


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 involves activation of TLR9-ERK signaling by bacterial DNA.
2 y unrecognized potential for the exchange of bacterial DNA.
3  CpG motifs are present at high frequency in bacterial DNA.
4 ge regions, accounting for 2.7% of the total bacterial DNA.
5 (PFGE) of NotI restriction enzyme digests of bacterial DNA.
6 s-specific differences in the recognition of bacterial DNA.
7  through cGAS-STING-dependent recognition of bacterial DNA.
8 ytokine production in response to ISS-ODN or bacterial DNA.
9  bacterial and fungal cell walls, as well as bacterial DNA.
10 amples did not contain significant levels of bacterial DNA.
11 r label-free and ultrasensitive detection of bacterial DNA.
12 8 log10 gene copies (GC)/g, respectively, in bacterial DNA; 5.5 and 4.4 log10 GC/g, respectively, in
13                                  ISS-ODN and bacterial DNA activate DNA-PK, which in turn contributes
14                                The monomeric bacterial DNA adenine methyltransferase (Dam) is respons
15                 Short-term expression of the bacterial DNA adenine methyltransferase Dam, tethered to
16 etermine whether exposure of immune cells to bacterial DNA affects DNA binding and internalization.
17  is required for transient expression of the bacterial DNA, an early step in the transformation proce
18 nicircle' DNA, a vector type that is free of bacterial DNA and capable of high expression in cells, f
19 binding to two distant operator sites on the bacterial DNA and causing the intervening DNA to form a
20 ating the mechanisms of immunostimulation by bacterial DNA and CpG ODN as well as a strategy for prev
21 easingly clear that eukaryotes have acquired bacterial DNA and function through horizontal gene trans
22 o demonstrate that the third detector senses bacterial DNA and identify it as Aim2, a receptor that h
23                                              Bacterial DNA and immunostimulatory CpG oligodeoxynucleo
24 duced upon DNA damage, co-localized with the bacterial DNA and is required for the DDR.
25 nism that initiates signaling in response to bacterial DNA and ISS-ODN has not been identified.
26 erein, we demonstrate that administration of bacterial DNA and ISS-ODN to mice lacking the catalytic
27                                              Bacterial DNA and its synthetic immunostimulatory oligod
28 olled, synergistic induction of TNF-alpha by bacterial DNA and LPS is not mediated at the transcripti
29  however, are not synergistically induced by bacterial DNA and LPS.
30 s DNA from reactive intermediates by binding bacterial DNA and physically protecting it.
31 ethylated DNA sequences that mimic viral and bacterial DNA and protect against infectious agents and
32                                              Bacterial DNA and related synthetic immunostimulatory ol
33  to spacer acquisition from both foreign and bacterial DNA and results in multiple spacers incapable
34 )17 cell-derived IL-26 formed complexes with bacterial DNA and self-DNA released by dying bacteria an
35  a significant correlation between levels of bacterial DNA and serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha (P =
36 cytosolic surveillance pathway, which senses bacterial DNA and signals through STING, TBK1, IRF3 and
37                                              Bacterial DNA and synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN)
38 these, TLR9, is activated intracellularly by bacterial DNA and synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN),
39                                              Bacterial DNA and synthetic oligomers containing CpG din
40                                              Bacterial DNA and synthetic oligonucleotides containing
41 idate the mechanisms of immunostimulation by bacterial DNA and synthetic oligonucleotides, the effect
42           Minicircle DNA vectors are free of bacterial DNA and thus capable of high expression in mam
43    Although the pathways involved in sensing bacterial DNA and viral RNA are now well established, on
44 also resulted in the presence of contaminant bacterial DNA and yielded fewer reads from the known pat
45 ivated by un-methylated CpG motifs, found in bacterial DNA, and beta-glucans, found in the cell wall
46 olysaccharides, lipoproteins, flagellin, and bacterial DNA, and signaling through TLRs leads to the p
47  TNF-alpha message has a longer half-life in bacterial DNA- and LPS-treated macrophages than that in
48 ophate-guanosine (CpG)--containing motifs in bacterial DNA are potent immune system activators.
49 cast the action of depletants on supercoiled bacterial DNA as an effective solvent quality.
50 a strategy for preventing adverse effects of bacterial DNA as well as lipopolysaccharide.
