


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rs using the cytoplasmic domain of EphA3 as "bait".
2 on to glucose (a phagostimulant component of baits).
3 t two-hybrid screen using twitchin kinase as bait.
4 sing the C-terminus of polycystin-1 (PC1) as bait.
5  the large intracellular loop of GlyRbeta as bait.
6 and NF90 bound a cognate double-stranded RNA bait.
7 one-hybrid system and the OsNHX1 promoter as bait.
8 ned using the myosin cargo binding domain as bait.
9 sing the ParE subunit of topoisomerase IV as bait.
10  one-hybrid system and the OsRMC promoter as bait.
11 loped, using TRPC4 binding to protein 4.1 as bait.
12 ciprocal pulldown using FLAG-tagged Ycf54 as bait.
13 rmed a yeast 2-hybrid screen using Fbxl22 as bait.
14  fish, making them less likely to respond to bait.
15  cells using a GST-SNX27 fusion construct as bait.
16 ubunit of PKA as interacting with human cTnT bait.
17 -hybrid screen was performed using RPW8.2 as bait.
18 ng the cytosolic domains of ETR1 and ETR2 as bait.
19 cell surface by virtue of its binding to the bait.
20 with the C-terminal region of the P2Y(2)R as bait.
21 rary with a dominant-negative Mst1 (K59R) as bait.
22 based on its affinity for a biotinylated RNA bait.
23 creen using the amino terminus of PKCbeta as bait.
24  assay using full-length MDM2 protein as the bait.
25 s it possible to immobilize new biotinylated bait.
26 nd consumed a large proportion (>50%) of the bait.
27 t two-hybrid assay using NKCC2 C terminus as bait.
28  from coa1Delta mutant cells, using Mss51 as bait.
29 bridge between the chip and the biotinylated bait.
30 ant protease and a drug target in cancer, as bait.
31 fferences in 3D distance separation from the bait.
32  screening with the kinase-dead TbPLK as the bait.
33  putative cysteine protease bound to the AGP baits.
34 revious reports using proteasome subunits as baits.
35 cDNAs using sequences from 120K and NaTTS as baits.
36 of single B cells using HIV envelope protein baits.
37 5 shot foxes, 142 foxes (81.1%) had consumed baits.
38 -42) and/or monomeric Abeta1-42 (mAbeta1-42) baits.
39 election with glucose-containing insecticide baits.
40 pression network for 97 organellar peptidase baits (1742 genes, making 2544 edges).
41 ategy is attaching to the ligand an affinity bait (AB) and a chemical reporter (CR) group, where the
42  (R)-2 analogues, 3, which contain "affinity bait (AB)" and "chemical reporter (CR)" functional group
43 a yeast two-hybrid screen using dysbindin as bait against a cardiac cDNA library to identify the card
44 ing the LUX ARRYHTHMO (LUX) gene promoter as bait against an Arabidopsis TF library.
45  performed yeast two-hybrid screens of 3,305 baits against 3,606 preys ( approximately 70% of the E.
46  the FAS-II beta-ketoacyl synthase, KasA, as bait, an extensive bacterial two-hybrid screen of a M. t
47 secretory pathway by expressing one protein (bait) anchored to the cell wall and the other (prey) in
48 d polyproline helix between a small-molecule bait and a biotin tag boosts the capacity of affinity pu
49  using the core promoter region of GluB-1 as bait and cDNA expression libraries prepared from develop
50 ormed a yeast two hybrid screen with SR34 as bait and discovered SR45 as a new interactor.
51 d yeast two-hybrid screening using PIF1 as a bait and identified a group of proteins including PIF1 i
52 al in the region immediately surrounding the bait and increasingly lower signals in far-cis and trans
53 t two-hybrid screen using isoform MIG-10A as bait and isolated Abelson-interactor protein-1 (ABI-1).
54 d screen of a human cDNA library with p35 as bait and isolated human septin 5 (SEPT5), known also as
55                                              Bait and prey are displayed as fusions to the surface of
56 emonstrate complex formation by showing that bait and prey molecules are simultaneously trafficked an
57 ities of protein-protein association between bait and prey protein pairs using data from multiple-bai
58 orms luciferase are translationally fused to bait and prey proteins, respectively.
