


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  acetylation can regulate the stability of a bacterial protein.
2 no acids (4B-4C loop) that are absent in the bacterial protein.
3 ch of which lacks sequence similarity to the bacterial protein.
4 s been attributed to any of these ubiquitous bacterial proteins.
5 iques such as mass spectrometric analysis of bacterial proteins.
6  protein translocons, partially by recycling bacterial proteins.
7 f predicting the subcellular localization of bacterial proteins.
8 irreversibly denatures and precipitates many bacterial proteins.
9 rane pore (translocon) typically formed by 3 bacterial proteins.
10 , one of which is found in both archaeal and bacterial proteins.
11 poral localization and dynamics of different bacterial proteins.
12 tely after radiolabeling de novo-synthesized bacterial proteins.
13 ght and pI, and subcellular localizations of bacterial proteins.
14 ween input and output signalling elements in bacterial proteins.
15 's ability to cause aggregation of essential bacterial proteins.
16 these systems are among the most scrutinized bacterial proteins.
17 es the N-formyl group from newly synthesized bacterial proteins.
18 is representative of the CsrA/RsmA family of bacterial proteins.
19  system that lacks endogenous SecA and other bacterial proteins.
20 -rich motifs but is present in several other bacterial proteins.
21 , we similarly designed four other human and bacterial proteins.
22 sh the presentation of peptides derived from bacterial proteins.
23 s the bacteria and forms complexes with many bacterial proteins.
24 elated NAIP paralogs that recognize distinct bacterial proteins.
25 this amount, 86% was proteinaceous, ~60% was bacterial protein, ~7% was soluble-free protein, ~15% wa
26 eveals TRIM21 as a superantigen analogous to bacterial protein A and suggests that an antibody bipola
27 archaeal enzyme is about 60% larger than the bacterial protein; a carboxyl-terminal extension of 230
28 n-based spindle, and it segregated phage and bacterial proteins according to function.
29                         The collagen-binding bacterial proteins, Ace and Cna, are well characterized
30  histone acetyltransferases, but non-histone bacterial protein acetytransferases have been identified
31         The DUF1094 family contains over 100 bacterial proteins, all containing a conserved CXC motif
32 rough the activation of bystander T cells by bacterial proteins, although these signals are enhanced
33  work characterizes a DGR that diversifies a bacterial protein and confirms the hypothesis that DGR-m
34                    The high concentration of bacterial protein and the presence of ammonia and urea n
35 A streptococcus (GAS), cleaves both host and bacterial proteins and contributes importantly to the pa
36 istantly related to structures of additional bacterial proteins and may use a core beta-sheet within
37 tep that was optimized for enrichment of the bacterial proteins and peptides that are used for bacter
38 ycan extending beyond the external layers of bacterial proteins and polysaccharides.
39     SPOR domains are present in thousands of bacterial proteins and probably bind septal peptidoglyca
40 at HLA-E binds nonamer peptides derived from bacterial proteins and trigger CD8+-mediated lysis and I
41 he highly conserved mammalian homolog of the bacterial protein, and it was found to be effective in p
42  will depend on the effectiveness with which bacterial proteins are able to activate bystander T cell
43 , providing valuable information about which bacterial proteins are actually recognized by the immune
44 wledge, this represents the first time these bacterial proteins are being reported, following treatme
45                                        These bacterial proteins are delivered to the host's molecular
46 acteria and it has been suggested that these bacterial proteins are involved in subversion of the ver
47                                      Several bacterial proteins are known to serve as receptors for P
48                                         Many bacterial proteins are localized to precise intracellula
49 to determine the subcellular localization of bacterial proteins are needed for the study of prokaryot
50 al, relatively little is known regarding how bacterial proteins are recognized and targeted for degra
51                                        These bacterial proteins are responsible for modulating eukary
52                                 Although the bacterial proteins are strikingly similar in sequence to
53 hrough the needle and pore channels, further bacterial proteins are translocated inside the host cell
54                                              Bacterial proteins are typically sorted to subcellular r
55 ptides and requires the participation of the bacterial protein BacA.