51      Unmethylated CpG dinucleotide motifs in bacterial DNA, as well as oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) co
52  time, the extent of cytosine methylation of bacterial DNA at single-base resolution.
53 ) reciprocal recombination between phage and bacterial DNA at specific sites on both partners.
54                                              Bacterial DNA attenuation of Treg suppressive activity m
55                Previous work showed that the bacterial DNA backbone of the plasmid has potent adjuvan
56                                              Bacterial DNA (Bact-DNA) in MLNs was identified by polym
57      The vertebrate immune system recognizes bacterial DNA based on the presence of unmethylated CpG-
58                 Pretreatment blood levels of bacterial DNA (bDNA) were measured in 731 patients.
59                           Fis is an abundant bacterial DNA binding protein that functions in many dif
60 is unknown; CbpA lacks motifs found in other bacterial DNA binding proteins.
61                                          The bacterial DNA-binding protein HU and the yeast HMGB prot
62 se studies thus identified a novel family of bacterial DNA-binding proteins, developed a model of Spo
63 hii Ptr2, a member of the Lrp/AsnC family of bacterial DNA-binding proteins, is an activator of its e
64 idylate kinase (TMK), an essential enzyme in bacterial DNA biosynthesis, is an attractive therapeutic
65 f 10(4) CFU/ml was correlated with increased bacterial DNA burden (P < 0.01), decreased community div
66 ture-independent indices of infection (total bacterial DNA burden and low bacterial community diversi
67                                          The bacterial DNA burden was also highest on day 8 and then
68 was ineffective with genomic double stranded bacterial DNA, but it allowed down to 16 amole detection
69 lex amplification and detection of viral and bacterial DNA by a flow-based chemiluminescence microarr
70 ype phages can randomly package and transfer bacterial DNA by a process called generalized transducti
71 ained model description of the compaction of bacterial DNA by H-NS.
72                  Recognition of extracelluar bacterial DNA by the STING-dependent cytosolic pathway i
73                                              Bacterial DNA can be damaged by reactive nitrogen and ox
74                               Methylation of bacterial DNA can regulate microbial growth and virulenc
75 CpG motifs and their associated sequences in bacterial DNA causes an immunotoxic response following t
76                 In this study the ability of bacterial DNA, characterized by unmethylated CpG islands
77      By the simple expedient of removing the bacterial DNA complement, we significantly reduce the si
78  signature that is unaffected by the initial bacterial DNA concentration.
79                                              Bacterial DNA concentrations were raised in 16 of 16 blo
80                                              Bacterial DNA concentrations were raised in 4 of 29 epis
81                                              Bacterial DNA containing unmethylated CpG dinucleotide m
82                Two classes of nucleic acids, bacterial DNA containing unmethylated CpG motifs and dsR
83                                              Bacterial DNA containing unmethylated CpG motifs is a pa
84                                              Bacterial DNA contains a high frequency of unmethylated
85                                              Bacterial DNA contains immunostimulatory CpG motifs that
86   Many studies have reported the presence of bacterial DNA contamination in commercial Taq DNA polyme
87 mmon to all four methods, and revealed trace bacterial DNA contamination in TFF-concentrated metageno
88 atory good practice was required to minimize bacterial DNA contamination.
89 imulatory unmethylated CpG motifs present in bacterial DNA (CpG DNA) induce expression of cyclooxygen
90           Unmethylated CpG motifs present in bacterial DNA (CpG DNA) induce innate inflammatory respo
91                                              Bacterial DNA (CpG DNA) persists in tissues and blood un
92 xpression of TLR4 and TLR9, the receptor for bacterial DNA (CpG-DNA).
93                                          The bacterial DNA cytosine methyltransferase M.HhaI sequence
94 o investigate the catalytic mechanism of the bacterial DNA cytosine methyltransferase M.HhaI.
95 iously identified base flipping motif in the bacterial DNA cytosine methyltransferase, M.HhaI.
96 s pathway is a disease-enhancing response to bacterial DNA damage inflicted by the host immune system
97 tress in its specific niche, and this causes bacterial DNA damage.
98 itations have hampered broad applications of bacterial DNA delivery.
99                                              Bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RNAP) has subuni
100 try analysis, this protein was identified as bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RNAP).
