


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  muscle cells was significantly increased by bath application of 0.5 microM isoproterenol (isoprenali
2                                              Bath application of 1 microM GABA increased tonic curren
3 ter excision of an isolated inside-out patch bath application of 1 mum Ins(1,4,5)P3 increased open ch
4                                              Bath application of 1-10 micrometer serotonin (5HT), a m
5                                              Bath application of 1-50 microM troglitazone depolarised
6                                              Bath application of 10 microM neostigmine, a potent acet
7                 With cell-attached recording bath application of 10 nm ET-1 evoked cation channel cur
8                           In Purkinje cells, bath application of 10, 20 or 100 microM MeHg initially
9                           In Purkinje cells, bath application of 10, 20 or 100 mM MeHg initially incr
10 asynaptic NMDAR-mediated currents induced by bath application of 100 microM NMDA/10 microM glycine wi
11       In amphotericin whole-cell recordings, bath application of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP, an uncoupler
12            Finally, we demonstrate that both bath application of 2-arachidonoylglycerol(2-AG) and dep
13                                 By contrast, bath application of (2-aminoethyl)methanethiosulfonate (
14                                              Bath application of 20 microM betaxolol reduced the glut
15 e-cell currents were elicited in response to bath application of 20 microM NMDA and 50 microM glycine
16 dependent and Ca2+-independent components by bath application of 200 microM Cd2+, which blocked Ca2+
17                               We report that bath application of 3 mum carbachol (CCh), a muscarinic
18  under a similar experimental condition (ie, bath application of 4-aminopyridine), the initiation of
19                                              Bath application of 4-ethylphenylamino-1,2-dimethyl-6-me
20 the cytosolic tyrosine kinase pp60c-src, and bath application of 5 microM insulin, which activates re
21                                              Bath application of 5 nm nicotine increased the excitabi
22                                              Bath application of 5-CT inhibits synaptic strength, rel
23                                              Bath application of 5-HT and injection of 8-OH-DPAT [(+/
24   A single pairing of tetanus in one SN with bath application of 5-HT evoked long-term (24 hr) increa
25                                              Bath application of 5-HT(4)R agonists did not affect mot
26 ng of tetanus in the sensory neuron (SN) and bath application of 5-HT.
27                                              Bath-application of 5-HT (0.05 mM) caused a significant
28                                              Bath application of 50 microM (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentan
29                                Nevertheless, bath application of 50 microM 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) or
30 cute (15 min) stimulation of OB neurons with bath application of 50 ng ml(-1) brain-derived neurotrop
31                                              Bath application of 50-300 nM kainate to an in vitro pre
32                                     In vitro bath application of 60 mM ethanol inhibited STP by 35% a
33                                              Bath application of 7beta-deacetyl-7beta-[gamma-(morphol
34                                              Bath application of 8-Br-cAMP decreased I(Cl(swell)) by
35 ed by decreased conductances, in response to bath application of 8-bromo-cAMP but not the membrane-im
36 stimulation-evoked dopamine release and that bath application of a KOR antagonist provides full rescu
37 ell soma hyperpolarized the interneuron, and bath application of a lower dose of serotonin (0.1 micro
38                    Correspondingly, in vitro bath application of a mu opioid receptor agonist suppres
39                                              Bath application of a positive SK channel modulator (1-E
40 es in sIPSCs induced by Ca(2+) uncaging, and bath application of a selective GluR5-containing recepto
41 amic input synapses to the LA is impaired by bath application of a specific mGluR5 antagonist, 2-meth
42 ns of external chloride concentration and to bath application of a stilbene derivative, 4-acetamido-4
43 electrical activity typically observed after bath application of a stimulatory concentration of gluco
44 n was found to be membrane-delimited because bath application of ACh did not inhibit GIRK channel act
45                                              Bath application of actinomycin D, an irreversible RNA s
46        In membrane excitability experiments, bath application of adenosine and CPA reversibly inhibit
47                                              Bath application of adenosine or RPIA reversibly inhibit
48           Using extracellular recordings and bath application of agonists and antagonists, we compare
49                                              Bath application of alcohol reduced evoked firing in neu
50                                              Bath application of AMPA also activated astrocytes.
51 E enhances the respiratory motor response to bath application of AMPA to the brainstem, although it w
52                                              Bath application of an antisensorin antibody during the
53 Cx36-/- RGCs were significantly inhibited by bath application of an ionotropic glutamate receptor ant
54 with a postsynaptic Ca2+ chelator but not by bath application of an NMDA receptor antagonist.
