


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n removing nitrate and other contaminants in barite.
2 y 1 million years was generated using marine barite.
3 ios for the uptake of Ra by already existent barite: (1) formation of a Ba1-xRaxSO4 solid solution su
4 19% of Se is present as selenite (Se(4+)) in barite, 21% of Se is present as exchangeable Fe oxyhydro
5                              Fluctuations in barite accumulation rates down-core indicate that during
6   Multiple and distinct layers of diagenetic barite and dolomite, i.e., minerals that typically form
7 ith the primary minerals sphalerite, pyrite, barite, and chalcopyrite and secondary Fe oxyhydroxides.
8                                        These barites are interpreted as primary volcanic emissions fo
9       In conclusion, the addition of Ra to a barite at close to equilibrium conditions has a major im
10          Geochemical analyses of sedimentary barites (barium sulfates) in the geological record have
11 nd detachment of a barium ion onto a stepped barite (BaSO(4)) surface.
12      An empirical correlation between marine barite (BaSO4) accumulation rate in core-top sediment sa
13 y, the bioavailability and toxicity of Ba in barite (BaSO4) contaminated soils was studied using stan
14  novel method of generating O2 directly from Barite (BaSO4) for simultaneous analysis of delta18O and
15                                              Barite contaminated soils were shown to negatively impac
16 ents that utilize 17O-anomalous solutions or barite crystals is conducted to examine the effect on ox
17 (up to 28% by weight) of nitrate occluded in barite crystals that cannot be simply washed away.
18 pitation of secondary minerals, particularly barite, decreasing effective fracture volume by 1-3%.
19 ion may account for the genesis of enigmatic barite deposits.
20 usand is associated with non-(33)S-anomalous barites displaying negative (36)S values, which are best
21                                  A series of barite dissolution and reprecipitation experiments that
22 idely used for chemical paleoceanography are barite, evaporite sulfates, and hydrogenous ferromangane
23 lso find that the (17)O isotope anomalies of barites from Marinoan (approximately 635 million years a
24          Indeed, barium-isotopic analyses of barites from the Paleoarchean Dresser Formation are cons
25 t these variables cause a time-dependency of barite growth rates in microporous silica.
26  for interpreting the temporal occurrence of barites in the geological record.
27 , indicating a complete recrystallization of barite into a Ba1-xRaxSO4 solid solution.
28                                       Marine barite is an effective alternative monitor of seawater 8
29                  Occlusion of DTPA itself in barite is negligible.
30 analysis of impoundment sludge revealed that Barite is the main carrier of Ra-226 in the sludge.
31 tions on the same shallow platform that lack barite layers but have published U-Pb dates that occur i
32                           Here, we report 11 barite layers from a post-Marinoan dolostone sequence at
33                                These pelagic barites likely precipitate within particle-associated mi
34                          Partially extracted barite may have slightly lower delta18O or delta34S valu
35                  Contamination resulted from barite mining activities.
36       The peak at +5 per thousand represents barite of different ages and host-rock lithology showing
37 -xRaxSO4 solid solution surface layer on the barite or (2) a complete recrystallization, leading to h
38 could be clearly shown that Ra uptake in all barite particles analyzed within this study is not limit
39                           In the laboratory, barite precipitated from a solution with a high nitrate/
40 ata from Lake Superior that evidence pelagic barite precipitation at micromolar ambient sulfate.
41                                              Barite precipitation occurs despite the presence of anti
42                               Carrier (i.e., barite) recycling during water treatment was shown to be
43                          Upon acidification, barite reprecipitation from a DTPA solution is quantitat
44 um isotope ratio curve from marine (pelagic) barite reveals distinct features in the evolution of the
45 monstrated that heavily nitrate-contaminated barite samples are free of nitrate occlusion after two d
46 lytical approach was applied on two distinct barite samples from Ra uptake batch experiments using ti
47 be quantified, but the significant amount of barite scale formed by HFFs with reused produced water c
48 e sulfate (delta18O(SO4)) measured in marine barite show variability over the past 10 million years,
49 tion of sulphate from ancient evaporites and barites shows variable negative oxygen-17 isotope anomal
50 in pore-water were lower than predicted from barite solubility estimates but strongly related to exch
51 ed this elemental signature was saturated in barite, sphene, chalcedony, apatite, and clay minerals.
52                     Depending on the type of barite used, an additional coarsening effect or a strong
53 e role of Ra during the recrystallization of barite was examined via detailed SEM investigations.
54 0 per thousand), suggesting that by the time barite was precipitating in the immediate aftermath of a
55                 However, the question of how barites were able to precipitate from a contemporary oce
56 to newly formed solids composed mainly of Sr barite within the first approximately 10 h of mixing.

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