


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 likely again mediated through changes in the bacterioplankton.
2 enomic analyses of naturally occuring marine bacterioplankton.
3 d estimating the genome complexity of marine bacterioplankton.
4 d substrate utilization capability of marine bacterioplankton.
5 ria, can constitute large proportions of the bacterioplankton.
6 by dictating the substrates available to the bacterioplankton.
7 g Vibrionaceae strains coexisting in coastal bacterioplankton.
8 hate indirectly, possibly through feeding on bacterioplankton.
9 ate reductase constituted <1% of the sampled bacterioplankton.
10 ly 10-20% of coastal and oceanic mixed-layer bacterioplankton.
11                                              Bacterioplankton abundance is the most influential drivi
12                                        Bloom bacterioplankton also transcribed more copies of genes f
13 OC incorporation across diverse oligotrophic bacterioplankton and discuss implications for the ecolog
14  nature of these DNA photoproducts in marine bacterioplankton and eukaryotes, a study was performed d
15                         Studied samples were bacterioplankton and eukaryotic fractions isolated from
16 are widely distributed, especially in marine bacterioplankton and nitrogen-fixing plant symbionts.
17 ould successfully compete with heterotrophic bacterioplankton and phytoplankton.
18 chlorococcus, low nucleic acid (LNA) content bacterioplankton and small plastidic protists inhabiting
19 n of ascidian symbionts compared to seawater bacterioplankton, and distinct microbial communities inh
20  Transect cruises on consecutive years, that bacterioplankton are fed on by plastidic and aplastidic
21                                              Bacterioplankton are major biogeochemical agents respons
22                                              Bacterioplankton are the primary trophic conduit for dis
23 opsin is the membrane protein used by marine bacterioplankton as a light-driven proton pump.
24 es (SAGs) was constructed from Gulf of Maine bacterioplankton as proof of concept.
25  plankton, and actively expressed in neritic bacterioplankton assemblages, indicating that the newly
26 31.6 C:1N), which was quickly metabolized by bacterioplankton at uptake rates two to six times that o
27 orus (P) content of marine phytoplankton and bacterioplankton can vary according to cell requirements
28 d homologs were found to be common in marine bacterioplankton cells.
29 . open waters, the Southern and Arctic Ocean bacterioplankton communities consistently clustered sepa
30    Most information about the composition of bacterioplankton communities has come from studies along
31 on the taxonomic and functional diversity of bacterioplankton communities in lotic ecosystems are lim
32 patterns with a 3-year, circumpolar study of bacterioplankton communities in the six largest rivers o
33 nmental characteristics, confirming that the bacterioplankton communities in the Xiangxi River were r
34 poral variability in the structure of stream bacterioplankton communities remains understudied.
35 mponent of the carbon cycle, as it may drive bacterioplankton communities toward less diverse and pot
36                     The temporal dynamics of bacterioplankton communities were analysed throughout th
37                   Our results indicated that bacterioplankton communities were both taxonomically and
38                                      Natural bacterioplankton communities were dosed with carboxy-fun
39 e succession in the composition of big river bacterioplankton communities.
40 ntitative spatiotemporal characterization of bacterioplankton community changes, including both direc
41                                         Both bacterioplankton community composition and metabolic rat
42                                Understanding bacterioplankton community dynamics in coastal hypoxic e
43 ployed to study the impact of damming on the bacterioplankton community in the Xiangxi River.
44                     These temporal shifts in bacterioplankton community structure were not seasonal;
45 as been found in nearly every pelagic marine bacterioplankton community studied by these methods.
46 ic and derived taxonomic change in a natural bacterioplankton community when subjected to feeding pre
47 ribosomal RNA clone libraries from a coastal bacterioplankton community.
48                                              Bacterioplankton consume a large proportion of photosynt
49 hat the global distribution of surface ocean bacterioplankton correlates with temperature and latitud
50 nalysis revealed that community variation of bacterioplankton could be explained by the distinct cond
51 es, also may contribute to the difficulty in bacterioplankton cultivation.
52 resent a comprehensive dataset detailing the bacterioplankton diversity along the midstream of the Da
53 ere, we report a comprehensive comparison of bacterioplankton diversity between polar oceans, using s
54                                          The bacterioplankton diversity in large rivers has thus far
55 e foundation for a unified concept for river bacterioplankton diversity.