101 f the beta, beta', and sigma(70) subunits of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerases (DdRp), combined
102 ssive oligodeoxynucleotides; 3) simulated by bacterial DNA derived from HKBA; and 4) abrogated by DNa
103 ociated with an increase of the diversity of bacterial DNA detected in the blood.
104 g of bacterial 16S rRNA genes to investigate bacterial DNA diversity in milk samples of mastitic and
105 s end joining (NHEJ) is a recently described bacterial DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway t
106  pathway and PriA, suggesting a mechanism of bacterial DNA DSB repair involving the establishment of
107 otein curli, irreversibly formed fibers with bacterial DNA during biofilm formation.
108                                          The bacterial DNA effects are mimicked by synthetic CpG-cont
109              Can homology between vector and bacterial DNA enable the uptake of these foreign DNA ins
110 A ligase D (PaeLigD) exemplifies a family of bacterial DNA end-joining proteins that consist of a lig
111 e-inducible GAL1 promoter joined to PvuII, a bacterial DNA endonuclease gene, are toxic to yeast cell
112                  Certain CpG motifs found in bacterial DNA enhance immune responses through Toll-like
113  secretion samples were used for analysis of bacterial DNA for Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Prevote
114  was approximately equal to genotyping using bacterial DNA from cultures.
115 teins play a major role in the protection of bacterial DNA from damage by reactive oxygen species.
116 lunteers with liver cirrhosis, 50% contained bacterial DNA from Enterobactericaea, Clostridium leptum
117 n with specific primers and probes to detect bacterial DNA from several oral species and Chlamydia pn
118                              The presence of bacterial DNA from Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas g
119                                              Bacterial DNA from the cecum was extracted for deep meta
120 lammatory response by enhancing clearance of bacterial DNA from the extracellular environment.
121 ion of WDM for rapid, automated detection of bacterial DNA from whole blood may have an enormous impa
122  for point-of-care or molecular detection of bacterial DNA from whole blood.
123 ome is facilitated by the directed motion of bacterial DNA generated during chromosome replication, i
124 tomyces sahachiroi AlkZ (previously Orf1), a bacterial DNA glycosylase that protects its host by exci
125                AlkD is a recently discovered bacterial DNA glycosylase that removes positively charge
126                                    MutM is a bacterial DNA glycosylase that removes the mutagenic les
127                                    MutM is a bacterial DNA glycosylase that serves as the first line
128 g (DXL) technology to obtain structures of a bacterial DNA glycosylase, MutM, interrogating undamaged
129                                      MutM, a bacterial DNA glycosylase, protects genome integrity by
130                                      MutM, a bacterial DNA-glycosylase, plays a critical role in main
131 g the GyrB/ParE ATP-binding sites located on bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV and not utiliz
132                                              Bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV are essential
133                                              Bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV are well-chara
134                                              Bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV control the to
135 ntibacterial agents that specifically target bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV.
136 es are bifunctional antibiotics that inhibit bacterial DNA gyrase by preventing DNA binding to the en
137                                              Bacterial DNA gyrase is a well-established and validated
138                                              Bacterial DNA gyrase is a well-known and validated targe
139 arin natural product antibiotics that target bacterial DNA gyrase is assembled from tyrosine by nonri
140    A recent study has analysed the action of bacterial DNA gyrase on a single substrate DNA molecule,
141    Albicidin is a nanomolar inhibitor of the bacterial DNA gyrase with a strong activity against vari
142  antibacterial agents that act by inhibiting bacterial DNA gyrase, a target of clinical significance.
143 t act through validated drug targets such as bacterial DNA gyrase.
144 iety that is the pharmacophore for targeting bacterial DNA gyrase.
145 ng site, related to the ATP-binding motif of bacterial DNA gyrase.
146 intracellular bacteria, cytosolic sensing of bacterial DNA has also been implicated in eliciting immu
147 thylated cytosine-guanine sequences (CpG) in bacterial DNA has been well documented.
148  in the human genome, but the integration of bacterial DNA has not been described.