59 vitro by pull down experiments using AerR as bait and quantified using microscale thermophoresis.
60 to a soluble telluride, leaving the Ge (one "bait and switch" cycle).
61 ed to the baited cup, the empty cup, or both baited and empty cup.
62  capuchins were presented with two cups, one baited and one empty.
63          A paired SOX site was found in this bait, and mutation of either of the paired sites signifi
64 ontent through hybridization with human gDNA baits, and capture-enrichment using gDNA derived from P.
65 social behavior and expose workers to traps, baits, and pesticide applications.
66  Our results suggest that OOR operates via a bait-and-switch mechanism, attracting substrate into the
67 rary of 'prey' ORFs and surface-immobilized 'bait' antibodies, polypeptides or small-molecular-weight
68 prises four principle steps: validation of a bait antigen; initial screening in yeast of a single dom
69                     Using bioluminescence as bait appears to be highly beneficial for marine bacteria
70 sing human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells as bait, approximately 3 x 10(4) potential cell-binding pha
71  SUP rats required fewer choices to locate 8 baited arms of a 12-arm radial maze than CON rats.
72 he removal of carbohydrate, protein and seed baits as a proxy to quantify the contribution that ants,
73                 We combined DNA selection by bait-based hybridization followed by Illumina NextSeq re
74                The Ag-MHC domain serves as a bait, binding the TCR of MBP-specific target cells.
75 hases of their analysis, leaving us all with baited breath.
76 QP2 C-terminal fusion protein (GST-A2C) as a bait, by co-immunoprecipitation (IP) assays, and by dire
77 e, than prior estimates from trawl catch and baited camera techniques (152 and 188 individuals km(-2)
78  however, streptavidin plus the biotinylated bait can be completely removed by 3min injections of bio
79 protein microarrays and confirmed by aptamer-baited co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) assays.
80  out a yeast two-hybrid screen using a BRCA1 bait composed of amino acids 1 to 1142 and identified BR
81 ed the -defensin precursor, proRTD1a, into a bait construct for a yeast two-hybrid screen that identi
82 TH) technology using genomically integrated "bait" constructs, hence the designation iMYTH.
83 e, we show that yeast one-hybrid screen with bait corresponding to BEST1 -120 to -88 bp identified th
84 the only one to use high-density overlapping baits, covers fewer genomic regions than the other platf
85 r acoustic-visual information related to the baited cup, the empty cup, or both baited and empty cup.
86 f the foods, leaving birds to find the still baited cup.
87  experimenter's gaze was not directed at the baited cup.
88 at that allows built-in replication and prey-bait deconvolution.
89 es were associated with high fox density and bait delivery in open areas.
90 describe a method utilizing biotinylated RNA baits designed specifically for M. tuberculosis DNA to c
91     A yeast two-hybrid screen using ATBS1 as bait discovered four ATBS1-Interacting Factors (AIFs) th
92 tion in cultured mammalian cells to a fixed 'bait' DSB.
93 s (DSBs) capable of translocating to defined bait DSBs are enriched around the transcription start si
94 shed risk variant and that mapped within the bait end of an interaction peak.
95 bility of occurrence of prey proteins in the bait experiments relative to the control experiment, whe
96 ons, we developed a rapid method to assemble bait Fc fusion proteins into multivalent complexes using
97  domain, a major collagen-binding domain, as bait for affinity purification of an alpha2beta1 integri
98 -1 Env trimers suitable for use as antigenic bait for bnAb isolation, structural studies, and use as
99  affinity protocol where PAN RNA was used as bait for factors present in BCBL-1 cell nuclear extract
100                      The Te atomic layer was bait for Ge deposition, after which the Te was switched
101 ciency virus (HIV) immunogen design and as a bait for isolating anti-HIV antibodies from patient samp
102 sized on a microarray, generating sufficient bait for multiple captures at concentrations high enough
103 de library with anti-GPIIIa49-66 antibody as bait for peptides sharing homology sequences with HCV.
104                                 Using DSP as bait for screening a protein library, we demonstrate tha
105 elopment included using an aggregated mAb as bait for screening of phage display peptide library and
106 ta null cell extract and BER intermediate as bait for sodium borohydride crosslinking.
107 olypeptide, MtbEsxBA, to create a biomimetic bait for the native heterodimer.
