


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 livine-hosted primitive melt inclusions in a basaltic andesite from Mt. Shasta, California, is charac
2 We conducted a series of experiments heating basaltic andesite lapilli from temperatures below the gl
3 ab may have contributed to the generation of basaltic andesite lavas at Mt. Shasta.
4 k in just months to years, recharging hybrid basaltic andesites over the course of the eruption.
5       Previously reported Pb-Pb dates of the basaltic angrite meteorites, some of which have been use
6 dimentary communities through the underlying basaltic aquifer.
7       We found that low-N forests on Ca-rich basaltic bedrock relied strongly on Ca from weathering,
8                                              Basaltic breccias produced by the impact form the rim de
9 essed in terms of the transfer efficiency of basaltic Ca and Sr to seawater in hydrothermal systems,
10 tions based on a microbiological survey of a basaltic CCS site.
11 mum scale in a 3-dimensional manner within a basaltic clast sample collected from the Hanford 300 Are
12 materials or globally and regionally sourced basaltic components deposited locally at all three locat
13 several international reference materials of basaltic composition for (87)Sr/(86)Sr, (208,207,206)Pb/
14  1150- to 1335-kelvin range, consistent with basaltic composition.
15 tantial chemical alteration from a precursor basaltic composition.
16 tings, and relatively weak volcanic rocks of basaltic composition.
17 osition along this track, with: (1) standard basaltic compositions in regions where lithospheric thic
18                         In contrast, Al-rich basaltic compositions may have a detectable Pv - pPv bou
19 arlos olivine, pyrolitic, and midocean ridge basaltic compositions) at the P - T conditions of the lo
20 lidus), producing magmas that ascend to form basaltic crust 6 to 7 kilometers thick.
21                             The formation of basaltic crust at mid-ocean ridges and ocean islands pro
22 sts long-timescale weathering of the primary basaltic crust by liquid water.
23 m low-temperature diffuse fluids exiting the basaltic crust in and near two hydrothermal vent fields
24 yet, empirical analysis of reaction rates in basaltic crust is lacking.
25               It is thought that the Martian basaltic crust reacted with liquid water during this tim
26 ), ancient (more than 3.5 billion years old) basaltic crust that is predicted to have existed if Arch
27 on in young (~8 Ma) and cool (<25 degrees C) basaltic crust, which we calculate from modelling dissol
28 of TTGs near the base of thick, plateau-like basaltic crust.
29 l cm(-3)ROCK d(-1) or less in young and cool basaltic crust.
30 probably hotter than the highest temperature basaltic eruptions on Earth today.
31  than crystallization and gas exsolution for basaltic eruptions.
32 ce observed crystal abundances for different basaltic eruptions.
33  in individual vesicles in the volatile-rich basaltic glass "popping rock" were found to have the sam
34                         Our data on the USGS basaltic glass standards agree within 2 per thousand, in
35 forms chemical bonds of similar strengths in basaltic glasses and iron-rich alloys, even at high pres
36 of a global sampling of primitive undegassed basaltic glasses and melt inclusions covering a range of
37  ~55% crystalline material consistent with a basaltic heritage and ~45% x-ray amorphous material.
38 f pyroxenes, confirming a direct link to the basaltic howardite-eucrite-diogenite class of meteorites
39                                Although also basaltic in composition, the surface rocks are richer in
40 is process including necessary magnitudes of basaltic intrusion, mixing and mobilization of coal and
41 y been attributed to metamorphism of coal by basaltic intrusion.
42 ractions between heated sea water and molten basaltic lava could exert significant control on the dyn
43    The unexpected similarities with compound basaltic lava flow fields point towards a unifying model
44  interactions between snowpack and advancing basaltic lava flows during the 2012-13 eruption at Tolba
45 meteorites) have been used to determine that basaltic lava flows on the surface of the asteroid Vesta
46                         Large outpourings of basaltic lava have punctuated geological time, but the m
47                                              Basaltic lavas erupted at some oceanic intraplate hotspo
48                     Phylogenetic analyses of basaltic lavas from the East Pacific Rise (9 degrees N)
49 ygen, is one of the main constituents of the basaltic layer of subducting slabs.
50 t, as mantle peridotite melts, the resulting basaltic liquid forms an interconnected network, culmina
51  here measurements of water diffusivity in a basaltic liquid.
52 iability of plagioclase sinking in iron-rich basaltic liquids and the dominance of compositional conv
53 uake P-wave seismic inversion, we revealed a basaltic lower-crustal magma body that provides a magmat
54 important for understanding the degassing of basaltic magma and for assessing the fractionation of vo
55           However, it is now recognized that basaltic magmas may rise fast enough for disequilibrium
56 nt constituent of the gases that escape from basaltic magmas.
57 antle, masked by the lithospheric plates and basaltic magmatism of plate tectonics, is a key unknown
58                       The oxidation state of basaltic martian meteorites is determined from the parti
59 close in inferred mineral composition to the basaltic martian meteorites.
60 posed of Fe-enriched silicate PPv and/or the basaltic materials are accumulated at the lowermost mant
61                                              Basaltic materials have more plagioclase than pyroxene,
62 er implies locally sourced, globally similar basaltic materials or globally and regionally sourced ba
63 n-dependent total water diffusivities in the basaltic melt at 1,300-1,500 degrees C are 30-50 times a
64 ement variability observed in olivine-hosted basaltic melt inclusions.
