


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n order of magnitude greater inactivation of bacterial spores.
2 rs to characterize the germination of single bacterial spores.
3 e compromised the long-term stability of the bacterial spores.
4 o-germinant and is also a germinant for most bacterial spores.
5  binary complex is best for the detection of bacterial spores.
6 nd gold particles and Clostridium sporogenes bacterial spores.
7 dipicolinic acid (DPA), a major component of bacterial spores.
8 c acid (DPA), which is a marker molecule for bacterial spores.
9 se materials are readily differentiated from bacterial spores.
10  ionizing compounds directly in bacteria and bacterial spores.
11 the dormancy, robustness, and germination of bacterial spores.
12 ole-cell biosensing systems that is based on bacterial spores, a dormant form of life.
13 e in exposure media was in the size range of bacterial spores and crystal toxins.
14                                      Dormant bacterial spores are encased in a thick protein shell, t
15                                      Dormant bacterial spores are extraordinarily resistant to enviro
16                                              Bacterial spores are extremely resistant to environmenta
17                                              Bacterial spores are protected from the environment by a
18                                              Bacterial spores are remarkable in their resistance to c
19                                              Bacterial spores are resistant to a wide range of chemic
20                                              Bacterial spores are surrounded by a morphologically com
21                                              Bacterial spores are surrounded by a multilayered protei
22                                              Bacterial spores are the most resistant form of life kno
23                 Airborne contaminants, e.g., bacterial spores, are usually analyzed by time-consuming
24 nt of all the mass peaks in the spectra from bacterial spores, as presented in this work, establishes
25  by detecting the evanescent scattering from bacterial spores at the sensor surface.
26    Here, we develop and detect an artificial bacterial spore--B. globigii (BG) Bugbead-a particle mim
27  enhanced in the presence of a gram-positive bacterial spore, Bacillus globigii (Bg), which serves as
28 e dielectrophoresis to manipulate individual bacterial spores between the electrodes.
29                         Optimal detection of bacterial spores by PCR requires that the spores be disr
30         The outermost proteinaceous layer of bacterial spores, called the coat, is critical for spore
31                  A recent study explains how bacterial spores capture and protect phage DNA, which re
32                                          The bacterial spore cortex is critical for spore stability a
33 y and demonstrate significant improvement in bacterial spore detection.
34 omer produced in vivo upon UV irradiation of bacterial spore DNA.
35                                      Dormant bacterial spores do not take up and bind nucleic acid dy
36 to capture Bacillus subtilis var. niger (BG) bacterial spores driven to the surface.
37                                              Bacterial spores (endospores), such as those of the path
38 y study evaluated the safety and efficacy of bacterial spores for preventing recurrent CDI.
39 form, which suggests a common mechanism with bacterial spores for protecting DNA in the most adverse
40                                              Bacterial spore heat resistance is primarily dependent u
41 ation was employed to enhance sensitivity of bacterial spore immunoassay detection, specifically, enz
42                                              Bacterial spores in a metabolically dormant state can su
43 d with optical trapping to probe and analyze bacterial spores in solution.
44                 The unusual UV resistance of bacterial spores is a result of the unique photochemistr
45 tolesion in the DNA of UV-irradiated dormant bacterial spores is the thymine dimer 5-thyminyl-5,6-dih
46 ntigen-like molecules, and furthermore, that bacterial spores modulate host immunity.
47 ound for 3 min gave a detection limit for BG bacterial spores of 1 x 10(3) spores/mL.
48                                              Bacterial spores of various Bacillus species are imperme
49 icated microfluidic devices for detection of bacterial spores on the basis of enhancement of the emis
50 o detect and discriminate between individual bacterial spores on the basis of their electrical respon
51 n principle be formed upon UV irradiation of bacterial spores, only the 5R configuration is possible
52  and subtilin in its ability to inhibit both bacterial spore outgrowth and vegetative growth.
53 on in mammalian hosts includes inhalation of bacterial spores, phagocytosis of spores in the nasal mu
54                                              Bacterial spores remain dormant and highly resistant to
55 ytical method to detect residual agar from a bacterial spore sample as an indication of culturing on
56 solubilization of agar polysaccharide from a bacterial spore sample, enzymatic digestion, followed by
57                                Sonication of bacterial spores to obtain measurements of released nucl
58 us microbiota and commonly fail to eradicate bacterial spores, two key factors that allow recurrence
59 hundred to 19 050 can be desorbed from whole bacterial spores using infrared laser desorption and no
60 classes of pathogens (virus, protein toxins, bacterial spores, vegetative cells).
61                             The detection of bacterial spores via dipicolinate-triggered lanthanide l
62 n addition, detection of Bacillus atrophaeus bacterial spores was improved by the use of Tb(DO2A)(+),
63                                       Single bacterial spores were analyzed by using nonlinear Raman
64 ective TB antigens onto the surface of inert bacterial spores, which are then delivered to the respir
65 om culture on agar plates in the presence of bacterial spores with a limit of detection of approximat
66  reagentless detection and identification of bacterial spores with no false positives from a complex
67 picolinic acid (DPA), a major constituent of bacterial spores, with greater affinity and demonstrate

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