コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 stematically with the magnitude of the input barrages.
2 king is associated with increased inhibitory barrages and narrower visually evoked synaptic potential
6 4.4 mV for the IPSP and 3.0 mV for the EPSP barrage, because of temporal summation and/or facilitati
7 isted after interruption of ascending spinal barrage by spinal cord transection above the level of th
9 membrane potential (e.g., -65 mV), these PSP barrages could result in the activation of a low-thresho
10 dendritic and somatic EPSPs were identical, barrages delivered to the dendrite generated much higher
11 tal event, the number of preictal inhibitory barrages dropped, and in parallel with this change, the
14 on of one interneuron in some cases triggers barrage firing in a nearby, unstimulated interneuron.
21 ecorded interneuron with BAPTA did not block barrage firing, suggesting that the required calcium ent
22 nced virus transmission, but did not prevent barrage formation associated with mycelial incompatibili
23 ractions between two tightly linked genes in barrage formation, heterokaryon formation, and asymmetri
25 oked plateau potentials in SGCs and synaptic barrages in downstream hilar neurons without blocking fa
27 are thought to reflect a sustained synaptic barrage, involving the coordination of hundreds of pyram
28 effects of different components of synaptic barrages (namely, depolarization, increase in membrane c
29 that one or more cometary airbursts/impacts barraged North America approximately 12,900 cal yr B.P.
31 tens of seconds to minutes produces a sudden barrage of action potentials lasting about a minute beyo
33 ynchronous release component is reduced, the barrage of asynchronous GABA release from CCK interneuro
34 sensory input to the olfactory bulb evokes a barrage of asynchronous synaptic excitation and highly r
36 120-gp41) with CD4 and coreceptors trigger a barrage of conformational changes in Env that drive the
39 nd stereotyped temporal sequence: an initial barrage of excitatory input was rapidly quenched by inhi
40 an olfactory nerve stimulation with a short barrage of excitatory inputs mediated by mitral, tufted,
41 neurons experience a significant spontaneous barrage of fast, amino-acid-mediate synaptic transmissio
42 work both types of neurone received a phasic barrage of gamma frequency excitatory inputs but, due to
43 n-specific firing despite receiving a steady barrage of heterogeneously tuned excitatory inputs that
47 tion provides a means of selecting among the barrage of information reaching the retina and of enhanc
48 This persistence of firing during a constant barrage of inhibition raises the question of what patter
51 t synaptic conductance input, similar to the barrage of noisy synaptic input that cortical neurons ha
52 Unfortunately, the field is complicated by a barrage of overlapping clinical syndromes and histopatho
54 stimulated with a computer-generated steady barrage of random inputs, mimicking weak synaptic conduc
55 nder natural conditions, animals encounter a barrage of sensory information from which they must sele
57 ryonic stages, immune cells are faced with a barrage of signals that will not all be directing the ce
60 h increased production of cytokines led to a barrage of studies and lively debate on the relative con
61 ed by both a tonic and respiratory-modulated barrage of synaptic events that were blocked by intrathe
62 vent underlying the Up state is a maintained barrage of synaptic excitation, but that the membrane po
63 o increasing concentrations of odorants with barrages of action potentials, and their terminals have
65 al cells in vivo and in vitro receive strong barrages of both excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic
66 fast spiking interneurons, receiving robust barrages of both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic pote
67 The firing evoked by injection of simulated barrages of EPSCs into the proximal dendrite of layer 5
69 ed EPSPs was 4.7-fold greater than identical barrages of EPSPs generated from distal (572 +/- 13 micr
71 y for evoking action potentials, we injected barrages of EPSPs that simulate the inputs generated by
72 precision, can be achieved through balanced barrages of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic activity.
73 state, in which neurons transiently receive barrages of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs th
74 ortical pyramidal cells receive proportional barrages of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potential
75 ay be driven by rebound depolarization after barrages of GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)R)-mediated IPSPs a
78 we report that LGN neurons receive periodic barrages of postsynaptic currents from the retina that d
82 3 +/- 15 microm from soma; n = 28) dendritic barrages of simulated EPSPs was 4.7-fold greater than id
83 ed patch whole-cell recording, we found that barrages of such events were well coupled in time and gr
85 n rat hippocampal slices evoked long-lasting barrages of synaptic inputs in subpopulations of dentate
87 ite this level of excitation, the inhibitory barrages suppress firing, thereby limiting further neuro
88 g flow of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic barrages that not only control participation of neurons
91 -5/6 received inputs that generated rhythmic barrages (up to 25 Hz) of antidromic spikes during BMPs.
92 llowed by a prolonged (up to 1 sec) synaptic barrage, which fatigued at stimulus repetition rates of
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