149 motifs (CpG ODN), which mimic the effects of bacterial DNA, have been shown to enhance type-1 cytokin
150                                              Bacterial DNA helicases are nucleic acid-dependent NTPas
151                            qPCR detected 16s bacterial DNA in 37 patients (66%), compared to 19 (34%)
152 estimates the relative amounts of fungal and bacterial DNA in a sample in comparison to the endogenou
153                                    The total bacterial DNA in autopsy liver was associated with the p
154 osomal DNA was used to measure the levels of bacterial DNA in blood samples drawn through the CVC in
155 been demonstrated by the presence of similar bacterial DNA in both prostatic secretion and subgingiva
156                  This is the first report of bacterial DNA in human breast ductal fluid and the diffe
157 6S rDNA PCR analysis reveals the presence of bacterial DNA in incubated blood samples but also in neg
158                 Differences exist among oral bacterial DNA in inducing immune responses.
159  recent reports suggest that the presence of bacterial DNA in peritoneal fluid in patients with cirrh
160 on analysis of the reassociation kinetics of bacterial DNA in soil, Gans et al. claimed that millions
161                         However, the role of bacterial DNA in systemic arthritis is not known.
162 e provide evidence, for the first time, that bacterial DNA in the context of heat-killed Brucella abo
163            Many patients with arthritis have bacterial DNA in the joint, and, in some cases, DNA from
164 rinciples are defined to discard contaminant bacterial DNA in the subsequent data analysis.
165     The median value for the total amount of bacterial DNA in thrombi was 16 times higher than that f
166                          We aimed to measure bacterial DNA in thrombus aspirates of patients with ST-
167 technique were investigated by using various bacterial DNAs in drinking and tap water.
168       The method combines isolation of total bacterial DNA (including both plasmid and genomic DNA),
169 glycan and double-stranded RNA, but not with bacterial DNA, indicating that Rip2 is downstream of TLR
170 ne-deoxyguanosine dinucleotides, which mimic bacterial DNA, induced hemophagocytosis only in IFN-gamm
171 pG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), which mimic bacterial DNA, inhibit allergic airways disease and prom
172                Here we present evidence that bacterial DNA integrates into the human somatic genome t
173  The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we examined bacterial DNA integration into the human somatic genome.
174 foundation for future experiments to test if bacterial DNA integrations alter the transcription of th
175  will lead to the more frequent detection of bacterial DNA integrations in tumors that are in close p
176 ctional and biological consequences of these bacterial DNA integrations remain unknown.
177 ible for the generation and transport of the bacterial DNA into the host cell has resulted in the est
178                                              Bacterial DNA invertases of the serine site-specific rec
179 patient by a newly developed method in which bacterial DNA is amplified directly from sputum Gram-sta
180                                              Bacterial DNA is enriched in unmethylated CpG motifs tha
181  total sterols) in pigment gallstones, where bacterial DNA is most abundant.
182                                              Bacterial DNA is protected from restriction endonuclease
183                               Recognition of bacterial DNA is the most enigmatic of these, as it depe
184 rep Spin miniprep kit [Qiagen] and the urine bacterial DNA isolation kit [Norgen]) for the direct DNA
185  is to identify the structural components of bacterial DNA ligase that interact with NAD(+) and then
186 irement, and widespread existence in nature, bacterial DNA ligases appear to be valuable targets for
187                                   To explore bacterial DNA ligases as antibacterial targets and furth
188                                              Bacterial DNA ligases catalyze a NAD(+)-dependent DNA li
189                                              Bacterial DNA ligases, NAD(+)-dependent enzymes, are dis
190                                   Sequential bacterial DNA loads in the blood were measured by a quan
191 on 5 of a pyrimidine nucleotide, such as the bacterial DNA m(5)C methyltransferases, utilize their si
192 evention of coagulation in pathologies where bacterial DNA may abundantly be present.
193 Mitochondrial DNA that shows similarities to bacterial DNA may be released after tissue damage and ac
194 -function mutations or transient exposure to bacterial DNA may drive persistent inflammatory mononucl
195 ch in guanine nucleotides and the integrated bacterial DNA may have complex transcript secondary stru
196             Beyond its role in host defense, bacterial DNA methylation also plays important roles in
197 ing antibiotic stress and suggests targeting bacterial DNA methylation as a viable approach to enhanc
198 e present a binning method that incorporates bacterial DNA methylation signatures, which are detected
199 man DNA methyltransferase 1 (hDNMT1) and the bacterial DNA methyltransferase (M.EcoRII) and that it i
200 n to characterize the specificity of several bacterial DNA methyltransferases (MTases).
