


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onsiderable morbidity from viral disease and bacterial superinfection.
2 e practitioners, allowing the propagation of bacterial superinfection.
3 potential in a model of viral infection with bacterial superinfection.
4 echanism for virus-induced susceptibility to bacterial superinfection.
5 clinical management for influenza-associated bacterial superinfections.
6 d 14.3% of patients, respectively; 12.5% had bacterial superinfections.
7  IL-23 release, increasing susceptibility to bacterial superinfections.
8 ches to restore lung innate immunity against bacterial superinfections.
9 lung inflammation and were less sensitive to bacterial superinfection after infection with influenza
10                                              Bacterial superinfection and associated lung immunopatho
11 phic pneumonia, requirement for ventilation, bacterial superinfection, and elevated urea level and wh
12                                              Bacterial superinfections are a major cause of morbidity
13 ence for influenza viruses in the setting of bacterial superinfection, are broadly associated with en
14  inflammatory PB1-F2 phenotype that supports bacterial superinfection during adaptation of H3N2 virus
15            Here we describe a mouse model of bacterial superinfection in which a mild, self-limiting
16 bacteria and discover novel modes to prevent bacterial superinfections in the lungs of persons with i
17 iated with an elevated risk of succumbing to bacterial superinfection, is also seen in the aftermath
18                                 In the mouse bacterial superinfection model, both peptide and virus w
19 luenza virus infection result from secondary bacterial superinfection, most commonly caused by Strept
20 inflammatory responses to IAV in vivo and of bacterial superinfection of IAV-infected subjects.
21 mber of influenza-related deaths result from bacterial superinfections, particularly secondary pneumo
22 l outcome and lung immunopathology caused by bacterial superinfection requires the control of both ba
23 ory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis with bacterial superinfection secondary to administration of
24 uenza A virus (IAV) infection and during the bacterial superinfections that are a significant cause o
25   However, only patients with AD suffer from bacterial superinfections with this pathogen, which impl

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