


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 al cells and delineated a mechanism for this bacterially activated signaling.
2 teria transfer electrons to the dissolved or bacterially adsorbed U(VI) species formed after HUP diss
3        These results establish that a single bacterially associated antigen can drive the progression
4  both Th1 and Th2 transfers was dependent on bacterially associated OVA.
5                      These data suggest that bacterially associated PC-PLC and Mpl localize at the ce
6 te limiting, resulting in the formation of a bacterially associated pool of PC-PLC that would readily
7                  We investigated whether the bacterially captured FH becomes functionally enhanced an
8  cell organization and morphology, and (iii) bacterially catalyzed mineralization.
9                   The repeated sequencing of bacterially-cloned fragments of psbA(ncr) from samples a
10 ties, but it is unclear whether an adjacent, bacterially conserved protein loop (residues 52-57) part
11                         However, U52 and two bacterially conserved protein residues (F17 and R89) are
12 ts transfused (0.004%; 389 per million) were bacterially contaminated by active surveillance and resu
13      In all experiments, conducted in highly bacterially contaminated LB media, flux tests were run u
14 actions (STRs) resulting from transfusion of bacterially contaminated platelets are a major hazard of
15          Active and passive surveillance for bacterially contaminated platelets was performed over 7
16 the Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrRpt2 is bacterially delivered but is intact when AvrRpt2 is dire
17                           We determined that bacterially delivered HopAF1 inhibits ethylene biosynthe
18 ce is nonredundant, we speculated that other bacterially derived Ags are priming these responses.
19 e cells upon continuous exposure to food and bacterially derived Ags.
20 sitive immunoassays, we identified host- and bacterially derived biomarkers correlated with periodont
21               Neutrophil migration against a bacterially derived chemoattractant (formyl-met-leu-phe,
22       The transporters mediate the egress of bacterially derived components, such as the NOD2 cognate
23 ns could explain, at least in part, why this bacterially derived exoenzyme effectively modulates this
24                                              Bacterially derived exotoxins kill eukaryotic cells by i
25 lated evidence demonstrates that PD involves bacterially derived factors and antigens that stimulate
26               The ability of mFPR1 to detect bacterially derived formyl peptides indicates that this
27 han 2 decades ago and the finding that it is bacterially derived from daidzin, an isoflavone abundant
28 whether enzymatic depolymerization using the bacterially derived heparinases, given the structural un
29 ome of influenza virus infection using three bacterially derived immune-enhancing agents known for pr
30 or effects produced by Fkbp1a binding to its bacterially derived ligand, rapamycin.
31 ike receptors by facilitating recognition of bacterially derived lipids.
32                                              Bacterially derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulates
33                            MAIT cells detect bacterially derived metabolites presented by the evoluti
34 whereas NLRs are activated by characteristic bacterially derived molecules, such as peptidoglycan, RN
35 enes activates CD8(+) T cells that recognize bacterially derived N-formyl methionine peptides in the
36 ls can exhibit cross-reactivity to different bacterially derived N-formylmethionine peptides.
37 des a template for the targeted expansion of bacterially derived natural products using the global me
38                    Here, we demonstrate that bacterially derived NO enhances C. elegans longevity and
39                                              Bacterially derived Nod factor is critical in the establ
40 ity is determined by specific recognition of bacterially derived Nod factors by the cognate host rece
41  the conclusion that TLR activation requires bacterially derived PAMPs and that endogenously produced
42 vity to several caspases and to at least one bacterially derived pathologic protease.
43 doglycan recognition protein 1 (PGLYRP1) and bacterially derived peptidoglycan that constitute a pote
44                                              Bacterially derived phospholipids significantly increase
45       Furthermore, the recent discovery of a bacterially derived programmable nuclease termed cluster
46 econstituted in lipid bilayers revealed that bacterially derived PSA, called colominic acid, prolonge
47 inoculation with amyloid fibrils formed from bacterially derived recombinant prion protein.
48         More recently, PMCA techniques using bacterially derived recombinant PrP (rPrP) in the presen
49   This work serves as a proof-of-concept for bacterially derived SimCells (Simple Cells), which conta
50   Emerging evidence suggests novel roles for bacterially derived vitamin K forms known as menaquinone
51                Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a bacterially-derived endotoxin that elicits a strong proi
52 d organic nitrogen sources were dominated by bacterially-derived nitrogen and important contributions
53  and progression may be linked to exogenous, bacterially-derived, antigenic molecules, mimicking mamm
54 id generation of UbcH5 ~ Ub(n) may allow for bacterially directed modification of eukaryotic target p
55 ntic infections and periodontal diseases are bacterially driven diseases that are caused by dysbiotic
56 may inhibit colon carcinogenesis by reducing bacterially driven inflammation.
