


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 HD mouse models, the YAC128 and the BACHD (a bacterial-artificial chromosome).
2 ) into the human elastin gene contained in a bacterial artificial chromosome.
3 tein in the LRRK2 genomic locus carried by a bacterial artificial chromosome.
4 emented on the HSV-1(F) genome cloned into a bacterial artificial chromosome.
5 cted using the HSV-1(F) genome cloned into a bacterial artificial chromosome.
6 ng controlled by the human elastin gene in a bacterial artificial chromosome.
7 fically Gad1 mRNA under the control of Pvalb bacterial artificial chromosome.
8 leosomal DNA enriched via hybridization with bacterial artificial chromosomes.
9                   We sequenced 12 V. monoica bacterial artificial chromosomes, 11 corresponding to th
10                                     By using bacterial artificial chromosome 16 (BAC16) clone carryin
11  epithelial ovarian cancers using contiguous bacterial artificial chromosomes across 3q26 delineated
12     The availability of the OSVP genome as a bacterial artificial chromosome allows for the rapid ins
13 ng mouse embryonic stem cells (ES cells) and bacterial artificial chromosomes and have used it to cla
14 n (LAP)-tagged dynein/dynactin subunits from bacterial artificial chromosomes and observed asymmetric
15                            Large-insert BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) and BIBAC (binary BAC)
16 oma pathogenesis, a genome-wide search using bacterial artificial chromosome array comparative genomi
17 n the context of the infection have utilized bacterial artificial chromosomes as vectors to generate
18 or backbone was engineered to contain both a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and the Invitrogen
19 ed and all were mapped to 1 Mb resolution on bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) arrays, then 40 se
20 n one exon to the retrieval construct from a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) by recombineering
21 irst designed in silico and constructed on a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) by using a recombi
22                  MDiGS combines biotinylated bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) capture and multip
23                  We have constructed a BHV-1 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone by inserting
24 generated through end sequencing of a potato bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone library (87
25 gles), we generated a full-length infectious bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone of the P-Oka
26 constructed a herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone, bHSV2-BAC38
27                     The transfer of a 150-kb bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone, RP364B14, c
28  MDV replicates generated from an infectious bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone.
29 omains: (i) the problem of decoding reads to bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones (in the con
30                                By sequencing bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones and the who
31 H analysis using 18 randomly selected potato bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones in a set of
32 (FISH) mapping of 30 genetic marker-anchored bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones on the pach
33 cific Biosciences (PacBio) to sequence eight Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) clones spanning th
34  assaying for receptor activity conferred by bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones spanning th
35 nalysis, individually and as mixtures, of 95 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones that cover
36 mparative analyses, at the scale of complete bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones, between th
37                      Through the analysis of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones, pulsed-fie
38 ome from random sequence reads and assembled bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones, we show th
39 nic mice (Grk1(+)) were generated by using a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) construct containi
40 e pathogenic LRRK2-G2019S protein from mouse bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) constructs closely
41          In this report, we describe two VZV bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) constructs with OR
42 genic mouse models were developed that use a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) containing 208kb f
43 escent protein (eGFP) under the control of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing a very
44    Here we report transgenic mice carrying a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the ful
45 ese issues, we created mice transgenic for a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the gen
46                               In addition, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig was constru
47 formed extensive EST analysis, constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig, and obtain
48                 We prepared recombinant HCMV bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) DNAs with either o
49                           We used an in vivo bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) enhancer-trapping
50 ture gene Nkx2.5, using a luciferase knockin bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) in mouse P19CL6 pl
51 n corn rootworm, using survey sequences from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) inserts and contig
52  transgenic mouse lines using a human IKBKAP bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) into which we inse
53                         Here, we generated a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) KSHV recombinant v
54                                              Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries are the
55 nt and characterization by end-sequencing of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries derived
56                                          Two bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries of a hom
57 ion of the walnut genome, we constructed two bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries, contain
58                                            A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library equivalent
59                               We developed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from an Ab
60                                            A Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) library was made f
61 ude a whole-genome shotgun (WGS) assembly, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) physical map, and
62 methods to isolate rare (1:10,000-1:100,000) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) recombinants requi
63 his hypothesis by employing a combination of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) recombineering and
64          A simple and efficient strategy for Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) recombineering bas
65 d the mouse Bmp4 locus using two overlapping bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) reporter transgene
66 is human-specific repression, we constructed bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) reporters using hu
67 stem cell (ESC) lines containing single-copy bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) reporters, coverin
68 he first synthesis of a comprehensive set of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) resources for 19 D
69 pping, microfluidics-based linked reads, and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequencing approac
70 uses (BAC-DeltaK8 and BAC-stopK8) by using a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) system.