56 t into the ecology of the diverse uncultured bacterioplankton dominating the oligotrophic oceans.
57 he specific partner Vibrio fischeri from the bacterioplankton during symbiosis onset and, (ii) modula
58 ting in a magnified effect of viral lysis on bacterioplankton during times of reduced productivity.
59 a more comprehensive understanding of marine bacterioplankton evolutionary history.
60              Data on whether icebergs affect bacterioplankton function and composition are scarce, ho
61 ty and annual dynamics of a group of coastal bacterioplankton (greater than 99% 16S ribosomal RNA ide
62 nexpectedly, several different heterotrophic bacterioplankton groups also displayed diel cycling in m
63                       Studying heterotrophic bacterioplankton has been challenging, however, as most
64 ssential components of the oceanic food web, bacterioplankton have been acknowledged as catalysts of
65 t unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria and bacterioplankton have recently been found in the picopla
66 at, compared with existing cultures, natural bacterioplankton have smaller genomes, fewer gene duplic
67 ture and metabolic activities of free-living bacterioplankton in different blooming phases of a dinof
68                                              Bacterioplankton in freshwater streams play a critical r
69 dicates that the pathway is widespread among bacterioplankton in the ocean surface waters, making it
70 carbon-fixing protists as well as control of bacterioplankton in the ocean.
71 with DMSP methyltransferase activity, marine bacterioplankton in the Roseobacter and SAR11 taxa were
72 counts for up to 22% of the active North Sea bacterioplankton in the summer.
73 e, an abundant taxon of heterotrophic marine bacterioplankton in the world's oceans.
74  PAs may be common DON substrates for marine bacterioplankton, in line with the hypothesis that bacte
75  of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by marine bacterioplankton is a major process in the ocean carbon
76 proteobacteria suggest that some free-living bacterioplankton lineages evolved from patch-associated
77 t driving ancient genome reduction of marine bacterioplankton lineages.
78            These results suggest that marine bacterioplankton may actively accumulate DMSP to osmotic
79                                      Surface bacterioplankton may be subjected to more short-term, va
80 nt decomposition of MPn by phosphate-starved bacterioplankton may partially explain the excess methan
81 athways, yet the links between jellyfish and bacterioplankton metabolism and community structure are
82  are involved in PA transformations, coastal bacterioplankton microcosms were amended with a single P
83 of 171 operational taxonomic units of marine bacterioplankton over 4.5 years at our Microbial Observa
84 ses [V-type H(+)-translocating; hppA]; bloom bacterioplankton participated less in this metabolic ene
85 etically conserved habitat preferences among bacterioplankton, particularly for particle-associated (
86 ed by the greatest diversity of oligotrophic bacterioplankton populations in surface waters, includin
87 e we show that two recently speciated marine bacterioplankton populations pursue different behavioral
88 t the growth rates of both phytoplankton and bacterioplankton populations were significantly reduced
89 n their prey, specifically phytoplankton and bacterioplankton populations.
90 Ps rapidly but temporarily inhibited natural bacterioplankton production.
91                                       Marine bacterioplankton regulate sulfur flux by converting the
92                     To better understand how bacterioplankton respond to eddies, we examined depth-re
93 ynechococcus (up to 65%), were attributed to bacterioplankton shifts in the water column, and copepod
94  structures in the distributions of specific bacterioplankton species are largely unexplored, with th
95 owth, distribution, and activity of abundant bacterioplankton species can be studied regardless of th
96 servoir region, but how these changes affect bacterioplankton structure and function is unknown.
97 acteria and prasinophytes, and heterotrophic bacterioplankton, such as SAR11 and SAR116, dominated th
98 member of the abundant OM43 clade of coastal bacterioplankton, suggested it is an obligate methylotro
99 f horizontal gene transfer from other marine bacterioplankton taxa or viruses, including pyrophosphat
100 r pyruvate) revealed contrasting capacity of bacterioplankton to utilize specific carbon substrates i
101                                        Bloom bacterioplankton transcribed more copies of genes predic
102 sin (PR) is present in half of surface ocean bacterioplankton, where its light-driven proton pumping
103 revalent features among diverse, free-living bacterioplankton, whereas existing laboratory cultures c
104 s metabolic energy scavenging than non-bloom bacterioplankton, with possible implications for differe
105 mary production transformed by heterotrophic bacterioplankton within hours to weeks of fixation.

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