


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n between the prophage at the 3' end and the bacterial gene.
2 ants can be engineered to produce PG using a bacterial gene.
3 probe DNAs to detect and quantify the target bacterial gene.
4 n the posttranscriptional regulation of many bacterial genes.
5 ge genomes as well as through acquisition of bacterial genes.
6 yodysenteriae chromosome and were flanked by bacterial genes.
7 imited largely to the ancient acquisition of bacterial genes.
8  selection for essential versus nonessential bacterial genes.
9 ed proteins and not due to CpG motifs in the bacterial genes.
10 ablative therapies that use viral, yeast, or bacterial genes.
11 ich results in upregulation of the necessary bacterial genes.
12 RP in controlling the transcription of these bacterial genes.
13 ic genes and bacteriophages commonly harbour bacterial genes.
14 he millions of sequenced yet uncharacterized bacterial genes.
15 re studies of both porin and other essential bacterial genes.
16                                    Shifts in bacterial gene abundances after polydextrose and SCF sup
17 h the growing number of completely sequenced bacterial genes, accurate gene prediction in bacterial g
18                              We find that 17 bacterial genes acquired nonsynonymous mutations in mult
19                                              Bacterial genes activated in macrophages 4 h postinfecti
20  that allowed inducible deletion of specific bacterial genes after the pathogen had been phagocytosed
21 e end-product analysis and 16S ribosomal RNA bacterial gene amplification for bacterial taxa identifi
22  enzyme responsible for transcription of all bacterial genes and early viral genes.
23 rial diversity and altered representation of bacterial genes and metabolic pathways.
24 n the asymmetric patterns of substitution in bacterial genes and might be influencing genome-wide pat
25 AHLs) to regulate the expression of specific bacterial genes and operons.
26     We now have a better appreciation of the bacterial genes and products that are involved in pathol
27 ination is essential to proper expression of bacterial genes and, in many cases, to the regulation of
28 us, podovirus, and siphovirus gene products, bacterial genes and, in one case, a dUTPase from a eukar
29 ut, significantly, contained no mammalian or bacterial genes and/or promoter elements within the tran
30  genes have the highest sequence identity to bacterial genes, and 12 belong to clusters of orthologou
31 es without known homology to other published bacterial genes, and seven clones appeared to be homolog
32 cription, acting at the 5'UTR of hundreds of bacterial genes, and that its suppression by sRNAs is a
33 lts obtained for eukaryotic genes, essential bacterial genes appear to be more conserved than are non
34                       We found that very few bacterial genes appeared to be specifically required for
35                                         Many bacterial genes are controlled by metabolite sensing mot
36             However, an increasing number of bacterial genes are found to exhibit an 'all-or-none' co
37                               Two classes of bacterial genes are involved in the elicitation of the p
38                              The majority of bacterial genes are located on the leading strand, and t
39                                              Bacterial genes are often differentially expressed in re
40 r understanding the molecular basis by which bacterial genes are regulated.
41 ghput insertion sequencing to identify which bacterial genes are required during host colonization.
42 l factors that could influence expression of bacterial genes are the concentrations of single element
43                   We previously identified a bacterial gene (arsI) responsible for aerobic demethylat
44               Demonstration of expression of bacterial genes as effective selectable markers and repo
45                                              Bacterial genes associated with a single trait are often
46 iptional regulator H-NS selectively silences bacterial genes associated with pathogenicity and respon
47 show that Akt activation may be regulated by bacterial genes associated with phagosomal escape.
48                   Moreover, we observed that bacterial genes associated with responses to infectious
49  eukaryotic expression plasmids encoding the bacterial gene beta-galactosidase (beta gal).
50 red to be homologous to five different known bacterial genes but are still being characterized.
51                              Our analysis of bacterial genes by sequence-driven saturation mutagenesi
52                           Here, we show that bacterial genes can rapidly shift between multiple regul
53  which displays limited sequence identity to bacterial genes (ccl1/cycK) required for the biogenesis
54 ession in other tissues, the expression of a bacterial gene, celE', encoding endoglucanase E' (EGE'),
55 pecificities of several enzymes encoded by a bacterial gene cluster allowed the correct prediction of
56 ntation of Escherichia coli cells carrying a bacterial gene cluster encoding all pathway enzymes need
57                         Surprisingly, 10% of bacterial gene clusters lacked modular organization, and
58 hich are potentially distinct from all other bacterial gene clusters to date.
