1 Synthesis of bimetallic clusters
is a topic of accelerated interest; their physical and c
2 es for evaluation of coronary artery disease
is a topic of active current research.
3 on of correlated amino acids in proteins has
been a topic of broad interest in view of its functional
4 ticity of hippocampal GABAergic interneurons
is a topic of broad interest and debate in the field of
5 Improving diabetes care in the United States
is a topic of concern.
6 ng are predicted to show quantum effects and
are a topic of considerable interest.
7 1] oriented silicon to laser compression has
been a topic of considerable discussion for well over a
8 racterization of astrocyte Ca2+ dynamics has
been a topic of considerable emphasis for more than a de
9 embrane, referred to as membrane rafts, have
been a topic of considerable interest in the field of me
10 cription, and its role in carcinogenesis has
been a topic of considerable interest in the last few ye
11 chromatographic (RPLC) stationary phases has
been a topic of considerable investigation.
12 nal use on rates of adolescent marijuana use
is a topic of considerable debate.
13 ge at which to introduce complementary foods
is a topic of considerable debate.
14 nship between explicit and implicit learning
is a topic of considerable debate.
15 the role of its orientation in the PT event
is a topic of considerable debate.
16 or growth rates (also known as heterochrony)
is a topic of considerable interest in evolutionary biol
17 t transport in nonlinear active environments
is a topic of considerable interest in the field of opti
18 smission by the use of a vaginal microbicide
is a topic of considerable interest in the fight against
19 The development of inhibitors of amyloid
is a topic of considerable interest, both because of the
20 of enzymes from natural products' metabolism
is a topic of considerable interest, with potential biot
21 d their role in patterning the mammalian gut
is a topic of considerable interest.
22 Blood safety
is a topic of continuing concern, and much effort is exp
23 of postmortem microbiologic examinations has
been a topic of controversy.
24 eramide engagement in apoptotic pathways has
been a topic of controversy.
25 Epistasis, the interaction between genes,
is a topic of current interest in molecular and quantita
26 talyzed by the nitric oxide synthases (NOSs)
is a topic of current interest.
27 haracterization of various families of beams
is a topic of current interest.
28 to degeneration of neuronal and glial cells
is a topic of current research.
29 he safety of this class of drugs continue to
be a topic of debate.
30 electronic structure of copper corroles has
been a topic of debate and revision since the advent of
31 Targeting sirtuins for cancer treatment has
been a topic of debate due to conflicting reports and la
32 wing-like flippers, but their locomotion has
been a topic of debate for almost 200 years.
33 refractory to standard dose epinephrine has
been a topic of debate for many years.
34 enewing cells into committed lymphocytes has
been a topic of debate for some time.
35 The fate of N. gonorrhoeae within PMN has
been a topic of debate for years.
36 x, either as a predator or a scavenger, have
been a topic of debate previously compromised by lack of
37 een iron status and atherosclerosis has long
been a topic of debate.
38 in macrophages is productive or abortive has
been a topic of debate.
39 E)-mediated regulation of thermogenesis have
been a topic of debate.
40 base for a public health recommendation has
been a topic of debate.
41 rified pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPS) has
been a topic of debate.
42 dicot and nongrass monocot floral organs has
been a topic of debate.
43 tary factors in the development of allergies
is a topic of debate, especially the potential associati
44 in Unc104, a motor whose mechanism of action
is a topic of debate.
45 marine fish, yet the origin of CH3Hg in fish
is a topic of debate.
46 pirituality in psychiatric practice has long
been a topic of discussion among mental health providers
47 Tea polyphenols have
been a topic of discussion due to their health benefits.
48 Pediatric resuscitation has
been a topic of discussion for years.
49 The level at which this cleft forms
is a topic of discussion and interest, with the most lik
50 The history of the genus Pan
is a topic of enduring interest.
51 The structure of the insect head has long
been a topic of enjoyable yet endless debate among entom
52 Social cognition
is a topic of enormous interest and much research, but w
53 including illicit drugs in aquatic systems,
is a topic of environmental significance because of thei
54 Oxygen monitoring has
been a topic of exhaustive study given its central role
55 tensity of intervention provided continue to
be a topic of extensive interest and research.
56 and how these mechanisms arose in evolution,
is a topic of extensive debate.
57 osure if used in combination with RIF should
be a topic of future research.
58 Biological networks
are a topic of great current interest, particularly with
59 of these materials in their dense phases has
been a topic of great interest.
60 ve responses, and ferroptotic cell death has
been a topic of great interest.
61 ging role of p53 in metabolic regulation has
been a topic of great interest.
62 tected left main coronary (UPLM) disease has
been a topic of great recent interest.
63 Arsenic in water
is a topic of great concern and controversy, and epidemi
64 The origin of this global coordination
is a topic of great current interest.
65 n reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in adolescents
is a topic of great import, complexity, and controversy.
66 hanisms involved in cardiomyocyte cell death
is a topic of great interest for treatment of cardiac di
67 Partial oxidation of alcohols
is a topic of great interest in the field of gold cataly
68 folding in the gyrencephalic cerebral cortex
is a topic of great interest to neuroscientists.
69 Informed consent in live donor nephrectomy
is a topic of great interest.
