


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ey has adapted to a role in the digestion of bacterial RNA.
2 creased demands for the enzyme for digesting bacterial RNA.
3 ll RNAs in the cell and is relatively stable bacterial RNA.
4  RNAs are homologous (of common ancestry) to bacterial RNA.
5 ently, PKR has been found to be activated by bacterial RNA.
6  (FnCas9) is capable of targeting endogenous bacterial RNA.
7 ated by cytosolic poly I:C, reoviral RNA, or bacterial RNA.
8 -1beta induction and caspase-1 activation by bacterial RNA.
9 able on mechanisms underlying recognition of bacterial RNA.
10 l features in this RNA, which are typical of bacterial RNAs, activate PKR in TRAP-free and TRAP/l-Trp
11 onsistent with highly base-paired regions in bacterial RNA activating PKR.
12 Here we describe two reproducible methods of bacterial RNA amplification that will allow previously i
13 ways involved in innate immune activation by bacterial RNA and analyze the physiological relevance of
14 dying small molecules that can interact with bacterial RNA and interrupt cellular activities is a pro
15 une responses, the stimulatory properties of bacterial RNA and its role during infections have just b
16          We report that IFN-gamma suppressed bacterial RNA and LPS induced IL-1beta transcription in
17 iRNA) array analysis revealed an increase in bacterial RNA and multiple host miRNAs (miR-145, miR-146
18 h rifampin or chloramphenicol, inhibitors of bacterial RNA and protein synthesis, respectively, showe
19 IL-1beta and IL-18 production in response to bacterial RNA and the imidazoquinoline compounds R837 an
20 I cleaves double-stranded (ds) structures in bacterial RNAs and participates in diverse RNA maturatio
21 gh cytosolic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and bacterial RNA are known to activate the NLRP3 inflammaso
22   RNase P RNAs of eukaryotes, in contrast to bacterial RNAs, are not catalytically active in vitro wi
23 tion factor Rho associates with most nascent bacterial RNAs as they emerge from RNA polymerase.
24                                     Hfq is a bacterial RNA binding protein that facilitates small RNA
25 storage regulator A) is a widely distributed bacterial RNA binding protein that regulates translation
26                                       Hfq, a bacterial RNA-binding protein, was recently shown to con
27                        The functions of many bacterial RNA-binding proteins remain obscure because of
28                                              Bacterial RNA (bRNA) can induce cytokine production in m
29 hat contain all of the catalytic core of the bacterial RNA but lack phylogenetically variable, stabil
30 RNA contains a core structure similar to the bacterial RNA but lacks specific features that in bacter
31   The demonstration that nucleases guided by bacterial RNA can disrupt human genes represents a landm
32 sults propose a wide repertoire of potential bacterial RNA capping molecules, and provide mechanistic
33                                     Hfq is a bacterial RNA chaperone involved in the posttranscriptio
34 f the proteins from different organisms, the bacterial RNA component, and a bacterial RNase P holoenz
35 rial RNA but lacks specific features that in bacterial RNAs contribute to catalysis and global stabil
36                 Hfq also plays a key role in bacterial RNA decay by binding tightly to polyadenylate
37  results, together with recent insights into bacterial RNA decay, suggest a unifying model for the bi
38                                              Bacterial RNA degradation often begins with conversion o
39                                              Bacterial RNA degradation often begins with conversion o
40 Nase that digests the high concentrations of bacterial RNA derived from symbiotic microflora.
41                                              Bacterial RNA-directed Cas9 endonuclease is a versatile
42 d little effect on invasion, indicating that bacterial RNA, DNA, and de novo protein synthesis are no
43  A method was developed to detect 5' ends of bacterial RNAs expressed at low levels and to differenti
44 and blood was extracted at 8 hours to purify bacterial RNA for RNA-Seq with an Illumina platform.
45          The ability to identify and isolate bacterial RNA from animals or humans with infections has
46                In this study, we report that bacterial RNA from both Gram-positive and Gram-negative
47 a protocol for isolation of microarray-grade bacterial RNA from Escherichia coli K1 interacting with
48 tome, and examine the pitfalls in extracting bacterial RNA from the infected host compartment.
49                                              Bacterial RNA from the loops was retrieved at different
50 eloped a technique for specific isolation of bacterial RNA from within infected murine macrophages, a
51 dvent of facile genome engineering using the bacterial RNA-guided CRISPR-Cas9 system in animals and p
52 d genome-engineering approaches based on the bacterial RNA-guided nuclease Cas9.