56                         We have identified a bacterial protein (BimA) that is required for the abilit
57 akes it possible that the PDZ domain of this bacterial protein binds proteins in a manner which is al
58 umophila where they served as precursors for bacterial protein biosynthesis.
59 n the recently solved structure of a related bacterial protein, BsYetJ, altered the conductance (E207
60 g mechanism is similar to that of homologous bacterial proteins but without the requirement for "latc
61 any anti-infectives inhibit the synthesis of bacterial proteins, but none selectively inhibits their
62 ng sequence identity to either eukaryotic or bacterial proteins, but sharing homology with a cluster
63 opic retinal expression of a light sensitive bacterial protein, channelrhodopsin-2, can restore neuro
64             When both methods are applied to bacterial protein coding sequences they both detect an e
65                                          The bacterial protein complex Mnx contains a multicopper oxi
66  in the 50S ribosomal unit and 28 additional bacterial protein complexes with known structure are alm
67 he absence of trigger factor, SecB, Ffh (the bacterial protein component of the signal recognition pa
68 ensory modules for a wide range of plant and bacterial proteins, conferring blue light-dependent regu
69  antibody specific to RNA/DNA duplexes and a bacterial protein conjugated with a horseradish peroxida
70              Members of this large family of bacterial proteins contain a FeS cluster and use S-adeno
71       Autotransporters (ATs) are a family of bacterial proteins containing a C-terminal beta-barrel-f
72 eukaryotic cells a large number of different bacterial proteins containing ankyrin repeat homology do
73  basis for future analyses of alterations in bacterial protein content during growth in various envir
74                                In total, 312 bacterial proteins could be identified in infected Arabi
75 after searching of the spectral data against bacterial protein databases.
76 ntext, recent studies have demonstrated that bacterial protein degradation can trigger a precise resp
77 etion system (TTS), we demonstrate that this bacterial protein delivery system is required for intrac
78          p75 and p40 are the first probiotic bacterial proteins demonstrated to promote intestinal ep
79 sion and subcellular compartmentalization of bacterial proteins deployed during the interaction of pa
80                  Recent work suggests that a bacterial protein detects changes in environmental tempe
81 ted resistance to apoptotic stimuli, but the bacterial protein directly involved in this process rema
82            The TTSS is activated to transfer bacterial proteins directly into a host cell only upon p
83 ryotic defenses by enabling translocation of bacterial proteins directly into the cytoplasm of host c
84  application of this method to 3D imaging of bacterial protein distribution and neuron dendritic morp
85                                          The bacterial protein-disulfide isomerase DsbC is a homodime
86 , it is now clear that a number of different bacterial proteins do form filaments in vivo.
87                     We have identified a new bacterial protein domain that we hypothesise binds to pe
88                          Therefore, a single bacterial protein drives a multistep biochemical pathway
89                                          The bacterial protein DsbD transfers reductant from the cyto
90 cause eIF5A is a structural homologue of the bacterial protein EF-P, we propose that eIF5A/EF-P is a
91                          Here, we describe a bacterial protein effector-carboxypeptidase G2 (CPG2) re
92 onserved host processes that are targeted by bacterial protein effectors injected into the host cell.
93 his apparatus enables the pathogen to inject bacterial proteins (effectors) into the cytosol of host
94 c-di-GMP-binding motif is present in diverse bacterial proteins exhibiting binding affinities ranging
95  technology (IVIAT), to identify immunogenic bacterial proteins expressed during human infection with
96  the stability and solubility of proteins in bacterial protein expression systems and is increasingly
97 vity of microbial products revealed that the bacterial protein flagellin (FLA) stimulated strong alle
98 y, apoptosis inhibitory protein 5) binds the bacterial protein flagellin and assembles with NLRC4 to
99 To consider observations suggesting that the bacterial protein flagellin, the primary structural comp
100     This response requires expression of the bacterial protein flagellin.
101  to be activated in response to two distinct bacterial proteins, flagellin and PrgJ, a conserved comp
102                                          The bacterial proteins FlaX, A4-fla2, and YidX increased pro
103 educe their heme and so must rely on unknown bacterial proteins for electrons.