57               Smokers are at high risk for 2 bacterially driven oral diseases: peri-implant mucositis
58 n secretion machines have evolved to deliver bacterially encoded effector proteins into eukaryotic ce
59 gens utilize complex nanomachines to deliver bacterially encoded effector proteins into target eukary
60                            PriM is the first bacterially encoded factor to be described that can inte
61 ile there is strong evidence that DrrA, as a bacterially encoded GDP/GTP exchange factor, contributes
62 the Rho-family GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 by the bacterially encoded GEF SopE and the GAP SptP, which exe
63 e as a paradigm for the examination of other bacterially encoded molecular machines.
64 study to identify a nuclear translocation of bacterially encoded protein by E. chaffeensis and to ide
65 systems have specifically evolved to deliver bacterially encoded proteins into target eukaryotic cell
66 of these intimin types binds to its cognate, bacterially encoded receptor (called Tir for translocate
67 ia are not easily culturable, access to many bacterially encoded secondary metabolites will be depend
68 stent with that assertion, we show here that bacterially encoded Stx efficiently kills the bacteriovo
69 t express the adhesin intimin and insert the bacterially encoded translocated intimin receptor Tir in
70 t of multiple glycosylation modifications to bacterially expressed (bare) protein scaffolds, allowing
71  the attachment of multiple modifications to bacterially expressed (bare) protein scaffolds: this app
72 ulate PABP cleavage in uninfected cells, and bacterially expressed 3C cleaved recombinant PABP in vit
73 nine at Ser-205 was synthesized and fused to bacterially expressed AANAT(30-199) using expressed prot
74                                        Using bacterially expressed acetylated-alphaS (NTAc-alphaS) an
75 coimmunoprecipitation of intracellularly and bacterially expressed and endogenous proteins.
76 teraction was confirmed both in vitro, using bacterially expressed and in vitro translated proteins,
77 actor 9 (FA9), mouse Notch1, and Notch2 were bacterially expressed and purified by reverse phase HPLC
78                                              Bacterially expressed and purified GRP58 increased the M
79 port the properties and characteristics of a bacterially expressed and purified GST-MDA-7 fusion prot
80 y with V(1) when expressed in yeast, but the bacterially expressed and purified H-CT domain inhibits
81    The ability of purified 2A(pro) to cleave bacterially expressed and purified Nup62 demonstrated th
82                       Modified proteins were bacterially expressed and purified.
83              Here we describe a recombinant, bacterially expressed antigen equivalent to structural d
84 ith scFv-expressing bacteriophage, employing bacterially expressed antigen, followed by a yeast in vi
85 od was applied to introduce (18)O label into bacterially expressed Aurora A kinase phosphorylation si
86                                              Bacterially expressed b121a/b122a were partially folded
87        All five Bcl-xL antibodies recognized bacterially expressed Bcl-xL, but not Bcl-2, whereas an
88 onfirmed by in vitro pull-down analysis with bacterially expressed beta-TrCP.
89  mice and that this bone loss depends on the bacterially expressed BspA protein.
90                                            A bacterially expressed C-terminal domain of LIN-14 was us
91 city, processivity, and kinetic mechanism of bacterially expressed Caenorhabditis elegans PRMT5 (cPRM
92 tional reagents sDST or DMS of mammalian and bacterially expressed carboxyl-terminal containing recep
93               Here, we mechanically extended bacterially expressed Cas substrate domain protein (CasS
94                                              Bacterially expressed CCT5 chaperonin subunits, which fo
95                                   HuPON1 and bacterially expressed chimeric recombinant PON1s (G2E6 a
96                                              Bacterially expressed Chz1 forms a heterotrimer with H2A
97                        We have also utilized bacterially expressed coilin fragments in order to map t
98                                    Purified, bacterially expressed CYP2E1(Delta3-29) is ubiquitylated
99 ction of a therapeutic vaccine consisting of bacterially expressed cytoplasmic domains of human AChR
100                                     Although bacterially expressed dCREB2 bound cAMP-response element
101                                              Bacterially expressed DEK1 domain II does not display ca
102 , as in Caenorhabditis elegans, ingestion of bacterially expressed double-stranded RNA can inhibit ge
103 ecombinantly produced in Sf9 insect cells, a bacterially expressed EGF repeat from mouse Notch2 modif
104 fic activity and substrate preference of the bacterially expressed enzyme closely mimic those of the
105 sient and were not previously detected using bacterially expressed exon-1 protein.