55  evoked inward currents that were blocked by bath application of an NMDAR antagonist (dl-APV), indica
56                                              Bath application of anti-TRPC3 and anti-TRPC7 antibodies
57                                              Bath application of anti-TRPC3 antibodies markedly reduc
58                                              Bath application of anti-TRPC6 and anti-TRPC1 antibodies
59                                              Bath application of antibodies to G(alphaq)/G(alpha11) e
60   Typically, multiplex platforms necessitate bath application of antibody cocktails, increasing proba
61 litude, and decay kinetics were unaltered by bath application of apamin, suggesting that SK channel b
62                                              Bath application of Ba(2+) significantly reduced the A-t
63                                              Bath application of BDNF induced extensive formation of
64                                              Bath application of bicuculline (a GABA(A) receptor anta
65 alcium chelators in the pipette solution, or bath application of bicuculline, EPSC enhancement is blo
66 n the bulk of this inhibition was blocked by bath application of bicuculline, the incidence of platea
67                       Furthermore, following bath application of BK channel blockers for 10 min, etha
68 onized ventral root bursts generated by both bath application of blockers of inhibitory neurotransmit
69 is effect can be blocked by the simultaneous bath application of BN 52021 and trans-BTD, PAF receptor
70                 In contrast, the response to bath application of bradykinin (1 microm, 3 ml) was not
71         Wiwatpanit et al. (2012) showed that bath application of C-type allatostatin produced either
72 (20 mM BAPTA, without added Ca2+), or by the bath application of cadmium (100 microM) to block voltag
73                                              Bath application of cadmium to reduce calcium influx als
74 mbrane-permeant analogue of BAPTA) or by the bath application of cadmium.
75 ches in the cell-attached configuration, the bath application of capsaicin evoked single-channel curr
76                                              Bath application of capsaicin slowed respiratory motor o
77 tent in vitro gamma oscillations, induced by bath application of carbachol and kainate (amongst other
78                                              Bath application of carbachol could overcome the block o
79 cal activation of cholinergic receptors with bath application of carbachol increased the firing rate
80 cked muscarinic cation currents activated by bath application of carbachol or intracellular infusion
81 esynaptic potassium channels were blocked by bath application of channel toxins, and the effect of ka
82                                              Bath application of CHZ successfully restored the precis
83                                              Bath application of compound T-588, a neuroprotective ag
84 Furthermore, these findings demonstrate that bath application of contractile agonists to gastrointest
85                                              Bath application of corticosterone (100 nm) to prefronta
86          When NMDA receptors were blocked by bath application of D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, L
87                                              Bath application of DA (0.05-30 microM) produced a rever
88                                              Bath application of DA had no detectable effect on odora
89                                              Bath application of DA, 5HT, or Oct enhanced cycle frequ
90 h-clamp experiments from hippocampal slices, bath application of DHPG induced a depression of synapti
91                                              Bath application of dioctanoylglycerol (diC8), a diacylg
92                                              Bath application of dithiothreitol or TPEN (N,N,N',N'-te
93                                              Bath application of dopamine increased the frequency of
94                                              Bath application of dopamine or the dopamine D1 agonist
95                                              Bath application of dopamine significantly enhanced EPSC
96   The evidence implicating PKA has come from bath application of drugs during LTP induction, an appro
97                                        After bath application of either an excitatory amino acid (AP-
98                                              Bath application of either BK channel blockers significa
99                                              Bath application of either the TRPV4 channel blocker HC0
100                                              Bath application of emetine, a protein synthesis inhibit
101 p recordings from GPe neurons and found that bath application of ethanol dose-dependently decreased t
102                                              Bath application of ethanol enhanced the amplitude of mI
103                                              Bath application of flufenamic acid, Gd3+, La3+ and Ca2+
104 or (H-89), and is mimicked (and occluded) by bath application of forskolin.
