


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 us is to present the adhesin external to the bacterial capsule.
2                                              Bacterial capsule and slime can be inhibited by bismuth
3  directed against the polysaccharides of the bacterial capsule are normally protective.
4                                              Bacterial capsules are surface layers made of long-chain
5 ical disruption of urogenital tissues, and a bacterial capsule characteristic contribute to systemic
6            To understand the function of the bacterial capsule during symbiotic colonization of mamma
7 sis behavior of S. pneumoniae, including the bacterial capsule, erythromycin, and the lytA and vex3 g
8 ation, sequence, and relationship to related bacterial capsule genes were defined and specific mutati
9                  Despite the crucial role of bacterial capsules in pathogenesis, it is still unknown
10                                          The bacterial capsule is an important virulence determinant
11 ph node was linked to a phenotypic change in bacterial capsule morphology.
12 s reactive with carbohydrate determinants of bacterial capsules or viral coats and with certain autoa
13 olysaccharide biosynthesis and gram-positive bacterial capsule production, suggesting a common evolut
14 moved terminal sialic acid residues from the bacterial capsule, restricting bacterial proliferation i
15  deletion in yrfF, an essential regulator of bacterial capsule synthesis.
16      Recently, it has been demonstrated that bacterial capsules that possess a zwitterionic charge mo

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