106 e CAR proteins are able to interact with the bacterially expressed extracellular domain of CAR.
107 ber bundles that had been reconstituted with bacterially expressed fast skeletal muscle recombinant T
108  vitro methylation assays using PsLSMT and a bacterially expressed form of gamma-TMT from Perilla fru
109 ific differences between the NMR spectrum of bacterially expressed full-length tail and the sum of th
110  were examined in sedimentation assays using bacterially expressed fusion proteins and polymerized ac
111  excitatory capacity exceeding that of other bacterially expressed fusion proteins.
112 n binding were found for mutations made in a bacterially expressed GAF-A/B plus catalytic domain cons
113                                              Bacterially expressed glutathione S-transferase (GST)-Sm
114                                          The bacterially expressed glutathione S-transferase-PKS6 fus
115 ied random oligonucleotide binding assay and bacterially expressed GST-IA-1DBD fusion protein (257-51
116 e we characterize methylation catalyzed by a bacterially expressed GST-tagged human PRMT7 fusion prot
117 itro disassembly and reassembly system using bacterially expressed HBV capsids.
118 s analyses of binding in vitro using native, bacterially expressed HDAg have been hampered by a lack
119  Previous in vitro binding experiments using bacterially expressed HDAg showed that the formation of
120 was evaluated by vaccination with the single bacterially expressed homolog, rAg2/Pra, or rPrp2 in com
121 and PC myosin reconstituted with recombinant bacterially expressed human cardiac RLC (PC(recon)).
122                                              Bacterially expressed human P450c17 was phosphorylated b
123  were able to use MALDI-TOFMS to detect four bacterially expressed hydrophobic proteins comprising al
124 ro phosphorylation assay was developed using bacterially expressed IE62-maltose binding protein fusio
125 suggest that a subunit vaccine incorporating bacterially expressed IMV- and EEV-specific proteins can
126 holoenzyme were very similar to those of the bacterially expressed individual GAF-A or GAF-A/B domain
127 K1 was able to support the ubiquitination of bacterially expressed IRS1 N-terminal fragment by CRL7 b
128  analyzed for their ability to interact with bacterially expressed JCV N protein.
129 rameters to ACC1 by both native AMPK and the bacterially expressed kinase domain.
130 ated fibres were generated in vitro from the bacterially expressed labelled prion protein.
131           Thus, delipidation is critical for bacterially expressed lipid-binding proteins.
132                                              Bacterially expressed LOV domains bind flavin mononucleo
133                  Photochemical analysis of a bacterially expressed LOV1 + LOV2 fusion protein indicat
134                                            A bacterially expressed MAP65-3 protein was able to establ
135                                              Bacterially expressed MNV 3CL Pro was sufficient to medi
136 st studies to date have used MOG peptides or bacterially expressed MOG, neither of which contain the
137 previously shown that i.m. administration of bacterially expressed murine histidyl-tRNA synthetase (H
138                           Further studies of bacterially expressed mutant enzymes revealed that GK(A4
139 or disrupted by a point mutation (L47A), the bacterially expressed mutant protein sediments as a mono
140                                              Bacterially expressed mutants were evaluated in detergen
141 A to a conventionally developed ELISA, using bacterially expressed N protein, and to the immunofluore
142 pigmentosum (XP) disease, a series of stable bacterially expressed N- and C-terminal fragments were d
143 tudy the structure of F-actin decorated with bacterially expressed N-terminal cMyBP-C fragments.
144                                          The bacterially expressed NPG1 bound three isoforms of Arabi
145        We describe two crystal structures of bacterially expressed OmCI: one binding a C16 fatty acid
146                                Incubation of bacterially expressed or in vitro-translated Nup98 with
147 le-molecule fluorescence assay, we show that bacterially expressed OSM-3 in solution does not move pr
148 endent acetylation similar to that seen with bacterially expressed p53.
