


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ouble-strand DNA end-binding protein, Gam of bacteriophage Mu.
2 e bound to a strong gyrase binding site from bacteriophage Mu.
3  mechanism underlying target immunity by the bacteriophage Mu.
4 ed to a maximum of 2 kb and mutagenized with bacteriophage Mud.
5 rt the complete 36,717 bp genome sequence of bacteriophage Mu and provide an analysis of the sequence
6 cialized activities of genetic elements like bacteriophage Mu and the F plasmid.
7 quence specificity of the invertase Gin from bacteriophage Mu and Tn3 resolvase from Escherichia coli
8                                          The bacteriophage Mu C gene encodes a 16.5 kDa site-specific
9                 Originally discovered in the bacteriophage Mu DNA inversion system gin, Fis (Factor f
10                                Initiation of bacteriophage Mu DNA replication by transposition requir
11 richia coli plays two distinct functions for bacteriophage Mu DNA replication by transposition.
12 at this primosome plays an essential role in bacteriophage Mu DNA replication by transposition.
13                                              Bacteriophage Mu DNA synthesis is initiated during trans
14                               Replication of bacteriophage Mu DNA, a process requiring efficient syna
15                     The repressor protein of bacteriophage Mu establishes and maintains lysogeny by s
16              The immunity repressor (Rep) of bacteriophage Mu establishes and maintains lysogeny by s
17                             The repressor of bacteriophage Mu functions in the establishment and main
18 is located midway between the termini of the bacteriophage Mu genome and is required for efficient re
19                                          The bacteriophage Mu genome contains a centrally located str
20 hia coli chromosome for the insertion of the bacteriophage Mu genome.
21               The C-terminal domain (CTD) of bacteriophage Mu immunity repressor (Rep) regulates DNA
22                     Rapid degradation of the bacteriophage Mu immunity repressor can be induced in tr
23                                          The bacteriophage Mu immunity repressor is a conformationall
24  infected cells revealed enhanced regions of bacteriophage Mu insertion near the ends of HIV-1 cDNA,
25                         Lytic development of bacteriophage Mu is controlled by a regulatory cascade a
26 ial for replicative DNA transposition by the bacteriophage Mu, is an ATPase that assembles into a pol
27                         Transcription of the bacteriophage Mu mom operon is strongly repressed by the
28                         Transcription of the bacteriophage Mu mom operon requires transactivation by
29  Gene expression during lytic development of bacteriophage Mu occurs in three phases: early, middle,
30                         Lytic development of bacteriophage Mu proceeds through three phases of transc
31                                              Bacteriophage Mu replicates as a transposable element, e
32                                Conversion of bacteriophage Mu repressor to ClpXP-sensitive form corre
33                      Middle transcription of bacteriophage Mu requires Escherichia coli RNA polymeras
34                      Middle transcription of bacteriophage Mu requires Escherichia coli RNA polymeras
35 anscription from the middle promoter, Pm, of bacteriophage Mu requires the phage-encoded activator pr
36 ons in an N-terminal 70-amino acid domain of bacteriophage Mu's repressor cause temperature-sensitive
37                         The transposition of bacteriophage Mu serves as a model system for understand
38                                          The bacteriophage Mu strong gyrase site (SGS) is required fo
39                                          The bacteriophage Mu strong gyrase site (SGS), required for
40                                 Like enteric bacteriophage Mu, the BcepMu genomic DNA is flanked by v
41 he MuA transposase mediates transposition of bacteriophage Mu through two distinct mechanisms.
42 amines the contribution of domain II beta of bacteriophage Mu transposase (A protein), a subdomain of
43                         During transposition bacteriophage Mu transposase (MuA) catalyzes the transfe
44 ity to the better understood turnover of the bacteriophage Mu transposase and functions of integrase
45 ntegrase, avian sarcoma virus integrase, and bacteriophage Mu transposase.
46                                   To trigger bacteriophage Mu transposition and replication in respon
47  helicase DnaB for replisome assembly during bacteriophage Mu transposition and replication.
48                                   Studies of bacteriophage Mu transposition paved the way for underst
49                             Transposition of bacteriophage Mu uses two DNA cleavage sites and six tra
50                       Target specificity for bacteriophage Mu was studied using a new phage derivativ

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