105                                              Bath application of GABA first decreased the amplitude o
106                                              Bath application of GABA or muscimol caused an early hyp
107 X), postsynaptic Ca2+ rises triggered by the bath application of GABA were only moderately depressed
108                                              Bath application of GABA(A) receptor agonists muscimol (
109 ained and the preparation still responded to bath applications of GABA.
110 ular layer response was largely resistant to bath application of GABAA receptor antagonists but was s
111 , and V of all retrohippocampal areas during bath application of glutamate antagonists.
112                                 Importantly, bath application of glutamate to SCN slices rapidly and
113                                     Although bath application of GRP or NMB had little or no effect o
114 arized to near the dark resting potential by bath application of high K(+) solutions.
115 T1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells responded to the bath application of histamine or ATP with an increase in
116                                  Moreover, a bath application of histamine to acute brain slices inhi
117                                              Bath application of human PACAP-38 also rescued the curr
118                                              Bath application of IL-1beta or TNF-alpha led to the rel
119                                   Pipette or bath application of insulin evoked a rapid increase in h
120          With cell-attached patch recording, bath application of isoprenaline produced a pronounced i
121                                              Bath application of isoproterenol (1 muM), a beta-adrene
122                                 In contrast, bath application of K252a prevented the enhancement of s
123                                We found that bath application of kainate (3 microm) profoundly reduce
124 amic input synapses to the LA is impaired by bath application of KN-62 in vitro.
125    The effects of l-arginine were blocked by bath application of l-NAME (20mM).
126                                              Bath application of lavendustin A, a PTK inhibitor that
127                    In cell-attached patches, bath application of low concentrations of Ang II (1 nM)
128                                              Bath application of low concentrations of GBZ (25-200 nM
129            gamma-Motoneurons were excited by bath application of low concentrations of ouabain that s
130                                              Bath application of morphine (1 microM) almost completel
131                                              Bath application of MT-II or alpha-MSH significantly red
132                                We found that bath application of muscarine caused a direct depolariza
133 ls coexpressed with muscarinic M1 receptors, bath application of muscarinic agonist reduced the maxim
134 ar neurons were less strongly depolarized by bath application of muscarinic agonists, and uniformly l
135 ACh-induced reduction was also diminished by bath application of muscimol at the low concentrations t
136                                        Brief bath application of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) to hippo
137                                              Bath application of NE to the slices resulted in signifi
138  slice preparation can be compensated for by bath application of neurochemicals known to accelerate t
139                  With 250 and 500 nM [Ca2+]i bath application of NFA (100 microM) increased inward cu
140                                              Bath application of nicotine during LFS accelerated DP,
141                                              Bath application of nicotine induced inward currents in
142                                              Bath application of nicotinic acetylcholine, AMPA, NMDA,
143  external Ca2+, and significantly reduced by bath application of nifedipine or omega-conotoxin.
144 t was inhibited by intracellular BAPTA or by bath application of niflumic acid (100 microM), a Ca(2+)
145 rtially inhibited ERK2 activation induced by bath application of NMDA and strongly suppressed ERK2 ac
146 tion of synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs by bath application of NMDA causes the loss of surface GABA
147                                              Bath application of NMDA evoked a slow inward current in
148 ation at T840 in the hippocampal CA1 region, bath application of NMDA induced a strong, protein phosp
149                                              Bath application of NMDA potently unclustered and dephos
150                                              Bath application of NMDA produced EPSPs, membrane depola
151 aptic potentiation was produced with a brief bath application of NMDA to rat hippocampal slices.