53  unambiguously identify TLR8 as receptor for bacterial RNA in primary human monocyte-derived macropha
54 l-length protein in Escherichia coli package bacterial RNAs in amounts equivalent to the viral pregen
55 ically sequences all RNA, including host and bacterial RNA, in stool specimens.
56 racellular nucleic acid receptor involved in bacterial RNA-induced inflammasome activation and releas
57                                              Bacterial RNA is a strong inducer of type I IFN and NF-k
58                                              Bacterial RNA is an important trigger of inflammasome ac
59 ions are to be studied where the recovery of bacterial RNA is limited.
60                         The amplification of bacterial RNA is required if complex host-pathogen inter
61                                              Bacterial RNA is the main driver of L lactis G121-mediat
62  RNA to generate the probes, especially when bacterial RNA is used for hybridization (50 microg of ba
63 the eucaryal RNase P RNA, in contrast to the bacterial RNA, is catalytically inactive in the absence
64                         In fact, none of the bacterial RNA isolation methods, including the commercia
65 l role for cryopyrin in host defence through bacterial RNA-mediated activation of caspase-1, and prov
66  has been considered an important feature of bacterial RNA metabolism.
67  direct entry by RNase E has a major role in bacterial RNA metabolism.
68 se) plays synthetic and degradative roles in bacterial RNA metabolism; it is also suggested to partic
69                                          The bacterial RNA polymeras holoenzyme consists of a catalyt
70  mechanistic function similarity between the bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) "switch region" and the
71 ntibiotic GE23077 (GE) binds directly to the bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) active-center 'i' and 'i
72  a nucleoside-analog inhibitor that inhibits bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) and exhibits antibacteri
73 ocrosslinking to define interactions between bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) and promoter DNA in the
74 x was tracked by mapping cross-links between bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) and transcript RNA or te
75                         Myxopyronin inhibits bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) by an unknown mechanism.
76       Rifamycin antibacterial agents inhibit bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) by binding to a site adj
77 proach was used to investigate inhibition of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) by sorangicin (Sor), a m
78 ads to rapid and selective inhibition of the bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) by the 7 kDa T7 protein
79 anism, and structural basis of inhibition of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) by the tetramic acid ant
80 e resonance energy transfer, we have defined bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) clamp conformation at ea
81                         The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) confers on the enzyme th
82                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) containing the major var
83 e transcription from specific promoters, the bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) core enzyme must associa
84  to complete its infection in the absence of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) enzyme activity.
85                             The multisubunit bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAp) enzyme, which catalyses
86 nt of data on initiation of transcription by bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) has been obtained.
87 majority of biochemical characterizations of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) have been focused; the p
88                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) holoenzyme consists of a
89                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) holoenzyme consists of a
90                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) holoenzyme containing si
91                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is a multi-subunit, stru
92                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is a validated target fo
93                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is a validated target fo
94 uring transcription of protein-coding genes, bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is closely followed by a
95                         The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is required for promoter
96                         The sigma-subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is required for promoter
97                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is the central enzyme of
98                               We report that bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is the functional cellul
99                     Transcript elongation by bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is thought to be regulat
100                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) makes extensive contacts
101                 Transcription termination by bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) occurs at sequences codi
102                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) recognizes promoters thr
103                         The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) regulates gene expressio
104          Sequence-selective transcription by bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) requires sigma factor th
105                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) requires sigma factors t
106                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) responds to formation of
107 er specificity factor is distinct from other bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) sigma factors in that it
108   To explore the domain-scale flexibility of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) throughout its functiona
109 well known that ppGpp and DksA interact with bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) to alter promoter activi
110 actors, the key regulatory components of the bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP), direct promoter DNA bin
111 complex containing the major variant form of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP), Esigma(54), requires en
112                                           In bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP), the bridge helix and sw
113 'switch region' - has been identified within bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP), the enzyme that mediate
114                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP), which catalyzes transcr
115 stant homologs of beta and beta' subunits of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP).
116 pyrone antibiotic myxopyronin (Myx) inhibits bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP).
117  factor GreA induces nucleolytic activity of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP).
118 the clinically important antibiotics, target bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP).
119 rocin J25 (MccJ25) inhibits transcription by bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP).
120 rocin J25 (MccJ25) inhibits transcription by bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP).
121 therapy, stemming from its inhibition of the bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP).
