  axolotls by a single i.p. injection and for axolotl transgenesis using I-SceI meganuclease and the m
135 e rearing water of the postembryonic Mexican axolotl was reinvestigated under conditions that permit
136 ory hair cells in lateral line neuromasts of axolotls was investigated via nearly continuous time-lap
137                                              Axolotls, with their extensive abilities to regenerate a
138 t it is also able to promote regeneration in axolotl, Xenopus, and zebrafish.
139 ltered genomic composition of the laboratory axolotl, yielding a distinct, hybrid strain of ambystoma

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