108  are coupled to protein A beads and serve as baits for binding assays with prey proteins extracted fr
109 aining novel high affinity reactive chemical baits for protein and peptide harvesting, concentration,
110 peaks between putative regulatory elements ("bait fragments") within the captured regions and "target
111 owever, in the absence of glucose-containing bait, glucose-averse (GA) cockroaches have lower perform
112                     By using the reagents as bait, >150 putative protein targets were discovered from
113 ds to seek alternative food sources, such as baited hooks from longlines, increasing bycatch rates.
114 ission-blocking vaccine candidate, BBA52, as bait identified an interacting partner in spirochetes-a
115 ing the N-terminal 273 residues of gamma2 as bait identified cardiac troponin I (cTnI) as a putative
116      A yeast two-hybrid assay using IIp45 as bait identified HDAC6 protein as a binding partner of II
117 rification of protein complexes using AN3 as bait identified plant SWITCH/SUCROSE NONFERMENTING (SWI/
118  using the armadillo repeat domain of APC as bait, identified hTID-1 as a potential binding partner.
119 he core to be captured with high affinity by baits immobilized in the core.
120 llular loop of the dopamine D(2) receptor as bait in a bacterial two-hybrid system, S100B was determi
121       In the present study, LMP1 was used as bait in a genome-wide BiFC screen with an enhanced retro
122 a yeast two-hybrid screen, with myocardin as bait in a search for factors that regulate myocardin tra
123          When SIN1 (MAPKAP1) was used as the bait in a two-hybrid screen of a human bone marrow cDNA
124                                Using FtsZ as bait in a two-hybrid screen, we discovered a 40-amino-ac
125                    Using the TRR sequence as bait in a yeast one-hybrid screen, we identified the zin
126                  Using Sp1-binding motifs as bait in a yeast one-hybrid system, we identified two nov
127 cle cells.(1) Using the C-terminus of LPP as bait in a yeast two hybrid system, palladin, an actin-as
128                    The ALK LBD was used as a bait in a yeast two-hybdrid system to select human scFv
129             CaMKIalpha was therefore used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid assay and microtubule affinit
130 tners, we used the WFS1-C-terminal domain as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen with a human brain cDN
131  C-terminus of mouse Rpgr(ORF15) was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system.
132 ocystis PCC 6803 (Synechocystis) and used as bait in pull-down experiments.
133 tain other hypomorphic alleles, as excellent bait in screens for genetic interactors.
134 s 6803, were FLAG-tagged in vivo and used as bait in separate pulldown experiments.
135 dies, possibly, due to the delayed uptake of bait in which the rabies vaccine was already inactivated
136                               Using STK38 as bait in yeast-two-hybrid screens, we discovered STK38 as
137       We studied the use of sucrose and NaCl baits in 17 New World ant communities located 4-2757 km
138 ylurea receptor (SUR) coiled-coil domains as baits in a 2-hybrid screen against a rat cardiac cDNA li
139       Here, using biotinylated PCR-generated baits in a novel approach, we describe a simple and effi
140 ng two family members, MS4A4B and MS4A6B, as baits in a yeast split-ubiquitin Treg library screen, we
141 APC10 and CDKD, we tested several additional baits in the different rice tissues and reproducibly ret
142 ployed the human RAGE cytoplasmic domain as "bait" in the yeast two-hybrid assay and identified the f
143 rary using the Arabidopsis LDAP3 isoform as 'bait' in an effort to identify other novel LD protein co
144                                      The RNA bait included 23,941 probes targeting 191 HPV types and
145   Fortunately, negative controls are largely bait independent.
146 protein pull-down experiments using ES7 as a bait indicate that ES7 is a binding hub for a variety of
147                    The immobilization of the bait is very stable, so that many cycles of prey injecti
148 agged prey can bind to the membrane-anchored bait, it remains associated with the cell and can be det
149 oughout the genome that interact with the 4C bait locus.
150 nserved three helix-bundled structure and a "bait" loop region linking helixes 1 and 2.
151 d by the fact that the immobilization of the bait molecule is usually irreversible; for that reason,
152 ew minutes by immobilizing the corresponding bait molecule on the sensor surface, using one of the co
153 he switchable immobilization of biotinylated bait molecules on a new desthiobiotin surface, using wil
154  prey protein pairs using data from multiple-bait, multiple-replicate, protein liquid chromatography
155 ons of heparin, suggesting that it bound the bait nonspecifically.