71                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology, we mod
72 iated herpesvirus (KSHV) has come to rely on bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology.
73 e of RRV strain 17577 (RRV(17577)) utilizing bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology.
74 erated using a mutagenesis strategy based on bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology.
75 e present work presents a novel in vivo DRD1-Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) Tet-on system allo
76 has been cloned as an infectious, pathogenic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) that is used to st
77                               Using neuronal bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transfection, we f
78 ith Repeat Frameshift (MORF) allows a single Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) transgene to direc
79      Pcsk9 knock-out mice expressing a human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgene were gen
80                                Mice carrying bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenes have be
81 n this paper, we use autonomous targeting of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenes to reve
82 enes TXNRD2, COMT and ARVCF, on behaviors in bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic (TG) mi
83                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic HeLa an
84                              By generating a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic IL-13 r
85                     Recent studies have used bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice ex
86 ntrol have increasingly relied on the use of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice ex
87                               Using Hdc-EGFP bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice in
88                               Using HDC-EGFP bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice in
89                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice th
90 ssess the role of Gfi1 in vivo, we generated bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice, i
91 ion of G2DHE to leukemogenesis by creating a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic model t
92 r cells in a temporal manner, we generated a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mouse l
93             Here, we demonstrate that a Esr2 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mouse l
94                     Here we characterize two bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mouse s
95                                    We used a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic strateg
96 e genes with different reporters in a single bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector containing
97                                              Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vectors enable sta
98  common bean genome, the ends of a number of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) were sequenced, an
99 iral genome, we generated a recombinant HHV8 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) with a deletion in
100           In addition, we constructed a KSHV bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) with LZ domain-del
101                          In the context of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), mutation of both
102 ) transcription regulatory elements within a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), resulting in high
103  we deleted from the viral DNA, encoded as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), the U(L)49 open r
104 ted an HD transgenic rat model using a human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), which contains th
105 scale accuracy, and to a set of high-quality bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based assemblies t
106 hout the repeat blocking steps necessary for bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based genomic sele
107                     We previously reported a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based lymphatic re
108 c encephalomyelitis, using a newly developed bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based MHV reverse
109                                            A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based physical map
110 cted transcriptional activation of Hoxb13, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based reporter gen
111                                 In contrast, bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-cloned strains TB4
112 d a panel of US28 recombinant viruses in the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-derived clinical H
113 ressed during productive infection by either bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-derived virus in J
114 e by integrating whole-genome shotgun reads, bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-end sequences and
115 use model of enhanced vesicular function via bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-mediated overexpre
116 ted to varying levels by taking advantage of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-mediated transgene
117 s and increased myelin periodicity in BACHD [bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-mediated transgeni
118 -length human mutant huntingtin (fl-mhtt), a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-mediated transgeni
119  with RhCMV employed strain 68-1 cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC).
120  of the murine prion protein (PrP) gene in a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC).
121 fs within oriLyt in cells harboring the KSHV bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC).
122 ted Disc1 encoding the first 8 exons using a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC).
123 d the quality of transformation by the B95-8 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC).IMPORTANCE Epstein
124 y of Xenopus tropicalis genomic sequences in bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) to analyze the ge
125 hogenic TC-derived virus N13R10 (cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome [BAC]) has a 4-bp deleti
126 by introduction of these mutations into KSHV bacterial artificial chromosome BAC36.