149    The speed and lower manufacturing cost of bacterially expressed PEGylated antibody fragments could
150 R5 to inhibit gp120 association, and C52L, a bacterially expressed peptide inhibitor of gp41-mediated
151              Here, we report the design of a bacterially expressed polypeptide that mimics a H5 HA st
152  a cDNA expression library was screened with bacterially expressed PPARalpha.
153                         Coprecipitation with bacterially expressed protein and native KCBP, gel-mobil
154                       Crystallization of the bacterially expressed protein yielded two different crys
155 inal 35 amino acids of HDAg yields a native, bacterially expressed protein, HDAg-160, that specifical
156 iminated the calcium binding activity of the bacterially expressed protein.
157              Surface plasmon resonance using bacterially expressed proteins demonstrated that Noxa bi
158           Epitope mapping with mammalian and bacterially expressed proteins, as well as synthetic pep
159                     Gel shift assays using a bacterially expressed PUM2 RNA binding domain showed spe
160                                              Bacterially expressed rat PSP binds PtdIns(3,4)P(2) with
161                                          The bacterially expressed recombinant AtABHD11 hydrolyzed ly
162                                              Bacterially expressed recombinant CK2, however, showed v
163 and slightly greater seroreactivity than the bacterially expressed recombinant Cts1.
164 an be generated solely from highly purified, bacterially expressed recombinant hamster prion protein
165 structure of the extracellular domain of the bacterially expressed recombinant human protein, residue
166 use prions can be produced from a mixture of bacterially expressed recombinant prion protein (recPrP)
167  report that an infectious prion formed with bacterially expressed recombinant prion protein plus syn
168 in-like domain of titin, was introduced in a bacterially expressed recombinant protein fragment and b
169  and its enzymatic activity was confirmed in bacterially expressed recombinant protein.
170  infectious prion can be formed de novo with bacterially expressed recombinant PrP (rPrP) remains to
171 sis of its ability to phosphorylate purified bacterially expressed recombinant rat eIF5.
172                            Here we show that bacterially expressed recombinant SMB (rSMB) can be refo
173                                              Bacterially expressed rice TBP (OsTBP2) bound to the TAT
174  infectious prion can be formed de novo with bacterially expressed rPrP.
175                                              Bacterially expressed S(1)-, S(2)-, and S(3)-RNases are
176 S(3)-RNase is degraded as efficiently as the bacterially expressed S-RNases.
177  Here we report the crystal structure of the bacterially expressed SBV nucleoprotein to a 3.06-A reso
178                                              Bacterially expressed Scm3 binds directly to and reconst
179                                              Bacterially expressed SCPL-1 proteins have phosphatase a
180                                              Bacterially expressed Sfrs1 protein bound to B16-FTIII-M
181 protein interaction and RNA binding by using bacterially expressed Sin Nombre virus N protein.
182                      Here, we characterize a bacterially expressed soluble protein, ECD1-CRFR2beta, c
183                  In vitro enzyme analysis of bacterially expressed SSU-1 demonstrates sulfotransferas
184 onance-energy-transfer-based assay that uses bacterially expressed substrates for the rapid and quant
185                                          The bacterially expressed SYNCRIP was also able to bind to t
186                                    Purified, bacterially expressed Tat-c-Myb DBD and Tat-GR(554-777)
187                                Nevertheless, bacterially expressed TbPRMT7 exhibits robust methyltran
188 have described for the first time domains of bacterially expressed Tetrahymena TERT that interacted d
189                                              Bacterially expressed TgPhyA protein can prolyl hydroxyl
190  we report an effective method for purifying bacterially expressed Tm as alpha.beta dimers using a cl
191                        The activities of the bacterially expressed tNOX oscillate with a period lengt
192                            Using a series of bacterially expressed truncated versions of PICBP, four
193 d the transport properties and regulation of bacterially expressed UCP1, -2, and -3 reconstituted in
194                                          The bacterially expressed UGT74F2 enzyme catalyzed a conjuga
195 transferase (GST) pulldown experiments using bacterially expressed UL44 and UL84 confirmed these resu
196 zed conditions of isolation and refolding of bacterially expressed uncoupling proteins and reexamined
197                                          The bacterially expressed unphosphorylated SLIP1-SLBP comple
198            In addition, a complex containing bacterially expressed Vhs and a glutathione S-transferas
199 ed in the published crystal structure of the bacterially expressed VLP that appear to clamp the penta
200 mbled yVLPs compared with in vitro assembled bacterially expressed VLPs as monitored by increased the
201                                              Bacterially expressed VP3-CTD exhibited 2',5'-PDE activi
202 d I393M) also restored heterodimerization of bacterially expressed W401A subunits.