104                The role of SecA in selecting bacterial proteins for export was examined using a heter
105 les of Ala, Asp, and Glu from the amoebal or bacterial protein fractions, respectively, indicating pa
106              We identified 473 human and 486 bacterial proteins from 18 different genera.
107                             This transfer of bacterial proteins from migratory to local DCs results i
108  had a defect in their ability to chlorinate bacterial proteins from Pseudomonas aeruginosa metabolic
109 xport, benefits M. tuberculosis by diverting bacterial proteins from the antigen presentation pathway
110  motor FtsK50C, a construct derived from the bacterial protein FtsK that, in vitro, has a strong and
111                       This review focuses on bacterial protein glycosylation and its impact in pathog
112                                 Allostery in bacterial proteins has thus been successfully exploited
113 esponse regulator Y (CheY), a 129-amino acid bacterial protein, has been shown previously to populate
114                                Natural, anti-bacterial proteins have been discovered which have the p
115                                      Several bacterial proteins have been shown to polymerize into co
116                                        These bacterial proteins have biochemical activities that targ
117 data, surprisingly persistent collections of bacterial proteins have resisted functional annotation.
118 ifted completely from toroids to rods if the bacterial protein HU is present during condensation.
119 ilus belong to the conserved ParAB family of bacterial proteins implicated in plasmid and chromosome
120                         The low abundance of bacterial proteins in human serum during infection impos
121  simple and general technique for imaging of bacterial proteins in situ by fluorescence microscopy.
122 ic NAIP proteins function to detect specific bacterial proteins in vivo.
123 xhibit noncovalent associations of PPS14 and bacterial protein, in contrast to soluble covalent conju
124 on as cytosolic immunoreceptors for specific bacterial proteins, including flagellin and the inner ro
125                                         Many bacterial proteins, including most secretory proteins, a
126 les (OMVs) that contain a number of secreted bacterial proteins, including phospholipases, alkaline p
127                      Spatial organization of bacterial proteins influences many cellular processes, i
128 ovel mechanism of complement inhibition by a bacterial protein: inhibition of CRP surface binding and
129                              This model of a bacterial protein inserting into host membranes to media
130                                         Both bacterial proteins interact with the RRS1 WRKY domain, a
131 ach other in the co-crystal structures of 33 bacterial protein interactions.
132 y for Listeria entry involves binding of the bacterial protein Internalin B to the host receptor tyro
133 lle that has specifically evolved to deliver bacterial proteins into eukaryotic cells.
134 a type IV secretion apparatus that transfers bacterial proteins into eukaryotic host cells.
135  mediated by the type III secretion (TTS) of bacterial proteins into eukaryotic hosts.
136 t of the human disease tuberculosis-delivers bacterial proteins into host cells during infection and
137 ot/Icm apparatus delivers over 300 different bacterial proteins into host cells during infection.
138 a pneumophila translocates a large number of bacterial proteins into host cells via the Dot/Icm type
139  are organelles with the capacity to deliver bacterial proteins into host cells, have been adapted to
140 retion (T3S) system, which transports select bacterial proteins into host cells.
141 cretion system called Dot/Icm to translocate bacterial proteins into host cells.
142        Pseudomonas syringae injects numerous bacterial proteins into host plant cells through a type
143                                  Delivery of bacterial proteins into mammalian cells by type III secr
144 based system to monitor the translocation of bacterial proteins into mammalian cells.
145 stems (T3SSs), which have evolved to deliver bacterial proteins into nucleated cells, are found in ma
146 mydia and its host and that translocation of bacterial proteins into the cytosol is developmentally d
147 lex between the integrin alpha7beta1 and the bacterial protein invasin.
148  well characterized ubiquitous and essential bacterial protein involved in almost all aspects of DNA
149  the Chlamydia homolog of the LcrE family of bacterial proteins involved in the regulation of type II
150                            ThiS and ThiF are bacterial proteins involved in the synthesis of the thia
151                                  To identify bacterial proteins involved in the targeting of IcsA to
152 ng electrophoretic translocation through the bacterial protein ion channel alpha-hemolysin (alpha-HL)
153                                          The bacterial protein is here biased to move relatively free
154  responsible for the degradation of multiple bacterial proteins, is dynamically localized to specific
155                            Because PE38 is a bacterial protein, it is highly immunogenic in patients
156    Sca2 (surface cell antigen 2) is the only bacterial protein known to promote both actin filament n
157 e-rich repeat protein family and the largest bacterial protein known.
