


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  essential for obtaining ESI mass spectra of bacterioopsin.
2 rm-rich phase were dominated by peaks due to bacterioopsin.
3  second-order reaction involving retinal and bacterioopsin.
4 ition is likely to be a partial unfolding of bacterioopsin.
5 romophore which remains covalently linked to bacterioopsin.
6 on in liquid medium, again without affecting bacterioopsin accumulation.
7 linarum, consists of the membrane apoprotein bacterioopsin and a covalently bound retinal cofactor.
8 linarum requires coordinate synthesis of the bacterioopsin apoprotein and carotenoid precursors of re
9 he retinal prosthetic group attached, and to bacterioopsin associated with lipid molecules.
10  timing with which transmembrane segments of bacterioopsin (BO) are inserted into the membrane of the
11 s complex consists of a retinal cofactor and bacterioopsin (BO), the BR apoprotein.
12 de up of multiple copies of a 1:1 complex of bacterioopsin (Bop) and retinal called bacteriorhodopsin
13 eaction occurs after a rate-limiting step in bacterioopsin folding, and results in formation of a non
14 on of bacteriorhodopsin, we have constructed bacterioopsin genes where each loop is replaced, one at
15 the apparent pK of acid-induced unfolding of bacterioopsin in 90% ethanol.
16 viously studied the unfolding equilibrium of bacterioopsin in a single phase solvent, using Forster m
17 gral membrane proteins, partial unfolding of bacterioopsin in ethanol/water mixtures was studied by F
18 xing of all-trans-retinal and the apoprotein bacterioopsin in mixed micelles.
19 ped-flow, mixing of the denatured apoprotein bacterioopsin in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles with mi
20 by which retinal is synthesized and bound to bacterioopsin in vivo is unknown.
21 results suggest that the C-terminal helix of bacterioopsin is less stably folded than the N-terminal
22 transition occurred in Trp fluorescence from bacterioopsin lacking the dansyl acceptor, nor did dansy
23 ly 4.0-fold compared with wild type, whereas bacterioopsin levels are normal.
24                   Integration of ura3 at the bacterioopsin locus (bop ) of this mutant restored 5-FOA
25  results establish that translocation of the bacterioopsin N terminus and insertion of the first tran
26 observed an apparent unfolding transition in bacterioopsin perturbed by increasing ethanol concentrat
27                                              Bacterioopsin precursors with partially cleaved leader s
28                                    In the 13 bacterioopsin sequences now available, only this surface
29 e insertion pathway of the polytopic protein bacterioopsin, the apoprotein of Halobacterium salinarum
30 ikely due to intact bacteriorhodopsin, i.e., bacterioopsin with the retinal prosthetic group attached
31 unctional protein consists of an apoprotein, bacterioopsin, with seven transmembrane alpha helices to

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