203 edicted EF-hands are functional, we purified bacterially expressed wild-type DC3 and analyzed its cal
204                                     Finally, bacterially expressed yeast Tdp1p is able to remove a pe
205 imeric Klp61F motor domains were engineered, bacterially expressed, and purified to test this idea.
206 nd both S28 and S29 using purified virus and bacterially expressed, his-tagged S28 and S29 proteins.
207 and mutant P450 oxidoreductase proteins were bacterially expressed, purified, and assayed for cytochr
208              The affinity matrix comprises a bacterially expressed, recombinant protein, the TOG1/2 d
209               In this study, we employed two bacterially expressed, soluble derivatives of NS5A to pr
210  soluble catalytic domain of human CYPOR was bacterially expressed.
211 ongoing EAMG by intraperitoneal injection of bacterially-expressed human muscle AChR constructs.
212                          Use of a mixture of bacterially-expressed human muscle AChR cytoplasmic doma
213  new means of identifying commonly occurring bacterially fermented alcoholic beverages worldwide, inc
214                                              Bacterially induced bone infections often result in sign
215 ng that lymphocytes were required to prevent bacterially induced cancer at this site.
216          Previously discovered mechanisms of bacterially induced cell death are predominantly based o
217                                              Bacterially induced cell death in human lymphocytes is a
218 mmed necrosis (necroptosis), but its role in bacterially induced cell death is poorly understood.
219                           Periodontitis is a bacterially induced chronic inflammatory disease that de
220             Chronic adult periodontitis is a bacterially induced chronic inflammatory disease that de
221 itor demonstrated significant suppression of bacterially induced growth.
222   Lymphocytes are widely believed to prevent bacterially induced inflammation in the bowel, and lymph
223  was correlated with their ability to reduce bacterially induced inflammatory bowel disease.
224                             Periodontitis, a bacterially induced inflammatory disease that leads to t
225 at this tachykinin can significantly elevate bacterially induced inflammatory prostanoid production b
226 s of interleukin (IL)-12 family cytokines in bacterially induced intestinal inflammation.
227  of primary rat middle ear mucosal explants, bacterially induced mucosal growth was blocked by the Ra
228  activation of JNK is a critical pathway for bacterially induced mucosal hyperplasia during otitis me
229 tantly, engagement of SIRL-1 does not affect bacterially induced production of reactive oxygen specie
230                                 Furthermore, bacterially induced reduction of methyl-donor availabili
231                                              Bacterially induced ROS causes oxidative inactivation of
232 nucleoside diphosphate kinase (Ndk) mediates bacterially induced toxicity against eukaryotic cells.
233    We show that this reversal coincides with bacterially induced wetting transitions and that flagell
234 nd messenger, can trigger innate immunity in bacterially infected animal cells and is involved in dev
235 reased concentration of hydrogen peroxide in bacterially infected glutathione peroxidase 1 macrophage
236 ion to induce intestinal injury; and iii) in bacterially infected IEC-6 cells in vitro.
237            Recent evidence demonstrates that bacterially infected osteoblasts secrete chemokines and
238 t screening of a combinatorial library using bacterially made Omi-(134-458) protease and fluorescein-
239  Although phosphates significantly influence bacterially mediated as well as iron oxyhydroxide mediat
240                     Periodontal disease is a bacterially mediated chronic inflammatory disease that r
241  large database shows a marked change in the bacterially mediated fractionation of seawater sulphate
242 ioplankton, in line with the hypothesis that bacterially mediated PA transformation accounts for an i
243                                              Bacterially mediated secretion also involved activation
244                                              Bacterially mediated Tetrahymena killing was blocked by
245 te reduction and sulphide oxidation, largely bacterially mediated.