158            We show here that, paradoxically, bacterial proteins known experimentally to elicit a prot
159                    A family of extracellular bacterial proteins, known as resuscitation-promoting fac
160 onal differences between allelic variants of bacterial proteins likely contribute to pathoadaption to
161 enesis and likely involves several different bacterial proteins, lipids, glycoproteins, and/or glycol
162 ipoate ligase genes that are responsible for bacterial protein lipoylation.
163  LegU1 in mammalian cells, we identified the bacterial protein Lpg2160.
164 t subcellular localizations in Gram-negative bacterial proteins make use of standard protein represen
165  protein expression profiles establish which bacterial protein masses differ across samples and can b
166 ellular vaccines (Pa) composed of only a few bacterial proteins may be less efficacious because of va
167                        We propose that these bacterial proteins mimic molecular markers of self-surfa
168                                  To identify bacterial protein mimics of components of the innate imm
169 rly all bacteria and eukaryotes, include the bacterial proteins MutS1 and MutS2 and the eukaryotic Mu
170                                              Bacterial protein N-glycosylation and its application to
171              AprA has similarity to putative bacterial proteins of unknown function.
172                                              Bacterial proteins often localize to distinct sites with
173 alyzing the temporal requirement of specific bacterial proteins or protein complexes in infection or
174           Crystal structures of the secreted bacterial protein Plu-MACPF and the human C8 alpha MACPF
175 that a stable heterotetramer composed of two bacterial proteins, Pnkp and Hen1, was able to repair tr
176         In this study, we describe the first bacterial protein posttranslational modification (PTM) b
177 cial in the processing and entry of viral or bacterial protein precursors and confer increased infect
178 er T-cell epitopes in PE38, a portion of the bacterial protein Pseudomonas exotoxin A which consists
179 responses to an immunotoxin derived from the bacterial protein Pseudomonas exotoxin A, as well as to
180 ced RITs that contain PE38, a portion of the bacterial protein Pseudomonas exotoxin A.
181 at mucosal surfaces, including the lung, the bacterial proteins recognized by Th17 cells are largely
182              A conserved globin domain of 15 bacterial proteins representing four structural families
183 ses specific for listeriolysin O, a secreted bacterial protein required for potency of L. monocytogen
184     In this study, we sought to identify the bacterial protein responsible for this interaction.
185                                          The bacterial protein Rho triggers transcription termination
186 nd used to express 20 recombinant intestinal bacterial proteins (rIBs).
187                               Measurement of bacterial protein S-nitrosylation directly implicates ni
188 al analysis has revealed that the Rickettsia bacterial protein Sca2--recently shown to be essential f
189 s of the Sec translocon, the major route for bacterial protein secretion from the cytoplasm.
190                                              Bacterial protein secretion is a highly orchestrated pro
191                                  The bulk of bacterial protein secretion occurs through the conserved
192 demonstrate that GBPs detect the presence of bacterial protein secretion systems as "patterns of path
193                  Genes associated with other bacterial protein secretion systems were less common.
194 llow a distinct tempo, largely determined by bacterial protein secretion, and that CCR6-mediated bloo
195  Specifically, multiple virulent toxins from bacterial protein secretions are concurrently and natura
196 al and genomic data we have assessed a novel bacterial protein selected from a carbohydrate-related a
197 base of in silico fragment ions derived from bacterial protein sequences.
198 ilico fragment ions derived from hundreds of bacterial protein sequences.
199                           Pioneering work on bacterial protein serine threonine kinases (PSTKs) has b
200 rgely the result of the activity of a set of bacterial proteins (SopE, SopE2, and SopB) that, upon de
201 e, the hydrolyase domain of the bifunctional bacterial protein, SpoT, suggesting that AcpH is a membe
202 hosphatase conjugated to the highly specific bacterial protein streptavidin binds to biotinylated mac
203 lements is remarkably similar to that of the bacterial protein subunit.