59  This is the first example of a heterologous bacterial gene complementing a B. burgdorferi mutant.
60 ysis of Bray-Curtis distances indicated that bacterial gene composition was more similar in participa
61        One particularly significant group of bacterial genes consists of those that are essential for
62                                              Bacterial gene content variation during the course of ev
63                      We demonstrate that the bacterial gene dddD is required for this process and tha
64     The IL-27-induced expression of the anti-bacterial gene deleted in malignant brain tumor 1 (DMBT1
65 ectable marker (RAM), which enables one-step bacterial gene disruption at near 100% efficiency after
66 phages and phage-like particles can transfer bacterial genes, driving bacterial evolution and promoti
67 ression systems that allow the regulation of bacterial genes during an infection are valuable molecul
68 sed system to tightly regulate expression of bacterial genes during intracellular infection by Lister
69                             Many HGT-derived bacterial genes encode proteins that fill gaps in critic
70  tissues is thought to be facilitated by the bacterial gene encoded extracellular hyaluronate lyase (
71 cken beta A3/A1-crystallin gene fused to the bacterial gene encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferas
72 larial parasite Brugia malayi has acquired a bacterial gene encoding ferrochelatase (BmFeCH), the ter
73  this study, we describe the use of ipt, the bacterial gene encoding the enzyme isopentenyl transfera
74 otated based solely on their homology to the bacterial genes encoding adenosylcobyric acid and adenos
75                                              Bacterial genes encoding enzymes involved in the breakdo
76 a gene, mrkJ, that is related to a family of bacterial genes encoding phosphodiesterases.
77                                              Bacterial genes encoding products involved in metabolism
78                                              Bacterial genes encoding PTPS-like proteins with active-
79                                              Bacterial genes encoding the PHB pathway enzymes were se
80 ata, we devised a sequence pattern to detect bacterial genes encoding UDP-GlcA decarboxylase activity
81 cytometry-based screening method to identify bacterial genes expressed in vitro and repressed during
82 ortem pimonidazole immunohistochemistry, and bacterial gene expression analyses were used to assess w
83 we characterized the direct effects of SA on bacterial gene expression and showed that SA inhibits in
84 siological changes that result in changes in bacterial gene expression are often accompanied by chang
85                       Genome-wide studies of bacterial gene expression are shifting from microarray t
86 rbon storage regulator A) globally regulates bacterial gene expression at the post-transcriptional le
87 echanism that be of widespread importance in bacterial gene expression because the 8 bp element is pr
88 riptional regulator that plays a key role in bacterial gene expression by binding AU-rich sequences a
89                                Regulation of bacterial gene expression by small RNA (sRNA) molecules
90  light of compelling evidence that human and bacterial gene expression can be regulated through RNA s
91 g the effects of the external environment on bacterial gene expression can provide valuable insights
92 To gain a more complete understanding of how bacterial gene expression changes over time in a primate
93                      This spatial control of bacterial gene expression could be used to 'print' compl
94 l)-S-homoserine lactone (3O-C12) to regulate bacterial gene expression critical for P. aeruginosa per
95 e widespread use of GO and KEGG gene sets in bacterial gene expression data analysis, the SEED and Mi
96  MicrobesOnline gene sets in the analysis of bacterial gene expression data may improve statistical p
97                                              Bacterial gene expression depends not only on specific r
98                                  Determining bacterial gene expression during infection is fundamenta
99                Recent advances in studies of bacterial gene expression have brought the realization t
100 ches designed to study nuclear/cytosolic and bacterial gene expression have not been broadly applied
101 s, termed quorum sensing (QS), that regulate bacterial gene expression in a cell population-dependent
102 are small molecules that ordinarily regulate bacterial gene expression in response to cell density or
103 d be adapted for real-time quantification of bacterial gene expression in situ.
104                                 The study of bacterial gene expression in the host environment is cri
105 ress 260.8 epitope production but did affect bacterial gene expression in ways emblematic of a dimini
106 (p)ppGpp] as a signaling molecule to control bacterial gene expression involved in long-term survival
107 bridization has allowed a global analysis of bacterial gene expression occurring in human tissues dur
108              Regulatory networks controlling bacterial gene expression often evolve from common origi
109 ate immune pathways correlating with altered bacterial gene expression patterns.
110 vered global regulatory system that controls bacterial gene expression post-transcriptionally.
111 onstitute a large and heterogeneous class of bacterial gene expression regulators.