127                   However, because only 6278 bacterial artificial chromosome (BACs) in the physical m
128                                              Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) are capable of p
129                                 By analyzing bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) arrays with an a
130 some regions consisting of tandem repeats of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) containing appro
131 imized to demonstrate intact modification of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) containing long
132                We selected physically mapped bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) containing Spiro
133                                              Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) derived from gen
134 enerated wild-type and mutant gamma2 subunit bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) driven by a CMV
135                                   The use of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) for cloning and
136  the tools and methods for rapidly modifying bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) for eukaryotic e
137 Brassica species utilized genetically mapped bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) from B. rapa as
138 ta coffee genomes, we identified orthologous bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) from C. arabica
139 mplex virus-1 amplicon technology to deliver bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) into cells by vi
140 ingle, contiguous piece of DNA by fusing two bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) into one, we for
141                              Thirty-two ASGR bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) isolated from bo
142                                   Infectious bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) of herpesviruses
143 elegans, this has been accomplished by using bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) of related speci
144                                              Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) provide a stable
145 gh-throughput method for the modification of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) that uses a nove
146                           In this study, VZV bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) were generated w
147                                     Finally, bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) were isolated th
148                                              Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) were retrofitted
149 orescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) with large genom
150 MV genomes can be stabilized by cloning into bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), and then virus
151                          When recombineering bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), it is common pr
152                                    Using Hox bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), transposon repo
153 t CCV genome as three overlapping subgenomic bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs).
154 Modifications in a variety of plasmids up to bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs; 144 kb deletion)
155 ute infection in vivo, we developed rK2-PVM, bacterial artificial chromosome-based recombinant PVM st
156 se genetic humanization using large compound bacterial artificial chromosome-based targeting vectors
157 DeltaLRR Z/DeltaLRR Z)) were generated using bacterial artificial chromosome-based targeting vectors,
158  in human pluripotent stem cells by means of bacterial artificial chromosome-based vectors and single
159  a Tgfbr2-green fluorescent protein-beta-GEO-bacterial artificial chromosome beta-galactosidase repor
160                    However, a TR-deleted HVS bacterial artificial chromosome can form replication com
161 e introduced the F66A mutation into BAC16 (a bacterial artificial chromosome clone containing the ent
162 ring de novo infection, we have utilized the bacterial artificial chromosome clone of wild-type RRV(1
163                                   Initially, bacterial artificial chromosome clone recombineering and
164                              An SRK-positive Bacterial Artificial Chromosome clone was found to conta
165 l other vertebrates (ring3) was found in the bacterial artificial chromosome clone, and the close lin
166 e integrated sequencing data from fosmid and bacterial artificial chromosome clones and sequence-capt
167 ute infection in permissive fibroblasts from bacterial artificial chromosome clones of the HCMV genom
168 computational finishing of highly repetitive bacterial artificial chromosome clones that have proved
169 constructed recombinant wild-type and mutant bacterial artificial chromosome clones that spanned mous
170 e. tauschii genome, we fingerprinted 461,706 bacterial artificial chromosome clones, assembled contig
171 oth the rat as a model and expression of the bacterial artificial chromosome construct consisting of
172 y contrast, Delta22 viruses recovered from a bacterial artificial chromosome contain multiple amino a
173                   Recombineering of a 166-kb bacterial artificial chromosome containing 68 kb of the
174                     In this study, we used a bacterial artificial chromosome containing a wild-type (
175 ases, we generated a line of mice carrying a bacterial artificial chromosome containing exons 1 to 6
176 lacking murine resistin but transgenic for a bacterial artificial chromosome containing human resisti
177 e carrying an eGFP transgene inserted into a bacterial artificial chromosome containing most of the R
178                                      Using a bacterial artificial chromosome containing the Gata1 gen
179 troduced the mutation into a newly developed bacterial artificial chromosome containing the KSHV geno
180  were generated by pronuclear injection of a bacterial artificial chromosome containing the mouse DAT
181                   We therefore constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome containing transgene (Tg
182 ied fragments and verified by sequencing two bacterial artificial chromosomes containing the two alle
183 mple sequence repeat markers, we developed a bacterial artificial chromosome contig for the Rpp4 locu
184 itional markers developed from the Wm82 Rpp4 bacterial artificial chromosome contig further defined t
185             Mice overexpressing Glo1 on a Tg bacterial artificial chromosome displayed increased anxi
186                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome-driven, miRNA silencing
187 ox) in raphe neurons expressing serotonergic bacterial artificial chromosome drivers Pet1 or Slc6a4.