122 nds has been attributed to the inhibition of bacterial RNA polymerase activities, although the exact
123 domain that resembles the alphaCTD domain of bacterial RNA polymerase alpha; and this domain preferen
124                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase and a "sigma" transcription fac
125                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase and eukaryotic RNA polymerase I
126 e framework of a structure-function model of bacterial RNA polymerase and viral biology.
127                     Intrinsic terminators of bacterial RNA polymerase are small (< approximately 30 b
128                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase arrested at the human site is r
129  act upon the sigma54-containing form of the bacterial RNA polymerase belong to the extensive AAA+ su
130                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase binds promoters in the form of
131 escribe a structural basis for inhibition of bacterial RNA polymerase by the antibiotic streptolydigi
132 gs highlight how nonconserved regions of the bacterial RNA polymerase can be targets of regulatory fa
133 nt termination of the S box leader region by bacterial RNA polymerase depends on SAM but not on methi
134              We found that in such complexes bacterial RNA polymerase exhibit an intrinsic endonucleo
135 rogen regulatory protein C (NtrC) contacts a bacterial RNA polymerase from distant enhancers by means
136 istance occur in an 81-bp core region of the bacterial RNA polymerase gene, rpoB.
137 o define the three-dimensional structures of bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme and the bacterial RN
138 dvance was the high-resolution structures of bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme and the holoenzyme i
139 ptional activators that act upon the sigma54 bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme belong to the extens
140                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme consists of a cataly
141                        The structures of the bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme have provided detail
142 iously reported for the sigma subunit in the bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme, consisting of a ser
143  the successive steps of promoter opening by bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme.
144                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzymes containing the sigm
145 nts on diverse DNA probes were used with two bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzymes that differ in how
146 as become clear that promoter recognition by bacterial RNA polymerase involves interactions not only
147                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase is a common target for many ant
148                                              Bacterial RNA polymerase is able to initiate transcripti
149             The dissociable sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase is required for the promoter-sp
150                         The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase is strictly required for promot
151 his study finds that individual molecules of bacterial RNA polymerase move in single base-pair steps
152                        The sigma subunits of bacterial RNA polymerase occur in many variant forms and
153 ed the positions of the binding sites within bacterial RNA polymerase of the small-molecule inhibitor
154     The sigma-to-core protein interaction in bacterial RNA polymerase offers a potentially specific t
155 standing of the mechanistic underpinnings of bacterial RNA polymerase regulation.
156 ubtilis, a member of the sigma(70)-family of bacterial RNA polymerase sigma factors, is negatively re
157                                          The bacterial RNA polymerase sigma subunits are key particip
158 etween termination mechanisms of Pol III and bacterial RNA polymerase suggests that hairpin-dependent
159 entified a few "hot spots" on the surface of bacterial RNA polymerase that mediate its interactions w
160  (sigma(32) in Escherichia coli) directs the bacterial RNA polymerase to promoters of a specific sequ
161            Sigma 54 is a required factor for bacterial RNA polymerase to respond to enhancers and dir
162                   Rifampicin, which inhibits bacterial RNA polymerase, provides one of the most effec
163 by which the antibiotic myxopyronin inhibits bacterial RNA polymerase, suggesting a new target region
164                         The clamp closure in bacterial RNA polymerase, the ratcheting of 30S and 50S
165                                           In bacterial RNA polymerase, this motif, the zinc binding d
166  bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme and the bacterial RNA polymerase-promoter open complex in soluti
167  phage-encoded activator protein Mor and the bacterial RNA polymerase.
168 uced by Streptomyces lydicus, which inhibits bacterial RNA polymerase.
169 protoknot antibacterial peptide that targets bacterial RNA polymerase.
170       Peptide microcin J25 (MccJ25) inhibits bacterial RNA polymerase.
171 l domains of the alpha and sigma subunits of bacterial RNA polymerase.
172  the phage-encoded activator protein Mor and bacterial RNA polymerase.
173 cent determination of the X-ray structure of bacterial RNA polymerase.
174 s in the structurally unrelated multisubunit bacterial RNA polymerase.
175                 It inhibits transcription by bacterial RNA polymerase.
176         This technique was used to study the bacterial RNA polymerase/lacUV5 DNA open promoter comple
177                                         Most bacterial RNA polymerases (RNAP) contain five conserved
178                                              Bacterial RNA polymerases (RNAPs) are targets for antibi
179 trinsic termination signals for multisubunit bacterial RNA polymerases (RNAPs) encode a GC-rich stem-
180 Transcription initiation complexes formed by bacterial RNA polymerases (RNAPs) exhibit dramatic speci
181 eptolydigin class of antibiotics that target bacterial RNA polymerases (RNAPs).