112 ori within this niche requires regulation of bacterial gene expression to cope with the environmental
113 o identify potential virulence determinants, bacterial gene expression was monitored by differential
114 NA is an important element in the control of bacterial gene expression, but relatively few specific t
115 onent systems, are involved in regulation of bacterial gene expression, chemotaxis, phototaxis, and v
116 ir modified forms have been shown to inhibit bacterial gene expression, representing a potential for
117        Small RNAs are integral regulators of bacterial gene expression, the majority of which act pos
118 though cycloheximide has no direct effect on bacterial gene expression, there are concerns that long-
119  and since they may play regulatory roles in bacterial gene expression, we investigated the effect of
120 nes and, in many cases, to the regulation of bacterial gene expression.
121 acteria, where it plays an important role in bacterial gene expression.
122 lms lead to physiological heterogeneities in bacterial gene expression.
123 ns) in simulations that faithfully represent bacterial gene expression.
124 g the effects of chronic gastric exposure on bacterial gene expression.
125 unds referred to as autoinducers to regulate bacterial gene expression.
126 tein synthesis may have secondary effects on bacterial gene expression.
127 12) as a quorum-sensing molecule to regulate bacterial gene expression.
128 mechanism could have broader implications in bacterial gene expression.
129 in Hfq is a central player in the control of bacterial gene expression.
130 stems sense and relay these signals to drive bacterial gene expression; specifically, to modulate vir
131  the system design was based on a successful bacterial gene finder, Glimmer.
132 e thousand mutants (October, 1995) in eleven bacterial genes, five mammalian genes and one gene in ye
133 l repeat (LTR) to drive transcription of the bacterial gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase dem
134 nfection by a retroviral vector containing a bacterial gene for resistance to neomycin (RV-Neo(r)), w
135 show the presence of a large, diverse set of bacterial genes for cellulose and xylan hydrolysis.
136                            16S ribosomal DNA bacterial genes from DNA isolated from advanced noma les
137                     16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) bacterial genes from DNA isolated from subgingival plaqu
138   This resource will be useful for inferring bacterial gene function and provides a draft reference o
139 hniques which can be applied to the study of bacterial gene function.
140 ruction is that the majority of archaeal and bacterial genes have conserved orthologs in other, often
141                        We used homology to a bacterial gene, hypothesized to encode a related functio
142 going separation, to drive expression of the bacterial genes iaaL and iaaM, we have shown that it is
143 a signal capable of triggering expression of bacterial genes important for host pathogen interaction.
144                           Pylori strains and bacterial genes important for survival in a model of the
145 n instrumental in determining the roles of a bacterial gene in a biological process.
146  insertion and expression of a fragment of a bacterial gene in an antisense orientation could be used
147 what may determine the global arrangement of bacterial genes in a genome beyond the operon level.
148 plexes regulate the transcription of certain bacterial genes in a sensitive, physiologically responsi
149 ir highly significant sequence similarity to bacterial genes in BLAST searches, and by their lack of
150             Endosymbiotic theory posits that bacterial genes in eukaryotic genomes entered the eukary
151           Non-coding antisense RNAs regulate bacterial genes in response to nutrition or environmenta
152 e newly identified RNA elements that control bacterial genes in response to preQ1 (7-aminomethyl-7-de
153 oteins control the transcription of specific bacterial genes in response to the levels of AHL signal.
154 itrogen oxides and that the absence of these bacterial genes in some way diminishes the ability of mi
155 ch result from integration and expression of bacterial genes in the plant genome.
156 ed to investigate the importance of specific bacterial genes in virulence, to identify components of
157               Of these, 4,424 (i.e. 89%) are bacterial genes, including several Pseudomonads that hav
158 s are important for regulating expression of bacterial genes, including those which are important to
159 activation of the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial gene indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) is dep
160                          The organization of bacterial genes into operons was originally ascribed to
161 tifies evidence for lateral gene transfer of bacterial genes into the E. histolytica genome, the effe
162          Based on sequence similarities to a bacterial gene involved in capsule synthesis we have clo
163                  Small RNAs (sRNAs) regulate bacterial genes involved in environmental adaptation.
164                               Proportions of bacterial genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis were
165                                              Bacterial genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis, amo
166 he preQ(1) riboswitch, found in the 5'UTR of bacterial genes involved in synthesis of the Q precursor
167                              Deletion of the bacterial genes involved in tetrathionate respiration or
168  known as RFN elements, direct expression of bacterial genes involved in the biosynthesis and transpo
169                            This differs from bacterial genes involved in the catabolism of other chlo
170 screens and expression studies have revealed bacterial genes involved in the developmental pathway an
171 animal models to identify potential host and bacterial genes involved in the establishment of the car
172                                  To discover bacterial genes involved in the infection and differenti
173 one biosynthesis through the introduction of bacterial genes is a natural form of genetic engineering
174                       The expression of most bacterial genes is controlled at the level of transcript
175                                              Bacterial gene islands add to the genetic repertoire of
176 tion, and the blockage depends on a group of bacterial genes known as the hmsHFRS operon.