188                   Transgenic mice carrying a bacterial artificial chromosome encoding human VAMP7 mim
189 t, termed hypersensitive site 1 (HSS1), in a bacterial artificial chromosome encoding the entire CIIT
190                                            A bacterial artificial chromosome encompassing the full Bc
191 c resources, we analysed 40,641 high-quality bacterial artificial chromosome-end sequences (BESs), re
192 eated transgenic mouse lines using human CFH bacterial artificial chromosomes expressing full-length
193 t the brains of three transgenic mice with a bacterial artificial chromosome-expressing green fluores
194 some, as confirmed by physical mapping using bacterial artificial chromosome fluorescence in situ hyb
195                                   Interphase bacterial artificial chromosome fluorescence in situ hyb
196 a complete loss of CIITA expression from the bacterial artificial chromosome following transfection i
197 ented by NFIL3-short hairpin RNA in an Il12b-bacterial artificial chromosome-GFP reporter macrophage
198                            We found that, in bacterial artificial chromosome-GLT1-enhanced green fluo
199 Generated using an approximately 200-kb-long bacterial artificial chromosome harboring the entire Pro
200 reated a human IL-10 transgenic mouse with a bacterial artificial chromosome (hIL10BAC) in which the
201 ased on enrichment of mononucleosomal DNA by bacterial artificial chromosome hybridization, we mapped
202 t has been inserted by recombineering into a bacterial artificial chromosome immediately at the trans
203 ver-expressing the Cx26 gene from a modified bacterial artificial chromosome in the Cx30(-/-) backgro
204 ted transgenic mouse lines harboring a Gata1 bacterial artificial chromosome in which the G1MDR was d
205 eotides, and we used them to sequence canine bacterial artificial chromosomes in a single-molecule sy
206  kb ("1/4 genome"), which were all cloned as bacterial artificial chromosomes in Escherichia coli.
207                           By sequencing 8452 bacterial artificial chromosomes in pools, we assembled
208       We constructed Drosophila melanogaster bacterial artificial chromosome libraries with 21-kiloba
209 esources, including expressed sequence tags, bacterial artificial chromosome libraries, physical and
210                    We screened a nurse shark bacterial artificial chromosome library and isolated clo
211 n, we isolated the AFGP genomic locus from a bacterial artificial chromosome library for Dissostichus
212 enerated Grhl3-expressing curly tail mice by bacterial artificial chromosome-mediated transgenesis an
213 CK-enhanced green fluorescent protein [eGFP] bacterial artificial chromosome mice).
214                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome-minigene stable cell lin
215                         A recombinant MHV-68 bacterial artificial chromosome mutant with a nonsense m
216 plementation analyses of transgenic lines of bacterial artificial chromosomes of Ranbp2 harboring los
217 an-binding protein-2 (Ranbp2) and expressing bacterial artificial chromosomes of Ranbp2 with impaired
218 de, gene tags can be inserted and regions of bacterial artificial chromosomes or the E. coli genome c
219                           A recombinant HCMV bacterial artificial chromosome plasmid (BACmid) express
220 , the HSV-1(McKrae) genome was cloned into a bacterial artificial chromosome plasmid (McKbac) and uti
221 eletion of the CTCF-binding site in the HCMV bacterial artificial chromosome plasmid genome resulted
222 ith genes through expressed sequence tags or bacterial artificial chromosomes produced comparative as
223 in these cells, as reported by recombineered bacterial artificial chromosomes producing fluorochromes
224 pression of these transporters, we generated bacterial artificial chromosome promoter Discosoma red [
225                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome recombineering, we gener
226 ncy) mice induce re-expression of a Rag2-GFP bacterial artificial chromosome reporter as well as wild
227                               Mice bearing a bacterial artificial chromosome reporter with a mutated
228 ion content fingerprinting of almost 600,000 bacterial artificial chromosomes representing 14-fold ha
229            Here we devised a new conditional bacterial artificial chromosome rescue strategy to show,
230 ry of whole-gene deletion mutants carrying a bacterial artificial chromosome sequence and a luciferas
231 ions from Arabidopsis and publicly available bacterial artificial chromosome sequences from Thellungi
232 t these genes are tightly linked in HN1, and bacterial artificial chromosome sequencing confirmed tha
233 nomic loci encoding synaptic proteins within bacterial artificial chromosomes such that these protein
234 ls of two mapping populations with published bacterial artificial chromosome survey sequence informat
235                      Mutagenesis using a VZV bacterial artificial chromosome system showed that ORF23
236 n the most conserved regions of UL33 using a bacterial artificial chromosome system.
237 nterest harbored by transformation-competent bacterial artificial chromosomes (TACs).
238                                The advent of bacterial artificial chromosome technologies has enabled
239                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome technology, we generated
240                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome technology, we have gene
241 nstructed a wild-type (WT) HCMV genome using bacterial artificial chromosome technology.