156 rolled trial testing the use of insecticidal bait on cockroach counts and asthma morbidity.
157 eriplasmic expression (APEx) of one protein (bait) on the periplasmic side of the inner membrane of E
158 ly identify interactions in regions near the bait or in regions located in far-cis and trans, but no
159 f the phage interactions by non-fused (free) bait or prey molecules show how robust and unique our ap
160                        Cells expressing prey:bait pairs exhibiting different affinities can be readil
161 sponse to the anthropogenic assault of toxic baits, populations of the German cockroach have rapidly
162                    Based on the experimental bait-prey behaviors, our computer simulations show that
163                           Integration of the bait-prey data from the three separate experiments ident
164 ough three analytic components common to all bait-prey data types: preliminary setup, exploratory ana
165                                              Bait-prey junctions are cloned directly from isolated ge
166 equencing for deeper sampling of interacting bait-prey pairs.
167 ystematic mapping of protein interactions by bait-prey techniques, including affinity purification-ma
168 ee on portions of the interactome assayed by bait-prey technologies.
169 t for assessing the competency of Gal4-based baits prior to a yeast two-hybrid screen, which allows d
170 fication of approximately 80% of incompetent baits prior to screening.
171 g chromatin conformation capture (3C) with a bait probe at the CFTR promoter, we demonstrate close in
172 , the amount of the prey in complex with the bait progressively decreased as the affinity changes fro
173                     RNAs associated with the bait protein are partially truncated, and the ends of RN
174 ogy to screen a plant cDNA library against a bait protein directly in plants.
175 een, which allows determination of whether a bait protein is expressed appropriately for an interacti
176 genes encoding proteins that interact with a bait protein is usually performed in yeast.
177                       During CLASH, a tagged bait protein is UV-cross-linked in cell cultures to stab
178  this study were made by expressing both the bait proteins (proteins captured at the surface) and pre
179 map the centrosome-cilium interface; with 58 bait proteins we generate a protein topology network com
180                                              Bait proteins were expressed as HaloTag fusions that all
181 eceptor interactions with sensor-immobilized bait proteins, more closely mimicking natural-receptor c
182 t with either, or both, of the Agrobacterium bait proteins, or with CTE.
183 iae) two-hybrid screenings with barley HvROP bait proteins.
184                                    We employ bait RAG-generated breaks in endogenous or ectopically i
185 re and hybridization to large contiguous BAC baits reduces sample and probe hybridization variability
186 teinase results in limited cleavage within a bait region, rapid activation of the thiol ester, cross-
187 aved by host endopeptidases in an accessible bait region.
188 t for differences in signal coverage in near-bait regions, far-cis and trans chromosomes.
189  Hawaiian Islands (MHI) from 2012-2014 using baited remote underwater stereo-video.
190 Vertebrates were responsible for just 24% of bait removal and invertebrates (including ants) collecti
191                 This allowed us to partition bait removal into that taken by vertebrates, non-ant inv
192 e no other organisms compensated to maintain bait removal rate in their absence.
193                 There was no compensation in bait removal rate when ants and vertebrates were exclude
194  that ants were responsible for 52% of total bait removal whilst vertebrates and non-ant invertebrate
195 nts carried out 61% of invertebrate-mediated bait removal, with all other invertebrates removing the
196   A yeast-two-hybrid screen with CPRabA5e as bait revealed 13 interacting partner proteins, mainly lo
197 eening of a phage display library with CR as bait revealed a highly basic CR-binding domain (CRB) pre
198 lement (CBE)-flanked loop domains containing bait RSS pairs.
199 raction of the detected PD proteins with the bait RTNLB proteins.
200 ed at least one interactor for 81.4 % of the baits screened for in callus tissue and T1 seedlings.
201 orrhizal fungi at each station using sterile bait seedlings.
202 with biotin, immobilized, and then used as a bait sequence for affinity pull-down of miRNAs.
203 The OsGZF1 protein binds specifically to the bait sequence in yeast and this interaction was confirme
204 % of uniquely aligning bases fell on or near bait sequence; up to 50% lay on exons proper.