204 IPAF]) responds to the cytosolic presence of bacterial proteins such as flagellin or the inner rod co
205 s the multiple roles exhibited by a range of bacterial proteins, such as glycolytic and other metabol
206 at iNKT cells can be activated directly by a bacterial protein superantigen independent of CD1d but a
207  oncotic macrophage cell death that requires bacterial protein synthesis and direct interaction of ba
208 mydiae with the host cell are dependent upon bacterial protein synthesis and presumably exposure of t
209                                  It inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by blocking elongation facto
210 n vitro, but metabolism is short-lived, with bacterial protein synthesis halting after a few hours.
211 assical antibiotic spectinomycin is a potent bacterial protein synthesis inhibitor, poor antimycobact
212              Auranofin's ability to suppress bacterial protein synthesis leads to significant reducti
213                                Inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis reduced the antiapoptotic ef
214 duced apoptosis, indicating that the de novo bacterial protein synthesis was necessary for cell death
215               Furthermore, PNA-inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis was selective and did not ad
216 rwhelmingly TLR2 dependent, requires de novo bacterial protein synthesis, and is independent of intra
217 t as well as transcription and both host and bacterial protein synthesis, but not urease, NapA, VacA,
218 Thermorubin is a small-molecule inhibitor of bacterial protein synthesis, but relatively little is kn
219 and thiostrepton class, which block steps in bacterial protein synthesis, contain a trithiazolyl (tet
220 stant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), inhibits bacterial protein synthesis.
221  antibiotics that block the initial steps of bacterial protein synthesis.
222 present a new series of compounds that block bacterial protein synthesis.
223 he TLR2 agonist activity is dependent on new bacterial protein synthesis.
224 lling of infected host cells requires active bacterial protein synthesis.
225 A was maintained at the level sufficient for bacterial protein synthesis.
226 hetic pathways including cell wall, DNA, and bacterial protein synthesis.
227 ch by binding to ribosomal RNA (rRNA) affect bacterial protein synthesis.
228 acteria, including selective interference of bacterial protein synthesis.
229 e mechanisms and physiological importance of bacterial protein targeting.
230 ecialized secretion systems that translocate bacterial proteins, termed effectors, directly into host
231 ld into an elongated form that resembles the bacterial protein Tex.
232 ntron splicing factors in chloroplasts, in a bacterial protein that associates with ribosome precurso
233 oduct of the mfd gene) is a widely conserved bacterial protein that couples DNA repair with transcrip
234 on, we have characterized a hitherto unknown bacterial protein that is crucial for mediating an inter
235 X-ray crystal structures of tetrabrachion, a bacterial protein that is thermostable up to at least 40
236                    Tex is a highly conserved bacterial protein that likely functions in a variety of
237  we determined the global fold of CbpA-R1, a bacterial protein that mediates the pathogenic effects o
238 oduct of the mfd gene) is a widely conserved bacterial protein that mediates transcription-coupled DN
239 67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a novel bacterial protein that possesses 222 symmetry and a sing
240 ting of recombinant IgA1 protease (IgA1P), a bacterial protein that selectively cleaves human IgA1.
241      Systemic administration of flagellin, a bacterial protein that stimulates Toll-like receptor 5 (
242 sequent degradation of p53 are examples of a bacterial protein that subverts the p53 tumor suppressor
243        Our findings identify SINC as a novel bacterial protein that targets the nuclear envelope with
244  Staphylococcus aureus belong to a family of bacterial proteins that act as superantigens by activati
245                                              Bacterial proteins that are abnormally truncated due to
246 at Mpa, PafA, and the Mtb proteasome degrade bacterial proteins that are important for virulence in m
247 ccines that target the functional regions of bacterial proteins that are involved in colonization and
248        Class III consists almost entirely of bacterial proteins that are lipooligo/polysaccharide alp
249 effectors), is found in numerous polymorphic bacterial proteins that are primarily located in the T6S
250                          In-frame fusions to bacterial proteins that are secreted into the eukaryotic
251 Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) requires bacterial proteins that are translocated into host cells
252 ulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly potent bacterial proteins that block neurotransmitter release a
253                                              Bacterial proteins that detoxify reactive oxygen species
254 ls that line the human intestinal tract, the bacterial proteins that enable this pathogen to survive
255  a self-propagating amyloid form and certain bacterial proteins that fold as amyloid at the cell surf
256 ns constitute a recently discovered class of bacterial proteins that form cytoskeletal filaments.
