


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 part of the China Benzene and Sperm Study (C-BASS).
2 ed from the skin and gills of hybrid striped bass.
3 in, from the skin and gill of hybrid striped bass.
4 dal dosage and the state of satiation of the bass.
5 ratory populations of Atlantic Coast striped bass.
6 ratures impair growth opportunities in young bass.
7 gilthead and red sea breams and European sea bass.
8 usters of zebrafish, pufferfish, and striped bass.
9 hey induced mortality in juvenile largemouth bass.
10 NA and genomic DNA were determined for white bass.
11 dos os Santos Bay, Brazil was also analysed: bass (0.169-0.195 mug g(-)(1)), mullet (0.043-0.361 mug
12 (1978, 2003) on transformational leadership, Bass (1997) and House & Shamir (1993) on charismatic and
13  the role of kisspeptins in the European sea bass, a perciform fish, we studied the distribution of k
14 uccess was negatively related and largemouth bass abundance was positively related to water temperatu
15 ssful walleye recruitment and low largemouth bass abundance was predicted to decline from 9% of lakes
16 number of lakes suitable for high largemouth bass abundance.
17              Consumption and growth in older bass (age 3-4) was far less sensitive to temperature.
18                   Until the recent report by Bass and co-workers, no true antagonists had been discov
19                   Until the recent report by Bass and co-workers, no true antagonists of somatostatin
20 required for suction expansion in largemouth bass and compared it to the power capacities of the axia
21  horn shark, zebrafish (Aa, Ab), and striped bass and found extensive conservation of noncoding seque
22  binding to the purified lipid was stable to bass and neuraminidase treatment, labile to acid treatme
23 oural adaptions to weather events by striped bass and other coastal fishes will depend on maintenance
24 itment within wild populations of largemouth bass and possibly other exploited species in which behav
25 gs, 230 sport fish (predominantly largemouth bass and rainbow trout), and 505 prey fish (14 species)
26  a key role in the antimicrobial defenses of bass and that its functions are potentially conserved be
27 apia, catfish, trout, salmon, hybrid striped bass and yellow perch, respectively.
28 zheimer's disease, contains a tyrosine-based BaSS, and mutation of the tyrosine residue results in no
29 upstream gradient, food consumption in age 0 bass becomes increasingly constrained, and as a result,
30 ow how a staggered antiparallel coiled-coil 'BASS' (bipolar assembly) domain directs the assembly of
31 gement unit encompassing a panmictic striped bass breeding population.
32 ith APP tail 1), that interacts with the APP-BaSS but binds poorly when the critical tyrosine is muta
33 es capable of supporting abundant largemouth bass but failed walleye recruitment was predicted to inc
34 species analyzed such as tilapia, smallmouth bass, chicken, or rat.
35 ylogenetic analysis also shows that the sand bass cofactor protein SBP1 and cofactor related protein
36 e found that two connexins were expressed in bass cone photoreceptors.
37  we suggest that temperature-sensitive age 0 bass constrain the upstream distribution limits of bass
38 e IL-4/13 isoforms found in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.).
39 racterized several genes in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and evaluated variations in
40 between fresh skinless and frozen-thawed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fillets using the two-dimens
41 ove immunity and performance in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) yolk-sac larvae was explored
42 turally characterise the polar lipids of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), fed with an experimental di
43 y the lipids of farmed and wild European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax).
44 ope: gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata); sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax); turbot (Scophthalmus maximu
45 ding an LPXRFa precursor in the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax.
46 he atomic structure of the bipolar assembly (BASS) domain that directs four Kinesin-5 subunits to for
47 ly adding piscivorous bass, whereas a nearby bass-dominated lake remained unmanipulated and served as
48                       Atlantic Coast striped bass exhibit exceptionally low levels of genetic variati
49 reasonably higher in farmed than in wild sea bass fillets, due to the higher total lipid content of t
50 ntiation between fresh and frozen-thawed sea bass fillets.
51 icrobial peptide constitutively expressed in bass gill tissue.
52                           However, black sea bass given access to freely swimming squid oriented towa
53 e (SNP) on the electrical synapses of hybrid bass H2-type horizontal cells.
54    MERGANSER predicted that 32-cm smallmouth bass had a median Hg concentration of 0.53 mug g(-1) (ro
55                                  The striped bass has two retina-expressed class III myosin genes, ea
56 nvestigation into recent declines in striped bass health in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland resulted i
57                       Strikingly, N-terminal BASS helices bend as they emerge from the central bundle
58    To gain insight into potential role(s) of bass hepcidin in innate immunity in fish, we synthesized
59                                    Synthetic bass hepcidin was active in vitro against Gram-negative
60                                              Bass hepcidin was purified from the gill of hybrid strip
61  isolation of a novel antimicrobial peptide, bass hepcidin, from the gill of hybrid striped bass, whi
62 A novel antimicrobial peptide from the gill, bass hepcidin, is predominantly expressed in the liver a
63 igh-throughput screening in a hybrid striped bass (HSB) model of meningoencephalitis identified atten
64 min) than the time (1.3 min) invested by the bass in flushing a D. hornii before rejecting the beetle
65 tions by otherwise resident riverine striped bass in the Hudson River Estuary, New York, USA, caused
66 ccurring in the early life stages of striped bass in the San Francisco Estuary, a population in conti
67  and their adverse effects on larval striped bass in this estuary.
68 he presence of a basolateral sorting signal (BaSS) in their cytoplasmic domain.