205                We demonstrate that an sxRNA "bait" sequence can be designed to interact with a specif
206 ndividual contigs was established via three 'bait' sequences matching disparate parts of the mitochon
207 ion with a custom norovirus whole-genome RNA bait set and deep sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platfo
208 d by whole-exome sequencing with an extended bait set.
209 cturnal, coincident with the availability of baits set by legal hunters.
210                                 The MtbEsxBA bait showed specific association with several esx-1-enco
211 17 different (12 chemically novel) molecular baits showed preferential high affinities (K(D) < 10(-11
212           Crucially we evaluated the optimal bait size for large fragment libraries and we describe f
213 od that better accounts for heterogeneity in bait-specific error rates.
214                                              Bait-specific FDRs and the estimated protein degrees are
215 e reported a capture-recapture estimator for bait-specific precision and recall.
216 n sprayable attract-and-kill formulations or bait stations.
217           In conclusion, we developed a cell-bait strategy to unmask renal stem cell binding sites, w
218                                        Using bait substrates, new hydrolases for sulfate monoesters a
219  affinity-purified PP2A complex with RON3 as bait suggested that RON3 might act in PIN transporter tr
220 available norovirus sequences, with multiple baits targeting each position of the genome, which overc
221  mismatches; target enrichment uses multiple baits targeting each position, thus accommodating sequen
222  uses a panel of custom-designed 120-mer RNA baits that are complementary to all publicly available n
223           We tested this method with 170-mer baits that target >15,000 coding exons (2.5 Mb) and four
224 actions with a single locus of interest (or "bait") that can be important for gene regulation.
225 iched cell wall protein preparation using as bait the NCAP, pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) PHLOEM PROTEIN
226 d coils were expressed as a pair of prey and bait, the amount of the prey in complex with the bait pr
227 ough far less efficient than soluble protein baits, the cell-based capture method identified antibodi
228 can inhibit different proteases cleaving the bait they offer (e.g. serpins, regulating cell death, an
229              Here, we used BAK1 as molecular bait to identify a previously unknown LRR-RLP required f
230 eed extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum) as a bait to identify active ligands that suppress SIRT6 acti
231 s using the intracellular domain of Robo4 as bait to identify interacting proteins and downstream sig
232 and robust targets of MRR and used them as a bait to identify its transcriptional regulators.
233               We then used those 15 genes as bait to identify other correlated genes in the NCI-60 da
234 urated set of viral protein families used as bait to identify viral sequences directly from metagenom
235                   Employing C2GnT1 CT as the bait to perform a yeast two-hybrid screen, we have ident
236 in Yersinia pestis), uses monomeric actin as bait to recruit and phosphorylate host actin polymerizat
237 mily GTPases and by using monomeric actin as bait to recruit and phosphorylate host actin-regulating
238 secretin-type G protein-coupled receptors as bait to retrieve potential homologs in the genomes of 15
239 s by yeast two-hybrid assay, using GARP as a bait to screen a human Treg cDNA library.
240 ng this process, N-terminal CTGF was used as bait to screen a yeast two-hybrid complementary DNA libr
241  a yeast two-hybrid screen with myocardin as bait to search for factors that may regulate the transcr
242 LISA format with immobilized RalGDS-RBD as a bait to selectively capture GTP-bound active Rap1.
243 -hybrid screen was carried out using yjbH as bait to uncover additional substrates or regulators of Y
244 uencing libraries commonly uses biotinylated baits to capture the desired sequences.
245 thaliana telomerase reverse transcriptase as baits to screen an Arabidopsis cDNA library encoding pro
246 c polymer nanoparticle (NP) was used as the "bait" to catch an affinity peptide tag.
247 lves the fusion of one of the proteins (the "bait") to ZapA, an E. coli protein targeted to mid-cell,
248 a capture method that uses biotinylated RNA 'baits' to fish targets out of a 'pond' of DNA fragments.
249 e use of a single intervention, insecticidal bait, to reduce cockroach exposure in the home of childr
250  an unnatural amino acid incorporated in the bait toward a target residue of unknown proteins, here w
251                    By using biotinylated RNA baits transcribed from genomic DNA libraries, we are abl
252  set out to develop a simple, low-cost odour-baited trap for collecting C. putoria in the field.