65 ht percent dissolved H2O on the density of a basaltic melt is equivalent to increasing the temperatur
66  Seismological observations demonstrate that basaltic melt is present beneath the East Pacific Rise s
67 to 3 orders of magnitude lower than those of basaltic melts in the upper mantle.
68 iffusivity of water (and other volatiles) in basaltic melts is important for understanding the degass
69 fication on compression thereby making these basaltic melts possibly buoyantly stable at one or more
70 re greater than the total CO2 diffusivity in basaltic melts, contrary to previous expectations.
71 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of basaltic melts.
72  we report a study of oxygen isotopes in two basaltic meteorite suites, the HEDs (howardites, eucrite
73 Angrites are among the oldest known pristine basaltic meteorites and record the earliest stages of pl
74                        The great majority of basaltic meteorites are derived from the asteroid 4 Vest
75                                              Basaltic meteorites provide evidence that, like the terr
76  as a V-type asteroid, V-type precursors for basaltic meteorites unrelated to Vesta may reside in the
77 olar System from the recognition of numerous basaltic meteorites.
78 cks from Gusev crater on Mars and of martian basaltic meteorites.
79 roid and have no known equivalents among the basaltic meteorites.
80 ark soil deposits at both sites have similar basaltic mineralogies, and could reflect either a global
81                                              Basaltic minerals in the mudstone are similar to those i
82  John Klein and Cumberland, contain detrital basaltic minerals, calcium sulfates, iron oxide or hydro
83 imary consequence of plate tectonics is that basaltic oceanic crust subducts with lithospheric slabs
84 y considered to represent subducted/recycled basaltic oceanic crust.
85 y varying degrees of interaction between the basaltic parent melts, derived from a source in the mart
86 ndwater sapping because it is incised into a basaltic plain with no drainage network upstream, and ap
87     In contrast, geochemical analyses of the basaltic products of mantle melting are frequently used
88  be used to show that the composition of the basaltic protolith to the continental crust is similar t
89 irectly from mantle melting, which generates basaltic rather than felsic magmas.
90 al to understanding the evolution of bimodal basaltic-rhyolitic volcanism, explaining the magnitude o
91 vered by a regolith composed of olivine-rich basaltic rock and windblown 'global' dust.
92                                          The basaltic rock in the lower part of the thick Holyoke lav
93 milar to the normative mineralogy of certain basaltic rocks from Gusev crater on Mars and of martian
94 ow that the silicon isotopic compositions of basaltic rocks from the Earth and the Moon are also dist
95                              Impacts ejected basaltic rocks that probably were part of locally formed
96 CE-3 regolith derived from olivine-normative basaltic rocks with high FeO/(FeO+MgO).
97 from an earlier generation of high-magnesium basaltic rocks, suggesting that the arc-like signature i
98 clastic materials derived from weathering of basaltic rocks, sulfate minerals (including magnesium su
99 nd high fast neutron fluxes, consistent with basaltic rocks.
100 environmentally benign carbonate minerals in basaltic rocks.
101 rue carbonation potential of olivine-bearing basaltic rocks.
102 gh partial melting of hydrated low-magnesium basaltic rocks; notably, these TTGs have 'arc-like' sign
103            The soils consist of fine-grained basaltic sand and a surface lag of hematite-rich spherul
104   A dark, low-albedo, flat plain composed of basaltic sand and haematite with very few rocks was expe
105  Two types of vesicular clasts may represent basaltic sand sources.
106 ils at the Opportunity site are fine-grained basaltic sands mixed with dust and sulfate-rich outcrop
107         Waterlain rocks covered by unaltered basaltic sands suggest a change from an aqueous environm
108 Coarse crystalline hematite and olivine-rich basaltic sands were observed as predicted from orbital T
109 ered under submarine conditions or weathered basaltic sediments transported into this depocentre.
110 and has been linked with the eruption of the basaltic Siberian Traps large igneous province (SLIP).
111 erial is the uncontaminated indigenous Vesta basaltic soil.
112                Here we analyse soil water in basaltic soils across the Hawaiian islands to assess the
113 nophase oxide component first described from basaltic soils analyzed by MERs.
114  accompanying dehydration of these generally basaltic source materials at the base of thickened, 'arc
115 infer from the regolith composition that the basaltic source rocks formed during late-stage magma-oce
116 d consistent with widespread distribution of basaltic strombolian or plinian volcanic ejecta.
117 oride (F(-)) in groundwaters of granitic and basaltic terrains pose a major environmental problem and
118 s that differentiation trends from primitive basaltic to felsic compositions for volcanic versus plut
119 d corroborating palaeomagnetic data that the basaltic tuff on which the purported footprints are foun
120                                              Basaltic underplating is the preferred mechanism for sil
121 rthern Africa, CAMP is preserved as multiple basaltic units interbedded with uppermost Triassic to lo
122       Correct identification of recycling at basaltic vents will improve (lower) estimates of mass er
123                                   Widespread basaltic volcanism occurred in the region of the West Si
124 ing Grand Canyon incision rates and Pliocene basaltic volcanism patterns, we suggest that this partic
125 key role in controlling eruption dynamics in basaltic volcanism.
126 d Mars possess different styles of explosive basaltic volcanism.
127 ock Ca using soil N gradients on contrasting basaltic vs. sedimentary bedrock that differed 17-fold i
128   Despite different Ca sources to forests on basaltic vs. sedimentary bedrock, we observed consistent
129 ever, the parental magmas of continents were basaltic, which means they must have lost Mg relative to

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