69 ighly attenuated in vivo in a hybrid striped bass infection challenge despite being more adherent and
70                              We propose that BASS is a mechanically stable, plectonemically-coiled ju
71                                              BASS is a novel 26-nm four-helix bundle, consisting of t
72      Sufficient first summer growth of age 0 bass is essential for overwinter survival because young
73         Placement of spawning nests by adult bass is likely subject to strong evolutionary selection
74 , Decatur, Lower Tuscaloosa, Weyburn-Midale, Bass Islands, and Grand Ronde carbon sequestration geolo
75  a great deal of detailed information on sea bass lipids composition and, once the spectra signals ha
76                 For the same season wild sea bass lipids contain not only higher molar percentages of
77 hes for quantitative characterization of sea bass lipids were developed.
78                  Hepcidin gene expression in bass liver increased significantly within hours of infec
79                                     In white bass liver, hepcidin gene expression was induced 4500-fo
80 re monitored from 1999 to 2011 in largemouth bass (LMB) and yellow perch (YP) in 23 lakes in Massachu
81       In contrast to other teleosts, the sea bass LPXRFa precursor contains only two putative RFamide
82 bass, white bass (Morone chrysops) x striped bass (M. saxatilis).
83 m extent of the aquatic ectotherm smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in two headwater rivers.
84                           Captive largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) reject the gyrinid beetle,
85     Using males from two lines of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) selectively bred over three
86  and average Hg concentrations in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)-equivalent fish (LMBE) in 1
87 nd warmwater fish species such as largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides).
88                    The plasma of the striped bass Morone saxatilis contains a fucose-specific lectin
89 was purified from the gill of hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops x Morone saxatilis) based on antim
90 re derived from each parental species, white bass (Morone chrysops) and striped bass (Morone saxatili
91  from the gill of hybrid striped bass, white bass (Morone chrysops) x striped bass (M. saxatilis).
92                                Using striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and six multiplexed microsatelli
93                                      Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) are long-lived, highly migratory
94                       Chesapeake Bay striped bass (Morone saxatilis) is currently experiencing an epi
95 MsaFBP32) isolated from serum of the striped bass (Morone saxatilis), composed of two tandem domains
96 es, white bass (Morone chrysops) and striped bass (Morone saxatilis).
97 e channels in cone photoreceptors of striped bass (Morone saxatilis).
98 inal pigment epithelium (RPE) of the striped bass, Morone saxatilus.
99                The synthetic, amidated white bass moronecidin exhibited broad spectrum antimicrobial
100                                      Striped bass moved out of the estuary, exhibiting novel migratio
101         Reanalysis of Chesapeake Bay striped bass mtDNA data from two previous studies estimated popu
102 ential for overwinter survival because young bass must persist from energy reserves accumulated durin
103                                              Bass Myo3A, a class III myosin, was expressed in HeLa ce
104                                  The striped bass Nramp gene (MsNramp) and a 554-amino-acid sequence
105 ich cleaves DNA between the first and second bass of the recognition sequence (A/CGT), Tsp49I hydroly
106                                          The bass' oral tolerance of gyrinidal varies broadly as a fu
107 dy the related proteins from the barred sand bass (P. nebulifer) and the nematode C. elegans.
108  declining walleye and increasing largemouth bass populations have raised questions regarding the fut
109 ated in both study streams and explained why bass positioned nests twice as far upstream in the warm
110  weaker than previously demonstrated for sea bass post-larvae.
111 f alternative adrenergic receptors including BasS, QseE and CpxA and their associated signalling casc
112 pread musical practice of carrying rhythm in bass-ranged instruments and complements previously estab
113 temporary walleye recruitment and largemouth bass relative abundance to modeled water temperature, la
114 eld data reveal the upstream extent of adult bass reproduction corresponds to a point in the downstre
115 n the myosin PCR screen of cDNA from striped bass retina and striped bass RPE, we amplified 17 distin
116 tion of the PL-type calcium channel of white bass retinal horizontal cells was studied in isolated, c
117 of zebrafish and the HoxA cluster of striped bass revealed a striking loss of conservation of these p
118 of cDNA from striped bass retina and striped bass RPE, we amplified 17 distinct myosins from eight my
119 trading seabass species, including the chalk bass, Serranus tortugarum, switch mating roles repeatedl
120 lutionary selection in temperate systems: if bass spawn too far upstream, their young are unlikely to
121 [COG]) received instructions on the modified Bass technique (MBT) after their toothbrushing performan
122 up); 2) F (Fones technique group); and 3) B (Bass technique group).
123  different brushing techniques (Fones versus Bass technique in their common modifications).
124 al CBT of the modified Fones or the modified Bass technique, respectively.
125  included bovine, chicken, bullfrog, striped bass, thresher shark, and Pacific hagfish.
126 North American warm-water fishes, largemouth bass virus (LMBV).
127 omposition and on the infectivity of striped bass virus, an aquareovirus, were examined.
128                                          Sea bass was aquacultured using either FO or OP diet.
129                       In the retina of white bass, we identified a class of bistratified, wide-field
130    Here, 196 young-of-the-year (YOY) striped bass were sampled from Maryland's Choptank, Potomac and
131 -dominated lake by slowly adding piscivorous bass, whereas a nearby bass-dominated lake remained unma
132 ss hepcidin, from the gill of hybrid striped bass, white bass (Morone chrysops) x striped bass (M. sa
133 ne expression in vivo following infection of bass with the fish pathogens, Streptococcus iniae or Aer
134 onstrain the upstream distribution limits of bass within temperate streams.

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