70 and how fast, magnetization can be reversed
is a topic of great practical interest for the manipulat
71 cting the responsiveness to regular exercise
is a topic of great relevance due to its potential role
72 n the treatment of postpartum depression has
been a topic of growing interest.
73 Modeling of microbial metabolism
is a topic of growing importance in biotechnology.
74 pulation screening for colorectal cancer has
been a topic of heated debate.
75 voked activity and ongoing cortical activity
is a topic of high importance.
76 containing different core structures, which
is a topic of high interest in medicinal chemistry.
77 nt, and the underlying brain mechanisms have
been a topic of increasing interest.
78 controlled synthesis of fullerene bisadducts
is a topic of increasing interest in fullerene chemistry
79 that individuals could reach on their own -
is a topic of increasing interest.
80 ystolic blood pressure (SBP) treatment goals
is a topic of increasing interest.
81 bular proteins, and their identification has
been a topic of intense biochemical interest dating back
82 anopatterning by molecular self-assembly has
been a topic of intense research in pursuit of 'bottom-u
83 grade memory defect in patients with AD have
been a topic of intense research interest ever since.
84 ier dynamics in amorphous semiconductors has
been a topic of intense research that has been propelled
85 rolling such ultrahigh frequency phonons has
been a topic of intense research.
86 licing factor Muscleblind-like 1 (MBNL1) has
been a topic of intense study due to its role in myotoni
87 ced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRA)
is a topic of intense and growing interest for extending
88 "Specialized ribosomes"
is a topic of intense debate and research whose provenan
89 e of this gradient in regulating tissue size
is a topic of intense debate as proliferative growth is
90 The role of autophagy in cancer
is a topic of intense debate, and the underlying mechani
91 How wakefulness shapes neural activity
is a topic of intense discussion.
92 Energy harvesting
is a topic of intense interest that aims to convert ambi
93 erlying neural electrical activity in humans
is a topic of intense interest to systems neuroscience.
94 The human temporoparietal junction (TPJ)
is a topic of intense research.
95 these degeneracies is unclear at present and
is a topic of intense theoretical debate.
96 l conditions, in particular nutrient supply,
are a topic of intensive research, and root system archi
97 physiological concentrations of K+ ions has
been a topic of intensive investigation during the past
98 sive units, but what produces such variation
is a topic of intensive research.
99 comes of single, immediately placed implants
are a topic of interest.
100 in chronic aortic regurgitation continues to
be a topic of interest, with additional studies recommen
101 ocal anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) has
been a topic of interest and debate.
102 structure of these assembly line enzymes has
been a topic of interest because higher order oligomeric
103 The naming of colors has long
been a topic of interest in the study of human culture a
104 d to maintain peri-implant tissue health has
been a topic of interest.
105 The emergence of mecC MRSA
is a topic of interest to human and veterinary microbiol
106 erin (H4B) participates in Arg hydroxylation
is a topic of interest.
107 ombinations of stimuli ("mixed selectivity")-
is a topic of interest.
108 n and heterochromatic silencing in yeast has
been a topic of investigation for >20 years.
109 n myofibroblast activation and fibrosis have
been a topic of investigation for a long time, it has be
110 Yet, this may
be a topic of key importance, as a brain-machine interfa
111 ombined effects of warming and toxicants has
been a topic of little research, but neglecting their co
112 aqueous reaction media on organic reactions
is a topic of long-standing interest, particularly as it
113 isms of limbic (temporal lobe) epilepsy have
been a topic of major clinical and scientific interest.
114 stinct behaviours in lactose metabolism have
been a topic of many studies.
115 mposition over transition metal surfaces has
been a topic of much debate over the past decades.
116 s of callose (beta-1,3-glucan) in plants has
been a topic of much debate over the past several decade
117 rs; whether they form higher order oligomers
is a topic of much controversy.
118 hem to respond directly to allogeneic grafts
is a topic of much debate.
119 he plane of cell division during cytokinesis
is a topic of much debate.
120 C1-specific biomarker (or set of biomarkers)
is a topic of much interest.
121 ication of biological samples by microarrays
is a topic of much interest.
122 m brown algae - the fucoidans - are known to
be a topic of numerous studies, due to their beneficial
123 ic and its impact on cardiovascular outcomes
is a topic of ongoing debate and investigation in the ca
124 of lipid microdomains in the plasma membrane
is a topic of recent interest in leukocyte biology.
125 without hypospadias', and so its correction
is a topic of relevance to pediatric urologists.
126 f its broadband absorption spectrum has long
been a topic of scientific debate.
127 able point-of-care DNA and RNA detection has
been a topic of significant research because of the util
128 mechanical (NQM) effects in enzyme catalysis
is a topic of significant current interest.
129 oil following a release into the environment
is a topic of significant interest, and there is a need
130 nical role of cardiac microtubules (MTs) has
been a topic of some controversy.
131 ty during early formation of neural circuits
is a topic of some debate; genetic ablation of neurotran
132 cessing, the neural substrates of which have
been a topic of study for several decades.
133 sical activity on micronutrient requirements
is a topic of tremendous interest to the lay public, but
134 e midst of a tropical forest environment has
been a topic of unresolved debate among researchers for