253 tion radius (EAR) of an attractive pheromone-baited trap was defined as the radius of a passive "stic
254 ndem pair of caspase-3 cleavage sites, which bait, trap, and disable the active site of caspase-3, th
255 emented sterile males were recaptured in MAT baited traps in both the field cages and orchard trials
256 ly selective mortality of wild males at lure-baited traps while simultaneously releasing sterile male
257 y deploys a grid of 60,000-100,000 pheromone-baited traps, currently extending from Minnesota to Nort
258 lated females drawing approximately 50% into baited traps.
259 th a substrate-trapping mutant of Ptp52F as "bait." Trn can bind to the Ptp52F substrate-trapping mut
260                               To monitor the bait uptake and the serological responses to vaccination
261                 In high fox density habitat, bait uptake might be delayed as other food and prey opti
262                           Similarly, delayed bait uptake probably occurred in open areas as such area
263  on this issue, we designed sequence-capture baits using in silico reconstructed ancestral sequences
264 n landfill leachate and colonized cellulose 'baits' via PCR and quantitative PCR (qPCR).
265 ation sequencing and an enhancer at 8q24 as "bait", we identified genome-wide partners interacting wi
266 o mass spectrometry, with Galpha proteins as bait, we have identified resistant to inhibitors of chol
267 ally processed functional product of nsp1 as bait, we have identified the cellular poly(C)-binding pr
268 a bacterial two-hybrid screen, using Mdm2 as bait, we identified an Mdm2-interacting peptide that bea
269 reening using the catalytic Sec7 domain as a bait, we identified endophilin as a new partner of EFA6.
270 ng the intracellular domain of Cdh23(+68) as bait, we identified in a cochlear cDNA library MAGI-1, a
271             Using the Arabidopsis ROPGEF1 as bait, we identified members of a receptor-like kinase (R
272 -A1 intracellular loop (residues 409-594) as bait, we identified snapin, a ubiquitously expressed SNA
273                              Using pUL103 as bait, we investigated viral and cellular protein-protein
274  two-hybrid screen using Arabidopsis SKD1 as bait, we isolated a putative homolog of mammalian LYST-I
275 ConA), a mannose (Man)-binding protein, as a bait, we narrowed a library of 10(8) glycopeptides to 86
276              Using phosphorylated GST-Bim as bait, we precipitated and identified by mass spectrometr
277                                 Using DSP as bait, we screened a protein library from mouse odontobla
278       By interactome analysis using THOC5 as bait, we show that upon stimulation with serum THOC5 for
279         Using existing pathway components as baits, we generated by mass spectrometry a high-confiden
280  the antigens captured by the microarray as 'baits,' we then incubate the array with differentially l
281 rized by high latencies to find the previous baited well and higher ir-cell activation in the aforeme
282 n locating and interacting with the previous baited well during the probe test than noncontingent ani
283 nterreceptors pulled down by the receptor-Fc bait were visualized on immunoblots probed with multispe
284                                  Fifty-eight baits were associated with 260 interacting proteins form
285 ts associated with food (but not water) were baited when the monkey was hungry, and objects associate
286 ts associated with water (but not food) were baited when the monkey was thirsty.
287      The strategic placement of insecticidal bait, which is inexpensive, has low toxicity, and is wid
288 cked by preannealing the single-stranded RNA bait with miR-122, indicating that they bind the RNA in
289  trap was a transparent 3L polypropylene box baited with 50 g of fish, with a white opaque lid with c
290  higher catches of Culex mosquitoes in traps baited with binary than in those with individual lures.
291                                        Traps baited with combinations of grapes and beetles were used
292                   We presented puzzle boxes, baited with food and scaled to accommodate body size, to
293                                        Traps baited with human odour plus high contrast visual stimul
294                             Currently, traps baited with oviposition semiochemicals play an important
295 ts indicated a synergistic response to traps baited with the two component H. halys aggregation phero
296                        The camera system was baited with two Periphylla periphylla (Scyphozoa) carcas
297  genes and the corresponding oligonucleotide baits with the highest sequence similarity and demonstra
298 es further inland, as was preference for the baits with the highest sodium concentration.
299 table interactions and tend to result in low bait yield for membrane proteins.
300  in this case achieved up to 100-fold-higher bait yield than previous methods by optimizing lysis, el

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