201  Th1 phenotype, raising the possibility that bacterial DNA might play a role in the generation of pat
202        Clinically relevant concentrations of bacterial DNA molecules are separated by digitization ac
203 nd examined for epithelial morphology, SIgA, bacterial DNA, nuclear factor-kappaB activation, neutrop
204       Cirrhotics had in median 27 times more bacterial DNA of Enterobactericaea in faeces compared to
205 ease, bacterial lysate, intact bacteria, and bacterial DNA on proliferation and cytokine production b
206 evelop resistance following stimulation with bacterial DNA or CpG oligodeoxynucleotide.
207                   Unmethylated CpG motifs in bacterial DNA or synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) a
208            Unmethylated CpG dinucleotides in bacterial DNA or synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs)
209  by unmethylated CpG-containing sequences in bacterial DNA or synthetic oligonucleotides (ODNs) in th
210 23, PMAP-36, and protegrin-1 to complex with bacterial DNA or synthetic RNA molecules and facilitate
211 NA- and LPS-treated macrophages than that in bacterial DNA- or LPS-treated macrophages.
212 romote NET formation, as did preparations of bacterial DNA, outer membrane proteins, and lipooligosac
213 expectation, animals receiving alum-GTF plus bacterial DNA (P. gingivalis in particular) demonstrated
214 mass spectrometry and normalized for mass of bacterial DNA per sample to exclude confounding by varyi
215 ncluding three essential proteins related to bacterial DNA pol I (POLIB, POLIC and POLID).
216 l III) is the catalytic alpha subunit of the bacterial DNA Polymerase III holoenzyme.
217 capacity to inhibit the replication-specific bacterial DNA polymerase IIIC (pol IIIC) and the growth
218 are potent and selective inhibitors of Gram+ bacterial DNA polymerase IIIC (pol IIIC).
219 ts of these reactions with several phage and bacterial DNA polymerases capable of strand-displacement
220 tes, consistent with replication by accurate bacterial DNA polymerases in the integrated prophage sta
221  archaeal FEN1 or the 5'-nuclease domains of bacterial DNA polymerases is a double-flap structure con
222 act using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of bacterial DNA prepared from intestinal content.
223                                              Bacterial DNA primase DnaG synthesizes RNA primers requi
224 o interact with and facilitate import of the bacterial DNA-protein transport (T) complexes into the p
225 hese pathways represent the main function of bacterial DNA recombination systems, as well as the main
226          Humans express nine paralogs of the bacterial DNA repair enzyme AlkB, an iron/2-oxoglutarate
227       The phosphoesterase (PE) domain of the bacterial DNA repair enzyme LigD possesses distinctive m
228                                          The bacterial DNA repair enzyme, T4 endonuclease V, delivere
229                                              Bacterial DNA replicases contain multiple subunits that
230  plasmid-borne RepA binding sites to inhibit bacterial DNA replication and delay host cell division w
231 on is also evident during the termination of bacterial DNA replication and during the induction of th
232                                Initiation of bacterial DNA replication at oriC is mediated by primoso
233 ilis, in contrast to the prevailing model of bacterial DNA replication based on Escherichia coli DnaA
234                               The process of bacterial DNA replication generates chromosomal topologi
235                     The level of DnaA, a key bacterial DNA replication initiation factor, increases d
236 rio extends our fundamental understanding of bacterial DNA replication initiation, and because of the
237 lethal infection in mice, demonstrating that bacterial DNA replication is inhibited during host-patho
238                                          The bacterial DNA replication machinery presents new targets
239          Summary It has been postulated that bacterial DNA replication occurs via a factory mechanism
240 ading onto repaired DNA replication forks in bacterial DNA replication restart pathways.
241    We propose that DnaA serves to coordinate bacterial DNA replication with the onset of chromosome s
242 to those in eukaryal DNA replication than in bacterial DNA replication, but have some archaeal-specif
243                         In the initiation of bacterial DNA replication, DnaA protein recruits DnaB he
244                  Quinolone drugs can inhibit bacterial DNA replication, via interaction with the type
245 es (III-1, III-2, and III-3) on the basis of bacterial DNA restriction digest patterns (RDPs).
246 endosomes, TLR9 is activated by unmethylated bacterial DNA, resulting in proinflammatory cytokine sec
247                      Starting with extracted bacterial DNA, samples are fragmented by restriction enz
248 this study is to determine the expression of bacterial DNA sensors, including Toll-like receptor 9 (T
249 t self-transmissible is dissimilarity in the bacterial DNA sequences concerned.