182 treptolydigin (Stl) is a potent inhibitor of bacterial RNA polymerases (RNAPs).
183 pe can be rate-limiting for transcription by bacterial RNA polymerases and RNA polymerase II of highe
184                            Sigma subunits of bacterial RNA polymerases are closely involved in many s
185 direct DNA interaction (as sigma subunits of bacterial RNA polymerases do) or indirectly by their act
186      Here we have transcribed with phage and bacterial RNA polymerases, a human DNA sequence previous
187 scription, because unlike the eucaryotic and bacterial RNA polymerases, it is a single subunit enzyme
188 criptional initiation by pol II, pol III and bacterial RNA polymerases: a preformed single-stranded D
189                                Screening for bacterial RNAs produced in response to host interactions
190 A and analyze the physiological relevance of bacterial RNA recognition during infections.
191                          The significance of bacterial RNA recognition for initiating innate immune r
192 iew the mechanisms and functions of selected bacterial RNA regulators and discuss their importance in
193 argetRNA, that predicts the targets of these bacterial RNA regulators.
194 e, but whether this is a general property of bacterial RNA remains unclear as are the pathways involv
195                         Here we report a new bacterial RNA repair complex that performs RNA repair li
196 ase (CthPnk), the 5'-end-healing module of a bacterial RNA repair system, catalyzes reversible phosph
197 ase (CthPnk), the 5' end-healing module of a bacterial RNA repair system, catalyzes reversible phosph
198 ifferent between the eukaryotic RNAi and the bacterial RNA repair.
199 ocess of analyzing RNA-seq data sets, making bacterial RNA-seq analysis a routine process that can be
200                  SPARTA is a reference-based bacterial RNA-seq analysis workflow application for sing
201 es based on VLMC were applied to compare the bacterial RNA-Seq and metatranscriptomic datasets.
202                                      To make bacterial RNA-seq data analysis more accessible, we deve
203 d Rockhopper that supports various stages of bacterial RNA-seq data analysis, including aligning sequ
204 ructures and transcriptomes, for analysis of bacterial RNA-seq data and de novo transcriptome assembl
205  used for efficient and accurate analysis of bacterial RNA-seq data, and that it can aid with elucida
206 nd offers accurate and efficient analysis of bacterial RNA-seq data.
207               SPARTA provides an easy-to-use bacterial RNA-seq transcriptional profiling workflow to
208 Simple Program for Automated reference-based bacterial RNA-seq Transcriptome Analysis (SPARTA).
209          Many tools exist in the analysis of bacterial RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) transcriptional profi
210                  However, the role of single bacterial RNA species in immune activation has not been
211                            Small, non-coding bacterial RNAs (sRNAs) have been shown to regulate a ple
212                             Small non-coding bacterial RNAs (sRNAs) play important regulatory roles i
213                       A major class of small bacterial RNAs (sRNAs) regulate translation and mRNA sta
214             In summary, we present a dynamic bacterial RNA structurome and find that the expression o
215  also inhibited transcription/translation of bacterial RNA, suggesting a mechanism for its antibiotic
216  the binding site for compounds that inhibit bacterial RNA synthesis and kill bacteria.
217  polymerase (RNAP), the enzyme that mediates bacterial RNA synthesis.
218                     However, the features of bacterial RNA that activate PKR are unknown.
219 ligo-dT primers after polyadenylation of the bacterial RNA, the second using a set of mycobacterial a
220                Moreover, the contribution of bacterial RNA to the induction of innate immune response
221 nstrates that PKR can signal the presence of bacterial RNAs under physiological ionic conditions and
222  eukaryotes and even more distant from known bacterial RNA viruses.
223        Moreover, TLR8-dependent detection of bacterial RNA was critical for triggering monocyte activ
224 l as the priming for caspase-1 activation by bacterial RNA was dependent on UNC93B, an endoplasmic re
225                                 In addition, bacterial RNA was stained in liver sections using 16sRNA
226 osslinking results and crystal structures of bacterial RNAs, we develop a tertiary structure model of
227 ation and IL-1beta production by transfected bacterial RNA were absent in MyD88-deficient cells but i
228                          Thus, TLR13 detects bacterial RNA with exquisite sequence specificity.DOI:ht
229 udy, we show that human monocytes respond to bacterial RNA with secretion of IL-6, TNF, and IFN-beta,
230                                              Bacterial RNA within streptococci was also a dominant st
231                   One physiological change a bacterial RNA would face in a human cell is a decrease i

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