177 tegration, and expression of plasmid-encoded bacterial genes located on the transferred DNA (T-DNA) i
178 and where the products of granuloma-specific bacterial genes may thwart the host's attempt to complet
179 y, a model plant system was transformed with bacterial genes (merA for mercuric reductase and merB fo
180  Arabidopsis thaliana, to express a modified bacterial gene, merBpe, encoding organomercurial lyase (
181 ozygous for cpr5 and either the SA-degrading bacterial gene nahG or the SA-insensitive mutation npr1
182                 Tomato plants expressing the bacterial gene nahG, encoding salicylate hydroxylase, di
183 nt progress has led to the identification of bacterial genes necessary for colonization.
184 rves as a host cue to increase expression of bacterial genes needed for growth.
185 hin monocytes and for selection screening of bacterial genes needed for intracellular survival.
186                                Regulation of bacterial gene networks by small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs)
187         Despite the importance of operons in bacterial gene networks, the relationship between their
188 ded by a gene belonging to a large family of bacterial genes of unknown function, and the gene is pre
189 olution, the similarity between archaeal and bacterial gene/operon transcriptional regulators might h
190  Many examples have been found of particular bacterial genes, operons, or regulons that are expressed
191                                              Bacterial gene organization into operons therefore refle
192 th up-regulation of known hypoxia-associated bacterial genes (P < .001).
193 ved from sequences of two chromosome-located bacterial genes (part of trpB and 16S ribosomal DNA).
194 y contribute to the regulation of endogenous bacterial genes, particularly during the interaction of
195                Phytoproduction of PG using a bacterial gene paves the way for further genetic manipul
196 istance is mediated through mutations in the bacterial gene pncA.
197 A selection strategy was devised to identify bacterial genes preferentially expressed when a bacteriu
198 finity cytochrome bd oxidase as an essential bacterial gene product for mosquito growth.
199                          The suggestion that bacterial gene products are 'delivered to' and 'perceive
200 at our understanding of the function of most bacterial gene products is lacking.
201 also serve to regulate expression of certain bacterial gene products such as those involved in sporul
202            We describe a conserved family of bacterial gene products that includes the VirB1 virulenc
203 980s and early 1990s that the mechanisms and bacterial gene products used to induce this complex brus
204 e receptors (TLRs) mediate host responses to bacterial gene products.
205 eins called translocases or "flippases." The bacterial genes proposed to encode these translocases ha
206                                              Bacterial genes providing for single metabolic functions
207  methods use these discrepancies to identify bacterial genes recently acquired by horizontal transfer
208 anscription initiation is a critical step in bacterial gene regulation and is often controlled by tra
209         Small RNAs are principal elements of bacterial gene regulation and physiology.
210 ctors and sigma factors play a major role in bacterial gene regulation by guiding the distribution of
211                     Fundamental questions in bacterial gene regulation concern how multiple regulator
212            Despite its important role in the bacterial gene regulation, the binding mode of Ler to DN
213 suppression by sRNAs is a widespread mode of bacterial gene regulation.
214 ein (CRP) represents one of the paradigms of bacterial gene regulation.
215                                          The bacterial gene regulatory regions often demonstrate dist
216  catalytic cofactors of the glmS ribozyme, a bacterial gene-regulatory RNA that controls cell wall bi
217 ) are major contributors to the diversity of bacterial gene repertoires.
218 bacterium, to establish a genome-wide map of bacterial genes required for colonization of the Arabido
219 notypically defined M. tuberculosis mutants, bacterial genes required for invasion or survival were d
220 border cells can influence the expression of bacterial genes required for the establishment of plant-
221 sequencing after chemical mutagenesis to map bacterial genes responsible for motility in Exiguobacter
222 ine metagenomes thought to consist mostly of bacterial genes revealed a variety of sequences homologo
223 RBL-1 shows no significant homologies to any bacterial gene sequence, a potential RBL-1 targeting pro
224 nd shotgun metagenomic sequencing to analyze bacterial gene sequences in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
225 linical microbiologic tests: (i) presence of bacterial gene sequences in prostatic tissue encoding 16
226 one hypervariable, that are not found in the bacterial gene sequences.