152 te (NMDA) subtype of glutamate receptor, and bath application of NMDA was sufficient to activate PKA.
153                                              Bath application of NMDA, AMPA, and the D1 agonist SKF38
154 amatergic hair cell transmission by combined bath-application of NMDA (7-chloro-kynurenic acid) and A
155 naptic phenotype of chordin null slices, but bath application of Noggin, another antagonist of BMP si
156  reversal potential to the current evoked by bath application of noradrenaline (100 microM).
157                                    Moreover, bath application of noradrenaline (NA) significantly dep
158                With cell-attached recording, bath application of noradrenaline, 1-oleoyl-acetyl-sn-gl
159                                              Bath application of octopamine, 5-HT, and dopamine at co
160                                              Bath application of orexin-A or orexin-B (30-300 nM) pro
161                                              Bath application of oxytocin (1 and 10 microM) inhibited
162                                Extracellular bath applications of Pb(2+) significantly reduced curren
163                     With inside-out patches, bath application of PDBu evoked channel currents with si
164                  Icat activated by OAG after bath application of PDBu was not significantly different
165                                              Bath application of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) or glutamat
166                                              Bath application of pituitary adenylate cyclase activati
167                                     Although bath application of PKA inhibitor drugs (KT5720, Rp-8CPT
168                                     Moreover bath application of PKA inhibitors, H-89, KT5720 and an
169 itation of the pyloric rhythm is mimicked by bath application of proctolin, its peptide transmitter.
170 nce of striatal LTD, however, was blocked by bath application of protein translation inhibitors but n
171 of the ryanodine receptor-gated Ca2+ pool by bath application of ryanodine (10 microM) also blocked t
172 ffusion of BAPTA or heparin into neurones or bath application of ryanodine suppressed bursting.
173                                              Bath application of saturating concentrations of proctol
174 n formation away from the Sema3A source, and bath application of Sema3A to polarized neurons promoted
175                                 In contrast, bath application of sensorin accelerated the increase in
176     We found that tetanic stimuli coupled to bath application of serotonin induced long-term depressi
177                                              Bath-application of serotonin (30 microm) significantly
178                                              Bath application of SNAP (2mM) or l-arginine (50mM) elic
179      Respiratory rhythm could be restored by bath application of SP or glutamate transporter blockers
180                                              Bath application of SR 31742A produced a biphasic effect
181                                              Bath application of Sub P to brainstem slices for a peri
182                                              Bath application of substance P (SP; 0.1 to 10 microM) t
183                                              Bath application of T1E3, an anti-TRPC1 antibody raised
184               Exocytotic frequency evoked by bath application of tetraethylammonium (1-10 mM) was sig
185                                    Likewise, bath application of tetrodotoxin (TTX) reduced the SNR a
186                                 In addition, bath application of thapsigargin and ryanodine, and intr
187                                              Bath application of the 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol (DAG) ana
188                           In control slices, bath application of the alpha(1)-agonist phenylephrine (
189                                              Bath application of the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4
190                                              Bath application of the AMPA receptor antagonist 1-(4-am
191                                              Bath application of the AMPA receptor antagonist beta-cy
192                         In the outer retina, bath application of the AMPA/KA receptor antagonists 6,7
193                                              Bath application of the bombesin-like neuropeptides gast
194                                              Bath application of the CB1 receptor agonist, WIN 55212-
195                                              Bath application of the cell-permeant Ca2+ chelator, BAP
196 on-dependent excitability increases, whereas bath application of the D2 receptor agonist quinpirole i
197                                              Bath application of the diacylglycerol analogue 1-oleoyl
198                                              Bath application of the diacylycerol (DAG) analogue 1-oe
199 tes and neurons significantly increase after bath application of the excitatory amino acid transporte
200 of single spiking activity was unaffected by bath application of the GABA(A) antagonist picrotoxin (5
201                                              Bath application of the GABA(A) receptor agonist muscimo