250  additional information on the quantities of bacterial DNA shed.
251 s from myeloperoxidase, serum amyloid A, and bacterial DNA, shifting the balance of pro- and anti-sur
252              Nucleotide sequence analysis of bacterial DNA showed that the isolates contained mutatio
253 bosomal RNA gene sequencing detected diverse bacterial DNA signatures in the filtrates.
254           Unmethylated CpG motifs present in bacterial DNA stimulate a rapid and robust innate immune
255           Unmethylated CpG motifs present in bacterial DNA stimulate a strong innate immune response.
256   This response is similar to that seen with bacterial DNA stimulation of B cells.
257 ylate kinase (TMK) is an essential enzyme in bacterial DNA synthesis.
258                Our findings demonstrate that bacterial DNA through Toll-like receptor 9 shifted the b
259 nsive to CpG ODN but are fully responsive to bacterial DNA, thus implying that microbial recognition
260  endotoxin (TLR4), peptidoglycan (TLR2), and bacterial DNA (TLR9).
261 bined this approach with quantitative PCR of bacterial DNA to normalize the amount of gene expression
262               Intracolonic administration of bacterial DNA to wild-type mice induced expression of ca
263                                              Bacterial DNA topoisomerase I is responsible for prevent
264                                              Bacterial DNA topoisomerases are essential for bacterial
265      DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV control bacterial DNA topology by breaking DNA, passing duplex D
266 lism; it is also suggested to participate in bacterial DNA transactions.
267 robiology, the most commonly used methods of bacterial DNA transfer are conjugation and electroporati
268 ng the viral DNA-packaging motor, beside the bacterial DNA translocases, that uses a revolving mechan
269          Because so far no clear homologs of bacterial DNA transporters have been identified among th
270                                              Bacterial DNA transposition is an important model system
271                                              Bacterial DNA typical for endodontic infection, mainly o
272 lli identified by Gram staining, we isolated bacterial DNA using spin columns (BC-C) and rapid water
273 etic readout of rolling circle products from bacterial DNA utilizing the dynamic properties of MNBs i
274               Contamination of reagents with bacterial DNA was a major problem exacerbated by the hig
275 ve qPCR detection of the extracted S. aureus bacterial DNA was achieved with a detection limit of 5+/
276    Among the 46 samples associated with PTB, bacterial DNA was amplified from all (16/16) of the cult
277                                              Bacterial DNA was amplified from the only patient with c
278                                           No bacterial DNA was amplified in AF collected from the asy
279                                        Blood bacterial DNA was analyzed both quantitatively by 16S ri
280                                              Bacterial DNA was analyzed using terminal restriction fr
281                              The presence of bacterial DNA was associated with an inflammatory respon
282                                              Bacterial DNA was detected in all patients with typical
283 .1% and 11.4% of vascular and blood samples, bacterial DNA was detected.
284                                              Bacterial DNA was extracted from and subjected to Illumi
285                                              Bacterial DNA was extracted from human gallstones.
286                                              Bacterial DNA was extracted from mouse fecal samples to
287                                              Bacterial DNA was extracted, and qPCR was used to determ
288                                              Bacterial DNA was extracted, and the 16S rRNA genes were
289 cimens with no culture growth, the amount of bacterial DNA was greater than that in reagent and rinse
290                                              Bacterial DNA was isolated and 16S ribsomal RNA gene lib
291                                              Bacterial DNA was isolated from the same milk samples an
292                                              Bacterial DNA was isolated, and the 16S ribosomal RNA ge
293                                              Bacterial DNA was isolated, and the 16S rRNA gene was am
294 ide LL-37 and the abundance and diversity of bacterial DNA was measured.
295                     Using qPCR, we show that bacterial DNA was present in the atherosclerotic plaque
296 n events leading to the stable expression of bacterial DNA was unexplored.
297 ment may be systematically contaminated with bacterial DNA, which appears to be sampled by metagenome
298 s were positive for spiroplasma or any other bacterial DNA, while control Spiroplasma mirum genomic D
299 larensis revealed striking colocalization of bacterial DNA with endogenous AIM2 and inflammasome adap
300 how that neighboring transgenic elements and bacterial DNA within the transgene cause profound silenc

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