227 a and disease progression, 16S ribosomal RNA bacterial gene sequencing was performed on DNA obtained
228 indicate why YbeY is a member of the minimal bacterial gene set and suggest that it could be a potent
229                                      Minimal bacterial gene set comprises the genetic elements needed
230                                            A bacterial gene silencer AT8 was found to be important fo
231                        LeuO protein relieves bacterial gene silencer AT8-mediated transcriptional rep
232 re, we present novel algorithms, specific to bacterial gene structures and transcriptomes, for analys
233 Here, we present new algorithms, specific to bacterial gene structures and transcriptomes, for analys
234 method developed in this study is a complete bacterial gene synthesis platform for the quick, accurat
235  other compounds for which the corresponding bacterial gene system was induced in the transcriptome o
236 st (BC-GP) test to identify 12 Gram-positive bacterial gene targets and three genetic resistance dete
237 n and alternative start codons, 31 out of 51 bacterial genes tested (61%) could complement a lethal g
238 ura5 mutant or the heterologous hphI gene (a bacterial gene that confers resistance to the aminoglyco
239 ithin the living vertebrate gut, identifying bacterial genes that affect these processes, and assessi
240 ing that the phoP regulatory system controls bacterial genes that alter macrophage survival.
241 sed in a chicken infection model to identify bacterial genes that are expressed in infected tissues.
242       Identification and characterization of bacterial genes that are induced during the disease proc
243  polymerase was not "poised" upstream of the bacterial genes that are rapidly induced at the beginnin
244 are complex, involving a large repertoire of bacterial genes that are required for in vivo growth and
245                                              Bacterial genes that confer crucial phenotypes, such as
246 ere, we underscore the importance of SNPs in bacterial genes that contribute to the ability of pathog
247       In vivo expression studies reveal many bacterial genes that contribute to the fitness of the or
248 hat these genes are similar to several other bacterial genes that encode broad-specificity flavoprote
249                         This was to identify bacterial genes that might be deleted for the developmen
250                         In order to identify bacterial genes that provide protection against specific
251 it the rapid and efficient disruption of any bacterial gene, the computational analysis provides new
252 ess of genomics in identifying new essential bacterial genes, there is a lack of sustainable leads in
253  454-FLX pyrosequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA bacterial genes to characterize microbiota in stool samp
254 4 null mutant H. pylori strains and analyzed bacterial gene transcription using DNA arrays.
255 nucleatum and E. coli, specifically regulate bacterial gene transcripts, and affect bacterial growth.
256      Biologists have until now conceded that bacterial gene transfer to multicellular animals is rela
257 the initiation and completion of conjugative bacterial gene transfer.
258 hin some eukaryotic germlines may facilitate bacterial gene transfers to eukaryotic host genomes.
259 are 240 datasets with 24 500 mutants in nine bacterial genes, two phage genes, five mammalian genes a
260                             Here we identify bacterial genes under adaptive evolution by tracking rec
261 ure method to characterize the expression of bacterial genes under conditions mimicking the colonic e
262                             Here we identify bacterial genes under local and global selection by test
263  flexneri is regulated by one or more of the bacterial genes under the control of mxiE.
264 rbovirus vectors and agricultural pests, the bacterial genes underlying cytoplasmic incompatibility r
265 oncurrently, the pattern of transcription of bacterial genes underwent dramatic changes.
266                         The expression of 34 bacterial genes was substantially altered in brain tissu
267 herichia coli mutants, we discovered that 29 bacterial genes, when deleted, increase longevity in the
268  genomic sequence was co-integrated with the bacterial gene, whereas to rescue intestinal expression,
269                        To identify potential bacterial genes which contribute to E. coli invasion of
270                This is the first report of a bacterial gene whose product has homology to heme oxygen
271  in the same way of an essential, endogenous bacterial gene will allow the production of recombinant
272 itioning of RNA polymerase to transcribe 522 bacterial genes within 4 min of leaving stationary phase
273                   It is generally known that bacterial genes working in the same biological pathways
274 engineered Arabidopsis thaliana to express a bacterial gene xplA encoding an RDX-degrading cytochrome
275                                Recently, two bacterial genes, yjeA and yjeK, encoding truncated homol
276   Here, we report on the identification of a bacterial gene, yqiC, which is required for efficient UQ

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