202                                              Bath application of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicucu
203 er, the complex EPSC was greatly enhanced by bath application of the GABAA receptor antagonists picro
204         Intriguingly, however, we found that bath application of the GAT-1 transport blocker NO-711 (
205                                              Bath application of the kappa opioid receptor agonist U6
206  to induce long-term depression (LTD) during bath application of the L-channel antagonist nifedipine
207 -cell voltage-clamp recordings revealed that bath application of the ligand for MrgD, beta-alanine, r
208                                              Bath application of the MEK1/2 inhibitor U0126 did not a
209                                        After bath application of the membrane-permeable cAMP analog a
210                                              Bath application of the membrane-permeable cAMP analogs
211                                              Bath application of the membrane-permeable cGMP analogs
212 (L+M)-OFF response in SBCs was eliminated by bath application of the metabotropic glutamate receptor
213           Moreover, POA neurons responded to bath application of the mu-opioid receptor agonist DAMGO
214                                              Bath application of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) rece
215                                              Bath application of the Na+ channel blocker TTX eliminat
216                               The effects of bath application of the nitric oxide (NO) precursor L-ar
217                                              Bath application of the NMDA receptor antagonist 3-[2-ca
218 t PF to Purkinje cell synapses is blocked by bath application of the NMDA receptor antagonist D-2-ami
219 acid (TBOA) and significantly decrease after bath application of the NMDA receptor antagonist DL-2-am
220 timulation, an effect that was reversed with bath application of the NMDA receptor partial agonist D-
221                                              Bath application of the NO donor NOC-18 increased the si
222                                              Bath application of the NO donor, S-nitroso-N-acetyl-pen
223                                              Bath application of the nonselective mGluR antagonist, (
224                                              Bath application of the octopaminergic drugs phentolamin
225 y augmenting projection neuron influence via bath application of the peptide cotransmitter Cancer bor
226                                   Similarly, bath application of the phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor
227  dialysis of the catalytic subunit of PKA or bath application of the PKA activator Sp-cAMP significan
228                                              Bath application of the PKA inhibitor H89 suppressed the
229                                 In contrast, bath application of the PKC activator, (-) indolactam V
230                                              Bath application of the protein kinase C inhibitor chele
231                                              Bath application of the protein synthesis inhibitor emet
232                                 Furthermore, bath application of the reducing agent dithiothreitol in
233 was due in part to an altered redox state as bath application of the reducing agent, dithiothreitol,
234                                              Bath application of the selective beta1-adrenoceptor ago
235                                              Bath application of the selective beta2-adrenoceptor ago
236 agnitude of synaptic suppression elicited by bath application of the selective CP-AMPAR antagonist na
237     Both Src actions were mostly reversed by bath application of the Src inhibitors erbstatin (20 mic
238                                              Bath application of the TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine (10
239 ll dialysis, and was inhibited reversibly by bath application of the VIP receptor-binding inhibitor L
240 ons of the Ca(2+) chelator BAPTA (20 mm), or bath applications of the L-type Ca(2+) channel blocker n
241                               The effects of bath applications of the nitric oxide (NO) donors sodium
242                                              Bath application of thiopental lowered the frequency of
243 nd alpha2-adrenergic receptors (activated by bath application of transmitters) produced a three- to f
244 tro electrophysiological studies showed that bath application of TRH caused concentration-dependent m
245 o receptor-mediated GIRK channel inhibition, bath application of TRH decreased GIRK channel activity
246                                              Bath application of TRH resulted in a transient cessatio
247                        Finally, we show that bath application of U0126 impairs long-term potentiation
248                                              Bath application of Val(1)-SIFamide, a peptide whose exp
249                                              Bath application of various NO donors or CO-containing s
250                                              Bath application of WAY-100135 raised the ICMS current i
251                  Mimicking Zn(2+) release by bath application of Zn(2+) (50-100 microm) without HFS i

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