242 ing the human PGC-1alpha genomic locus via a bacterial artificial chromosome (TG) and nontransgenic c
243               We generated mice that carry a bacterial artificial chromosome that encompasses the ent
244 genic zebrafish line that carries a modified bacterial artificial chromosome that expresses green flu
245 nerate two AID indicator mouse strains using bacterial artificial chromosomes that faithfully recapit
246 s VZV was recovered from parental Oka (pOka)-bacterial artificial chromosomes that had either the Del
247 ffinity purification-tagged Eg5 from a mouse bacterial artificial chromosome (this construct was call
248      We cloned the LCL8664 rhLCV strain as a bacterial artificial chromosome to create recombinant rh
249 mutations were engineered into the CMV Towne bacterial artificial chromosome (Towne-BAC) genome, repl
250 e mice express full-length human mHTT from a bacterial artificial chromosome transgene (BACHD), we ge
251 ses, we induced the deletion of hs4 within a bacterial artificial chromosome transgene designed to cl
252 ophages expressing caspase-11 from a C57BL/6 bacterial artificial chromosome transgene failed to secr
253  mouse lines were generated, each carrying a bacterial artificial chromosome transgene that mimicked
254          This was accomplished by expressing bacterial artificial chromosome transgenes encoding wild
255 e association is a general property of Hsp70 bacterial artificial chromosome transgenes, independent
256 y and expressed at physiological levels from bacterial artificial chromosome transgenes.
257                          We have developed a bacterial artificial chromosome transgenesis approach th
258                        Complementation using bacterial artificial chromosome transgenesis implicated
259                  RESEARCH DESIGN AND We used bacterial artificial chromosome transgenesis to generate
260                                      Using a bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic approach, we
261                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic IL-7-Cre mice
262                                Wild-type and bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice (D1R-tom
263 and sporadic Parkinson disease, we generated bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice (SNCA-OV
264  outside-out patch recordings in slices from bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice examined
265 ion of channelrhodopsin-2 in the striatum of bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice expressi
266                          This study utilized bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice expressi
267     To directly test this idea, we developed bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice that all
268     We will show in this study that in novel bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice that exp
269 sing (TH(+)) neurons in striatal slices from bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice that syn
270 ent protein and D2-green fluorescent protein bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice that und
271 we used whole-cell recordings in slices from bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice to inves
272 ce and green fluorescent protein hemizygotic bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice to show
273 ramitochondrial roles for LRPPRC by creating bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice with mod
274                     To address this, we used bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice, in whic
275                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice, we foun
276             To address this question we used bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice, which e
277 old social defeat stress in D1-Cre or D2-Cre bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mice.
278 ncer has a unique necessary function using a bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic model.
279 n of NS-enriched tumor cells, we generated a bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mouse line ex
280                    Although we worked with a bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mouse line, t
281                                      Using a bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mouse line, w
282                                 Here, we use bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mouse models
283 tory T (T reg) cell-specific, FoxP3-GFP-hCre bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic mouse was cro
284 Parkinson's disease, we have generated LRRK2 bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic rats expressi
285 sing comprehensive microarray analysis and a bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic system, here
286                               By employing a bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic system, we de
287 ctivation, we generated CD80-eCFP mice using bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic technology.
288          Using in vivo two-photon imaging of bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic zebrafish, we
289 phtheria toxin A under the control of a BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) transgenic hu-man Lange
290  with Neurog1-Cre and Neurog1-CreER(T2) BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) transgenic mice.
291 nd, we generated a novel multicistronic BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) transgenic mouse line u
292 lian DA neurons in vivo, we developed a BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) transgenic mouse model
293                                   We created bacterial artificial chromosome-transgenic mice expressi
294          In this study, we generated several bacterial artificial chromosome-transgenic mice that ove
295                                        Using bacterial artificial chromosome-transgenic mice, we demo
296                                      Using a bacterial artificial chromosome vector, the 16.9-kb 18-g
297 an adenosine2A (adora2a) receptor-containing bacterial artificial chromosome was employed to drive rM
298 ne, an Igalpha transcription unit within the bacterial artificial chromosome was expressed efficientl
299    By reconstituting Nbs1 knockout mice with bacterial artificial chromosomes, we have assessed the c
300               Cells transfected with an HCMV bacterial artificial chromosome with gL deleted yielded

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