257  acetylation was recently discovered on many bacterial proteins that function in diverse cellular pro
258  widespread group of MocR/GabR-type chimeric bacterial proteins that have DNA-binding and aminotransf
259 ecome dominant in the collagenous domains of bacterial proteins that lack hydroxyproline.
260  The objective of this study was to identify bacterial proteins that promote the adherence of S. aure
261  the membrane targeting of a broad family of bacterial proteins, the patatin-like phospholipases.
262                           Unlike the role of bacterial proteins, the role of host factors in the tran
263 retion (T3S) systems enable the injection of bacterial proteins through membrane barriers into host c
264            Priming for T cell memory against bacterial proteins through their inclusion in vaccine pr
265 th TLR2 and describe the direct binding of a bacterial protein to TLR2 for the first time.
266 tal structures have since confirmed multiple bacterial proteins to be homologues of eukaryotic tubuli
267 ed in conjunction with metabolic labeling of bacterial proteins to identify chlamydial proteins that
268 pathogenicity, as they provide the means for bacterial proteins to penetrate host-cell membranes and
269 ises due to a general increased tendency for bacterial proteins to self-assemble and form homomeric i
270   Sortase enzymes covalently attach specific bacterial proteins to the peptidoglycan cell wall and ar
271 h are predominantly based on the transfer of bacterial proteins to the target host cell, such as the
272 g toxins (PFTs) are the most common class of bacterial protein toxin and are important for bacterial
273      Cholera toxin (CT) is a heterohexameric bacterial protein toxin belonging to a larger family of
274 o ADP-ribosylating C3 exoenzyme (C3bot) is a bacterial protein toxin devoid of a cell-binding or -tra
275                      Anthrax toxin is an A/B bacterial protein toxin which is composed of the enzymat
276 ter passenger domains but unique among known bacterial protein toxins.
277 ystem functions to combat viral pathogens or bacterial protein toxins.
278 sis factor alpha, interleukins 1 and 10) and bacterial proteins, toxins, and enzymes reported to be i
279                         Here we found that a bacterial protein, transcription terminator Rho of Clost
280 timicrobial activity, inhibition of in vitro bacterial protein translation, and the effect of dimeriz
281 ws similarities to both eukaryotic Tom40 and bacterial protein translocases of the Omp85 family.
282                             SecA facilitates bacterial protein translocation by its association with
283  availability of reporter systems to monitor bacterial protein translocation into host cells.
284 ATPase motor protein plays a central role in bacterial protein transport by binding substrate protein
285 ing and will be critical for elucidating the bacterial protein transport mechanism.
286 om our study, seven differentially expressed bacterial proteins (triacylglycerol lipase, N-acetylmura
287                                          The bacterial protein tyrosine phosphatase YopH is an essent
288 ral mechanism bear close similarities to the bacterial protein unfoldase ClpX.
289 roposed for actin filament nucleation by the bacterial proteins VopL/F.
290                     Differentially-expressed bacterial proteins were excised from the gels and subjec
291      Upon treatment with the plant extracts, bacterial proteins were extracted and resolved using den
292                     Prominent among oxidized bacterial proteins were those engaged in synthesis and t
293                                              Bacterial protein, which was strictly nondietary rather
294        In this study, we have identified >70 bacterial proteins, which represent fusions between the
295          Because GroEL is a widely conserved bacterial protein with an essential function, we tested
296                                              Bacterial proteins with MCE domains were first described
297 ar dissociation constant (Kd) in a milieu of bacterial proteins with minimal sample preparation.
298  the biology of many bacterial pathogens are bacterial proteins with the capacity to modulate host ce
299  regulators indicated compatibility of these bacterial proteins with the eukaryotic transcriptional a
300 , and through the expression of libraries of bacterial proteins within model organisms such as yeast.

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