246 now been shown to be irreversibly blocked by bacterially-mediated acetylation, beta-elimination, and
247       Correlation analyses revealed that the bacterially-mediated increase in shoot fresh weight is r
248 ed state as supported by increased levels of bacterially modified amino acids and creatine metabolite
249 NKT cells were decreased in coexposed versus bacterially monoinfected bladders.
250 of an RNA-seq analysis workflow, easy-to-use bacterially oriented workflow applications to combine mu
251   Both proteins are frequent contaminants of bacterially overexpressed proteins which might have been
252 Bpa), was biosynthetically incorporated into bacterially prepared recombinant Sup(1-61)-GFP, containi
253    Here we demonstrate catalytic activity of bacterially produced Arabidopsis Plsp1.
254 produced epinephrine and norepinephrine, and bacterially produced autoinducer 3 (AI-3), through two-c
255 anobactin structurally more similar to other bacterially produced bactins and siderophores and sugges
256 splay an escape response that is mediated by bacterially produced cues.
257                                      Various bacterially produced factors are essential for successfu
258 easing agonist) or adiponectin (10 microg/ml bacterially produced full-length adiponectin).
259 his study, we report the identification of a bacterially produced inhibitor of rosettes (IOR-1) as we
260             This study reveals that multiple bacterially produced lipids converge to activate, enhanc
261                 At nanomolar concentrations, bacterially produced mCTRP2 rapidly induced phosphorylat
262 hat in vitro studies reliant on recombinant, bacterially produced Notch TMD should be performed with
263 ared the functionality and immunogenicity of bacterially produced oligomeric or monomeric HA1 protein
264                         Results suggest that bacterially produced organic matter can play a role in s
265 properties from VLPs assembled in vitro from bacterially produced pentamers.
266 fungal mutualism is chemically mediated by a bacterially produced polyunsaturated peroxide.
267                         Trimerization of the bacterially produced protein appears to be an artifact t
268                   The approximately 34.5-kDa bacterially produced protein specifically catalyzed the
269               Previous investigations with a bacterially produced protein suggested that VE-cadherin
270                               The ca. 63 kDa bacterially produced recombinant protein, designated L.
271          We here report that one of the main bacterially produced SCFAs, propionate, activates ileal
272       Here we identify GPR43, a receptor for bacterially produced short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), as
273                                      Because bacterially produced siRNAs contain multiple sequences a
274 e initiation of rosette development requires bacterially produced small molecules.
275  our laboratories isolated and synthesized a bacterially produced sulfonolipid that induces S. rosett
276                  These data suggest that the bacterially produced tetrameric ASA can be used as an an
277                                          The bacterially produced unglycosylated G protein could be d
278                     This study suggests that bacterially produced unglycosylated G protein could be d
279                                   Therefore, bacterially produced unglycosylated G protein holds prom
280 ytocyanin-like domain from GhPLA1, which was bacterially produced, also promoted SE, indicating that
281                                              Bacterially produced, purified, caspase-cleaved U1-70 kd
282 ponded to the late-eluting compound that was bacterially produced.
283 nhancement and algal death are driven by the bacterially-produced phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid.
284                                              Bacterially-produced small molecules exert profound infl
285                                        Using bacterially purified ATM truncation mutants and in vitro
286                                              Bacterially purified Bcr and TSG101 also bind, suggestin
287                In vitro binding studies with bacterially purified RNA Pol III proteins demonstrate th
288 B cells expressing self-reactive and broadly bacterially reactive antibodies were removed from the re
289 I IFN response due to cytosolic detection of bacterially secreted c-di-AMP.
290 and demonstrate high sensitivity to multiple bacterially-secreted chemoattractants.
291 or macrophages and promotes the migration of bacterially stimulated dendritic cells.
292 GLP-1-dependent checkpoint that senses food (bacterially)-supplied nucleotide levels, arresting repro
293  to be responsible for the absorption of the bacterially synthesized biotin and pantothenic acid in t
294 hat are capable of absorbing a number of the bacterially synthesized vitamins (thiamin, folate, bioti
295 n this study, we assessed the suitability of bacterially synthesized zinc- and cobalt-doped magnetite
296 he fact that RalA is a cellular substrate of bacterially translocated ExoS and that ADP-ribosylation
297 ownstream effector, RalBP1, was inhibited by bacterially translocated ExoS, indicating an effect of E
298 ious studies suggest that Tregs can suppress bacterially triggered intestinal inflammation and respon
299 ility of CD4(+)CD25(+) T(R) cells to inhibit bacterially triggered intestinal inflammation.
300  Microbacterium nematophilum identified bus (bacterially unswollen) genes that also affect surface ch

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